I Became A Werewolf In Minecraft

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mikey yeah check out this village see that look over there there's a massive building oh you're right it's huge what's it for i want to figure that out should we go investigate let's go whoa this is big why don't we take a look around inside open what the anybody home hmm there's a skull on the desk it's creepy in here there's a painting on the wall but i don't see anything special yeah you're right hey what's on the wall huh looks like a sword and bow this place is pretty nice i want to live here yeah it's really elegant wow there's a ladder over here is there treasure did you hear something weird must be the treasure huh what's wrong mikey wait huh what's that i don't know huh what wolf really hmm i'm not sure whoa it attacked me for real huh it says i've been infected with lycanthropy what does that even mean what no way this is bad i'm getting out of here no that hurts it attacked me again it's too dangerous to stick around here i think i got infected with something i have a bad feeling about this mikey let's go where i think that thing's a werewolf so it's half human half wolf yeah that's basically what a werewolf is bit you that's right it said i was infected with lycanthropy it must be a joke though because i feel fine maybe i'll change when night comes under a full moon in a clear sky hey mikey let's wait for night time the moon's starting to rise soon but i feel fine so far huh oh well jj huh what no you're a werewolf is that me i must be dreaming i guess that means i'm actually a werewolf now no way you need help we have to cure you jj but how i can't believe i'm a werewolf you're right we need to find a cure for this absolutely we can fix this what's that what there's something over here for real yeah i think it is wait i have a feeling we're supposed to go to these coordinates oh yeah twelve thousand by nine thousand there must be something hidden there let's go i just realized now that i'm a werewolf i think i'll be able to use my werewolf powers one special thing about werewolves is their speed check it out [Music] awesome oh yeah i can paralyze whoever i tackle really yeah no joke i'll try it out on you ouch what else can you do jj i can jump really high check this out see oh amazing wow one sec you can run fast and jump high that's right nice incredible that's it i think i can hit harder too check it out oh really see the sheep went down in one hit what really that was cool yeah there's still more i can do what watch sure huh see you pick me up yep i can pick things up and carry them i'm stuck i'll throw you wow amazing oh this is great it is now what you still need to be cured i just want my jj back right i think our best bet is to head to the coordinates we found let's do it since i can run faster i'll carry you thanks let's go this is fast come on we're on our way to the coordinates hang on i'll take out these enemies in our way werewolves are so strong yeah really i'm using my paws take that there you're so strong i think werewolves are overpowered i know did you stun them that way you can capture them you're right good idea awesome this is sweet look out for that zombie mikey huh save me leave it to me i can pick the zombie up and throw it away what's wrong that was close i almost fell in what wow crazy i didn't think being a werewolf would be this fun we still need to cure you right i don't want to stay this way forever let's find the cure follow the coordinates let's go i'll carry you thanks sweet let's get a move on [Music] mikey i just realized what well the sun is starting to come up and you're back there how'd you do that it looks like i can go back to being human when it's daytime oh makes sense so what next do you see that village over there that one let's check it out i wonder how the villagers would react if i transformed right in front of them huh i bet they'd be surprised maybe they'd give us a clue on how to cure you oh let's try it sure a villager three two one i'm a werewolf i guess he doesn't care maybe this village is friendly to werewolves who knows strange yeah what a weird village let's look around i'll stay in the werewolf form it's faster okay i still need to find a cure though i know mikey why don't we stick around here for the day sure we might find a clue around the village in that case let's just chill here for now awesome good plan is there an empty house there's a church i guess i could check out the church in my werewolf form i'm sneaking in through the roof whoa i'm going to spend the rest of the day in this church the village is in big trouble jj what's the problem look what's happening a werewolf attack no way they're attacking the villagers we have to help them this is terrible hang on there's one right here he's not attacking me it must be because i'm a werewolf too uh-oh i think he's after you mikey i'm hiding on the church room it's staring straight at you no way it's all up to me to save the day don't let it bite me whoa he's attacking me save me huh are they after you tackle paralyze punch oh they're way too strong for me oh no this is bad careful whoa wait this werewolf is attacking those villagers i think they're trying to eat us where are you i'm in a house are you okay i'm scared it's time for me to save you all right let's do this did i feed all these werewolves where'd they go strange i can't see a single one anymore did they leave i guess i successfully defended the village good job well i'm glad that's done with but there's still work to do mikey we can't stop looking for a way to cure me i don't want to lose my mind like those other werewolves then i'd worry about becoming a monster for real don't even think about it we'll find a way to cure you unfortunately there's no time to rest mikey let's keep going let's move here i got you buddy come on let's find the kids follow those coordinates we can do it [Music] all right let's keep moving wow we've come so far what's wrong what's all this it looks like something's happening i'd better help these guys fight the zombie i'm gonna go hide now they're fighting each other who are these people whoa now they're shooting me what are they hunters hang on a second what are these werewolf hunters i guess don't shoot i'm not actually a werewolf run away let's get out of here are we close i think what's over there the coordinates are nearby what's this it looks kind of strange what's wrong we finally made it to the coordinates and found this building what's inside let's find out it's creepy i really want to know what's in here hmm hopefully there's something that can cure my lycanthropy i'm done being a werewolf let's see what happens three two one open be careful huh what's that this isn't good what's that well the villagers are locked up oh no someone captured them yeah they're trapped come on let's save them i'll set them free all right everyone out we're setting all of these poor villagers free let's keep going what's next whatever it is be careful huh what uh oh werewolves you can take them great job jj i paralyzed them hang on got them careful i got this can you defeat them wow that was tough oh nice work let's keep going okay what the lava it's some kind of lava lake oh there's a door over there it must lead somewhere important right the cure yeah what now jj i don't think i can jump far enough to make it it's impossible you can't reach you're right it is pretty far i can probably make it as a werewolf but you might be stuck i guess i'll just wait here hang on mikey i have a plan you do what this what we can cross like this i got this thanks wow a leap over oh my god oh is everything okay mikey that was amazing thanks there's a cure in here i'll bet we find a way to fix this no no no no what's in there well mikey let's just say it was something terrible and it was headed straight for us but for real it was an enormous werewolf really we have to fight it are you ready okay you're joking right tackle time i'll fight too hit it while it's paralyzed take that he's tough we won nice wow so many villagers yeah that's a lot of villagers locked up in one place we can save them later come here what's this it's a chest let's see what's inside three two one open whoa there are a bunch of potions and levers in here terrific i bet these potions are supposed to heal my lycanthropy oh i hope so i think these are the cure let's try it three two one whoa looks like i'm back to regular old jj again amazing hooray i was super worried now we can set the villagers free let's do it okay to sum it all up today i turned into a werewolf but eventually managed to become human again if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like and subscribe thanks for watching see ya if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 8,457,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: j1RY1z8UnNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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