Thanos Finds The Ultimate Weapon in Human Fall Flat

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welcome back to human fall flood we got the whole crew here today looking God blitz hey scrotum face hey hi hello as pie cakes the pirate with the gun in his pocket don't mess with me yeah liar I'm a real spy cakes like you know how do we get this so cold this is a directional energy this is actually it actually does say if you could cause any damage please pay the price that's what I that's what I read if I read Chinese well that's amazing look over here what do we got there's a staff room with a bunch of numbers on top interference device there's a bunch of buttons too that you step on them enters a code maybe we can find like some bulbs around them so I guess the goal here is to find out what's the code for the old Wow investigate that looks like a man kicking a Mercedes symbol clue whitewater rafting with people in bubbles that's a hot dog okay and this guy's punching someone I thought Barry's credit card might take me down I gotta throw this in the garbage take some Mercedes top of this lighthouse that there's like he died okay okay if this is soccer we need to divide up teams come on spider-man spider-man team on this line and see if you can just like wind up and kick referee here we go I'm going down you get a free kick on for real now okay which team red oh oh oh oh zeros over the thing guys I know I know how to get the ball in are you trying to carry it oh my god I can watch you guys I've got the best seats in the house we all grab hands and we do like a line of bacon a Kangol okay can i I don't even know I can't even kick it when you're grabbing it like I flicked it okay we're off you try jumping over it or something see what happened I got the cable in skills I got the dribble skills oh nice centering pass come on spy we did we find any of the secret ways what's the code what if we have to get to like a certain score to get a code different puzzle this hoppers saying no I'm just saying we're voting your opinion invalid okay what's this that is a TV I like watching TV's a life whereas a buttons okay boy anything else around here um I don't see anything kiss my hopes and dreams shattered but look guys we got a desert it looks like down there we have like some type of ferris wheel death oh wait there's a card down harder a queen grab it and then another tres credit card wait I picked it up and it just disappeared no how do we open the storage my credit card is gone whoa can you use it what is that yeah what the toy you didn't say tips Oh spider-man in the garbage the poor Channel alright guys so we have hotdogs tubing on the water I want it hey I'm actually stuck can you pull me out of the trash my face is dead where do you go bleh it's like Mario pipes and Futurama catch you friends oh okay wait wait for me wait for me what is this wait this I got sent back to soccer Island what's below - glass - look there's just like giant ball thingies oh oh it's funnel you no way you got a pole the one you want oh hi what are you gonna catch you know where buddy okay thank you there's rules in English select a ball you like enter the sphere pinch the ball too close to the lid and automatically detach from the bracket freefall what the why can't we just open something like okay I'm going down to I'm grabbing the 100 music wait what I hope this isn't copyright claim music maybe someone wasn't doing any work in Minecraft they were sleeping the whole time I got that oh you gotta be - alright wanna drop just getting the ball and then grab it when you want to fall okay I am in the purple okay I'm in everybody in the world biggest powers we all missed I'm in it wait wait look up top there's like a big scoreboard we all get in one ball oh yeah let's okay scrotum face I'm down in here it's a it's a game oh she break physics so it goes wait can we get in the ball now yeah so it's a it's a set amount of time though the winner gets points for being in there for so long so if we all leg and oh my god I lost a leg down there you know we try to pop it up worried oh my gosh okay so getting a different and then we'll try to give a different time oops I mean that orange three two one I think I'll be one let's take it that way I'm stuck get ready to rule alright three two one go Oh mine is a cover on it now should we go into the ball blue I don't know what the tic tacs do tic tac when's the noodles arrive okay look we're all tied so far except come on up boys whole team white so close one wanna reset how do we get back to base now ah there's a tube over here the puzzle part no there's one more pipe left there is and it looks like boxing cuz that dude's head fell off then I'm gonna show you guys how fighter for I am she's here see if we can all get in the pipe together you're the most polar person that ever fight alone brofist we're grabbing hands by our powers combined here sounds like a broken toilet there's the checkpoint weapons flown in there there are way does a bunch of door arenas Oh so this has gravitational interference equipment playground oh that was my nickname in high school arena alright balloon or the kitchen knife the balloon is fast the kitchen knife is stable in each has its own advantages first player started timing after entering the game after 15 seconds it automatically starts to randomly drop weapon in the inner field and open the infield after 30 seconds using a weapon to attack other players to kill player I can't kill Flair will be reset back to the preparation area and will need to enter the battlefield again I'm going there's more roles but balloon mode for me this is how we get in right you can go this is too much work trying to get into this arena oh yeah whole look oh oh oh bees cheating oh no it did not work as you would hope oh it's like The Hunger Games bro oh is it Oh gravity cannons that were okay making it good luck buddy everything dropped everything drop I didn't know dropped on that one side I got a hide from spider-man I have a katana operate this is Elvis in the ring that katana is really totally hahaha I'm shooting guns oh look at me you'll be don't let him shoot you can't touch me how do you kill me Oh got a knife on me I got shot or stabbed or something my guns pretty o P I think you'd also take the balloons try to drop me ya know like jump on any like force it towards arena they were coming back in the arena it's I can't really climb stairs with a gun I finally made it back in the arena we should keep it up to me one here okay look at all the world bro and you guys help me oh we've got the high ground now boys either we just got mr. sniper up here with top of the tower with the gun and try to shoot us coming in with the balloons okay how do you actually shoot you have to have both handles let's go up in my head for go get three - what are you guys trying to get I don't know there's whoa whoa Joost I just snapped in half you guys disappeared there's another game over here guys what that's the one that's it Oh have you ever considered learning how to walk properly no it's for dumb people this looks good I don't know you can load checkpoint well these are different than the last thing I stabbing the knife into your eyeballs do you think that's how that works yeah I don't use these how do you back up it's literally a battle of fast lights yeah Obie grabbed one to save me yeah there's blood tsukamoto oh I can't watch Fred please what's going on over there looks like the world's worst not a clue what is happening it's the one called Batman but you have spider-man things you don't need over here come on looks like world's worst battle that I'm trying to come over to you tennis not ugly face come on you know that work wait I loaded a checkpoint you should fall here on the bed there's a federal card eight wait diamonds on it 800 that means I pick it up is the Diamonds car I got it but eight is one of the numbers after eight hours of trying to get up here to get a dumb flashlight what happens when you fly off someone shoot me off guys there's a secret tunnel under here mm-hmm that's not the worst grabbing of ever grabbed grabbing thing okay do it we're in the secret tunnel looking for secret numbers is there a secret tunnel pass yes underneath it yeah how'd you get there you fall you just you just go clockwise by our powers combined well something's moving reload just escaped mojo so let's go all right let's go back to the main wall and try to figure out the thing oh yeah your credentials oh yeah well I don't wanna miss eight of diamonds okay that's where the cards go pick the right those card in here yeah we've seen that one I need to quit a hundred times well there's only six codes there are six numbers you can put it we didn't guess it to be brute-force it I believe round how many combinations that could be yeah like one leaves every four five six six to the power of six that's at least seven who's that sixty six times six times six times six times six times six twelve or thirteen thirteen trying to give me a swirly oh we got a we get up you get me all right hey let's put blitz in a trash don't what oh no I'm in the trash you guys doing over here nothing dad sorry you're gonna trash by the trash here Tony Stark I'm spider-man spider let go of my beard sorry okay so what do you think we've spent like an hour searching for these come how many cards did we get there many 10 oh my god we're only one away I know it's probably behind that door it's probably just like I don't know so piece of pizza a slice of pizza slice know what since there's portal guns I bet it's a slice of cake I think it's 10 million subscribers just walk back and forth and you get it and tacos completed but yeah so that's a challenge to all of our viewers if you can find and take screenshots of every location of these cards you win let us know which ones do we not know where they are right all of them because we'd have to spend an hour to try to find the ones we couldn't figure out where they are yeah yeah it's the singularity playground room we did it and we scored goals we fagioli gladiatorial arena we had our own little Hunger Games looks like Oh being a bird Hey we'll just make it out a throw big deal alright guys well with my thanks to our day sweet
Channel: Blitz
Views: 239,023
Rating: 4.8892775 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Human Fall Flat, Human Fall Flat Game, Human Fall Flat Gameplay, Human Fall Flat lets play, Human Fall Flat steam, kid friendly, family friendly, funny moments, human flat, human fall flat game, human fall flat update, human fall flat steam workshop
Id: Yb3Ebv2bo_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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