Is FLEX PASTE Bullet Proof??? w/ Outlaw

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yeah master the demo boom just went off no no I wasn't here but I heard it on I heard it on the news like you were you hear welcome to demolition ranch today I'm here with my flex game I'm here without wall what's up bro he saw some guy I heard about some guy shoot a bullet we're trying for who was crazy we got some flex pay so in the past we've done videos with flex seal flex tape and now we ordered some flex paste it's a brand new product from Phil Swift and he sent it to us swiftly and I want to see this bulletproof so we actually made a bunch of it a few days ago let it harden and I got outlawed here to help me he was cleaning this is it this is a bunch of flex paste that I put in tin and we did it layer by layer to let it harden I dare you to bite it that you won't so this is it's fairly soft it kind of turns into a rubber basically use that as a pillow oh that's nice do you think it will stop a bullet that's the real question well I actually uh we ain't going to big no we're doing pistols I think I think if you stop half of what we got here maybe yeah that's gonna be a little tricky yeah but Dirty Harry didn't have no flex-based put in the normal spot where a chest hello taking the first shot and we're gonna start small as we always do with the 22 no to me how's my biceps what this is not going through gone through no way Jose get you up partner boom she blows well it's actually a really really small hole oh my gosh no way they did not get there no it didn't the first shot where dang it I know that's just dirt no that's a bullet hole let's investigate I think I think this video might be over yup that's a that's a exit wound still swift Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam only two nope that was yours yeah all three what do you say man flip this bundt cake sideways let's do a style maybe you need maybe you need ten inches before it's good okay Lieutenant Dan we got you fixed up I'm sorry those bullets were going through and hitting you but this should be fine like we're gonna probably patent this it's a new new technology and bulletproof armor it's gotta be great you're totally gonna survive the 22 long-rifle there and shoot you what do you think prediction this one's not going through all right shut that before but turns out oh yeah that was a good hit I saw it jiggle perfect shot perfect shot I saw it jiggle out here but did it come out anywhere that's the question it didn't come out the side you're good on that side I'm good all right let's unbuckle his buckles yeah like his face his face buckle I'll just put that right there this is great we did it I think so we stopped a flippin bullet my man I think we did it just needs to be super thick and only be shot with the 22 long rifle there we go we're selling them a link inscription below yeah but it's not really working out over here all right that's shoot this 389 range Wow yeah I'll let you know how it goes 3/8 ACP what Phil say was he surprised yeah this is a 380 acp going at the Flex paste turned sideways about probably 10 inches thick flex pays well I saw the dirt move behind it so if you hit the target not good think you missed our flex tape and flex seal videos like when we shot those it definitely surprised us with how good they were at being bulletproof this one's not so much 380 time we got two rounds let her rip we're at like one yard definitely hit that 100 we're good it's like hollow in there it's hot it's still wet man we did this like days ago oh it's like goopy stuff coming out I think it I think it might have gone let's let's take it off you went in here that's for sure the entry yeah right there but the exit it might have stopped I think it did there's no hole this thing is a big hunka Gill yeah all right that's a stop there again don't play no they're gonna see something else there is no exit wound it stopped at 380 we're moving on that boy's 9-millimeter these are full metal jackets they should have a pretty good chance entry no could be it could be exit dude might have stopped stop pull her down oh no that's that's the other that's the entry from the other one I think it stopped it really yes there's nothing yeah I agree no big deal stopped another one okay 45 ACP the old Glock 41 look at that big manage amma all right this one's going through fo sho yeah not gonna get stopped it's a long slide - so you're getting like way more power definitely saw dirt hit behind it did you hit the targets all this I think you missed it winged it on the side we're gonna shoot again 45 ACP out of the Glock 41 that's the long side Glock and my red dot my red does not cited in so we've had trouble hitting this thing I think we got to figure it out top shoulder you're aiming yeah it's gonna be too far left I think we'll see I mean wait we showed all right no way you're going right right yeah go for it I saw hit the dirt dirt again it looks like it's going high not only one left for sure I don't know what's happening we're missing yeah they all missed we're trying to get the red dots like off on this we're trying to guess where it's shooting we're gonna we're gonna just get really close this time what happened oh that's it it like is a self healing thing bounced right off just bounced off totally bulletproof I don't see a whole Mike self healing alright what happened though let's stop it you know we should do should take this up to the vet clinic x-ray it we'll see the bullets inside of it hmm all right we're going to untape er which takes forever in trees here this was a 22 in tree hole yeah we should be marking all these this was the other one the 380 you sure I remember that in the corner oh yeah pretty sure it's like ripping open oh my goodness that could have been our 45 we couldn't actually use this for your region yes haki that's a good idea you know just squeeze some of it on there man we we did this thing in a bunch of layers and did it over like three or four days thought it was all gonna be dry and it takes a while apparently you okay Dan there's deal guys I can't tell what's happening but it doesn't matter because this thing doesn't work at all that was one of those homemade body armor tests that I thought would really work and it didn't sometimes in life you just dadgum fail like so I think we're just gonna blast it out law wants to shoot my snow be 500 Magnum with the 700 grain bullet you ready for that I am ready you know I would somebody want to shoot that I don't help really it's all about life experiences we'll see if you want to shoot it twice that's real questions yeah hi I'm going to load up a little 300 blackout out of my little shorty here 700 grain bullet I'm gonna shoot some black out I'm gonna fire fire I'm just gonna let her rip tater chip you ready hold on tight [Applause] you got it I don't think it went through think you did that yeah bull in that oh my goodness it's pretty messed up this side looks fine crap look at that - oh you probably just don't never coming off my easy in conclusion we're gonna have to do some further testing cuz this junk don't work all over me guys I'm sorry I let you down sometimes we come up with something great and it's it's the future in bulletproofing this is not Phil Swift we had all our faith in you after the last couple of videos they work so good it's um not so much I'm sorry you came all the way to Texas for this but if you want to check out outlaw I'll put them in the description below if you wanna check out that awesome shirt he's wearing we also got those in the description below [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm a doctor yes I feel bad like I feel like that video just didn't deliver like it should have so I'll see maybe we do one more thing to make it up to you guys I'm gonna take this minivan and me now all are gonna drive it up this hill see how high she gets before I D the rolls makes it or just stalls out and goes backwards come on girl oh boy look at that man look at the cinematic views oh yeah oh hello Oh cabbage oh my gosh and oh it's good the car was dead yeah this seems like a very good place to leave it we were so close oh yes we're back we're back then mmm maybe not yeah I think I think we're still here yeah come on but yeah I was thinking about parking her here anyway
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,782,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., outlaw, flex, paste, seal, flex seal, phil, phil swift, flex tape, tape, gorilla, glue, swift
Id: brj4mkdb6UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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