Minecraft Xbox - The Dropper - Part 1

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what's going on guys this is squiddy and i'm joined with mr stumpy long nose hello stella hello how are you today we are playing i'm fine thank you how are you all right very good today we are playing the dropper this is uh what is it what kind of a map is it it's not really it's not an adventure map it's um it's like it's a dropper map it's a draft map it's like an adventure map i did the the beginning really rubbish you did your bubba i just turned immediately it's like drop up spoiler alert before we start this i'd just like to say a thank you to shoot to kill for hosting this for us and he's been an absolute legend for actually downloading these maps and letting me and stumpy play on them because before we couldn't download the maps and we couldn't get them on my xbox to play on them so yeah shout out to shoot to kill for the latinos they're letting us let him host and you know thank you thank you right so can you see these signs yet stampy i can see the sign it's just any of the writing right okay so it says welcome to the dropper this maps made by i am tricky the rules are simple no breaking blocks number two survive number three have fun at the bottom of each level there is a hidden diamond find all 12 and you get a cookie yay put the diamond in the given minecart chest at each level so there we go right so um have you got any golden apples have you got anyone here i i have five apples i think i'm not gonna need them i'm pretty sure i'm gonna die in a second so if you don't know what dropper map is and there's quite a lot of them i think this is the most famous one on xbox but you basically drop you press this button the floor opens and then you gotta avoid all the obstacles uh while you go down we go straight for it right okay i'll go first well i'm just gonna put my swiftness person in the chest because i've got a feeling i'm gonna die straight away so i don't really want to waste it i'm gonna use it i'm gonna use mine now i've got another one there we go right and it's raining jolly good timing all right here we go here we go here we go dodging the trees dodging oh smashing into the trees successful first attempt okay so we gotta go through them oh my god oh i spot on top looks like you did just as well as me this is like a trial and error isn't it do you just like die at the first thing i need i need to learn a route which like i can keep adjusting oh no i think i know the right route then you've got to go through the middle and then you're going to like just i've got an idea i'm going to try and land on one of these top bits there we go look i'm doing that gradually can i i don't know if i can i don't think i'm going to make it the whole way down wait where's where's the water wait where's the water oh did you just oh is there any water in certain bits yeah like i landed on the blue wall at the bottom but there was no water there okay i'm just cheating what am i like i did it i did it have you done it okay where's the water let me have a look i'm going to do it properly don't worry i found a map i thought i got my map back that's all i wanted i'm going to fall down you grab my map yeah okay i see where the water is now let's do this properly yeah come on you got to do this okay i'll uh i'll wait here you can open up level two i believe there should be a lever or something where you can open up level two there's just some stairs that's going going through and round there's a chest here in the water what's in this chest no oh nothing um and there's a there's a minecart as well so like a minecart track that leads to the outside that looks complicated i won't go through there i'm just gonna go for a wonder i think let's see what's down here i don't wanna go too fast that's all right i'm with you i'm with you mate we can see it together have you done it i've done it very good let's go there's just a bunch of ladders really can you take these minecarts you can take the minecarts thing look at this i'm deep i'm fine i want how did you do oh you just teleporting up them yeah oh nice how'd you ah okay this is cool left trigger how does it work how many offer are they i got finger oh it's not working for me anymore either i don't am i going up actually i wish i stuck with the ladders i don't know if i'm going up am i going up oh i am i am there we go we've got some swiftness again um quick pass from level one so i got my swiftness pull down lever come on what's down here quick pass for level one oh so this is no this is so um because we've pulled that level we've opened a door so we're gonna die now yeah yeah we can go straight down right okay pull down leave us that's down so we can always get through i'm on the same i'm on the same page as you know first class you're honest we go together hold hands free tomorrow morning jump right kit just go just go go ah ah wait what is that what was that i survived i want to do it properly that is weird that what was that it was like a big big it looked like a mouth were we getting eaten or something like a worm or something a wind hole what do you say first class yeah first class it might be a plane like a it might be a rocket maybe it's a rocket i don't know let's go through the side i'll let you kill kill himself first okay you go next i'll i'll take up the rear it sounds like we're doing like wall cameras i feel like we're jumping out of plane to parachute into enemy lines ow maybe you do have to make your way down i don't know there seems to be quite a lot of that looks difficult doesn't it yeah it looks really difficult only slide oops press me the button ah oh we're going together oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh well i'm not oh i'm like oh what no i had died but it hadn't told me i died and just like my death screen made it to the bottom i saw the bottom though i cheated there's just gonna be a montage of deaths isn't it oh like i hate it but it doesn't tell me i've died oh i'm lagging i'm lagging i keep i keep falling to my death really quickly i'm on the red thing um right okay i'm gonna have a look i'm gonna pick a route so if i come down this middle bit here oh easy no you pushed me yeah was that me yeah i'm sorry oh i just keep doing that first bit right let's just make our way down from the red thing are you going you're going cheaty way are you well i think that's what thingy did i think that's that's the only way we're gonna be able to do it right okay if i'm going to go cheat anyway i might grab a swiftness potion and an apple then if i'm going to survive this one yeah right let's do okay cheety wait let's do it together or you're already down i think i think i missed i know i thought he missed me with the swiftness potion then i did get it all right nice way down it's nice when you don't die oh my god i hit the ground too hard apparently what the hell right there's a minecart chest here i guess this is what we put our goodies in but i've only got a swiftness push and some apples so so come on stampy come on we need to move on i'm on my way i'm on my way i'm sorry mate what's in this chest oh a diamond i found a diamond how many how many was there we had to find um 11 i don't know i can't remember i got my lunch back i found my lunch on my way oh here's my map um right you're kneeling down you're kneeling down come on just a few more blocks i can't i can't muck this up can i cannot die here let's go let's go let's go get the top i'm at the top oh no no fall back down again um are you at the you at the bottom i don't know where i am it could be the top the bottom of the middle you nearly nearly nearly up there we got we're just going to throw that throw the thingy to you they're going to throw the diamond to you why why did you do that why would you thread it to me i thought it was the bottom i thought we're going to keep it you're going to put it in that chest oh no we we we know we we had one you know i can't even get out why is this so how do you get out of this here we go i keep falling through the thingy i can't i keep falling back down again through the minecart what's wrong with you man oh my can you come give me a hand or something why are you being serious i can't get out i can't get out of this minecart i've had more trouble with these than the actually don't be beaten by minecart how do i get out just come on if i look down and press the left right here we go now what now what i'm falling down i'm falling through i'm sinking inside the minecart i can't get out this is hilarious there we go jump no i am jumping if you could see my hands you'll see that my input is correct i'm pressing all the right buttons the game is incorporating there we go i had a little a little boost then come on come on that's the one that's the ticket mate keep it up come on i'm getting worn out here come i'm breaking that minecart and i'm going to move the ladder or something jump right there now there's some ladders here i'll just try one for you i can't get onto that yeah can you put a ladder on or something i'm stuck i'm falling i'm going further down i'm going on i can't even get to the puzzles let alone solve them i've got a ladder for you all right come on i can't i can't i can't get onto this ladder here every time i get out of the minecart i just go down the ladder jump on that i can't come on i can't do anything right well i'm going without you because she's mine everybody's life oh here we go no am i on level three some holes i closed i i'm going up the ladder in the middle right i'm going in in my view i'm going to skip ahead because this is a stupid stupid map um stampy had an emp on his house he lost his controller and his microphone but he's back to join us in the second part so welcome back mr stumpy hey ho like literally my headset ran out of batteries i was like oh no my headset right batteries took it out put my other headset in then looked down and my controller had run out of batteries literally like must have been five seconds apart they both run out of batteries what's going on what is going on um so yeah we're back here on the dropper map with um shoot to kill again he's still here something ain't right something ain't right in my house everything's breaking i don't know like everything electrical's mocking up and these are battery-powered what's affecting them ghosts i reckon oh my god i'm just hoping that i don't run out of batteries oh my god are you back now stumpy are you back i'm here i mean i'm alive let me just let me just reboot you let me everyone finally this is what are we doing again this is hunger games isn't it we're doing wasn't it i lost track oh my god this is the third puzzle right okay so stamp is back he's working he's alive he's been rebooted and refreshed so let me just explain again this is the third puzzle and below the stamp he'll probably just show you he's gonna die um i've worked out the there's four quarters of lava just by looking at it how clever am i um but actually if you go on like each quarter each quarter has water beneath them so there's like signs holding up the lava and then you'll drop through to another bit and they'll be like water again and now i've narrowed it down the top right one you can go through about three times so one two three and then the fourth one will kill you so you need to move on the fourth one okay so oh where two where'd you reckon what left or down one two three oh you can't do it you can't move across fast enough um so maybe you can use a few holes on the top right in the water you can delay it i think like so after you go through your three if you hold a you can swim in that i was doing it i was trying to do it then but it didn't work um there we go so i think the top right one does actually work like no no not like the whole way down though does it no if you've got to swim in all of those these things it says like the x's and the o's so these must mean something like ah okay so yeah yeah okay so we need to go either to either of the bottom two on the final one so the first three top right in the final one either of the bottom two yeah what so you see where the o is that's where you can go so in the first one you can either go to the top right or bottom left the second one top right third one top right so we need to do is go through the top right one and then go down then go down yeah we're bottom yeah bottom right or left let's do it so that's one two three ah i can't make it yeah the homes eat your heart out you can hold a as you go through the water you can slow yourself down oh i died my burning corpse made it to the bottom ah i'm gonna do this one before you for the first time i'm gonna do something more successful than you you're the brains and i'm the good looks normally you do it all more successfully i've got it i've got it i've done it i've done it to the bottom yes i did it took your time squid thanks for joining us normally you're 10 minutes ahead there's a have you got a diamond launcher actually you worked on the puzzle didn't you yeah the diamond's long gone in lava man don't even worry about the diamonds right so we both take the ladders on this this climb because even though these these minecarts traveling system is fancy it just doesn't really work for us does it oh you're gone where have you why are you wandering off i'm i've got i'm outside the map mate i don't know what i've done i don't i i went to see what something was and it was a mine cart and then i went through the water being curious you're like wandering off you're like a dog like a stray cat curiosity killed the stamp oh enough i've just ruined the bottom of this one i broke a block and now the wall is up for her there's a leak i've got some signs though do you need any signs i'm i'm fine thank you okay what is maria oh god i'll be with you in a minute mate don't worry i can't i had don't take away my moment i had my moment of doing something better than you okay let's let's remember that rather than focusing on my current failure where's been working for you nowhere oh no no no no no no no i spawned at the ah i landed on the chest and i went into first person third person but i keep gunning i go into third person mode every time i get like too intense and like i push down the left stick too much i did it yes whoo okay go on then give me your route um go wait when you jump out go to the top left and then just press like come backwards on yourself that's kind of what's kind of what i tried doing then i made it close oops um i think there's a diamond in this chest i'm just going to send it back to the start hit on like the last thing the last little pokey asteroid bit oh it's pitch black here it's absolutely dark oh man i keep looking like i'm gonna make it and i keep like taking a deep breath ready to cheer and excitement yeah come on mate you're the other looks you need to you need to live up to it not anymore not the amount of time i'm landing on my face the thing is i'm going to edit all this out i'm only going i'm only going to show the successful one oh look as soon as i make it i'm going to go whoa first time and then they'll never know only if they would come on your channel my channel here this asteroids one did look cool until i looked at it down to the bottom on the first time oh baby who's only gone and bloody done it he's only gonna bloody done it 20 minutes later stampy long nose dropper extraordinaire service that's what they call me that's why everyone used to call me at school because i used to always drop my pencils under the desk drop your pants i always used to moon people not my pants oh this one's gonna be hard well brilliant and the last one was a piece of cake oh did it yeah oh i haven't even even looked at it yeah hold up mate oh there's no minecart to send this diamondback let's say you spawn quick when you get to the next one before um yeah before it's day okay whoa okay here we go reckon you can sit in any of the mine carts right now yeah i think you could probably do that if you press the left trigger would you survive just before you hit the bottom you probably would i feel i think i've chosen my room i'm ready oh my god this is fun i like this is really good this i i am enjoying this this is you don't seem to be made you seem to be just dying well i am i like i don't enjoy the playing of it per se but when i get to the bottom and i succeed that few seconds of finally i don't have to do that again that makes it worth it oh what what's happening he's taking away like all the losses i think he was trying to help me but it just made it worth it how about oh i've got a ladder i've got one ladder play me shoot to kill and use you hoarding all the ladders oh baby stampy long nose dropper extraordinaire does it again i mean stuck on these ladders for edges good just give me a chance to catch up i'm with you now we can do this together squid stump take a look at it's like a it's like a room oh wow look if you're looking from the side you're in the kitchen what the hell i think i've seen um the yog cast when they did a dropper i do like something very similar to that wow that is epic oh oh wow hello look i've probably seen them so long yeah i see i see oh man wait okay i'm gonna you drop and i'm gonna take this is a screenshot for the thumbnail of the video this is such an awesome sight gone you go and then look up drop down and look up at me as you go guys yeah just go just drop down and look up beautiful you looked amazing i managed to capture the terror in your face oh there's all these little bits of water oh look i think i i almost made it by accident i need to take your screenshots the only way i am going to make it i think i know where i've got to get to you see this little bit of blue here do you want to do you want to pause for the picture as well oh you want to okay i'm going to wave as i fall down okay and i'm dead i saw a diamond there's a diamond i'm going to make it this guy no i'm not that's pretty close right that's that's such a cool map let's take a run and jump ah i think that's the one that we're supposed to land on what's this i went too far that goes so you don't need a swiftness oh you don't all right cool i i actually went over it yeah this looks good this looks good it looks very good stumpy long nose dropper extraordinaire i saw a diamond on the floor somewhere i think it's on the other side up here though i look back up at it look how cool that looks i just don't keep going i thought you would have made it i don't know i'll stand this you got a guide point i can't see it just see i'm being good i'm not running off like you yay very good um right so now guys um unfortunately this is the end of the video so um yeah thank you for watching part one of uh the dropper map so this is by from stampe goodbye everybody and uh bye from me squid see you later guys we'll see in part two bye bye
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 18,643,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Video Game), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay, Commentary, The Dropper, Survival, Adventure, Edition, Version, Online, Download, Ballistic Squid, Daisy, Stat, Trees, Funny, Best, Most, New, Today 2013, HD, Part 1, Map, World, Level, Ever, Biggest, Fun, Block, Build, iEmSoTricky
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2013
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