Minecraft Xbox - Portal - Thinking With Portals {1}

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[Music] hello this is stampy and welcome to another minecraft xbox 360 adventure map today i'm with basic spirit who's in a slippery cauldron splish Splash splish splash splash you jump in the Kudrin I jump in the bed yes I hated everything anyway you do not know what Matt this is do youth could not get is this some kind of like hypnotherapist you do not know what Matt this is you do not know what's coming know what what's coming what we do it is this a fishing fishing ball simulator let's play adventure maps' so you do know what one it is I wanted to surprise you we're playing the fishing boat simulator adventure map 2.0 see what I'm really excited because they have our colors so this is this this excites me if I found here then you stand next to me then we're perfectly camouflaged and no one would know we're here no one is none the wiser it is a clue it is it is a big clue a very big clue can you can you work it out total number one that boat not it's not that obvious a clue because they think about it so in a room some sort of chamber and there's these wheels this says there's a door or some sort of a mortal pour portal it's a portal a blue one in an orange one right yeah this is this is portal basically this is they obtain squid in da and we've got a chest a always colors of music system chirp on Shou we can have these and let's take a few of them let us take to each I like that mil of whatever it is in church let's go and plunk chirp bomb we can have that playing in the background while we read the sign so and this mat was built by dy l and Jojo the rules are don't break blocks unless you place them and have fun that's pretty much the rules and oh there was help from Sam stub oh and Greg and oh ho and okay so when picking a map you know I generally don't like parkour maps I like puzzle maps I don't like parkour maps this is a puggy hawk or mapping so I wasn't gonna do it but then I looked at the map and I read this sign here and it says around the map there are ingredients for a cake find them all there is even going to be a party for you and so because of that I've decided to do the map because there's yeah if we if we get all the ingredients we get cake so if we do all these hard pack or puzzles go through all of the stress and all of that then there's a party waiting for us at the end that is that's the reward then yeah exactly exactly so um I guess I'm good here we go we couldn't pull these levers to get up here and if none of you were well some of you don't know what portal is portal is a another video game where you're going through a whole lot of test chambers in that game you're using portals in Minecraft they don't have portals so I guess they won't be so as many just gonna be a a puzzle and format we we are that we are that we are the testis we are the TomTom test subject 1 and your test subject to for the drift of the map we shall refer to each other as a test subject 1 and test subject to okay so don't I'm pulling the lever test subject 1 okay I'm pulling the lever stress test subject to anyway so yeah we're on a very good the sign says very good thank you very much you and we do have it set so that whoo-hoo we keep our belongings if we die just to make things I don't know why I thought of doing that all that this war down here it's go in the water whoof there we go you get a feel a little bit toasty you can drop down here quit oh wait good sealed away behind some sort of false finish class false filled with a party hat walking around her yeah well there's a button over there oh ok so it's gonna be a time thing right hey I'll press the bottom for you in the new press the bottom for me or you can just do it yourself bad I knew they brought my tentacles that no I jump straight over it so if you so it has begun yeah we've regeneration on no no you just go up go up normally right press the bottom for you go right three two you got a job three slow guys gone in the drink yes I was gonna say if you weren't sure what to expect with this map pretty much this pretty much this is what this is gonna be so if you like to see people really bad at doing things over and over again but having fun while doing it and this would be the series for you right there is a story and there are puzzles as well so they're the parcours for squid because he's he you love this you love doing it and I do and wait do you just love waiting for me you just love the fact that you're better I tell you what you're doing wrong you're going to the wrong you guys are wrong ladder go to this one purse there's one at the side of a block okay though is that one that's Ruby so it's like a dummy that throws you off yeah it's right here Oh it'll land on the block first up so you gotta land on the block that is it it's an integral part of this this puzzle okay you can do this right that one very time because I've done it so many times it's always slippery I keep bringing all that water Appa gets stuck in my fur you see now I can jump on the block I think yeah whoo yeah you see I go mental block you see once I build a certain amount of times I start getting all panic on Nick again who's there leave it oh okay yeah we've got a flavus guys sorry you can you can come up on the next Ravana we're doing clean this together no you're gone right I guess you just got our I reckon we hope we open there's a door up here which is open I reckon we opened up and all oh okay this is a bit when the ominous through here this is one chamber number two Oh Aperture Science advanced Denis replace them we got some advanced knee replacements one my knees are very low down I'm doing the thing you know what um if you kneel down then put shoes in front of you and you look really small I'm doing yeah yeah these of these are my knees that's the way I go around the place I don't if I don't work I can the sky look we can escape we can xscape squid oh I can see terribly already done the puzzle staying there I'm already like are you doing what she's supposed to do I was trying to accept really out of it don't forget we need to find ingredients for cakes they look for secret areas that matters more than completing the map ok I got a feeling that we're gonna have to do their work to get the kick though yeah it's a lot of parkour as well ok I've done it ok up to now worried ok sure ok - shall we do like each parkour map ok it will be we got to be nice to each other so no like going crazy but the first person to succeed gets like a prize or like the other person gets a forfeit just to make it into it like each one its own little game and I go no sure you want to do that man I'm still ahead I'm still ahead of you just gonna make up these rules just as you're about to reach the topic I win again well merely yeah X yeah wait I get there yeah I decide I see it Oh easy easy this one's the tricky one is stopped II told you see I was just proving a point what I'm doing well there there's a well I hate jumping off a ladder like doing well I missed it it was like it wasn't like mine your head has yeah I'm giving you a tip here Matt I'm letting you know what's coming up ok ok right where do we mind our head no we can do this one we can do that one and this one and this one and then here we go onto the ladders and I have done so the privy the million cake and then the loser has to sing a some of the other persons choosing and I choose Britney Spears hit me baby one more time please quit legit and you gotta sing it in a Russian accent please despite IV wanted you to do that for years this is finally my chance let me see there's some signs up here your progress has been excellent in this test I think this I think the signs for me squid I think you got a different one let me see the headmaster yeah yeah I think I think you're gonna have your your own sign up here ah no either you've done it Russian accent I'm doing Richard okay you might bad I'll just let you do it literally Russian you screwed it really fast whatever it was it was beautiful whatever I mean I don't know everything today's a song I consider more of a sound a noise I would consider that careful oh oh look they're tricking us to make a look like we're gonna get bird but we go down here no no how many how many cakes are we gonna see before we actually get to eat one of them oh whoa yeah I found a door I can see a horse I can see a horse there's a horse out a companion cube stamps did you yeah look here take your compassion cube that's a piece of sand ah okay on the red player take your companion cube okay we need to we need to take that always hanging to your value yeah so you need to if we lift that down can you can you grab it now the cube you're they're going to lift it up it's lift it up the cube so now you can jump up anyway ah this is carries the next test it's a mess I can't wait don't go yet don't yet the last run fewer through the maze have to thing I can't even pick the song this time the last one has to sing jingle bells okay three two one go go go go go it's not the right season for jingle bells I'm gonna sound ridiculous officer seemed to be quite an easy one I might regret saying that but there's lots of multiple routes all over the place and I've gone all the wrong haha there's oh here we go I'm at the end this one was easy anyway the door's locked though okay okay I found the door but the doors locked we need to find a lever or something still not done it yet okay we got to go we got to go find the lever I'm just I'm just running around looking for that lever oh there we go are through I'll just wait at the door come on squid can you hear something I think I can hear some bells ringing I believe tink tink jigs gingka fast Batman smells don't pick up will by ping ping with pixels there's nobody thinking with portals it's full of spiders than classes and things as well it did actually say whether I don't know what used to be doing this on peaceful or not but yeah it seems to be lots of things oh you put it on the wrong the wrong faith ideal Oh she'll slumber collaborate some last take out the spider from the the bed first and shall we get off it get off it - Ryder champion should we do that we don't ride sleep sleep we want to keep it night do you even English let's just jumping in and out of bed I was I was gonna say that was a simple putt oh no I think we need to say goodbye to our companion cube ah do it I think we need to throw the companion cube one here so we can go through but how do we get it back like this no we know the dead boy though does not we just use this lever through the door but met ready watch this drilling where this wizardry really even though you've lost the companion cube we could just rest upon ah oh you just go back and get it can't you the doors open very clever right lots of buttons and oh ok I remember you you're not allowed to leave the the companion cube remember you got to keep it with you so you were very helpful for men you were to go back and get back you but someone I hope you're ready for that oh forget him don't worry are you we gonna get oh no I got my one we don't want to eat well supposed to do with it Eric you gonna press I reckons one of the buttons is gonna make a block toke out you just better Oh old now I gotta do it properly though we did what was it okay that bottom one there right yeah nope is it on that one dude this one just don't just press the marmot that one don't okay right I got it but but but there we go okay I can do this this is this is how about one of these buttons do anything is there another block supposed to come out make this job a babies leave is for I give him a pool so happens OOP ah that was a real good job I can do it next time I know what I'm doing now though he just banging into it well that was stuck you start right I'm stuck man there's a cap press anymore visas old reckon is a button I gotta press okay I'll gonna press all those buttons underneath you when I get up there if I get up there and I'll see if they do anything all right let's go away up here and here okay so let me start pressing these buttons I'm hoping to Pistons not gonna push me off lot lot would be believers as well okay I just made a block go behind me all you have to do with the levers right down is is that all you need or do you need more I don't know we'll find out you're saving you you didn't you didn't come up with a song for me though so you and I and I helped you and I hope to be I did help you you got a could we make this down it on my I'm gonna be here all day so come on it you can you can do this so no I don't know why I put myself through these I don't know why I said I don't like him but I keep coming back I think I feel like I need to prove something to myself and everyone else yeah you do MIT you need to prove yourself that you wear this so come on do it here I mean I'm obviously doing it right which but I made there was a button that made up one come out around here I know maybe come up behind me there is there a one that makes one come out in front of me here you just made one comment down below yeah did I and yeah there was one that came down below this job can just about make but it's really difficult to make I don't know if there's one there yeah I made it you know I made it or it's just can we do that one okay this is this is the problem once I failed once I found a few times I start trying to go too quick and I panic and then it just gets worse and worse and work you need to you know you need to talk me down though this is this is why we're a team right okay be right press some buttons tabs there we go right now get right in between the center of these two blocks in for the right-hand side there we go got to your left ladder next to the Lexx Lila's next line to this one this one's tricky like she bang your head dude that brick that and then just run right up you catch me catch me that's a bit worried a little bit maim dy l and Jojo why would you do such a thing - what's up sweet squid don't turn around you've got a mo yeah you got a M you what you got an arrow in a bit of an awl could place this oh oh and you ought in your head as well it was blocked by your party huh right I'm getting a killin I'm getting it I'm getting it skeleton in the middle come on get in between us Shirley's concentrated on me look at yours sounds look at yours how do you do that how do you get this photo rekt oh I think I'm picking up radio 4 on this thing is in antenna where would they own its Paula oh yeah we've got to get up higher here somehow right if we if I keep it if we keep jumping then you switch it again is that all gonna jump up to there oh I see okay so so is that what does this diva does what does that one do there's one up here can do here was this from do I don't know okay I'm thinking this one maybe I don't think it's I don't have to do that companion cube maybe I can't jump up to here anymore oh oh yeah you leave leave that one as it is was that this one here yeah so that one needs to be down just so we can get back up and then this one what was this one doing can you see it tool you can see there the light chain what a guy so there anyone in the world I was doing that on there okay I thought you was trolling me oh oh oh now now is the one we can do tur this isn't helping us is it there we go done it how did you do that right jump it can you John oh yeah okay well you need your companion cube to do it without the company you don't need the gun you just gonna jump up from there I mean that's the same oh you can just jump to the block across the way except for the lion yeah and then jump back then oh we got repulsion gels test chamber number five and where are these cake ingredients this bit this is what I came here for the cake ingredients and all squared squared I'm dizzy I'm dizzy [Music] a monster repulsion gel and I'm spitting really really fast I feel sick just completely get it or I'll give you another and we broke up Oh creeper creeper Oh nearly get it get an I hope it's not a pot of red stirred down and anymore right well guess this is very good yeah the rod there are more creepers okay across the other side underneath there's another creeper Desmond a peaceful model I'll see what mobs are actually contributing to this money yeah oh yeah they may be a hospital around us don't fall you see underneath your squid there's a creature just don't blow it up squid on it no no I got to do it what can hear a cow maybe that's one ingredient that's squid why did you do a broken um good good job it's all to be but wasn't my fight I didn't miss any jumps it's just the creeper that's just close enough to UM get me can you come down please you're gonna have me to help me but she fight I break the water I wasn't the ice making into water oh okay there's some signs if you break a sign that I can swim up if you come down actually I could use my guinea breaks and you swim up we go because I need the water and you know that you need to break the signs of the water comes down please I shall I better do it can i no no I can't I need you I need to square bracket sign I need you because it's too high you just prayed that back that bottom one enough low he was at Weaver wasn't my father the creeper was there I didn't miss any job and it just blew me up and it was upsetting and now I'm upset so because I was gonna make it I didn't I did all the jumpy jobs fine you just waving at me like repeatedly tough a bit to like stay in the same position otherwise just like yeah yeah just bobbing up and down like hitting him Bob well we will be going into I don't know soon as a Campbell he's like squish room up here dude his cage not having much room I can hear him I don't remember this in a this in the game the the mushrooms right is this the same okay who's in the deals it was in the mushroom DLC I didn't know that one must have passed me by oh ow okay there was gentle drops until there or there's bats down it someone needs to clean this up Oh creeper creeper squid squid squid squid squid squid squid don't blow it up please hahahaha there we go minimal doe it's visible damage anyway we are surly just about run out of time with this episode we didn't do too bad actually we didn't do too bad I'm quite proud of it we did really well for change and hopefully in the next episode we are gonna do even better so the bay links are in the description once it's online but for now we want to thank you all for watching and we will see you all later [Music]
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 13,816,215
Rating: 4.7892709 out of 5
Keywords: Portal (Award-Winning Work), Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Puzzle Game (Media Genre), Portal 2 (Video Game), Gameplay, Commentary, Stampy, Adventure Map, World, Online, Download, Part 1, Ballistic Squid, Stampy Cat, Stampylonghead, Stampylongnose, Video Game (Industry), Thinking With Portals
Id: GZdbv8x65Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 20 2015
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