I Downloaded The World's Hardest Mod!

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boys do you know what you're playing no no this is the hardest mod in all of minecraft why'd you bring us we were playing rl craft it is known across the community as the hardest thing to ever exist you have to track water you have to track food there's dinosaurs creatures wizards mobs everything about this is incredibly complex and weird what is that i don't know go say hi to it good idea chandler go check it out oh my gosh that is terrifying it just gave me knowledge knowledge thank you now die wait why'd you hurt it let's go into the orb going to the orb oh my gosh oh get away get away get away all right don't mess with the wisp wait jimmy yeah carl look down there i think it's a crashed ship wait yeah but look what i saw up here a castle wait how'd i miss that let's go check it out carla okay carl what do you think is on this castle uh i think things that are gonna hurt us i'm not gonna lie oh my gosh whoa you don't meet the requirements to break this block oh what oh oh i can't see whoa guys go around the outskirts of the castle yeah come on oh wow carl something's chasing you oh my god okay okay one shot are you kidding me oh i almost walked off what oh i was pummeled by ashton dejen oh oh there's a dinosaur like in the last mod video where the loser had to buy a hundred barbie dolls was that fun channel it was great we also have a punishment for this video for whoever dies the most chandler carl jimmy that's me whoever has the most desk has to brush their teeth and then drink a glass of orange what's the juice combination in history it actually is apparently chandler you have the most deaths and as of now you're brushing your teeth and then oh what oh oh oh oh oh get away get away get away now we're tied wow i haven't died yet what is that get away from me get away from me get away from me i can hit like a fairy get away you have to be a level four screw your level four ugh i love how in the last modded video carl was the one to find the minecraft girlfriend and in this video he finds the mermaids it's almost like women just flocked to carl but they end up not liking him ow i can't even spawn without dying all right come on come on come on what he just said a flip out of the water what is that oh my gosh he's right outside wow whoa no stop stop stop oh come on how are there more mermaids stop carl get out of the water i wasn't even in the water they stopped flirting with the mermaids for five seconds carl come on man oh my gosh [Music] don't tell carl but we're actually tied dude i can't even get to the surface did you die again carl are you ready yes yes carl real quick i have a question yeah do you like orange juice why do i keep spawning in the middle of the ocean oh no whoa i will not die on that oh what is that oh my god we're good we're good just got in the water and there's ink sacks everywhere which means something big just killed a lot of squids i have a spider chasing me and i don't know what to do oh he climbed up oh i bet he's who killed the squids oh he's coming for me he's coming for me oh oh oh i'm terrified get away from me no i thought he was a sea creature how did he go on land he's spawn camping how do you feel now that's what happened to me seven times in a row oh i'm starting to see that dragon he's shooting fire just randomly into the ocean for no reason let's take this moment to do something special carl if you or chris what would you say right now dude that was totally carl's fault dude i didn't mean to kill you dude carl i didn't mean to kill you whenever i was hitting you with a sword or throwing snowballs at you what is that don't look at me don't i made eye contact with it i made eye contact with it ah ah ah what what is going on i wonder is you're not oh my god it's a shrimp i just got killed by a six foot shrimp oh turkeys yeah baby gobble baby so darg what is that oh how about surplus pantaloons of defense all right is is my screen pitch black for anyone else what's happening i don't know what's happening i physically can't see i spawned in the middle of the ocean where do i even go carl what happened when you found a mermaid they teleported me towards them and then killed them oh my gosh what is happening get away jimmy roll out oh no she's chasing me i never imagined a mermaid could be that terrifying as of now i have 10 deaths and chandler has 20. carl you've died 13 times um the actual numbers are like literally being dead serious i've died 10 times chandler's died five times carl's down four times so i'm literally in last place by a lot so i've been wandering through the ocean this whole time and i found this there's a chest teleport you to your spawn point oh what is that come on man i wasn't even in the freaking water yo i got a iron dagger i have a wood sword can you jump in water oh what the f something just hit me midair and knocked me out oh i found the best island in the game the boys have to have a meeting what's in the chest tell me your coordinates before you continue oh yeah uh my coordinator uh 1 800 screw you i don't think that's coordinated yo what is this wormhole portion what'd i find hello there oh it's a graveler i'm from pokemon what is this what because it's so unfair you broke my legs now i can't even swim dude hello friendlies oh not friendlies no what the f throw your fast oh my gosh no no how all right me and your ty chandler do you want to drink some orange juice am i gonna drown bro oh my gosh i hear something behind me get away from me get away from me what the ocean yes what he won him oh what is that what the bird a bird just picked me up bro what a freaking eagle just swoop down and grabbed me look at it or whatever this is what i'm literally flying in the air what oh he dropped me okay he just dropped me in the water he gave me weight too dude what the heck i went to the bathroom and i'm dead how did i die get away get away yes get away get away your mom what i don't like how they just hit you twice and you lose two hearts and then you just die yeah and then you get lose seven yeah what is up with that you like get kind of hurt and then just completely dead what is this what is it why why are things glowing ow ow ow ow i was pricked to death i died to a cactus the fairies aren't nice i was about to say i was embarrassed because i died by a dinosaur but then you died by a cactus oh now the bird why i don't know what it is chandler you're currently in last place why don't you quit camping i'm not camping i just spawned in the middle of the ocean what do you want me to do not spawn there bro i'm doing good i'm leveling up guys are you guys proud of me guys five more minutes until the winner is determined i am currently in last place with 13. chandler has 12 deaths congratulations taylor ow stop of course i got picked up by the bird wait this dude this this bird is camping me it's camping waiting for me to come out of the water oh wait wait i'm using my recall potion yes yes i had a spawn potion i used the big brains they call me dream no why are you hitting me i have 14 deaths chandler has 12. carl has seven oh no my sword ran out is that snow or creatures oh there's a there's a there's something else in here that i didn't see i'm sorry i don't want no i don't want no trouble i don't want no trouble i don't want to drink horseshoes go away what is that is that a buchasaur a bush saurus a bush of wrecks guys someone fight someone besides me you what do you have vegetarian kill them kill them eat them you stupid giant green glob hey jimmy if it makes you feel better i'm still winning i feel like i'm safe to just die as much as i want now oh oh come on man they're just like out of nowhere how is my sword almost out i've used it three times go away go away i see you coming no stop stop you're not hiding up level stop it's not fair it's not fair i was planning on killing you but i'm not a high note level yes i have a god apple i had like six hearts and you just want him hey that shrimp looked deadly i ain't messing with it yeah dude jimmy got killed by a shrimp already yo is this ikea tower psych i actually watch pewdiepie i know there's 30 seconds left but i don't even think there's a need to wait guys the challenge is officially over i have 16 deaths chandler has 20 deaths and carl has 14. i don't think that's the right number i definitely only died 13 times all right he called me on my blog i came in last place with 16 dabs which means i have to drink orange juice after brushing my teeth yes all right all right hold my toothbrush it tastes like mint orange juice i don't think you're talking drink it's a good description i did it i hate you i hate you i don't hate you subscribe goodbye
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 10,128,756
Rating: 4.9420938 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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