Minecraft UHC but every enchant is random..

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in this video we play a minecraft uhc but every enchant we make is random so what this means is if we want a sharpness one diamond sword we could probably get a sharpness 10 instead and trust me you don't want to meet a player with a sharpness 10 diamond sword and you know who else you don't want to meet someone who is not subscribed to the channel so be sure to click that subscribe button today and now i see the request in the comments section for an og randomizer uhc so if this video can get 50 000 likes i'll upload one next enjoy the video all right here we go guys it has been a while but we are back on octane mc we are gonna be playing our new game mode random enchants now i've never played this one so this could go one of two ways i i it goes really well and i get really good in chats and i win or i die let's hope it's the first of the two options so we're gonna start off we're gonna grab ourselves some wood we also actually know the first thing we're gonna do actually is we're gonna kill some cows because we need to get leather why are these cows not making any noise cool octane mc has soundless cows now that's great but yeah if you guys didn't know this is my minecraft server if you haven't played on here before definitely hop on and check it out it's on java the ip is on the left side of the screen you can log in with any version it is 1.7 or above and just just have a good time check out the uhcs it's super user friendly so obviously there's no full damage before pvp and there's no fire damage so if you've ever been scared of playing a uhc for whatever reason because i know it can be kind of scary to play your first few times you don't need to be scared on here you know until pvp starts and then things start getting pretty scary yeah since this is random enchants the first thing we need to do is make sure we have the enchant items so we need to get sugarcane we already got the leather so let's hope we can get some sugarcane pretty soon here and from what i've heard sugarcane is very scarce it's yeah we're probably gonna be pretty op if we can find it the fabled sugarcane we got it okay right here that is more than enough wait i only got only got one piece i've been scammed okay wait hold on all right i'm gonna do it like this this time one two three we're gonna make sure we get all three there we go now we can hop down into a cave and uh you know hopefully get stacked i wanna see the oh oh okay i'm gonna go take that so no one can get that as well i want to go see that shipwreck though because that looked like a shipwreck that was not in the ocean at all we can use that extra sugarcane also to get some books and get some random enchants on the books now random enchants i don't think i explained it you might see in the enchant table protection one but when you click protection one you might get protection 10 you might get depth strider 10 you might get thorns 10 you can get all sorts of crazy stuff and this okay this is kind of cool i want to actually dig this out this is completely besides the point but maybe there's gonna be a chest in this that has diamonds okay here we go yo we're actually doing this right now we're inside the boat we've infiltrated the boat please have diamonds or just please have a chest in general yes bury treasure map no way no way does this work okay wait this could actually be kind of sick let's go to the front of the boat i did not think this would be how this video starts please okay this you know we'll wear it we want to look pretty cool so we'll wear it we'll take the carrots i guess as well okay and let's just work our way out cool all right let's check it out buried treasure map didn't think this would be how it would go in this uhc but it is how it's going we're actually doing this why am i going on a treasure hunt right now if this doesn't have diamonds guys i'm gonna be pretty cheese this better have diamonds this would be so good if this is how we start our uhc okay so it's just over this way this is crazy early is right here all right let's get digging dude if we could get no way oh come on we needed to we'll take the gold that's pretty good wow okay that was that was pretty cool i did not expect that to be the way we start the video but yeah let's get straight down into a cave i guess we could just uh yeah we'll just we'll just go straight down let's hope that we hit a cave oh yeah is it going to go down further or is it a dead end oh it goes down further here we go this is looking good let's get straight through here oh okay come on we have to be near diamond level right now surely we have to be at diamond level we're at 14 okay this can be good no there's somebody already down here okay there's always people in my caves i'm gonna take some iron just because we're likely gonna need to make iron armor we only need to find one diamond to get our random enchants though that's the good news okay let's keep taking this we should have enough iron right here to get full iron armor so we can be content with that and then all we need to do is find out one diamond now it's probably going to be in true minecraft fashion it's probably going to be really elusive when you don't want to find diamonds you find diamonds when you need to find diamonds you probably strip mine for like 10 000 blocks and find not okay let's make sure we get enough levels we want to mine some coal actually no we'll just mine redstone we'll just go down to the bottom and we will mine redstone speaking of which where is where is the bottom of this cave okay i think i found the bottom of the cave here we go all right we've got gold this is eight so we're gonna be able to get ourselves at least one golden apple that's good news okay this cave just seems to be getting better and better as we go through it oh wow okay yeah this is this is pretty close to a perfect cave system please there has to be diamonds down here there's no way there's no diamonds get a crafting table really quick because we want to get ourselves a bucket of water here we got some more gold right here oh okay that was close that was too close for comfort oh we got eight more i think or like seven more that's a piece of cobblestone is this okay that was not a mob spawner somebody's been in this cave no you got to be kidding me all right i'm gonna do something that i like to call legal x-ray we're gonna get ourselves a piece of glass we're gonna go under the lava now this is legal you guys are allowed to do this and then you break the block and there you go now you can see underneath the lava this is the only form of x-ray that is actually allowed any other form is you're probably going to get you banned so don't do it you guys don't want to do that let's take this redstone because we're gonna need the levels we also need to get ourselves some obsidian we can't forget about the obsidian let's actually take care of that right now so we don't forget because knowing me i would probably forget there's one there's two there's three and four okay we're sorted now we just need that one diamond cue the 10 hour time lapse of me trying to find one diamond oh no way no way wait what are the odds okay you guys can never tell me the odds how did i'm speechless once again it happens every single time i swear this cave does look crazy though oh we got more diamonds oh wow this is crazy i don't think i've ever seen a lava pool this big all this loud more diamonds yo this is not real right now is this am i dreaming is this a fake video what on earth this is crazy and it's a lot of diamonds as well oh wow okay how many diamonds did we just mine we have 17 diamonds you've got to be kidding me okay this has potential to get really opie really quickly let's keep going through the this is is this rigged because this feels pretty rigged right now i can't believe it i actually can't believe this all right let's go underneath we're going to do one legal x-ray any more diamonds yo oh whoa there's bedrock down there okay do one right here as well any diamonds no diamonds okay no diamonds we'll go back up as if finding 17 diamonds that wasn't enough i just needed to try and find some more let's get some redstone because we want to get these levels we have one minute until pvp begins so we're gonna make this right now yes oh we need to make the book oh we got paper from the ship as well i completely forgot okay we got seven books in that case six books even okay let's place the enchant table now let's see how random this can really get we want to make ourselves a diamond chest plate first i think that's gonna be the move okay protection one but it's actually protection too super random okay we're not gonna complain though cause that's pretty good let's use a sword and just go sharpness one again super random this is not going well right now well this could go a lot better we're gonna try another sword that's gravel sword cool come on please be better sharpness six okay this truly is random all right here we go i'm i'm speechless once again here we go we're gonna make ourselves a helmet please be good oh okay so it's a random value so now i have an aqua affinity seven diamond helmet i guess i deserve that right let's make ourselves some leggings protection ten just just like that just protection ten i'm breaking five we don't need that go for another pair of boots okay projectile protection nine another pair of boots protection four okay that's pretty good that is a pretty good set of armor right there let's go for a that's not an engine table let's go for a book maybe huh power eight okay well this is this is pretty op this this is kind of scary op um i don't know how to feel about that because that means other people could be kind of stacked on the surface either way we gotta go up there so let's get a move on i'm gonna grab myself some blocks before we go up wow okay yeah i'm kind of scared of what other people have we do have a sharpness six diamond sword though let me just check that once more okay yeah i wasn't dreaming it is sharpness six we are good to go to the surface here we go okay we got more gold right here we're gonna take that just one piece okay there's one it's one more than i had okay there's more gold right here actually and that is okay this is a lot this is ten i didn't even know that that was possible okay and gold i guess okay we're just gonna go straight up in that case okay we got the surface right here let's go let's hope that there's nobody around us with better enchants than us okay there's not we're gonna use our shears on this one lonely oak tree to get ourselves some apples so we can make a couple golden apples at least there we go we gotta remember that fall damage is now enabled so do you not yeah don't take any risky leaps well do you not take any risky leaps okay the border is coming quite quickly right there i'm freaking out all right we're moving we are going we're going all right this is where things get interesting other people could have pretty crazy enchants that we just gotta hope that they don't have a sharpness six diamond sword you know on second thoughts i really wish i got a good enchant on my helmet we could have had like protection 10 instead we got aqua affinity okay but this person got absolutely nothing i'm so sorry this has to happen i hope you can understand okay that did not as much health as i thought but we're gonna take them out right now so we can get their golden apples because they didn't have any golden apples they did have gold though and they did have an apple i guess i guess it kind of counts saw someone else this way as well okay we want that diamond helmet let us have another chance at getting a good diamond helmet please oh okay kinda opie we can also try and get another diamond sword here we go diamond helmet protection tent i i literally called it i literally called it sharpness sharpness 10. i'm so sorry get sharpness 10. dude how did we do that we just got protection 10 sharpness 10. i okay i am speechless once again this game is leaving me speechless this is completely broken random enchants this is kind of crazy if you guys want to see more definitely leave a like on this video gotta take a second to recollect myself right here okay that guy is enchanting we gotta take care of business right now we're gonna sneak up on him under the water here we go okay there's two of them guys you can't just team like that i'm gonna have to take you out for that please don't please don't make me do this please i have sharpness 10 please don't make me do this oh he has a golden apple we want that right now there we go take the golden apple they were getting a bunch of enchants let's check your loot you had two golden apples okay and we have one more set of loot to check okay they sharpness nobody can have these understand that nobody is allowed these swords that is a sharpness 10 iron sword as well okay nobody can have this armor that is illegal that bow is only power three okay were there arrows in here okay no arrows so it doesn't matter maybe there's arrows in here nope no arrows in this one okay wait there is a pickaxe though let's just enchant a pickaxe let's see what we can get on the pick okay efficiency efficiency 10. okay yeah it's it's completely broken you can get an efficiency 10 diamond pickaxe yeah that's insanely fast okay we can craft oh my i am so sorry headphone users and to anyone else that just had a heart attack along with me because that was terrifying that was a chest exploding for anyone that didn't know what just happened right there okay i've been stunned into silence once again okay we got death match starting in 16 seconds okay there's no arrows in here i just wanted to check just to be sure okay that person has not that many enchants okay maybe we can get a hit on them before death match oh i really tried okay this person is pretty stacked these people not so much anyone could have a sharpness 10 iron sword though but we got to be careful we're going to take this guy out with one hit and we're going to not let this person enchant we're going to make sure this person gets taken out as well we gotta just we gotta just take care of business okay there's one there's two okay we're gonna eat up a golden apple wow okay we gotta pull this off right here i don't know if this guy has golden apples it doesn't seem that way he has some pretty strong gear but we might take it home right here no way this is it this is it we're gonna pull it off with the sharpness 10 diamond sword 11 kills guys 11 kills if you guys want to hop on and play random in chat the ip is on the screen right there on the left i have no other words other than that was insane if you guys did enjoy be sure to leave a like click that subscribe button on the left side of the screen click that playlist on the right side you never know what you might find in there it might be your new favorite youtube video my heart is racing i should probably play with a heart rate monitor on at some point leave a like if i should do that and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 2,333,750
Rating: 4.9446692 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft UHC but every enchant is random, minecraft bu every enchant is random, minecraft uhc but every enchantment is random, minecraft but every enchantment is random, minecraft uhc but every item is random, minecraft but every item is random, minecraft uhc random, minecraft randomizer uhc, minecraft uhc but, minecraft uhc, minecraft, uhc, randomizer uhc, randomizer minecraft, random minecraft, minecraft random
Id: sHZe_m7XJ5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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