Minecraft UHC but you can craft armor out of any item..

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in this video we play a minecraft uhc but you can craft armor and tools out of emeralds now not only does this look really cool it's actually really op as well and of course if you guys do enjoy this video at any point be sure to click that subscribe button and make sure you're not a part of that 64 of people who are not subscribed to the channel and since the word emerald has seven letters in it let's go for 7 000 likes on this video plus like 20 000 so 27 000 likes on this video enjoy okay guys so as you can tell by the thumbnail this one it's gonna be interesting i'm just i feel like i start every single video by saying it's gonna be interesting does that mean all of my videos are interesting i i really hope so either way this one is gonna be pretty cool and please tell me we have timber because i don't want to chop down this whole tree that is perfect that is what i wanted 46 wood right off the bat so i mean i guess we can just get started we want to race as fast as we can all right it is no secret in this one we are making emerald tools and emerald armor but obviously we're gonna start off with the basics we got the pickaxe we got the sword and uh yeah we're just gonna jump down into a cave because we got a bunch of blocks already and now we're just gonna go hunt for emeralds now normally i'd have to go to an extreme hills for emeralds but fortunately we've set it up so uh emerald spawn everywhere that's a good thing in this one because otherwise we'd probably be like i don't know i feel like we probably spent like two hours trying to just get the pickaxe and we don't want that but what we do want is a cave we would like a cave right about now minecraft thank you very much this looks cool wait wait wait wait wait tell me this wouldn't be okay there we go i was gonna say tell me this wouldn't be the coolest cave entrance ever but i guess it is a cave entrance wait wait is this just like a mini ravine please be a cave entrance yeah it is oh not another one of these another claustrophobic cave we don't want to be in here we do however they want some iron because we want to be able to mine those emeralds when we come across them all right so let's get an iron pickaxe let's dump out these other two we don't need those just gonna leave that crafting bench there because we have infinite wood and you know i want to do it once more we're gonna take more wood in three two one and gone that's the fastest way i've ever gotten wood that is that's my favorite thing in the game efficiency but unfortunately we don't have an efficient way of finding caves but i think i did just find one so this oh yeah oh this is promising this is very promising right now come on please please what what kind of a dead end is that oh you gotta be kidding me no no no no no no no no no all right you're staying in there that's it i'm not even gonna kill you you're just getting stuck in there see you later is that a creeper it was a creeper okay that's it i give up i officially give up trying to find a cave i'm gonna do it i know you guys don't like when i do this but i am gonna do let's make an iron shovel we're gonna dig straight down this is what's happening this is what it's come to we're going straight down i'm not sure what's gonna happen here i hope it's not bad we already only have nine hearts left that we can't get much worse than that someone just fell from a high place i hope that is not what is about to happen to me please do not happen to me oh it almost happened to me we just got so lucky that was the most fortunate fall i think i've ever seen let's take this gold actually you know what let's take those emeralds let's take those emeralds indeed that is what we came here for so let's uh let's grab them see one two okay it's more three four five six emeralds okay that's pretty good that means we can now start on crafting we're gonna make ourselves the emerald pickaxe i think that's gonna be the first port of call oh look at that that is so sick what does it come with efficiency five unbreaking three and to top it all off check this out it's a vein miner emerald pickaxe that is why i wanted to make that because that is so cool all right we've got a mine shaft chest right here and absolutely nothing but there is another one right here please doesn't get scammed twice they were this close to each other and i just got scammed twice we can take some string though we're gonna want a rod and a bow now we'll just take enough for a rod let's keep making our way through here because we need to find ourselves some more emeralds emeralds hello emeralds please hello oh there we go we got another one we need to find a bit more than just one though one please be a vain mine it was okay there was three there that's great oh we got some gold right here vein mine that i love vane miner that is so sick it is a shame that cut clean doesn't work with it but you know let's try not to set ourselves on fire and let's move on there's some emeralds right above this redstone chest right here oh we got some more right here dang we have a lot of emeralds in this game right now i didn't know it was this many we already have 12. okay i guess let's make our first piece of armor we'll go for okay we'll go for a chest plate and boot so the chest plate is going to give us oh wow protection two thorns one i'm breaking three and then the boots are gonna give us the falling two protection two unbreaking threes let's put those on okay i wonder if we get any effects with a full set i don't know if we do hopefully we do people in the chat are just starting to figure out that there's emerald ahama okay this is gonna be an interesting death match then we actually didn't tell anyone the twist for this one but we did tell them that it was easy to figure out and someone has a you know been big brain and understood what was it what wait that just might that was cool okay but yeah someone in here's got a big brain and we just got a lot of emeralds creeper please please not like this not like this okay that's fine let's just leave there are too many mobs down here for my liking right now let's make the emerald sword there we go and if we right click nothing happens right click to activate fire aspect i guess it didn't work just then but it will work when we're on the surface this has sharpness 2 knockback 2 and it has fire aspect but only for 5 seconds this is shaping up to be pretty cool so far we only need two more pieces of armor and then we can i guess focus on making the rest of the tools actually no we should focus on getting gold so that we can survive in this game okay we've got plenty of emeralds right here let's make sure that they don't burn in the lava let's just place one of those right there let's make sure they don't fall okay perfect that was another four emeralds right there this is actually a really cool cave system right here that we've got okay just like a double ravine i don't know is it even worth looking for diamonds i don't think it is right whoa i look sick though look at this yo yo hold on this looks really cool yo this is actually sick i feel powerful but i am also scared of everything in the game because i'm very low health still okay here we go is this our last emeralds right here we got one two and we got three four perfect just like that i think that would be enough to make the helmet yep just like that oh when we did get an effect we got speed okay i think we have speed two with this oh it certainly feels like we have speed two that's for sure okay since we have three emeralds left i wanna make another tool just to see yeah it looks pretty sick emerald axe it's fast too yeah i love this this is really look at the enchant too it's like green and stuff yo and another chest please enchanted no way let's get ourselves the lava bucket there has to be lava somewhere right okay there's lava down there we'll go get that let's grab that just like so so we got lava we got that oh wow okay we are stacked we just need to mine this gold now we'll mine this up with an iron pickaxe just so we can smelt it quickly and just like that we have 17 gold okay that is a nice amount now we need to get to the surface toss some junk out now let's get to the surface and grab some apples i guess actually let's check if there's diamonds there diamonds in here no but i see more emeralds i kind of want them i don't really need them at this point but i do kind of want them let's take those let's also take these ones right here i want to make every single tool i would feel bad if i didn't make every single tool let's do it okay we got okay we got crafting bench let's make up what do we need i hear a oh that freaked me out razor i thought yo he's got the full thing as well that looks sick he freaked me out though i fully thought he was a creeper i was just about to say i hear a creeper he was just there in full green just lurking behind that was freaky i did not appreciate that at all but there we go we have the full set of tools we didn't make a home because you know pvp starts in four minutes and we want to get to the surface anyway so let's make our way out of this cave and go and get apples because we got uh we got stacked and we have six more gold i didn't even notice when i mined those last emeralds i got six more gold okay to the surface we go okay there we go to the surface can we get apples from the dark oak trees i don't maybe we can with the plug-in let's find out okay we can that's good wow there are so many leaves here we can get as many apples as we want yo wait what happened did you guys see my shears just then what happened i'm gonna see if i can do that again yo look it did i corrupted them again what is happening it's the cursed moment of the video guys every single time we got some more emeralds whoever gets those is gonna be happy because they're gonna get an op sword and just like that we are set up and ready to fight all right here we go pvp has begun oh that's a free apple right there i'm gonna take that thank you very much that means someone was just right here though like they were crafting right here so let's take it easy we have a couple golden apples we only have two to work with we do have the full set of our mothers i'm pretty confident and of course we have the emerald sword and we're gonna be able to use the fire aspect as well oh we got people down here i see people on the left there they are it's mf oh she's fighting fire dragon wow fire dragon didn't find any emeralds that is unfortunate i'm gonna let them do their thing and well okay well there it is i was never going to be able to get involved in that anyway and was just slaughtered the guy oh we've got someone right here as well here we go they are they don't expect it they don't have a clue now they do oh okay he did come prepared with a sword i was going to say is he about to fight me with a piece of cobblestone and it is done just like that let's get some gold we got no gold and we got more people ahead of us who is this wait this is m she's on a rampage i'll leave them b once again m seems to be a force to be reckoned with in this game maybe she can win it all we'll find out oh man what did i just do okay well we just lost it that was so stupid i did see someone though they dipped this way let's see if we can't find them where did they go i see grazer in a fight okay wow i really got no action in this game should i go steal it i'm not going to make it in time i won't make it in time but i can freak razor out just as much this is my loot grazer this is my oh wow okay he's got a lot more help than me i'm gonna leave yeah i will leave we do still have the notch apple though so i'm not fretting at all just looking for this final person and then i can take grazer out oh he's he's coming for me right now okay noted should i freak him out okay i'll freak him out [Laughter] he knows i have a nice chapel grazer stop this madness right now i will i'll do it to him i will use the snare chapel i don't want to kill him i really don't i'll just loop around on him instead and make sure he can't get through there and uh yeah we'll call it a day goodbye grace okay here's the final person i found him i found him the final person in iron hello i'm here i just freaked him out wait what okay he does have an emerald sword oh but we got the speed he can't touch us because we've got speed it's insane and he is done just like that okay oh who's that trying to clear is grazer trying to clean up her that's crazy trying to be the janitor of the game all right let's eat these golden apples then and we'll go in i'm gonna save the notch apple till last grazer wants it right now he really wants to do this i will use the notch apple i'm gonna use it don't make it happen oh we got some good hits right there oh bang just like that and he falls into a cave he just fell into a cave with so many moms you guys hear that oh my god i need to go see i really need to go see what he just fell into this cave oh that was a sick little cut through as well let's get this golden apple off and then we go back in is that okay we're about the same health oh we can't even oh my god we're better at mowing the lawn than fighting each other we're just breaking all the car okay i just had to go silent i thought he was right behind me that freaked how did i lose health that quickly i'm at two and a half hearts oh don't make me do this all right i'm going god apple here we go god apple time it's your time great here i come full health once again tell me he didn't have a notch apple okay he didn't and he just got absolutely thrown off for the hill i think i'm the only one with fire protection fire aspect and it didn't get him i got him okay fire aspect here we go epic final battle emma's coming in as well he's gonna die let's get em low we need to make sure she's taken care of i can't use my fire aspect on her let's put her in lava oh she got the water bucket off but we got a very low okay i'm going to take them both out in style they killed the rest of the game so i'm going to kill them m's healing up down there she's got oh she's got plenty of health where is crazy though he's going on a secret mission somewhere it looks like oh there he is when did this guy join the game how are you just chilling what that okay gold helmet no you don't want the gold helmet we want to use the emerald armor we have to em's coming back into the fight she might actually win i'm actually kind of terrified i should use the water lava bucket that shouldn't die there we go got it back on fire again she has so much health we need to go take care of oh let's go absolutely thrown across the map we need to go take care of this guy who's gonna try and clean us up where did he go that is the question oh there he is she's gonna take care of him she's going to do it she's going to do it unless i do it first the duo with coming after grazer right now i'm going to try and punch him to death with a leaf wow the thorns hurts ow yo the thorns is actually insane oh my she's done it that's it m ow why do i keep getting thorns every single time i touch them okay here she goes she wants to finish the game right here but she's way lower than we are should we do it with the lava bucket we shall we'll do it with a lava bucket just like that i'm sorry em i thought you were gonna win this one but the god apple prevailed i couldn't just give it up guys if you guys did enjoy that video be sure to leave a like on this one look how sick emerald armor looks why haven't they added it to minecraft yet i don't know that's two videos this week where we've just been using items that need to be in the actual game yeah if you guys did enjoy it all be sure to subscribe to the channel by clicking that button on the left side of the screen click that playlist on the right side you might find your new favorite video in there and also remember to leave a like let's go for a i don't know 10 000 times the amount of kills we got so 30 000 likes on this one guys i'll see you guys in the next one perfect timing
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 7,621,824
Rating: 4.9034128 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft UHC but you can craft armor out of any item, Minecraft but you can craft armor out of any item, minecraft uhc armor out of any item, minecraft uhc craft any item, minecraft craft any item, minecraft uhc but, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc emerald armor, minecraft emerald armor, minecraft but you can craft emerald armor, minecraft uhc but you can craft emeral armor, minecraft but you can craft armor out of emerald, minecraft uhc but you can craft armor out of emeralds, uhc
Id: ZsyC7RoAdvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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