Can You Beat Minecraft In A Cave Only World?

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so surely by now most of you are aware of the upcoming caves update for minecraft 1.17 is gonna be a big one but in the meantime what i thought we would do is actually play a really interesting world type so if you go more world options we've done the super flat we've done the single biome there's also caves um it's really hard because it's it's literally nothing but caves it's what that means is there are no trees no friendly mobs no villages nothing grows here despite there actually being dirt and grass it's really hard this this isn't our first take but this is the seed that we actually discovered which seems to be particularly good for this so yeah oh you guys aren't ready for this okay so oh yeah skye right yeah looks looks beautiful over there yeah it's just it's just cave just cave as far as the chunks can see see just just more cave there's already an enemy coming for us okay i need i need dirt yeah this is sick yeah oh actually that's gonna be important now you're probably wondering patrick how are you going to get wood yeah that's a good question the first thing we're going to do and the reason that i i've decided to stick with this seed is because that is up right there now as long as we cannot get destroyed by like the 18 mobs in front of us and trust me there are like 18 mobs in front of us we've already got oh okay no we want to go around run okay i'm just gonna go for this yep nice okay all the way up and so yeah we at least have this to start with on our first run okay it is always the same so yeah we got a shovel and a pick from this and i figured that was enough that this seed was worth recreating okay um honestly this is a great spot because there's lava so nothing really spawns in the immediate vicinity let's also go get coal what do we have on this efficiency in cursive vanishing so that's really bad but actually wow this pic is almost already broken it's that okay so we can't even really use it for anything else the other thing that we do know about um the other thing that's probably going to be the only thing to save us is oh am i going to be able to to get over there i need to get back over there and there's a skeleton sick i love skeletons okay i see a way down okay time to run oh no damage we cannot afford to take damage oh my god okay back to squad we just need to get far enough away from everything this seems to be a nice little safe corner i don't know why so the other thing that we found is there is actually a mine shaft in this general vicinity so we have these tools and these tools alone to hopefully make it down here i don't know precisely where it is so okay honestly we're just gonna have to dig straight down i know they say never do it but like it's literally our only option because look at this pick like look at it going it's just it's it's already done for that's it okay will this dig faster with a gold shovel i think it is a little bit faster as compared to a fist which is ah now it's about the same okay okay well time to hate our lives oh this is gonna be fun oh hey sick gold yeah that's awesome oh i hear the lava oh my god this is taking so long to dig oh gravel gravel yes oh we love gravel this makes it so much easier okay i i totally hear it come on please i just want to see that light no dude it's there it's there come on please i am punching rocks oh my god please wait does why matter okay we're at 17. surely we're there oh my god you hear that fire oh my god dude this is ridiculous why did i sign up for this dude i'm like not even gonna be able to get out of here i'm just gonna die in this cave within a cave ladies and gentlemen i don't know what's down here i guess i'll eat my one rotten flesh oh that's great ah oh my god it's wood hi we did it we found wood oh my god it's a miracle i am just gonna take all of these thank you so much minecraft you have blessed us well finally we have the crafting table and we have oh this stone pig oh my god i didn't think i'd see the day i uh maybe we'll just i think wood is gonna be pretty scarce so maybe we'll just maybe we'll just go straight for the iron which is conveniently actually right here um did i see some more over here maybe yeah okay oh we've got 40 iron nuggets oh my god right iron yes wow well i suddenly have a feeling of of hope this is crazy except i can't smelt iron can i wait does this work can you do does it have to be logs oh that does work okay sick wow well i don't know if i want to use my other two oaks but okay what if we got here is it gonna be like four well i mean we use our last wait let's see here there's gotta be more right oh there is okay first and foremost let's just fix that right up yeah we're gonna have to make a sword we're gonna have to do some fighting i guess i'll put these on because look at all that defense it adds honestly i might save that for the nether but the little it does okay and we do know that we're gonna get more so we can make more sticks and let's get an iron pick that is huge wow this is intense the other thing we're gonna need is torches i'm gonna make four torches that's literally how how good we're gonna have to be oh more iron though that's nice oh my god cave spiders oh my god dude oh my god this is gonna be a nightmare oh string though that's huge oh my god oh you get i do like i can't take damage because uh oh i hate case spiders i hate cave spiders oh this is awful we're just gonna have to take the l guys i'm just gonna have to go break this yes yes screw uk spiders okay honestly i think my best bet is to just die down here because like i have no food so yeah all right that that's fine that's fine ah you know what we're doing better than we were okay this is actually miserable yeah you're gonna die you're gonna die because cave spiders suck that's just a fact of life of course there's more okay nice we got a lot of lava here which means less mobs obviously oh my god okay so we didn't actually make it this far in our first run through obviously because i genuinely did not know that that was there but that's huge four diamonds that's huge more iron i'm doing some big brain thinking right here right now we just need a little bit more iron get all this wood dude hunger is gonna be such a problem this game like literally i think we're just gonna have to kill zombies okay 13 oak planks that's not bad honestly here's how we're gonna do this we only need three ingots well what i'm thinking here right is we'll get a bucket what we can do is we'll go grab this piece of lava cautiously so now we've got a lava bucket for fuel which is obviously gonna be huge i i think it's like a hundred smelts or something crazy i mean i suppose there's also coal but the thing with coal is like we're gonna need that for torches and the more we mine coal the less we're gonna have a pickaxes it's a real problem like we're super constrained so i i think the lava bucket is gonna be a smart play we're gonna need one anyway obviously so oh wow this is a sick mine shaft like this is is truly the key i think to this world i'll just leave that for now maybe okay maybe we'll leave that too 28 iron i think that should be more than enough for this run but is it i i don't know let's go get more oh i hear a skeleton wow look at all this wood though cut our losses never run because that's gonna use all their hunger i think 30 is more than enough beautiful i mean we've got more lava i just want to be cautious with it that's huge now while we wait for that obviously we're gonna need a shield this game uh yeah and i think we should also make a bow i mean no arrows but i would feel much safer if we had a bow eventually we'll get some arrows we still got a stick and eight oak planks okay i'm gonna leave the diamonds in here for now oh wow the only way we're gonna be able to get arrows is from killing skeletons i just realized that sucks all right well while i wait for that i guess we can do a little bit more uh harvesting of this mine shaft i think that much wood actually probably deserves yeah let's go with the iron axe it's not like iron is a constrained resource the thing i know is like we're never gonna find another mine shaft so whatever's in this is what we've got for the game all right 27 that is more than enough for full set okay there we go somehow we actually have full armor and 54 wood this is insane i i didn't think this was gonna be doable okay that's a good amount of iron left we're gonna want another bucket i think we should just go for the diamond sword diamond swords make me happy i think that is is the play here that is beautiful we'll make one more iron pick now i would love to go and head into the nether but like i'm gonna die if i do any more walking so we need to go kill some zombies i think oh there's water actually that is what we need oh man a lava death would be devastating right now we just need a source of water oh there's a zombie actually okay so we can't take damage that's the key all right there's our water oh my god i see more diamonds dude this is turning out to be a sick run wow oh my god once again i am not hacking like you can literally go to the seat it was at the start of this video there are diamonds here i promise wow six toilets all right and that should be about all the iron i think we need for this run kinda wanna just explore in the dark oh hey melons ah it's not gonna do anything for us though just trying to think any other way we can get food if only we could find like a zombie spawner oh i have an idea actually it's risky but if we go to the nether and find some hoglands that's like a pretty good source of food i really can't think of a better idea than to go up back to the main cave and i don't know that doesn't seem very safe i mean not that this is safe either but okay uh well i forgot i'm actually the world's worst minecraft player so um oh i hate my life oh obsidian you are done there it is okay let's try that again okay there's that flint there we go wow eight diamonds i think i gotta go up though i think i gotta at least go into the nether with full hearts so where do we come in from uh yes my favorite cave can't wait for a creeper to drop in here all right what's up fake overworld i only am kind of really weak now where the zombies at oh buddy i think i see some right now okay let's eat wow look at all this health oh my god four hearts dude i'm unstoppable oh i'm not healing anymore ah no no and we got an arrow okay nice six hearts this is so sad oh there's a skeleton i don't want to fight skeletons but skeletons are gonna give us arrows oh hey buddy honestly yes yes food ah man there's there's gotta be another way to get food and everyone's just like hating me right now you can't eat seeds eh oh my god i just want zombies oh we're just gonna have to avoid all this oh don't buy me just chill it ah oh my god is that a mini zombified villager whoa cool oh baby what are we gonna be like eight yeah there it is that's pretty good oh okay it's nighttime cave time now so it's probably worse so let's just leave we'll dig our way back down because well what else are we gonna do i know we could just like die but that's so lame let's let that iron ore do its thing all right to the nether we go oh please be a good way i know me and knowing me i would definitely get out of this portal and just walk straight into lava okay oh i can't see anything i can't see anything well mio mai is this safe wow well first things first we should probably get off this suppose we could kill zombie pigmen for food if we really have to now i didn't even think about mushrooms dang wow that's it isn't it that's that's the thing we need to eat a few moments later freeze phrase you're probably wondering how i ended up here you know what me too but as long as i can get these guys meat i will be happy oh yeah and we also uh have wood now like all of it 11 pork chops what a day that's truly magical look at that full hearths wow we've come so far who would have thought that nether would have more resources all right well i kind of hate that it's that time but let's go find another fortress [Music] hey i did it yeah oh yes and as always we're gonna need gold oh they're not happy with me well guys that sucks for you because i need gold oh also mushrooms not gonna go for those ones though oh man this sucks oh there's a ruined nether portal but worth it no absolutely not but i do need ender pearls hey man what's up man hey oh am i gonna oh my god i've never what i just killed the gas with a sword okay here's what we're gonna do we are going to knock it buddies guys wow that was an unfortunate gast okay all right who wants gold you want gold man well i got gold for you okay all i need you to do is just chill down there how easy is that last pork chop oh dude this pork chop is amazing though oh the boy's going for my gold yeah get it nice guys lads what have you got for me oh i see some ender pearls 10. that's not bad some potions nice lots of splash potions all right well can't really complain about that especially because that enderman is gonna give me his ender pearl aren't you bud my god this is the worst biome ever like why does this biome even exist it's just in the way in the way of my dreams though oh let's just run run run run run run run run run run i hate bank book cubes okay sick let's just build straight up hey we're closer closer to our dreams oh my god this is all i could say is i'm glad that this is not a hardcore run because i think i would already probably have died from anxiety oh like that oh yeah i don't have milk either but that's all right and do i ever have milk what up fortress oh what about you okay wow uh there's no horses in caves that's what i need ah yes yo diamonds oh i hear so many nice that actually wasn't too bad oh hi there guys wait are you stuck like a big dumb stupid idiot oh well well well oh we got two okay like this one ah okay oh okay here we go here we go ceiling [Applause] [Music] oh three four okay five there it goes oh dude you gotta get out of here not a space for pig men oh my god dude they're coming for me oh my god oh my god oh there's blaze rod oh okay nice seven eight sixteen that should be enough i would say all right we're just gonna break this because i'm gonna die this is a really bad place to be all right let's uh let's get the heck out of here i think we're good oh my god you've got to be kidding me i think this is the way i came yeah here we are okay now to just uh yeah this will be this will be great here we go parkour parkour master oh my final test oh he's on my tail i got a parkour faster oh oh the parkour the parkour is real nice gentlemen we are out of this stupid stupid scary world wait oh this is not sick where are we 88 sick game that is so cool of you okay well that really sucks because we had a lot of good stuff and i think we're just gonna have to abandon it because i have no idea where this is so let's go and do the thing to beat the game okay this way oh don't go in the rock all right and it's gone this looks like the main cave almost kind of looks like spawn doesn't it but it's not is it i see another portal which means hey well well well what's up diamonds let's uh let's make a chest plate actually let's wait till we get to the stronghold speaking of strongholds let's go setting out from where we started exactly how we started this is going to suck okay thank you i gotta say navigating this world is just miserable oh enderman oh buddy oh don't leave me don't leave again why do these enderman suck there he is dang feels bad oh oh oh oh oh what bro oh this is the worst world i hate this i might one recommendation if you've watched this whole video is do not play this cave's world it is miserable like this upper level is just death and sadness yes okay we might have enough okay yes oh my god okay oh that definitely went in the ground all right well you know what i kind of i kind of think this is the staircase that's gonna take us right there so how about that oh my god that actually worked well what can i say uh i'm just cracked at minecraft i guess oh apple that would actually be useful we can get a gold apple hey it's a burning library you don't see that every day wow what a weird place this is oh speaking of which 10 okay 10. it's my power knockback i am not going to use any of these but thanks but i actually do want this gold yeah we're going to make another golden apple oh that's a creeper it is right there also what's up creeper not today i'm not in the mood for it oh my god we don't have to go find enderman yes i am the worst minecraft player ever unless that comes back to me also why didn't it just go straight to the portal okay well i hate my life okay please man yes okay thank god okay now oh i just realized i don't have any string okay we gotta do this one shot i mean we did it we did it but it's not easy okay first things first we get the furnace we get the gold we do the apple oh eight diamonds i think i'm just gonna make a chest plate i want that extra defense and eight that is enough for three golden apples amazing okay not messing around let's do this ready for this oh yes there it is no i listen i didn't look at you get out of here you're a big dumb idiot oh my god no no one is mad at me i did nothing wrong oh well this is embarrassing turns out i um ran out of space and uh a i you guys are just gonna have to trust me but uh i did a thing i freed the ends um but as you as you yeah yeah i i beat the ender dragon anyway guys thank you so much for watching i'm really sorry that that happened i i i promise i did beat him obviously there's like 10 videos on this channel of me beating this now you guys did enjoy the video make sure to leave a like as well subscribe and i will talk to you later as always peace out you freaking [Music] nerds [Music] you
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 2,068,103
Rating: 4.8868265 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft lets play, lets play, thesmithplays, niftysmith, funny moments, minecraft but its fast, minecraft fast pace, minecraft but its on crack, vanilla minecraft, minecraft on crack, new lets play, lets play series, new minecraft world, smithplays, survival, survival series, beat minecraft, cave only, cave, caves, minecraft cave, minecraft cave update, minecraft caves only, minecraft cave world, cave world, can you beat minecraft, can you beat minecraft in cave world
Id: o3H75ObXhzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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