Minecraft Xbox - All Play And No Work [99]

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hello this is stampee and welcome to a minecraft let's play video this is a video inside of stampy's lovely world and today in this video i am going to be joined by elephant lee and here is his ghostly face there poking out from my painting and here is my breakfast um sadly i'm not very hungry right now do you want some of it do you want some of my breakfast lee there we go you can have some of that maybe at the end of the video i might end up back here then i can have the rest of it i'm also in this video going to be joined by ballistic squid and amy i'm not sure where they are and also henry as well henry's going to be joining me in this video how are you doing today you're all right mate jolly good anyway i'll see you later on okay bye mate see ya he looks just like completely shocked at me just staring at me like what are you doing you crazy cat stampy anyway i've got a really exciting video for you today because uh it's all about just having fun we're going to go to our fun land and have a mini little tournament but i'm going to explain a little bit more about that later and hello scootch you're right there there he is just bursting through my door so the first thing we're going to do as always is add someone to the love garden and today i am adding alicia johnson and that's because she sent me a really cute picture of a cat which is called stampy uh her best friend slash neighbor had a load of kittens and uh just one of them was orange and so um right there squid and so she begged her friend to name it stampy and she eventually agreed and she sent me the picture of the cat as it just opened its eyes and you guys are very hungry today aren't you squid there's a whole cake in my bedroom if you want to go and have some of that anyway off to the fun land so basically now what the plan for this video is is we're going to have a mini tournament uh playing through some of the games that i've built in my fun land just because i spent so long building them and then a very small amount of time playing them and uh i didn't want to start building anything now because in my next video my 100th episode special i have something special planned so i didn't want to have to have a gap for when i did that video but who should i take with me which dog should i bring with me today i think i'm going to take i'll take benton with me you can join me in this video and here's benton over here and you can tell it's benton because he always sits over here by all the food he's a very hungry dog so he always sits down here under all the pork chops and speaking of hungry i've also got a very hungry squid joining me i did mean to take some of those pork chops for myself squid but oh well you just need to make sure that you keep my dog well fed and i know it looks like amy lagged out the game uh hopefully she'll be able to join back in again quickly uh so she won't miss out on any of the fun anyway so what the uh the plan is for the video is um i've got a random game selector machine thing and i'll tell you what it's called in a minute i gave it a really weird name and what we're going to do is we're going to have a whole bunch of different games and then the winner gets a special prize basically whoever gets the most points during the games is allowed to squid you have to walk along the track you always do that basically whoever wins the most games uh gets my spare room uh the room that squid's living in at the moment which used to be craigs uh whoever wins gets that room and if i win i'm going to be nice and i'm going to give the room to henry and i'm going to fill it full of snow and stuff and then that way i'm like really squid really do you have to we've got like not much time to play a lot of games and you really have to go and block the track with all of your food i appreciate you giving me the food back you have to give it back to me in that way yeah so basically the big competition is who gets to have the only other bedroom in my house i got the massive house and apart from my room uh there's only one other room and so it's quite a it's quite a good price to get something that i could assume quite a lot of them uh would want to get so i reckon we're probably gonna get through about four different games maybe and there are more games than that but things like the golf course take absolutely ages so we probably won't have time to get through all of them and we're gonna do it so that if you get first place you get three points uh second place you get two uh third place you get one and if you come and last uh then you don't get any points so we're gonna have a running tally which i'm gonna be jotting down and this is how we decide which games we're going to play i got a crazy random fun picker mixer upper and basically when i press this button and don't press it yet a random item is going to fly out from that dispenser and that is going to decide which game we're going to be playing first so do you want to stand back squid and then i'm going to go and try and decide which one the first one's going to be it's a feather which means it's the ugly duck fling the uh the feather represents the chickens over here and the way this game works i'm not sure if everyone's played this is you get a um a uh a fishing rod and there's a load of ducks inside there and you basically need to fling the ducks from one side to the other and um this is this is a this is a team game so there's only going to be first or second place so as soon as amy joins us and here she is pounding towards us you can join in yeah so basically we need to split into teams and then um yeah so whoever's in the first place team or the second place team uh they will get like the first place points and so don't start without us there should be uh two chickens in either side hopefully so yeah there's two in that side and two in this side so um do you wanna come with my team amy and then we'll do me and amy against squid and lee and i'm just going to do a timer let me just get my phone out quick and i'll just time it for should we say a minute about a minute to have the game and whoever's got the least chickens in their side after a minute wins so if i do a timer very quickly one minute is everyone in position come on amy you're my teammate you need to get up here you see the big massive chicken uh that's that's where we are um i'm not sure i think she's trying to go inside is she where are you amy has she come up oh there she is i think she came up as i dropped down right so this is gonna be um your side down there you see where i'm firing it that's your side and this is our side so you need to flick the chickens out of your side we will start in three two one go and the time is going so we need to try and get the chickens out of our side there we go look at that oh i almost got it out in one there there's a little chicken hiding down there in the corner there seems to be a few fences missing and it's trying to get out the water good fling there amy good fling and i know we still got two on our side right i need to get this one out what you want to do is you want to grab it then move back a bit and then try and fling it and see if you can get it across oh no no look they've gone into our side no no there's three on our side amy come on come on big swings we got to get one of them across i don't think i've got any across yet i did really well at this last time i played it i'm doing awful now i think it's easier to get them when they're further back it's easier to get more momentum from them swinging and i don't know i've got a chicken stuck down here i don't know if they got all of them on our side i think they're dominating us come on amy come on get flinging use the wrist action try and get some of them across i think i got one did i get one i think that one just about got over the fence we're on with a chance here we're gonna chance we've got like eight seconds left on the timer we've only got one chicken i know they got another one across no they're getting them all back oh but lee's lagged out this gives us a chance i know it's kind of not fair but it gives us a chance and there's time everyone stopped looking at this one got out there's one escaped i flinged it all the way out and the time has gone everyone stopped flicking right how many have we got on each side one two three oh we got three in our side squid's got none in his side and one chicken seems to have escaped that one got free directly i can fling it back in can i reckon i can get it come on can i lift it up uh no okay that one can roam free that one's managed to escape from the game and lee don't worry it doesn't matter that you lagged out because you still won anyway uh so what this means is lee and squid both got three points and me and amy both got two points so yeah bad start for me but no worries next game next game this is just one of many back to the um what's it called again the crazy random fun picker mixer upper so everybody stand back make sure you're not standing right in front of it pork chops the pig game all right i think we need to switch around the teams on this one i think this time we need to reunite the prized porkers no you don't want to do you want to stay with squid you want to stay with squid okay do you want to be oh he does you want to be with the prized porkers there we go okay reuniting the prize porkers the mighty unbeatable uh combination of bear and cat which me and lee are so it's going to be the the sea creatures squid and amy against the other land animals the prized porkers and uh we built this very recently we're only going to have one go so do you want to go down and i'll go on the pig yeah if you go on blue side lee and you two if you go down to red side so one of you needs to go downstairs with lee and just copy what he does yes a squid you want to go downstairs if you follow me down this way you need to go into your side and hold the wheel i know he's played this before so he should know what he's doing and you need to go into the onto the red side amy so if you go if you go through the maze aim and you go to the red side and then just go and sit on the pigeon there and so i'm gonna sit down here and if you haven't seen the video when we built this um then where have you been we've put it very recently basically what you need to do is get your pig from your side to their side pick up two levers and then get all the way back and place down the two levers and so far me and lee the prized porkers are undefeated at this game and hog wheels as the other team are called um i think they have only lost although um squid hasn't actually played this in a video this is going to be his first time so as long as everyone's ready um let's get going on get i just realized gamer tags are off actually this thing i'm going to quickly put gamer tags on just so everyone can see where we were we're actually playing some hunger games before we did this video so uh gamer tags are off so amy you need to get uh onto your pig now where was amy wandered off to are you not playing amy you're not joining in with the fun you need to come in here and you need to sit when you think oh is the pig not in here there's no pig there's a there's a missing pig oh i don't know where's the pig on then is it somewhere in the maze has it escaped somewhere oh no this ruins it this ruins the game we can't play it oh that's so nice it escaped how many pigs we got we got the one pig here i think one of the pigs has escaped i don't know if we got any more saddles over here i think all of the saddles are back at the place okay i don't think we can play this game i think this game must be out of order one of the pigs must have escaped oh that's so annoying we have got spare pigs i don't think we've got any saddles in here though do we there's a lot of random stuff though okay okay let's let's change let's go back to the um the random game generator well actually should we go to sleep first i'll go pick a game everyone go to bed and then we'll do a new game in the morning oh what are disappointed i wanted to have the reunition at the re um reunition the reunion of the other prized porkers uh so yeah if everyone goes and has a quick nap we'll go to see what the next game is and the next game is going to be the boat the boat race crystal waters that is going to be so that is what we're going to be playing next if you wait uh one second before you join in lee uh we'll have a quick sleep and then you can join in afterwards and then we can carry on in the morning yeah so we're going for the boat race this is a good one all for your all against all no teams or anything the first person to get across the finish line wins only one lap so it's going to be properly intense okay you can join back in now lee we've had our nat we're ready in the morning we've got another full day of games i knew we wouldn't get many games done i knew that like by the time we got here we got settled we wouldn't have any many games done we've only done one so far we're like 12 minutes into the video to be fair i did have squid hindering me getting over here at the start of the game and piling things up on the track so this is a very simple one actually it's basically get in your boat sell your way around and then once you get to the finish line you've won there is a rule though if your boat breaks at any time you gotta stay in the water and just carry on walking around okay and you can still win and you can block people in the boats no punching though no trying to break other people's boats so what you need to do put your boat down here on the ground and just get into it uh benton you can be on my side and then when i pull the lever uh we're all going to be off if you try and find some room oh lee's off lee's cheety come back here lee i don't think that there's much room it's kind of tight oh you have to get right in front of me don't you oh my boat is blatantly going to break now all right let me let me go back here right here we go let's just just set this off out of the way benton and we are off and lee's boat oh no leaves both broke already i just got pushed in the ground help me out help me out where am i i'm just falling through the ground that was the worst start ever right where's other they're both off still they're both off right carry on i did say a rule we got to stick to it it might be because you put your boat on top of me but we have to keep walking down and remember it's not all just about being in first place uh the amount of points you get is also determined on uh second third and fourth it looks like amy's got stuck we've got a chance to overtake him and i'm completely behind everyone because i glitch through the floor i think i am definitely going to get last place but lee does have a chance of catching up with amy i think squid has won has amy's boat broke no amy's still going i know this isn't really a proper boat race but if i make up a rule saying that if your boat breaks and then you gotta carry on i suppose i might as well stick with it although my boat did break the second the game started i'm not gonna be a cheater so that was that was squid first place um amy second place lee third i say that he's not crossed the line yet we've got to still keep going and he's crossed the line and i'm last place so that's um three points for squid uh two for amy um one for lee and none for old stampy cat here sad face me anyway no time to dwell it's all on the next game now i still got plenty of time to do a comeback i've only got two points so far i'm doing i'm doing worst out of everyone and i'm i'm the person that helped build every single one of these games i want the dunking booth that's that's my favorite one the dunking booth there i reckon i've got the best chance winning that one uh that's a fish that's a fish in it right does someone else want to press the button everyone stand back so you're not in front of it lee you want to do the honors do you want to do the the random game generator it's a snowball what does snowball mean um golf that's golf okay i don't think we're gonna have time to do all of the holes because it takes ages um but if we do the uh if we just all do one hole if we all do the final hole that might be the best way to do it because it takes absolutely ages so everyone grab either one snowball or am or a slime and then we come over to this whole first so do you want to go firstly as soon as you're already here and so we need to see how many froze you can do it in we might have a few draws in this one there's his first throne he's gone in the water you've got to leave now you're going to leave it you've got to wait until it stops moving then you're going to throw the ball again from wherever it stops so that that's one throw what's what's the path for this one it's a par 5 lee so you still got plenty of time and benton you can sit down so you're not getting into someone's way you can sit down there right go for your second throw lee you got a throw from there you can see him there thinking and oh it just about stayed at the end you're lucky there lee you're lucky there go for your next throw so that's two throws so far he's actually doing okay he's actually doing pretty well people normally get it stuck in the water for a lot longer than that or when he's gone straight into the cake this hole is actually called hungry stampy i decided to call it you've got to throw the ball through my mouth and the hole's in the middle in there right go on go and you got a front from there so you can get it in my mouth or very closely it kind of looks like i'm dribbling a bit there and was he got it in did that go in has it i didn't oh no it hasn't gone in yet he's got another throw there we going to get since that was what that was one uh two three four five throws that was for early five throws i think is that right so he threw into the water one then to there two three four five no six throws six frozen league got okay so everyone needs to try and beat six that was okay lee that wasn't too bad no need to take it out on my hedges okay squid you're up you've got six throws to beat there have slight foot fault there but i'm going to let you off squid i know that was a really good throw look he got it right on the edge there he's got a good chance he could probably get this and maybe three or four throws if he does this really well try and get it past the cake if you can oh and he's done it oh look at that he could get it in three i think that's the best you can get it in is he gonna do it is he gonna get in the hole listen out for the ding yes he got it in him free that is gonna be the one to be okay amy you're up the pressure's on you now sorry for making you have to follow squid but that was very impressive so you don't want to throw it too far don't overshoot it that's looking good looking good that could be a competition for squid here so you want to try and do basically copy exactly what squid did on your go come on amy she's there psyching herself up and she's done as well she could do it again she could do it in three as well go and see if you can get it in the hole can she get it in go on big throw straight straight through my mouth go and throw it inside my head and oh i just about got it oh she's got to get it she got one more throw to get it in if she gets in now she's got it in four which would put a directly in between squid and lee come on amy try and get it in yay so lee was six squid was three and rosie was four and the pressure's on me oh squid's getting confident he thinks he's done enough he's going to leave the game right the trick is not to throw it too far so if i do it to like there oh don't fall in don't fall in don't fall in look at that i'm in with a chance here i could do the same as squid right let's get right to the edge here i've got to throw it past the cake straight to my mouth right go go go go go go yes i got to pass the cake oh no it didn't glitch back you saw that that went past the cake that's not fair oh no i don't think i can beat squid though but i could go for a joint second place with amy let's try and make it land in my mouth if i can oh very close there's another dribbler there's another dribblers that was like one two three if i get this in now then i can be drawing with amy and i'll settle for that i'll settle for a joint second place and it's in it's in it's straight in jolly good so of the score squid's got another three points amy got two uh i got two and because lee you were third you still get one as well so that's not that's not bad so squid is streaking ahead in this game he wants to keep that room he's got settled in that bedroom and he doesn't want anyone else to take it and uh this video is going to go on for slightly longer than my normal videos by the way because i'm enjoying this and i want to play some more games so back to the crazy random fun picker mixer upper squid you want to press the button everyone stand back so we can see what it is go on press it what's it going to be what's it going to be it's a piece of glass and this is uh crystal rapids this is my bumper cars dodgem game it's basically king of the hill and so if lee you can join back in there's awful connection problems going hopefully they don't uh ruin the games too much but basically what we need to do is we go up here above where the boat races was and i don't know how many of you have seen this game basically you need to stay in the middle for as long as you can while trying to knock other people out and we normally do it so you got several lives but this time i'm going to do it so that once you're knocked out you are out and you're not coming back in so everyone needs to climb up to the top of one of the towers and you need to go and grab a boat you place the boat down on the lowest block you see there's like a little lower level of like uh snow and you place it down there near where the button is and then you sit down in the boat and you float to the edge very gradually and then when you press the button you're going to jump in uh so lee if you want to try and get back in the game i'm going to try and invite him back in and uh hopefully he's going to be able to join us in in this if i just said oh is he lagged offline completely i think we've lost ali has he gone offline okay sadly lee is out of this round so it's gonna be in between uh us three so i'm gonna do a countdown when i say go press the button and swim into the raised bed in the middle three two one press the button everyone down there squid's falling in there's amy dropped in as well so you need to swim into this little higher area here and once you're dropped back down you are out so you want to try and stay safe stay in the middle and try and knock other people out i don't want to play passive in this i want to go and try and knock other people out i believe squid is the reigning champion at this so uh he's probably going to be my person to be let's see if i can nudge him out he's getting very close to the edge i don't know amy's going in for the attack has she gone too far though she's just about managed to stay in i forgot how exciting this game is and look at lee oh no no not lee sorry squid going right to the edge i've locked him i've locked him i've knocked him right i'm going in for the attack i know i'm getting i'm getting stuck here you want to always just make sure you're on the inside in this squid out look how close he is go on one more knock i can get him i can get him i can get him oh no amy no no no no no i'm out i got pushed down only just i nearly got back in there but i am out of it in between amy and squid it does kind of make sense that a mermaid and a squid would be the two people left playing in this game right i want to invite lee back in but i really want to carry on watching i want to see uh who's going to win come on come on guys go on bang into each other i am he's going right to the edges amy out no she's just about managed to stay in squid's going in for another attack though banging into where they sort of both got knocked back there go on one of you trying not the other person now this is so close oh that was a big bash and squids out amy won it amy was the victor knocking squid the champion off his throne that's going to muck up the scores a lot now that's going to make amy be able to catch up so amy gets three points uh squid gets two where i get one and unfortunately lee through no fault of his own uh doesn't get any points that round so um yeah let's do another game should we just do all of the games should i just keep recording until i've got through all of the games because i'm just enjoying this so much i'm gonna see if i can try and get lee back into the game has he come back online there we go lee is back online so if we all quickly go to sleep while he's joining in and then we can carry on doing the games after i believe we got uh two more games to play i think we got either the um the uh the sheep shearing game sheer fun uh all the dunking booths so seeing as there are googlies ruining our fun if you're going head to sleep now uh we can carry on uh basically what's happening is that you had to miss out on one round on the um the dodgems king of the hill uh so sadly you've lost out for points on that round but you can still win uh if you go and win the next two rounds uh you are still in with a good chance i do believe uh that i am still right at the bottom and you know what squid this time i'm going to sleep in my bed as soon as you stole my bed last time so i put some music on should i put some chirp on no lee come on that's my bed please no i got it i got it as you tried to get in it come on squid bed we've got a lot of games to play in the morning you need to be quick i'm so enjoy i'm having so much fun seriously i spend so long like building all of these games and then like i play them once then never play them again i'm just i'm having fun doing a video where i'm just trying to have as much fun as i can and one at a time on the ladder right one of you go first okay go on amy ladies first that's why squid went first uh-huh only joking okay so let's go back down to the uh the random game picker mixer upper randomizer whatever it's called i believe it's your turn to press the button now amy so everyone stand back do you want to do the honors give it a press what's it going to be it's it's the sheep shearing game the sheer fun game i love this game so much mainly because i am yet to be defeated at it it's kind of a little bit of a speciality of mine and it's basically that big rubik's cube over there and you need to die sheep your color and then shear them and once you've got enough blocks in your color you can pull them up to win so everyone needs to pick a a color a squid you go blue i go yellow lee you go green and amy you go red so if you stand on the pressure pad you're going to get all of the uh the dye and the shears of your color that you need and you should have i think it's five die and one pair of shears sometimes the machine's a bit violent and kind of just fires them out at you so make sure you've only got five died don't cheat and have any more looks like lee's made a mess and thrown his all over the floor and yeah go into your pod and let me just quickly check that uh has all been reset from the last time we played so let me just see if i can quickly look uh no the blocks are up so i just need to reset it very quickly if i go down here this should hopefully reset it yep i heard them all go down i have pressed the start button everyone inside your pods when the middle block lifts up you're allowed to start so you're not allowed to share your sheep yet no shearing already you haven't cheered have you there squid no good boy just see your little head poking out there so make sure you've got your shear and your dye ready and we're about to begin here we go this is my turn this is my chance to catch up with everyone else this is my my speciality and we're about to begin come on block lift up i hate the tension as you're waiting for it to go at the beginning of the round and we are off i'm going straight up to the top oh look at that look at that parkour straight up here go and die as many as i can shear them shear them shear then that's a good start from me i can get another one here as well and get it again how's that for a start how many i've got nine already already got nine wall this is why i am the sheep shearing champion and i can run back down to here and share another sheep and i've got 12. i've won i've won already that's the world's quickest game last time we played it took ages but i was so quick getting up to the middle i can go press the button and then i can go jump down here and i can hear my little song playing my little ding-a-ling yay victory that is how we do it i'm not messing i'm not playing around i want to win this i want to win this for henry right let me mark down the score so that's uh free for me and i don't know like does anyone else like there wasn't really a second or a third place was there it was just i won everyone else was lost so i yeah i think that's given me a good chance now i'm kind of catching up with everyone i haven't counted up the scores yet but it's looking very close actually everyone's in with a chance so we are now on to the final game and i believe the only game we have left is the dunking booth so um yeah let's just press it to confirm it and yep there's the little fish coming out and so the way we're gonna do this is um i guess we just see who does it with the least shots uh so i'm gonna go up first to get dunked lead you want to get your bow and arrow and sit in the mine cart and it doesn't matter who's getting dunked it's just how many shots it takes for you to uh try and dunk someone so don't shoot yet make sure i can see you so i can count and then we'll see how many shots it takes you so i am in position right everybody count the shots go on lee he's taking his time he's lined up that's one shot has he got it did he get it in one no he didn't get it in one oh that that was wide i can see it going down there go and go again late oh that's close is that one no oh no it hasn't gone no no he hasn't he hasn't that's three so far going for his four shot that's number four is he on it no go for number five this is so ted six seven who's going for rapid fire eight nine he's using it for nine he got me a nine and then used a fishing rod so that's lee did it in nine shots let me just take a quick note of that or is i'm gonna forget right does someone else wanna go in someone else go and sit in the um get a bow and arrow and sit in the mine car let me just put this up here uh what can they have to shoot uh they could have to shoot a piece of melon this round it doesn't matter what's in the item frame so yeah someone's sitting down oh where's the mine cart gone has at least stole the minecart where was lee gone oh has he gone up to get dunked has he um i'm not i'm not sure where he's gone or where the the minecart's gone is he lagged out um lee what was he doing down here i was he ashamed of himself has he stole the mine cart and he no no there we go there's the mine cart back there right amy you want to get up to the top so you can go and get dunked you go and stand on the end of that little trapdoor and then then squid you want to go shooting so you can start shooting now squid it's okay i mean we just need to see how many shots you do at him right so i'm ready to count shoot away one two three four remember nine to beat five amy's there in position six seven eight oh very close nine oh he hasn't beat lee ten he's getting closer though eleven further away twelve oh look how close that is thirteen further away fourteen he's getting closer amy's looking pretty confident up there fifteen sixteen come on squid you can do it 17 maybe not he's going again he's probably taking his time with this one 18 completely wide 19 going for rapid fire 20 has he given up is he giving up okay i i do i say 20 can be the max but always he's he's rage quit at the game so that's a 20 for squid and then he left okay if you stay up there amy i'm gonna hop in and then i'll see how well i can do uh so if i get a bow and a bunch of arrows here and see if i can get down in this minecart oh i wouldn't stand there by the way leo get behind me i'm not a good shot right go oh look how close that was for a first shot one two i got in two in two see you later amy the mermaid can go back to the water where she belongs two shots right so it's um you want to try and get it in one shot amy but also if you get it in less than nine are you going to beat lee and if you get it in less than 20 uh you're going to beat squid so uh squid you want to go up to get dunked i believe it's your turn after that shameful experience i think lee's going up there do you want to both go up together you can both go and get dunked at the same time okay amy where whereabouts are you and i got a bow and arrow for you here so you basically just need to sit in the minecart and uh try and hit the item frame if you can is amy still here where's that where do people keep hiding where do they keep running away and going this is the final one this is the big decider so depending on how well amy does now will affect everything and decide who the winner is and where is amy where did she just disappear to you got to fall down the hole in the middle amy what's going on someone blocked it up or something what's going on is amy there's a little hole in the middle of the floor down they just need to drop through amy she drowned how did she drown she's a mermaid how did the mermaid manage to drown well let me just make sure no one's blocked out that hole they didn't did they let me go with a look maybe she just couldn't find it or something um no look there's a hole right here i just i don't think she could find it or not it doesn't matter she's going to spawn right here anyway so she can go and carry on uh there's a bow for you there amy and uh here's a bunch of arrows for you so remember you want to get it preferably in one shot uh if not you want to make sure you at least get less than nine so here's a bunch of arrows for you and oh i've blocked her i've blocked her right don't shoot yet there we go there we go and she is off go on good luck one two oh she's getting quite close straight away all on the target three once again on the target four and the target's still no cigar though five in the exact same place six seven seven shots she did it in seven so she did it she managed to beat lee and so that's three points for me uh that's going to be two for amy uh that's going to be one for lee and unfortunately that is going to be zero for squid so this is the big decider now let me count up the points and lee managed to get one two three four five six points overall amy got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve squid got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven total he only got eleven amy's in the lead so far and joe me stampy got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven which means amy is the victory lee got six me and squid joined on 11 and amy the dark cores out of nowhere managed to get 12 which means you are my new housemate you're the person that's going to be coming and living in my room so sorry for that henry if you can hear me over at my house sorry you don't get the room and that was such a close game i can't believe how close it ended unfortunately lee did lag out so that probably put him behind a little bit but that was jolly good fun it looks like both squid and lee are quite embarrassed and have decided to kill themselves under the ground but congratulations amy have some melons to celebrate uh sadly though that is the end of this video hopefully you didn't mind it being a bit long and you did enjoy and hello squid you spawned up on the roof did you so thank you everybody for watching and i will see you all later bye [Music]
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 28,199,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Video Game), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Edition, Version, Console, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Stampy, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, All Play And No Work, Part 99, Play, Funland, Game, Ballistic Squid, Lovely World, Tournament, Competition, Gameplay, Commentary, Funny, Best, Most
Id: VuBpiii1WBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2013
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