Minecraft UHC but every drop is random.. and blessed.

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in this video we play a minecraft uhc but every drop is random and you guys know what that means it's randomizer uhc if you guys are excited for the return of randomized uhc's be sure to subscribe to the channel also don't forget to click that like button let's aim for 50 000 likes for the return and just before the video starts i just want to thank audible for sponsoring this video enjoy i don't know how this is happening but it's happening guys we are playing an og randomizer uhc i've got to see if i've still got what it takes oh no way no way okay yo this is bless this is my first randomizer uhc and i don't know how long i'm gonna put my last one on the screen right now it's probably i'm gonna guess three months ago and that is a long time you guys have been well overdue another episode of this so here we go let's see if we can start it off with a bang with a win we're starting it off already with a bang look at this gold blocks up the wazoo what how why i don't know i'm not complaining gold blocks everywhere so many people are gonna have knowledge apples that was my realization that this is gonna be a pretty long game well buckle in it's i guess this is gonna make up for the months of not having uh randomizers to watch for you guys oh come on does anyone else's internet suck this bad either way that gives us time to talk about today's sponsor audible if you're like me and you've spent a lot of your time at home in 2020 staring at screens playing video games it's a good idea to give your eyes a rest with audible you can hop into bed choose your favorite audiobook or podcast close your eyes and just relax and listen it doesn't stop there though you can use audible to study get through your commute to work or school and many people even use it while working out no matter who you are there's something out there for everyone maybe you're like me and you've really been trying to learn a new language lucky for us there's a ton of resources on audible to help put those new skills to the test get started with audible today head over to the link on screen or in the description that's audible.com forward slash kingtong or you can text kingdom to 500 500. once again that's audible.com kingtong or takes king tongue to 500 500. be sure to let me know what audiobook you choose to listen to in the comments section below once again thank you to audible for sponsoring today's video now let's get right back to it let's check out a birch tree i think i've got more than enough gold right there and we can always get more let's just go on a train i completely forgot how randomizer works i really have to mine a conduit okay that didn't take as long as i remember wait it's not done yet why did that look like it finished way quicker than it actually did a yellow shulker box we're gonna get brick stairs to get some wood you get some arrows okay that's pretty good here we got books and we got paper i'm gonna keep the book just in case we need to for whatever reason make an enchant table we got a map oh and would you look at that 63 of you are not actually subscribed so uh be sure to click that subscribe button no way oh man we are in an op game right now i was just about to say let's check out grass and then this happened okay it is what it is we're not gonna we cannot complain about this game right now did we even need the gold from the oak in that case i don't think so now we're just gonna be on the hunt for really good books like infinity power three okay we'll take that let's just go for another quick turbo grass break and see what we get we just go until our inventory is full there we go we got blast protection impaling fire aspect pick that back up can somebody tell me what this is is this some form of treasure chest i have no idea sharpness three thorns one this is yeah this is kind of crazy it i was just about to say is it gonna get crazy when i break this poppy diamond blocks from poppies every single thing that i'm breaking i i must have the golden touch maybe it's the gold block that i'm holding i'm just going to keep holding it all game i'm feeling like my dis right now let's check out what the red terracotta is going to do maybe it's going to bless us in the long run but white concrete we got carpet and nothing all right we're going to ignore that just move on we'll pretend like that never happened oh that could have been pretty bad all right let's check out this flower i got a feeling that all of the flowers in this one are going to be blessed and it's not a flower power yeah that's an iron block that's pretty blessed in a black shulker box i'm gonna go all the way through it if we need the iron block yeah we need the iron blocks i just completely forgot we need an anvil so we'll take the iron blocks we're still yet to find wood though so we're gonna somehow at some point find ourselves some wood i just have a hunch that it's gonna be from this sheep right here okay bear with me that's a sticky piston the lime concrete the wood is coming i'm telling you okay wait this is this is a lily pad now i need water hello okay right here check it out wood that's not wood and neither is that okay that's a pickaxe okay this is this is going downhill come on get it back together game you are doing so good in the beginning but yellow glass panes oh okay okay this is what we can do we can break one and let one die get two different drops okay we've got sandstone sandstone's gonna give us pink concrete a green shulker box a blue shulker box we're gonna get every single shulker box of the rainbow we've got a hay bale red stained glass okay we've got a bunch of stuff that we don't need come on just please it's going to be one of those games tall grass tall grass is going to give us bones well hold on to the burn meal wait we got when did we get a power 5 book okay cool we'll take it all right chicken and know that you've got the wood show me the word show me the not the wooden slab show me the show me the word show me the word any time now please don't game don't do this i've rotten flesh and a golden nugget come on let's hop down here and check dirt okay that is probably the worst randomizer combination i've ever seen dirt dirt drops rotten flesh okay okay we don't need the chorus plant we don't need the tube coral all right focus where can we get wood i guess we gotta check the leaves next let's make a quick pair of shears and that is where we got bone blocks from earlier we don't need bone blocks okay we've got a shulker box right here and that is gonna hey i'm never gonna complain about getting cake maybe the cake is gonna give us wood forget about it okay diorite this has to be it glass okay we've got now a slime block diorite is one of my least favorite blocks but not right now it is giving us the good stuff and we need we're gonna need a ton of this we're gonna grab a bunch of wood just so we have blocks for later in the game let's just smash our way through this really quickly all right now we've got to smash through the glass at least it's not a long chain to get the wood it could have been much worse okay wait i don't think i did i check dandelions please don't be worried i think i did check them right okay yeah i definitely did let's break the slime blocks here we go we're gonna get a fountain of wood really quickly and there we go we got as much as we could have possibly asked for place this down we're gonna make ourselves a full set of diamond armor just like so we'll get that on we're gonna make ourselves a diamond sword as well we're gonna make ourselves two notch apples and the crafting bench is gonna give us a door i completely forgot that the crafting bench would drop something as well let's see okay a flower we've got a tulip we got a bubble coral we got a yellow coral we got okay we got a bed this gonna be too long pvp is starting soon so we can't spend too long doing this smooth quartz it might be ncd loot though so we've got to see it out to the end we're gonna break a bunch of leaves so we can get some apples we're gonna make ourselves six crafting benches and make ourselves two anvils okay wait no we can't make two anvils we'll make ourselves one anvil in that case we're gonna make ourselves another notch apple we'll make three more why not we're gonna have five notch apples and we're gonna spend this last 42 seconds chopping wood because we're gonna get a bunch of gold blocks we're gonna make a bunch more golden apples we've got ourselves a sword we need to start killing players killing players is gonna drop as xp which is gonna allow us to enchant our sword and such other things i don't think we got that many good books but maybe we should make a bow i think i got a couple arrows didn't i i got six arrows did i get any string i dropped all of the string okay it is what it is there we go pvp is gonna be starting let's make a bunch of golden apples that'll do and turn the rest of gold into gold blocks just like so and there we go we are ready for pvp we need to make ourselves a bucket actually there we go we're fully unenchanted but we've got a bucket we've got some god apples we are more than happy with what we've got it's our first randomizer back so let's see if we can pull this off and if we can somehow pull this off i'll make you guys a deal right now if this video can reach 35 000 likes in the first day i'll upload another randomizer okay we've got victim number one right here actually no we'll go for this guy instead everyone's just got basic diamond oh wow okay we're gonna eat a god apple right now turn our back to him so he doesn't see it i think this guy got apple as well yeah judging by the fact that his health is at 100 i would say so oh actually no he didn't i don't think he got one okay he just helped us out with those block placements let's get another hit off okay that's a god apple now now we're gonna be the ones running okay i see how this game is gonna go i did say in the beginning it was probably gonna be a bit of a longer one oh what a jump that was completely clutch an unsuspecting victim here we go 40 30 10 and just like that done there we go we're gonna pick up the stuff protection two protection four okay we definitely want to put a protection floor on our chest plate we're actually gonna take his chest plate so we don't have to take hours off for protection oh we can't afford it i think in that case we should put sharpness three on our sword that's gonna help us out he had anvils as well we need those okay so we've got protection to protection for we don't need the fire aspect really because everyone's got god apples okay i saw lightning over this way let's see if we can get involved we're gonna need all the levels we can get oh it looks like they fell into the ravine yes guys low health okay he's not low enough we're gonna eat a god apple as well it doesn't work like that my friend we're gonna get out of here let these guys fight actually let's check what loot they had okay nothing important we're gonna just get out of here he wanted to jump down on the loot this might be a fight we want to take in that case let's go for it okay that was pretty clutch with the water bucket right there let's knock him back down into the ravine okay we can't we'll catch ourselves we should probably just leave the ravine in that case we don't want to get knocked off we just get out safely but surely we head back around to this side we do have the sharpness three he's got a sharpness as well we're gonna eat this okay there's a ton of people in diamond now i think he got the xp for the guy that fell to his death though this is getting kind of dangerous okay this guy just ate a god apple everyone has eaten god apples i don't think this guy has one ow he does have thorns though make sure we get that kill we didn't get the kill you got to be kidding me here we go we're gonna use our sharpness on this guy he's gonna eat a god apple protection four knock back sharpness four okay that was pretty good we scooped some good loot right there means we could put on a thorns unbreaking three and a protection four helmet got a sharpness for knockback two we're gonna use that instead of a rod okay 34 seconds left so we can eat another god apple let's see if we can get this guy with the sharpness right now we've got sharpness four he's pretty strong as well the knockback is helping a ton though see if we can finish him off okay we get him he's done let's see what he had he had some good leggings i think yeah protection for protection four okay now we're pretty much full protection for we've got more god apples sharpness five fire aspect two wow we have some good gear now i think it's me and one of the guys this guy right here the guy who we've been fighting all along let's go for it he's used the god apple wait does he he doesn't no he doesn't okay we are gonna use just a normal golden apple he's got some good gear will we use a god apple no i don't think so he probably thinks we'd have so let's jump in on him right now he's using his are we gonna let that run out knock him away using that knock back how did i i thought he ate a gold apple we take the win on our first randomizer back no way well i guess we've still got it if you guys did enjoy this and this video can reach the 35 000 likes in the first 24 hours i'll upload another randomizer uhc that was insane if you guys did enjoy of course be sure to click that subscribe button on the left side of the screen click that playlist on the right side that was crazy i did not expect that at all i feel like we were severely under geared but somehow we pulled it off and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 1,701,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft UHC but every drop is random, Minecraft but every drop is random, minecraft uhc random drops, minecraft uhc randomizer, minecraft randomizer uhc, minecraft uhc but, minecraft uhc, minecraft, uhc, randomizer uhc, minecraft random uhc, minecraft random drops, minecraft random, random drops minecraft, minecraft randomizer, randomizer minecraft, random drop minecraft, randomizer, random drops, minecraft uhc random, every drop is random minecraft, blessed, blessed minecraft
Id: f-Y-J1sQ8Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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