Minecraft Xbox - Stampy's Paradise 2 - Part 1

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video today i am playing a round of hunger games with finbull take your shirt gunshot uh lame inferno i think that was a venomous spyro and bigby stats as well and uh this map is called stampy's paradise two and uh some of you may remember me playing a map called stampy's paradise one and this is its sequel it's a brand new map it's not based on the old one well it kind of is it's all stampy style basically you can immediately see a lot of cake and over here is a whole load of signs of all of the builders you can see that we're actually playing with take your shirt and a few other people that that helped build as well so yeah i am playing against a few of the builders and so it might be a little bit tough but you know what i'm not too bothered i just want to go and have fun and so that's why i'm going to be playing this map and i've not seen it at all yet i have not had a look at all apart from this spawn apart from the very room i'm in right now i have not seen anything so i have no idea what's actually going to be uh inside of the map and uh once uh take your shirt jumps into his pod he's so close there we go take that one last hop let's begin in three two one let's play some survival games shall we so let's run into the middle and go and try and get whatever we can all bit of eye in there that's not too bad i can see some people darting to immediately look in the the top chest and oh i gotta steal this stuff i think pinball is going to try and steal it from me anything down here anything over here oh it's a helmet down there people are already attacking that's against the rules we do uh have a grace period i think we got i think we've got a one minute grace period for uh the time in which we're not allowed to attack each other so uh i should be safe for now i don't actually know how i get into the the map proper though to be honest i'm kind of just sort of wandering around let's just go and follow some other people around for a little bit that's always a a pretty good idea uh there seems to be something over this bridge over here it's kind of just cake as far as the eye can see there's no real landmarks i've seen yet it's just loads and loads of cake here we go here's a cookie building up this direction let's go and hop inside of here and i like this place oh apart from the fact there's googly shooting at me this place is a pretty cool so let's just go and try and find some chess shall we any chess around here the good thing about this map is that i'm not gonna have to to worry about food seeing as uh half of it is made out of cake we should be fine i like this building though this big cookie crunch building i could i could see myself hanging out in here for a while i've not found any any weapons though i've got a bow but no arrows that's not particularly useful look i found stampy's room here we go and i can see it's got the the right color scheme for me i could i could kind of blend in here i could kind of camouflage quite nicely here and here we go a load of cake i don't even know why i'm taking the cake i do not need any cake there's enough on the map and here's my first proper view of it i think that's the spawn where we started look there's my helter skelter and look in the distance over there look at that handsome kitty cat that would be me anyway i need to stop admiring myself and i need to go and have a hunt around oh look here's amy's room down here uh here's amy's bed of course it's all pink love it and does that supposed to be amy there i reckon and oh here we go she's got a golden sword and a whole load of lovely jubblies let's go and have a look in everyone else's rooms and let's see what they've got there are a few people nearby so i don't want to keep my my guard up this is this is liebherr's room and there's lee there's elba lee nice to meet you do you want to team up team up lee team up team up right what's going to be in here oh stone sword thank you very much lee you don't mind if i if i borrow this stone sword quickly do you and some iron booties as well i was kind of expecting some some diamond leggings or diamond boots seen as that's what what lee normally has and whose room's over here squid's room of course it's squid's room down here and here's ballistic squid hello squid let's go have a look in his chest oh diamond helmet some lapis lazuli another bow and a one arrow as well i've got one arrow and pretty much full iron armor this was actually a really good place to head into and the the grace period should be over now so i should already be able to go and start taking some people out and that's exactly what i'm going to go and try and do now i can see take your shirt making his way inside of the house and he is the the main builder of the map so he might have some some good loot on him so i do want to be uh very careful i think my googly friend's still hanging out in here and but i'm going to explore the map for a bit i want to go and have a bit of a look around and see what i can find let's go get my my bow at hand ready in case i want to fire my one arrow at someone and here's someone right here oh here's big b oh he's got he's got aussie same team up team up oh no this is gunshot this isn't big b at all right looks like i've got a uh a teammate with me and he's giving me an iron sword that is handy because he would have destroyed me i know he's been uh helping doing some of the chess so he would have definitely been able to take me out otherwise i wasn't ready to go after him the problem is though we can only have one winner so at some point mean as it may sound i'm probably going to have to go and try and betray him at some point and i don't want to do that but it's just the way hunger games works this can only ever be one winner and it looks like i'm here inside of my giant sheer fun game from my fun land and there's a whole load of sheep all over the place i assume there'd be a chest up here oh here we go oh there's a stone some diamond booties and a whole load of a different color wall just like there there is inside of the the real game always my iron sword up there and let me go and put my diamond boots on and uh so all i need now is some there is some some chest plates and then i'm going to be fully kitted out and all of my the armor that i need and i don't know where gunshots run off to maybe he was just giving me the the sword and then running away maybe that's what was going on i don't know where he's wandered off to okay well i'm gonna have to be careful because he knows as well that there's only ever one winner so you only ever have fragile friendships when you're teaming up with people in hunger games there's a potion of weakness i don't really want that because that couldn't help me as soon as it's not a splash potion and what is why is this thing here what am i standing under is this some sort of cake beast or something it's kind of hard to see what it is oh there's another chest down here that one's being looted though okay there's gunshot there's gunshot that panicked me there oh look it's my love garden my love garden's down here as well uh they're all look there's spin ball i can see thin ball in it the chest's been looted wee wee take your shirt i have potato amy lee there's a whole bunch of people are inside of my love garden here am i in it am i inside my love garden no i think lee is but well yeah this is uh it's quite cool it's quite cool seeing things from your world that are in other places and all look gunshot just threw me an ender pearl as well anyway let's go into carry on exploring around the the map a little bit more then shall we and uh just go and see what else is here uh some of the the builders did actually come into my world uh they actually came in for inspiration had a bit of a look around and here's stampy's hot sponge down here zambi's hot sponge stampedes hot buns and all of the uh oh there's an arrow all of the um the doors seem to be open round here so yeah i guess all of this stuff has been looted and oh look i think this might be hit the target's house over there there's not a sea of lava in my my own world but i think this is this is hit the targets left oh he's got the secret door it's actually got the the little secret bit down here oh there's just a chest down in it an enchanted stone sword i'm gonna steal that just so no one else can take it and the milk might actually be useful as well because if you don't know uh if you get poisoned or something if you use the the milk it actually gets rid of the uh the poison effect so that's actually a very useful thing to to have i think gunshots over there in the the ice cream van i think that's supposed to be and look in the background there's a big there's a big skull over there look there's amy lee over here this map is massive here's my is my milk bar my crazy cow milk bar there's the crazy cow it's weird how exactly the same it is it's almost completely identical and i think i heard the cow i think that actually there we go there's the cow at the top of there there's the the crazy cow that lives inside of the milk bar it's weird how exactly the same it is to how it is in my world as well i know there's a potion of all invisibility and that could be that could be pretty sneaky and there's a stick there i'm going to take that just in case i get a chance to craft a diamond sword so let's get the potion of invisibility let's have that at hand uh i think that was swiftness there's my invisibility there and here we go i'm feeling properly kitted out now and i can see there's someone right over here should i go after them i don't have any idea who this is or they have just crouched they have just crouched they're hiding from me this would be venomous spiral oh he's got quite good stuff as well though he's got a lot of eye and armor right let's go after him me and gunshot here we are we've teamed up we're going to take him down i don't think he has any idea that we're here actually i think he might do because he is there just constantly running and if he didn't know he does know now i can maybe cut him off by running over the bridge i think i managed to catch him up i don't think he's seen me or he's got a healing potion on though he's holding a healing potion and there we go we managed to take him out and there we go i've got some i got some uh a leather tunic oh it's a dyed leather tunic oh i thought it was iron it was just dyed um yeah it was just dyed leather that's kind of sneaky actually because it kind of it does look like they're they're wearing iron stuff but it was just uh leather so it wasn't actually all that good well there we go uh me and uh gunshot managed to to get one person taken out that's just kind of a bit more of an explore here's my my clothes shop i can go and have a look in here see if there's any good loot there's a lot of leather oh i could actually maybe get something from here is this is that actually iron or is it no that's just leather again they're teasing me they're teasing me i keep thinking that there's better stuff here than there actually is i think that's all just died a lever can have a look in the the changing rooms there doesn't seem to be anything down here and here's the catwalk that i built a long time ago and i should probably have something to eat here actually i'll just go and eat a little bit of the the path round here here's my melon moment stand over in this direction and what's this place there's a desert over in this direction hmm do you think this is supposed to be thin bull's kingdom i think it might be actually oh here's some more ender pearls and another potion of invisibility that could uh definitely come in handy uh oh this is going to squid island oh this is us under the sea i see there's the big squid over there under the sea [Music] this is awesome there's like a like a shipwreck down here i don't even want to play hunger games right now i just want to look around this amazing map there's so many cool things and what's this place then is this like an underwater castle or some sort some sort of under the sea fortress i think that's got to be amy lee's land over there this has got to be the the land of love or something doesn't it and here's a little uh lighthouse down here and another googly eye let's go and take him out shall we and i'm just going to have a look over here into amy leland shall we now what does this say going to amy's island this is cool i thought it was going to be just stampy's paradise and all just sort of stampy cakey type things but everyone's kind of got their their own little area in here and so there's a few houses there's another potion here which i can i can steal from there there's not much else better i could get to be honest unless i get more diamond armor i'm pretty i feel pretty kitted out to be honest and especially now i'm teamed up with gunshot even though i keep losing him i do feel rather confident to be honest whether that's a good or a bad thing is uh yeah we're gonna have to to wait and see it's because i teamed up with gunshot and uh every time i turn around he's not there but whenever i need him whenever i go into a battle he always seems to just show up at the right time and this map's massive i had no idea it was going to be this big well let's put down a cake and grab something to eat quick and then let's carry on going for a bit of a wander round and let's see what other lands there's going to be so we've had my land squid land and amyland is where i am now i wonder what other lands we're going to we're going to be running into around here oh i think i can see leland leeland i think this is lieber's world over here let's see what this sign says going to lee's island ah this is cool this is awesome and there's a great big massive alpha leader and look at the dragon there's a huge dragon in the background as well this is crazy all right let's see what sort of things we have in lee's island then shall we i've got a few more arrows there come in handy an enchanted book i think if i use that with an anvil i might be able to enchant my bow so it's got infinity that could be very useful i'm not actually using anvil very much and all big b was slain by thin ball bigby's just being taken out that's that's a one less opponent for us to to have to deal with and there's a moose there's moose all over the place you can definitely tell that this is a lee's island on a big cake oh this is stampy's breakfast i wish i could actually eat cakes that that were that big uh i just always find that minecraft cakes are never big enough they never completely fill me up and here's the massive lee uh let's go and have another look around this way oh is this like a goal post or something uh elfa lee sucks at fifa apparently i don't know who wrote that down uh some paper and things down there i think they're supposed to be like a football player kicking the football into the girl that's really creative actually i know elfa lee does her play fifa quite a lot so i guess oh yeah i guess there's some history with lee playing with some of the map builders and there's lee's big diamond sword over there with a chest on it uh do you reckon there's gonna be a diamond sword in the chest that would be that would be very useful i've got quite a lot of ender pearls actually if i just sort of actually i'm scared to hit the dragon if i end a pearl into the sword and then drop down here there we go that was a quite creative way of making my way up and i have a little bit of cake and then i can go and try and jump my way up here and have a look in this chest here oh some iron leggings i think that's what i've got anyway on a potion of strength uh let me go and get the the potion of strength so i've got that at hand i've kind of got too much good stuff what should i have so healing's quite important uh invisibility swiftness let's go go get rid of the milk for now and let's put the the potion of earth strength right there so as soon as i see someone i can drink that immediately and go after them anyway let's go over to this way and see what other islands we can found oh there's a a snowy island over there would you reckon you reckon that's rosie's island maybe do you reckon that's rosie the penguins island and let's go have a look this way and see what we can find i've not seen anyone in ages and to be honest i'm kind of happy because i don't want to get into a fight because if i get into a fight then i might lose and then i won't be able to to see the the rest of the map and let's go into hop up here then shall we oh here we go i think i can see some penguins i think this must be rosie's lands look there's a lot of igloos all over the place around here hello rosie or rosie's friend whoever you are let's have a look in this chest here is anything good here uh another potion of healing i kind of don't need anything else to be honest i don't even need to to really look in many more chests there's not much better that i could find i guess finding an anvil would be good so i could enchant my bow to get infinity because that way i wouldn't run out of arrows that would be uh very handy is there anything good in here here we go here's another arrow right here i can go and grab that and i guess this here is going to be a a massive model of rosie there she is there's rosie 833 my friend standing tall and proud and here we go we've just come up behind me i'm going back into stampyland now this is my my home territory i guess this is where this is where i should dominate this is where cake's everywhere and oh i see someone right i think i've seen enough of the map i am ready to go in for a fight and even though i have got great stuff the chances are everyone else has got great stuff as well let's have this uh potion of strength and then i think this is a potion of swiftness and then right let's just go in for overkill then shall we i'm fast and i'm deadly he has no judge look at me speeding up behind him behind you finbull you might want to turn around oh no he's got good stuff as well though actually right i want to be really careful oh he's drinking something as well what did he have he didn't even fight me he was just there drinking
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 8,386,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Video Game), Xbox (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Lets Play, Gameplay, Commenatry, Hunger Games, Survival Games, Stampys Paradise, Version 2, Part 1, Finnball
Id: nNnI-dqEJyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 12 2014
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