Chest rig comparison (Mayflower, Haley Strategic, Spiritus)

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[Music] if you've ever been under night-vision and you went to go drink from a Gatorade bottle but you accidentally either grabbed your own or your buddy spit bottle in a Gatorade bottle hit that subscribe button especially if you didn't realize until it's too late if you've ever drank from a sweat bottle before because let's be honest coke can spit look really similar when they're in a coke bottle I feel your pain like comment all that stuff helps me out quite a bit comment section is out of control let's keep it going there are multiple ways to support me or is it questions about that so first off we now have vertex on board so get a sweet plaid shirt vertex discount code is grantham 25% off that's kind of crazy 3d munitions as always a big sponsor of me go ahead and get in there with that discount code grantham as well and get yourself some ammo of course big shout out to my patreon subscribers so you guys are a bunch of thoughts I love you Jess Riggs there is a lot that goes into chest rigs and a lot of people have been asking me about different types of chest rigs now I don't have experience with every chest rig out there I thought I'd do a short video on why you might use one chest rig verse another based on kind of what you do and the type of setups that you're used to or that you need for your job so realize that I am limited in what I know in what I do I'm not a law enforcement officer I'm military so there might be some divergence between that what my law enforcement guys need and I'll try to bridge that gap as much as possible for my talks with law enforcement officers but just understand that there's a knowledge gap there for me so take that for what it's worth for my civilian friends just depend on what you need some of the chest rigs that we're talking about might be more full-featured and have more things than you need so you might need to that kind of again tailor it don't carry more crap than you need so the first question is why would you wear a chest rig instead of a plate carrier well it doesn't always have to be either why not both so sometimes people will wear chest rigs either attached to the plate carriers with like the Swift clip system or some other means like velcro or something like that or they might wear a chest rig over a plate carrier or some type of body armor duty their constraints and budget for certain branches are marine corps or for law Force and officers it might be that you just need a chest rig some throw on to kind of get some more ammunition on you before you go into a dangerous situation lots of different reasons for military wouldn't depending on what you do it's find out a great idea to go chestrig only just thought in any case what a there are multiple different types of chest rigs out there what we're not going to talk about today our bare chest rigs so what I mean by that is there are chest rigs that are just small you webbing so we're not gonna talk about those there are some good ones out there from Greg us gear and tactical tailor and a couple others but we're not gonna get into those I don't prefer them only if because the cost adds up really quickly and they typically weigh a little bit more because you have all the webbing on them they're never quite as tight as a purpose-built chest rig so the rigs that were going to talk about today are going to be the mayflower gen for the Spiritist systems rig and my father Haley strategics company and their chest rig so a couple of examples there okay get into why you might choose one or another so we're gonna start with the mayflower rig slash the velocity systems rig so what's so good about the mayflower rig is that you have a lot of pockets and enclosures to deal with so you have a lot of gear that you can store on there now that can be good or bad depending on kind of type of person that your are a lot of people tend to put too much crap on the mayflower rig so don't do that let's go for a quick overview of what's in here so first off you have four magazine shingles in the back right here now depending on how you want to do it you can put four in or three and a knife or whatever so right here I just have mine set up for as an example I have three magazines with a knife in there they are a little tighter they typically don't accept kudex inserts quite as well with the one kind of downfall of the mayflower rig is that it they were they seem to have been designed around us GI mags which isn't bad those are great mags but if you're trying to use like larger Mac's such as say Mac poles or something like that the Magpul mags they're not gonna fit very well they could simply get caught up to Sochi and reindex a and stuff so that's one thing I don't like about the mayflower rig now what is nice about it is that these outer pockets are here are larger enough to fit a 152 or 148 or something like that so it's pretty helpful it counts to fit other things got your grenade right here a little smoke grenade point is that they can fit a lot so if you're the type of guy who likes to run your radio directly on your rig maybe not on your belt or something like that this is a really good option for you it also includes these handy little rerouting straps for the antenna if you tend if you choose to run the antenna upfront or if for wire management and all that type stuff so it's been really helpful in my experience now if you'll notice on the particular strap on this chest rig right here I have my government for Tech's 401 and a sinto wrist compass right here now I don't keep them mounted right there I just keep them on this rig that way that when I put this rig on I can pop them off and put them on my wrist and that type of thing but that's where I keep them a couple of things about this rig right next to the radio pouch you have an accessory pouch right here I take I like to keep chem six that type of thing in there again they can fit a whole lot of crap give your front accessory pouches so on these I'd typically keep things like either let's say a set a compass or you can fit a GPS in there oops where you get for the GPS in there lots of things front pistol magazine pouches don't carry pistol mags in there it's pretty carry flashlight Leatherman let's have a stuff over here headlamp on my other pouch then moving across again more Kemp sticks and then typically keep a small med kit such signal mirror or that type of stuff right here now if you notice in addition to all that I also have a dangler type thing this one is from Hayley strategic a lots of big companies you can buy these from you also have Farrow concepts that does does one that's very well made as well and as the spirit of systems they make one as well but in this case I had the Haley strategic Tingler on the mayflower rig kind of mixing those together on this I typically carry a larger med kit that way it's just upfront is easier for easy for me to get to and that type of stuff now the one thing I really like about the mayflower rig is the H harness now there's a lot of different harnesses out there and kind of which one you prefer is gonna be due to kind of how you're built as a person and that type stuff for me kind of gummy built harnesses worked really well the ex harnesses tend to ride up on my body especially with body armor on so I do prefer the H harness it's really well made now the problem with these is that they do have a tendency to ride up under the armpits and maybe kind of irritate the skin a little bit there there's no perfect system out there but I've gotten used to it over time and I find that this works pretty well now quick note too is that you can easily detach the H harness as I do it right now and you can attach this to a plate carrier or to whatever you need to attach it to so the beauty of the mayflower Swift clip system so anyhow that is our Mayflower Gen 4 so kind of quick summary on that lots of real estate to put things magazine pouches are a little small for Magpul mags they work best with usgi and a little small for most kayaks inserts such as the hailey strategic MP 2 magazine insert or the S Tech kiwis is it a big deal no but some people it might be a deal-breaker in any case that's that so scaling down from larger down to my deck excuse me the hell you see Tetrick chestrig you get a little bit less real say a little bit less stuff to deal with and that may be good you might not need to carry as much crap as the Mayflower break does so in that case I think that the hey Lucy to trick rig is a really good option now there are several iterations of this you have the version 4 5 5 6 which is these both right here this is the older genis is a newer gen and you also have the heavy version which is made for seven six two mags so depending on what you're rocking out there you might choose one or the other now should be noted that with the heavy rig you can still put in the MP 2 magazine inserts and then it can still run five five six depending if you prefer that pouch setup anymore so let's talk about the old set up really quick on the hill a strategic rig and then we'll talk about the new set up so first off on the older ones came with the H harness which is what I prefer the newer ones come with the X harness which doesn't really work as well my body now that being said they're very well made so if the X harness does work for you it's probably gonna be really good for you I think that there are a lot of the X harness it's just for me not such a great thing anyhow on the older rig they had a stuff that pouch that's kind of the main difference between the two stuff of pouch allows you to put a bunch of weird crap in there if you needed a water bottle grenade keep a little bit more heat and that type of thing so it was a cool little item ultimately they removed it I could see why my whole point with this is that if you had the older rig or you have a chance to buy one they're not bad they're still good there was just some changes made that made a lot of sense in any case they still set the empty two magazine inserts as you can see right here so you can easily index your mags and that type of stuff if you're running airborne ops you probably won't have bungees over that and I took the thing but I can't get into that a - anyhow with the newer one that stuff it patches removed and you just have the pistol mag patches come all the way across now with these what's good about these you can fit forty millimeter grenades in there you can fit pistol mags leather mints all that kind of stuff that's good so what I typically carry in there are a combination of leather moons and other kind of quick go to tools I need to get to and these can fit quite a quite a lot I have lost stretch to them a lot of give and they work really well these two side pouches right here work really well for holding GPS is that type of stuff again I like the way that they have this chess rig setup as well I typically run the Haley strategic little dangler out there when I'm using this rig right here so at the moment it's attached to my Mayflower rig what's really good about the heli strategic rig was Travis Haley was really focused on making sure that it was easy to reindex your mags and draw magazines and that type of stuff so there's a little bit more space between each of those magazine pouches so what's good about that is you can fit a whole variety of different magazines in there I've never had problems with different magazine types fitting in there what's also good is that with those MP 2 inserts which is just basically a little plastic sheath in there that helps lock the magazine into place when you insert them it makes drawing and then re-indexing those mags really really easy I'm a big fan of that now if you're running like a 152 these magazine pouches don't really fit the 152 very well at all / they don't now if you're running a smaller radio such as one of those Chinese radios or something a Motorola or whatever that's gonna fit fine so again it comes down to where do you like to run your radio if you're lucky to to guy on the chess rig fine I can work for you it's run like it's like a smaller radio Motorola whatever no problems running off the belt this doesn't matter at all it comes on to philosophy of chess trade usage right so that's the kind of stuff that's gonna matter in any case you can't go wrong the hill you see two Juke rig really well-built big fan of it you used it quite a bit so good stuff right here now this one if you notice is made out of m81 either they make them a multicam and coyote and green and black and all that kind of stuff but in in case find one that rocks that suits your fancy and that allows you to LARP is your favorite operator and go from there finally we're gonna talk about possibly one of the coolest ones out here which is the spirit of systems rig what's really cool about this is that you're not dealing with pals webbing because this is user configurable you can add and subtract and put whatever you want in here it uses velcro now I was a little skeptical at first when I first got this but this is quite possibly one of the lightest and best felt rigs out there if you're looking for something that's user configurable so in this case on my rig I have the three shingle for the ar-15 mags and then I have a small admin pouch up front to carry things like GPS and other crap in there within that front pouch I also have little elastic bands that allows me to keep those items from bouncing around that type thing it's a really well-thought-out rig and you can easily scale it up or down depending on what you need this also includes a little dengler pouch again and that typically keeping bed supplies in that type of thing this one's in wolf gray not my first choice with beggars aren't choosers they also got multicam black ID all that kind of stuff so again find one that allows you to LARP is your favorite dude but again user configurable and I can't recommend this rig amat enough again you're scaling down from the Mayflower rig you have a whole lot of stuff that you can put on there moving down to the heli strategic rig kind of getting a little more bare-bones a little more minimalistic and all the way down to the spirit assist some rigs which is about as small as I'll go with a chess regen Held's barely more than like a air fifteen magazine pouch placard but again they did design this really well and you you'll be hard-pressed to find a better user configurable chestrig out there over the spirit of systems so guys I hope you enjoyed our a little talk about tactical chess rigs and all that type of stuff everything's gonna be a little bit different again find something that looks good that looks cool allows you to LARP is your favorite dude and no matter what get training because you don't look cool if you have no idea what you're doing it's a fact
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 909,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, best chest rig, which chest rig should I buy?, best tactical chest rig, best ar15 chest rig, how do I carry ammo?, how to setup tactical chest rig?, spiritus systems chest rig, spiritus systems, haley strategic chest rig, haley strategic dc3r, is the haley chest rig good?, how to setup haley chest rig
Id: CEUt9cS3eL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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