Minecraft Top 3 Ways to Find Diamonds | Survival Tested - [270+/Hour]

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hey youtubers what's up boy happy chaby here welcome back looking on this one we're going to be showing you the three best ways that you can mine diamonds in minecraft these methods are tested we're even going to test them here today for you guys to see and then afterwards i'm even going to quickly do another time lap on a separate world just so that we can get a different result on a different world on a different seed just to make sure that these three methods are the best ones that you could absolutely do now the first thing that you're going to want to do before we get into any three of these methods is just get down to diamond level now i'll put up a little chart here to show you which is the best y levels for you to absolutely mine diamonds and then before we go mining we're going to have to do a little pre-diamond mining checklist here so there's some items that you're going to want to bring along with you you're going to want to bring along some logs these are going to be used to craft into sticks for which you can use to make more torches and tools while you are down here and then you're going to set up your inventory so that way you don't clog yourself up with you know whatever materials you don't need like the andesite or the granite if you're not using silk touch you can just put the actual materials here itself so you know coal redstone dust diamonds lapis and then your protection as well too and some torches the rest of the materials that you're going to get are going to come from the mine shafts itself but other than that let's get to mining first up on the list is going to be strip mining and in order to do this what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to make sure that you are on y level 11 and then you're going to mine forward a single shaft and then look left and right every third block so a two block gap in between the shafts and dig in as deep as you can reach to set ourselves a 30 minute timer we're gonna mine this way and then shuffle over a little bit and then when we're done we're literally gonna come down right here beside it and start the second one and then the third shaft is gonna go right here behind and then like i said we're gonna do a comparison on a second world just to confirm the actual results but for now let's just get to mining so as i was saying for this method what you're going to want to do is just make sure that you are on y level 11 and then you are going to dig in to the left as far as you can dig turn and then do the same thing to the opposite side so as you can see we've got a little bit of gold in there so you can run in and grab that really quickly make sure you have your two block gap dig your holes out repeat on the other side and then just continue this on down the way for the record tube because we're here for diamonds i'm not gonna waste my time chasing that stuff down oh there's our first ones what do we get that's it that's pretty lame now since we're quite a ways down what we're going to do is we are going to actually count over so you want to make sure that you have a 12 block gap in between these shafts so this is one and 12 so this is where our shaft is going to be we're going to have a two block gap in between the two shafts that we just dug so as you can see we are not double exposing any blocks doing it by this method and we can just continue to zigzag our way down and get this done oh and there is set number two let's see how many we got oh and there's another set that was only a couple shafts away too okay final minute here let's just see if we can quickly find some more because we didn't find any on that last final sprint okay that's 30 minutes you know what we're headed back towards so here's the main shafts we're heading back towards so i'm gonna actually give this method another rule we'll go to 45 minutes on this one until we go back just to see oh my goodness what was that scared me but we're going to give this one 45 minutes so i got to get to go in here because i just wasted 20 seconds and let's see exactly what we can find because 14 oars isn't going to turn into too much even with fortune three so we're gonna be nice to this one oh and there we go okay see so literally only two minutes later we finally found some more we've got some more diamonds total elapsed time those 35 minutes were over okay and we are back total elapsed time so far has been 36 minutes and 12 13 14 15 seconds and now you have to remember we started this journey with ford or already honest so we've got 27 out of the whole thing so let's just do a little stack up here not bad okay reach in here grab our fortune 3 as you can see fortune 3 pickaxe and let's see what we get out of all of this hmm what are you guys thinking okay so not bad not bad 36 minutes 51 diamonds 51 diamonds that's pretty that's actually pretty good that's actually pretty good we're lucky that we went that extra what was it of mining in order to get that extra eight blocks because otherwise we'd be down in the 40s we'd be down in the 40s so as you can see just sticking it out for a couple extra minutes actually pays off sometimes pretty sweet okay so 36 minutes 51 diamonds how sweet is that that's actually not too bad i'm actually i'm super impressed with that because when i did my other test before this i didn't get that many then again i stopped right at 30 minutes i didn't extend it any further so as you can see like i said it pays off it totally pays off okay so this next method which is the gopher holes method or the moleholes method whatever you want to call it you can even call it wells i don't really care i discovered this method doing this method when i was doing my d when i was hunting for the diamonds to do the diamond beacon episode way before i stepped up my game to what is you know tier three of diamond hunting and the idea behind this one is simple you dig forward two up five and then you just repeat that and then once you get to your end of your line so 50 or so blocks or whatever you're just going to dig over three blocks leaving the two block gap in between shafts step forward one and then repeat that same process up five forward two up five forward two up five forward two thirty minute test now what you wanna do is you wanna make sure that you're starting on y five or stand on y5 so as you can see we're standing on y5 down here and the reason for that is that you can mine in between y level five so what we're standing on and all the way up to y level 12 up there that's the final block in which you know for the best range of diamonds i'll show you an example of what it looks like from above as we get mining here but nonetheless we're gonna set the timer first hole's already done we'll set our timer from inside this one right here where we started okay so this is round one right here that's gonna be round two and then this is going to be round three okay so i have reset the inventory here we still have plenty on the pickaxe in order to keep going so as you can see the first 36 minutes only wasted that much so we should be able to keep going before we have to hit some mending on this thing nonetheless let's get digging some gopher holes okay three two one let's go up five in two up five oh there's our first set right here perfect nine already set number two oh diamonds way up there diamonds way up there hmm just before the timer's about to run out we've got two minutes on the clock you guys you can get into a good rhythm after doing this for a while jeez and that right there oops is 30 minutes so let's just do another three more because the base is literally it's like right there we'll do another three minutes on this one too just so that way they are equal so that means that it is right here we are home oh my goodness we made it okay so 36 minutes we've got 35 because there was one already in there remember so we've got 35 ore in 36 minutes versus 27 so as you can see it's not much better it's not much better but it is better and i think it's because you are exposing i'm not sure how it works i'm not sure here's an overview of exactly what it looks like okay so now what we need to do is we need to just stack these up here nice get our fortune 3 out and let's see how many we got on this trip oh we might need two slots okay we got a stack plus nine the stack plus nine oh my goodness okay so that is strip mining both of them for 36 minutes and as you can see we also got a significant more of the other resources too as well so not only did we get more diamonds we also got a good you know a good little bit more of the other ones but look at that look at that right there oh look at that okay now this third one up on the list is actually going to be beacon mining that's right you see it in my inventory now the other two the differences between them if you're not using fortune i mean is so small is so small we're talking about talking about possibly literally just luck in what makes one better than the other but this one is ultimately superior now this method most people they set up the beacon and then they clear out the whole whatever area around the beacon wasting so much time uncovering blocks that do not need to be uncovered and well if you guys watched my diamond video so this one here shameless plug you'll know that in there i kind of discovered or came up with a method of diamond mining with a beacon that i don't really think i've ever seen anybody use before and i figured i'd share that with you guys on this video because it is it's insane now the reason why we're going to be using gold for the beacon is because you can see here by this you know little experiment what you're going to want to do is make your starter one right here put a slab up at top so that way you don't fall down what i'm gonna do here is set up this beacon here once we've got our beacon set up and ready to go we should see a beam here yep there we go now what i'm gonna do is i'm going to set this up with my haste two mining okay and now with our haste two activated what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the same technique as we do with the government we're gonna make sure that we stand on y level five okay so as you can see y level five and what we're gonna do is we're going to aim up and we're just going to clear out as many blocks until as far down as we go until our haste runs out and then all we're going to do is we're just going to aim up and clear this main shaft out all the way until we get to yep y level 12 get back to the beacon 2 as well okay not only is that satisfying as you can see we've cleared out every block here from y level five to y level 12 in a matter of seconds and now what we're going to do is we're going to head back to the beacon and then we just keep going side to side doing that same thing so in and then stop aim up and then go backwards exposing as much as we can as fast as possible this is a little bit of a you know it's actually kind of satisfying to do this we're going to make sure that we do this every other block two just like you would on a normal shaft and then uh yeah after 30 minutes we'll see how much we get so i've got to go take all of this stuff out here give me one second so we're going to start here on this one and then here on this side too as well 30 minute timer is going to start right now and i'll see you guys when we're all finished [Music] and we have as many diamonds as we did in half an hour so okay so we still have five minutes left on the clock and as you can see we've got almost a stack so there was already one in that slot so that means we've got 60 sitting there waiting for us so all we need is just one more little pile we've got ourselves a nice stack of diamonds okay now i'm gonna have to put this one yeah like this because well you'll see i broke my touch pickaxe i broke my silk touch pickaxe i wasn't even paying attention and then all of a sudden just pop so sad okay and with oh jesus one minute to go on the clock we we're only gonna go to actual 30 minutes on this one because as you can see we are yeah it's insane like i said it's insane how fast you expose blocks and how fast you expose emeralds and diamonds and all my gravel that just falls that you don't even see but that does it that is i can't mine anymore that's 30 minutes and we have 60 blocks plus 23 where's my way out here okay there's my ender chest okay so in half an hour and 30 minutes i managed to clear out all of this way here so yeah some of these go very far some of these expose a lava lake underneath them but those ones go way back there too as well so we managed to expose quite a bit of blocks here look at that all the way down until where we ran out of actual beacon power then we came back up here did a little bit on this side too as well but started to run into some lava and some really just annoying things so then we came back and started on this shaft here went all the way down and got these things here started so let's take all of these diamond doors back here let's stack these suckers up okay now let's just see how many diamonds we get out of this run here and remember this is only half an hour with the other ones we gave them a few extra minutes which did in fact actually get them a few extra diamonds above the other ones so oh my two stacks plus 10 that's 138 diamonds that's like 270 diamonds per hour i think we figured out what the best way is to mine for diamonds in minecraft beacon power so here you can see we have strip mining this took 36 minutes we have the gopher holes which also took 36 minutes and then we have the beacon mining which only took 30 minutes and those are insane results if you stay consistent and don't mess around with any like lava or trying to like fix any lava or do anything like that i mean that's what 4 8 12 in just three hours that's insane now i understand that the beacon may seem a little bit op but again we're talking about what's the best way to mine for diamonds here right we're not talking about what the most efficient way is with the cheapest amount of reading being bubble we're talking about the best way the best way set yourself up one beacon do a little snake area that looks like this around the beacon and you've got yourself ten plus stacks of diamonds leave a like let me know down below which one's your favorite way of mining diamonds is consider subscribing drop happy happy favorite world downloads i'll see you guys on the next episode love you all so much happy new year see you guys peace oh [Music] uh
Channel: Chapman
Views: 1,421,225
Rating: 4.9220695 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft top 3 ways to find diamonds, minecraft best way to find diamonds, top 3 ways to find diamonds in minecraft, best ways to find diamonds in minecraft, minecraft how to find diamonds, how to find diamonds minecraft, minecraft strip mining, minecraft beacon mining, minecraft mining for diamonds, minecraft best way to find diamond, miencraft top ways to find diamonds, top ways to find diamonds in minecraft, minecraft best ways to find diamonds, chapman
Id: JU3-a9UqRNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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