Minecraft UHC but chests drop infinite OP loot..

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in this video we play a minecraft uhc but every aura in the game has been turned into an op loot chest and that means you can get infinitely stashed with op loot if you want to get infinitely stacked in every uhc you play be sure to click that subscribe button and make sure you're not a part of that 64 and of course for extra luck in your next uhc game be sure to click that like button let's aim for 35 000 likes on this one enjoy the video okay guys so as you saw in the pre-intro in this video there are gonna be a ton of random treasures we gotta get down into the caves and we gotta find all of the different ore chests we've done this video once before so if you wanna check that out be sure to watch it after this video it's up in the top right hand corner right now so let's get right into it we're going to take a little bit of wood we don't really need it because if you go straight down into the caves ozza you're going to get very lucky and just get wood in your first break wait that's probably not actually that lucky either way let's do it let's go check it out hopefully we can get stacked in this game there's a bunch of people in this one and if you want to come and play along and potentially be on that tablet as well ip is on the left side of the screen right now and also in the description so be sure to come and play this is mine and grazer7 for those of you who didn't know yeah let's hop straight down into a cave you know i might just like do it shall i just yolo it and dig straight down if i don't find a cave in five four three two we're going straight down i'm calling and now i'm gonna fall straight into a ravine wow i'm i'm just big brain i think that's what it is i'm just big brain so we got a coal chest right here this is one of the lower tiered things but obviously we can still get diamonds and you can still get golden apples so we're gonna take all of this it's pretty much worth it to mine every single type of all chest in this mode because you can just get crazy stuff we've already got enchanted books okay and there's the wood i was talking about let's put on the chest plate the book is sweeping edge we don't need that flame we can keep that for a bow that's pretty good we want to separate out the gold so we can pick up a bunch of it and then let's keep going we're gonna get as much of this as we can oh protection three book that's pretty good ross walker two we don't need that we've already got seven diamonds as well okay this is going pretty well so far let's just organize our inventory really quickly and then keep going straight down i don't know if this is worth it hopefully it is okay it was we got some iron chests right here this is the next best and it's actually okay yeah we got we don't really need an enchant bottle do we we'll avoid that for now i'm just gonna hunt for the important things like diamonds arrows gold golden apples we do want to be able to get a god apple and i don't actually know which ore chest allows you to get a god apple but i know that you can get it so that is something that we need to hunt for okay this is the way that we need to go we got some more iron chests right here now the best one to find is a gold chest or a diamond chest because they can drop n city loot and you guys know ncd lou everybody knows zen city lou it is stupidly op if you get the right enchants that is obviously you have a chance of getting some dud enchants so we don't whoa okay oh this is pretty cool okay yeah we don't want that to happen though we don't want to get bad enchants on our ncd loot let's see if this goes down further first and no it's just a loop all right we're gonna go into the mine shaft then let's take this one iron chest i got a book jacked out protection what is this book knockback one we don't want that either okay hopefully we can get lucky in this mineshaft and find a mineshaft chest oh wow okay this is pretty cool this is a really cool cave system okay maybe okay here we go got apple oh another chance okay a golden apple we'll take that we'll take the iron as well this is going well so far we're being pretty lucky but that could change at any moment we got 10 minutes left on the clock to get all of our gear and then pvp is gonna start so that's when we got to be really careful because if you guys are familiar with my videos you'll notice that we normally have two rows of hearts but in this one we are only having one row of hearts so you can die really quickly if you're not careful let's just grab another couple iron chests get some diamonds out of there we got another flame we don't need that okay we don't need to be here right now we need to go deeper okay and deeper we shall go we have a gold chest right there that is what we're looking for now i'm gonna ask you guys to do one thing for me before i break these if you guys leave a like on this video right now you will boost my luck and in return i will boost your good luck i'm gonna give you guys two chances because we've got two bits of gold right here so if i don't get ncd loot on the first one i know that you didn't like the video here we go okay i'll give you guys okay you got two more chances here we go one chance your final chance oh no you got more chances guys guys how could you betray me like this okay good news is that we got a bunch of gold down here so the end city chest might be coming up sooner than we think let's see okay there it is it was right there we only got fire protection we don't need that go again okay not good and not good maybe that's a good book fire protection again we don't need fire protection we need good protection we're looking for protection three or four at least okay that's a good end city chest right there let's see what we got fire protection to get okay we'll put them on just because they're pretty good that's because of vanishing not crush the binding that's pretty good for us okay we're gonna do one legal x-ray and see if there's any diamonds underneath here let's have a look any diamonds hello there is some redstone chests down there but there are no diamonds i guess that just means we're gonna have to keep it moving and we're gonna unbox all of these gold chests that was five gold chests without a single ncd loot drop come on we need to be luckier than this come on there has to be diamonds down here i've got a hunch we're at the dead end yep every single time there's always a way through let's open a redstone chest see what we can get from that did i really just get arrows from it that was it okay redstone chests are not it apparently okay i just spotted the mother lode right here we got a bunch more gold chests we're gonna open these up we've got arrows we got a bunch of nothing again yo we are not getting lucky right now if this was survival i yeah i 100 would have taken the efficiency five but we do not need that right now okay here we go we got diamond chest right here let's hope that we can get very lucky with these okay there's some ncd loot okay we didn't get that lucky but we did get some ncd we got i'm breaking three we'll take them fire protection how many times i need someone to count in the comment section for me how many times i've said fire protection in this video because i'm getting pretty tired of it i don't need fire protection game let's crack open a lapis chest we got a golden apple okay we've got some wood and okay we've got more diamonds right here oh that could be a good sword you've got to be kidding me bane of arthropods and looting two no that is going straight in the lava we're getting a ton of diamonds though we've got a bunch of gold okay we got n city please there's another sword right here please be good bane of arthropods four this is a joke this is not real an unbreaking three helmet okay i said that you can get unlucky i didn't know you could get this unlucky i'm going to need you guys to type after pair of specs f in the comment section right now this is this is disappointing let's open another lapis chest okay nothing in there let's dive down into this lava now if you guys aren't familiar with my server before pvp you get fire protection and you also get fall damage protection but as soon as pvp is enabled you got to be careful because you can set on fire and yeah you can fall to your death okay we have three minutes until the game is gonna start i'm gonna start opening iron chest because we need to get ourselves a god apple and we need to get it fast let's just open as many of these as we can we're going to get as much gold as we can and we're going to make sure we can craft a god apple because i am uh i am not geared for this fight at all okay we got some books right here we got flame again we don't need that frost walker efficiency protection three all right that's good we'll keep that here we got some more golden apples from there golden apples come on give us some more books we can at least do some combinations if we can get protection three books then we'll be fine fire protection three another one for the tally all right i'm getting pretty tired of fire protection respiration one oh wow the luck is not with us right now okay more gold you have to do it for us that was not in city that was some pieces of gold that density right there sharpness three that's what i'm talking about we got a sharpness three now and a protection four and breaking helmet the luck is coming in right at the end just before pvp starts we've got another golden apple right there let's crack these open as well okay still no god apples so in that case what i'm gonna do is i'm going to craft one make eight blocks of gold and we will craft up one god apple that is not pretty at all we really only have one god apple what we should do right now since we have 11 levels we'll craft ourselves an anvil just like so we'll make ourselves a full set of diamond armor put down the anvil we'll go protection three on the chest plate we're gonna make ourselves a bow the bow is going to have power for and it is also going to have i need levels okay we need to move fast then sharpness five book okay we gotta get to the surface and get killing then you get levels for kills so we can do some combinations with that let's really quickly get those three levels so we can get the flame on our bow as well there we go there's three levels let's go flame okay so we've got powerful flame we have sharpness we need to get that on a bow on a bow we need to get that on a sword okay the border is coming so we need to get to the surface now we gotta move fast let's do this the redraw screen gets the closer the board i guess this is not nice come on please be the surface please be the surface we need this to be the surface all the borders right here we got out just in time all right we gotta move okay i need blocks so i'm gonna do i'm gonna grab a bunch of trees we'll get a ton of wood there we go we got a stack of wood right there that's perfect make the rest into crafting benches we're gonna turn the rest of our golden apples into no we're not we're gonna save our gold and we're gonna risk it we want a god apple so we might need to craft another one let's hold on to our gold for now let's head in see if we can get some kills i don't think this is gonna go well but if it does i mean that's probably why you're watching this i just heard a kill right over here it looks like we got better loot than them let's go for it yeah my guy is wearing leather boots dude what are you doing see if we can take them both out we're gonna get this guy right here we got the sharpness three oh manny and the pearl away that's gonna give him time to eat golden apples but we're gonna chase i don't know where the other guy went this guy's right in front of us right here he doesn't have a god apple and he knows that we've got a strong sword or judging by his name maybe he doesn't know did we get him on fire really quickly got him nice shot he did not like that he doesn't have a water bucket that's going to slow him down a little bit oh we whiffed that shot let's see if we can get this one oh so close man go for a long shot nailed it another one to finish him off oh he's got to be so low one more oh he's so low he has to be at least one heart i'm running straight through the gap we're going to avoid these people i'm end up hurling i probably shouldn't have used it but i need to kill this guy he's in a cave that's it he's done he is done there we go he's been finished off we gotta be careful because there's somebody following us we're gonna loop around and we're gonna go up oh yeah they're following us we need to get out of here now oh actually they just fall we should go down it looks like they had a god apple on so we're gonna god apple we're gonna go for it this is our time they don't have a god apple oh it's done it is done it is done it has to be done and there were yo finished okay they had full protection one they had a sharpness three sword that means we're gonna be able to get a sharpness four sword but the protection one section one leggings we have a protection for a helmet okay we're looking good now we can get out of here safely but surely we have two kills we're looking good right now they were pretty stacked players as well here we go we've got another unsuspecting victim right here he's got the bow you want a bow fight we can bow fight oh he doesn't have fire protection let's knock him into the water below keep him in there oh we couldn't keep him in but we can finish him off he's running into the corner of the map this is gonna only end badly for you my friend oh he has a god apple though he does have a god apple we're just gonna keep him at bay then and by keep him at bay i mean we're gonna turn and run i wonder if there's someone in this sky base i don't know if i want to find out wait this guy isn't chasing me at all oh yeah he is he's right there he still get his god apple effects we still have another one and we can eat it let's put some damage into this guy okay we got him down three hearts and everyone in death match is stacked all right we're going to get in on this fight right here this is the guy who we were fighting before deathmatch i want to finish him i need to finish it we'll get it with the bow shots one two three bang just like that three bow shots back to back this guy wants to go we can go we can definitely go oh we got him pinned against the wall this could be the end for you my friend it's looking to be the end oh he's not happy he is not happy let's finish him off right here and just like that we've uh we got one victim left okay this guy's dropped some god apples we got four each he picked up a bunch we're gonna have a fair fight shout out to this dude in three two one go here we go this is gonna be a tussle i get the feeling this this guy is probably pretty good oh when he gets the flame sword we're gonna have to guard apple in that case we can quickly make a sharpness for and let's get back into the fight oh there we go that is doing a lot more damage he's got full protection for probably he's very strong in comparison wow okay these hits hurt a lot we're gonna just go for it oh wow he is shredding this dude is absolutely shredding yeah he had some op gear ggs to this dude that was a fun game i'm gonna say good fight and let's end off the video right there you can't win them all that was a fun game though if you guys did enjoy be sure to leave a like on this one if you'd like to see more random treasures let me know in the comment section down below click that subscribe button on the left side of the screen click that playlist on the right side and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 1,960,564
Rating: 4.9489927 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft UHC but chests drop infinite OP loot, minecraft but chests drop infinite op loot, minecraft uhc but chests drop infinite loot, minecraft uhc infinite op loot, minecraft uhc infinite loot, minecraft uhc but infinite loot, minecraft uhc, minecraft uhc but, uhc, minecraft uhc op loot, minecraft op uhc, op minecraft, minecraft op loot, minecraft infinite op loot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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