Minecraft MINING ONLY DIMENSION! (Ultra Hardcore)

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I'm not gonna lie to you it's been so long since I played this world I've kind of gone what I was doing last sight but I have a plan don't worry I have a plan it's gonna be cool today no I am NOT looking up what I'm supposed to be doing cuz I've even forgotten about what I was doing and had plans my brain is a mess today I remembered we're okay it's gonna be fine so I need to oh no I forgot about this as well these guys having major issues I'm taking these berries oh we got dogs we've got Grimm's we got real Stella Grimm's look at these guys they're ready to go warrior Grimm's let's put all this stuff back I remember the piggyback pack got the engraved Thunder what I want to do is I want to make bricks seems random but I definitely want to make them I think I need these purple then Oh purple there they're green I need a certain kind of brick I think it's to do is stone bricks you can use these to make a certain portal what is it this I think this is it I need a mining multi-tool a mining multi-tool is a stick oh that's actually not too bad a stick stone bricks stone pickaxe and a flint and steel I think I can do that I'm pretty sure I could do that I've got plenty of cobblestone so let's grab that let's put all the rest of this stuff in here cuz you know I don't need it right now oh yeah I got a spider fangs as well oh yeah wasn't i hunting something and then someone came out of the portal and it was a little scary and stuff see I remember now I definitely remember I don't remember how to make these though I'm gonna need to smelt these bad boys so let's grab those I need to make this portal so that I can get to the mining dimension stanton are you hearing me buddy I need to get to the mining dimension how much iron do I have copper can I make a copper pickaxe copper pickaxe let's have a look we can there's different types this is the 1 4 and 1.2 okay it's the same okay that's good that's good that's good I can make this so if I make this pickaxe right now it can replace the iron one that we've got when it breaks so to make the mining multi-tool I need stone bricks am I gonna need ten of these that's kind of unreal so I need ten flint and steel I'm not sure how I feel about that that's gonna be so annoying I feel like we should wait for this to happen first and see if we need what we think we need so if I can make four of our may 12 of those okay that's good and then I need to make one of these multi-tools so I need Finn and steel stone pickaxe a stick I think I should be able to do this but do I have iron that is a problem I have three iron do I have Flint please say have Flint is there any other ways I can make flint and steel this modpack is so confusing the only way is Flint quite crap Flint I can but its essence is magic that I don't understand let me just double check so if I do this Flint and then double click I can actually see if there's any in my imagery unlucky there's not but I also need one two three of these I need some more sticks oh hello Rose ender have you been sent to save me stansson guys stop fights go for me please UH one two three four let's make some sticks out of that it's so weird then mod packs like this you can't find the normal things easy enough so we definitely one of these and hopefully this will be worth it hopefully this will help with that problem actually so okay all I have actually just only just made a cobblestone pick this is embarrassing nobody look don't look at me it's slightly embarrassing so I need Flint which is gonna be a problem because I'm not sure I'll never mind there's this gravel right here it's okay guys don't panic I knew you were panicking anyway I just need some Flint just one single piece of Flint when you're looking for Flint you can't find it but when you're not looking for Flint it's everywhere there we go Thank You laddie thank you you know I just called gravel laddie and I'm losing my mind guys actually losing my mind so now we can make flint and steel sweet portal frame so I need this mining tool pickaxe okay I think I've got this so we need stone brick stone brick flint and steel stone pickaxe and a stick makes the mining multi-tool ooh everyone say Oh oh look we've got let's go dude mining multi-tool so now I can use this to craft the bricks right so if I do this and that oh yeah so I didn't need to do this hole oh this is the recipe anyway so I take that and it has durability oh okay how much Jubilee C's is gonna take I need quick maths I need 10 is this gonna cost me a lot oh the multi-tool actually just works okay let's decide where to put this I really need to redesign this whole place eventually cuz it's gonna be machines and warriors everywhere that protect me when I become king spoilers I'm gonna try and become King I do need some berries I do need some food as well so stop making this stop stop the presses I need meat raw meat yeah I will try and become king and hopefully this portal will help me towards this goal so where should we put this I feel like I'm gonna put it like over here actually I know I'm gonna put it right here this is gonna be fine I'm gonna put this right here we're gonna build the rest around it's gonna be okay portal frame this is actually kind of cool-looking I'm about this ah I knew I was gonna do that I so knew it twenty eight one more here one more here this this and this and this should allow us to go to a dimension that's only for mining now I don't know whether that includes all things that could be mined in this modpack or whether it's just normal stuff evil way it's gonna be pretty good the only problem is I don't quite know how to light it I'm gonna go sleep before I die as well because when night hits here things get real crazy actually I should have tried this already why don't we use this tool to try and light it so I my flint and steel anymore I don't really want to use all my I and let's try to go through the port so you have to sneak in it oh I'm liking the color of this this looks like it could actually be like my diamond dimension that's a bit of a throwback for you guys but look at it it's beautiful let's go through so we can run through it doesn't even matter you can do what you want straight through but if we sneak we should be able to go through and it's a complete hello hello is this groaning anyway we should be able to go through a mine I've done it a press sneak please don't break everything this is supposed to help me ok now I'm nervous oh oh now I'm even more nervous where am i this wasn't the plan oh I'm scared wait why am i down here this isn't what's supposed to happen okay you know what forget that let's put this on the wall I'm going up I'm just gonna go straight up and see what happens and this is where it's supposed to be we're in yeah we shouldn't be that far away from the surface let's just build a makeshift stairway and we're gonna get to the roof of this and figure out one earth is going on I've been bamboozled okay that's a good sign there is some all here that's amber baring stone which I don't quite need just yet is this really a cave world I was under the impression it was something completely different I'm not convinced it's also kind of odd though oh wait hold a second we're gonna freak your Mountain that's why I can't get out of here look at this hold on there's definitely cool stuff down here I'm not sure what's what this is about but I also need to be careful that I find my way back so let's make sure there's a decent oh no I need to remember my coordinates otherwise are definitely definitely gonna get lost what are these oh these are the crystals these are the ones that give me weird dreams so this is the mining worlds the skies stone I need an obsidian pickaxe so cheese I don't even know you could get us idiom pickaxe you can get an obsidian pickaxe that's kind of cool I like that we've made it we've made it to the mining dimension look at the mini-map it's so creepy this is it it's all for mining it's completely it's like a super flat world but it's also got just loads of caves to mine in and it means that it's just got no terrain in your way and you can mine to your heart's content which means we should probably try looking for diamonds and stuff like that as soon as possible apparently though there is way more lava in here so we need to be careful with that I kinda know what to do with sky stone I feel like it's important sky stone you can only find it in the mining world dimension where ae2 meteors will spawn so this is a meteor that's fantastic we need to make a chest stairs seeds it's useless actually useless there's bees okay we need this copper though I feel like we need this so this is a good start we can actually mine for stuff that we need but I'm kinda hoping that this particular dimension will help me with finding diamonds because I haven't really even having much help in that department just yet what are the chances that we spawn right next to her right next to a meteor that's crazy probably got apatite or as well let's just grab what we care I wonder if there's dungeons and stuff too I wonder if those will like naturally spawn in as well there's a lot of this appetite do I actually need it we've got seeds fertilizer it's for forestry a stamp Nuggets gears rods and fences the fences look pretty nice I'll give them that by kind of want to find me some beautiful diamonds the problem is I've just run out of torches I thought that was it then this is gonna be perfect for this because there's so many different kinds of wars as I said earlier you just can't find them on land oh wait are there mobs here if there's no mobs here this is Opie this is gonna be so good they were aluminium or this row spawned in I know what is this I hope this is a torch it's definitely not a torch I don't even know if you guys can see right now because I'm just going ahead and run into the darkness look at this war we found uranium ore I know that's Goods rock salts which we haven't found before syrtis quartz marble I don't know if any of this stuff is like is rare or not limestone as well mind you though it doesn't really matter if it's rare or not because we are found oh wait I thought there was spiderwebs there not I I would have guessed that we would have seen mobs by now so I don't think that mobs are in here I need like a lantern or something to carry around with me we can get some but they're in different mods man I don't know if you guys can see this but I'm gonna go on a little bit of a trek without any light which is treacherous no go lie to you this is gonna be done that's gonna get me killed isn't it almost certainly mind you though mind you I've not seen any mobs I'm also seeing ground level lava so if someone could just show me the diamonds real quick that would be perfect is that diamonds this is diamond oh baby let's go oh this is diamonds easy mode hold on there's only one okay nevermind this wasn't easy mode we found one we got the achievement let's go we got Elektra teen or as well iron ore I definitely need this iron ore is actually kind of difficult to find this is perfect I fit the jackpot this is incredible redstone I probably will need that at some point as well so let's grab that as well it looks like copper is pretty much on par with iron which is great the only thing I need to be careful of is lava because that's an incidental eat receiving me this time and if I could find I don't think that stuff dad's Dimond Wow hold on is there more diamond than normal and I also want to be careful there's no mods that add in like spontaneous combustion next to lava or anything crazy like that Oh baby give me these gave me these and then we cover you up so you don't burn little friends come here come to me oh yeah I got something else as well rare earths curse of vanishing I don't I don't think I don't think I want that I might toss that away that'd be the first thing I get rid of look at all this magnesium silver whoa I'm kind of in the business just for diamonds right now but we've definitely found the right dimension already with no mobs no mobs my mines kind of blown right now this feels like cheating if I'm in hardcore mode with like 350 mods so I'm not feeling too bad let's just make sure that we play this safe okay I do need to remind myself that I am actually in hardcore mode because I seem to keep getting and taking things for granted that looks interesting over there might just make my way over holding shift at all times oh my goodness that's why no I'm gonna save my pickaxe a little bit just in case they do come across some more diamond friends the upgrade will be much welcomes because I need to protect myself from everything that's here so osmium and silver kind of look like diamonds and it's put me off a little bit this gold okay I could take some gold I could deal with that whoa okay calm down this could be a good place to actually make obsidian as well if you could bring a water bucket down here no more diamonds to be had so let's bounce very very carefully and let's go and find some more lava because even though we've got this Opie dimension we've found two diamonds - I've somehow found a ravine inside here but I don't know if there's any diamonds down here what a level that we had we're level 17 so we should be able to find diamonds down here right I'm not too clued up on all my levels but I'm pretty sure we should be able to find diamonds down here this lap is but that ain't what we need hold on why didn't I bring my hammer down with me I definitely should have bought the hammer because that's gonna make it so much quicker to mine through this I didn't bring my main mining tool to the mining dimension and now I'm low key a little bit lost I'm not gonna lie to her distracted by diamonds and I've only got and my pickaxe is just about to break this is I'm gonna die here alone on I hold on a second there's trees under here actual trees this modpack just gets weirder and weirder I could definitely use the word right now I will take this I'm gonna make myself a crafting table I'm actually gonna make myself a hammer down here because I don't feel like leaving just yet it's really need cobblestone I'm gonna need some torches as well cuz I can't see nothing down here this and then how do I make a hammer again I'm gonna see what I need to do I can make a copper armor what other hammers can I make then cuz if I could make like an iron one that'd be so good okay and nevermind I think they're all exactly the same let's just make a copper one they smell this copper ore and that should give me enough for it and then we're gonna go and search for more diamonds the only other thing I feel like I could do is get some obsidian so maybe I should make a bucket actually grab some water grab some obsidian cuz then I can make and in shunting table Oh on a second how do i enchant in this enchantment table oh my gosh I was so scared then so I could I could get two diamonds and then just obsidian in a book which I think I can craft already then we could make looting on my pickaxe and then we can go from there but first off I need one more diamonds to be able to do that cuz I need a diamond pick right five of these should be enough actually so let's do this I don't have any sticks fantastic made a button by accident even better get out of here there we go copper hammer I am pretty sure that's what we made and now I'm gonna place this here for a fine the button task actually I also need another pickaxe to perfect amount so let me just break this that's me the time that it broke that will be imperfect let's make another pickaxe and then we're good to go we've got torches now as well I've still got my engraved thunder which is still scaring me slightly but now my friends we can go a little bit crazy if I get down to Diamond level I can just start digging but I need to be careful of lava and I don't really feel like dying wound marble spooky wait all in a second I better not die from going in here but this looks pretty extreme hello so things Jews born in here I feel like there should be sewing bar osmium ore wait why these sparkles am I actually getting this stuff I am getting this stuff what is this and I've just realized I have a mini-map so I could have marked where my portal is wait a second we're calling this something right here magic mining thingy that's right this is the magic mining thingy so does this could this make diamonds it's making coal iron stone it made one of the other weirdos as well I'm feeling like this is oh you're like LED or Eric and this could give us diamonds you know magical diamonds that's more LEDs more LEDs this is gonna rinse our pickaxe I'm gonna stay here a second and see if we can all charge to search this quartz I'll take it copper or I'll take it I reckon if we get lucky enough we could get diamonds we've got sapphire which you haven't actually seen yet oh boy this is cool how do we make one of these uranium dude this would be so Opie if you had the efficiency enchantment as well that would be so good tin we haven't got tin yet we got gold as well which is pretty nice I could just stay here forever redstone gimme iron gimme I on times to give me again okay I've just looked it up and apparently you can just keep going on this thing and then eventually it will actually stop producing stuff for you so we should probably be careful with it we're probably never gonna see this again though so doesn't really matter but look what this stuff we've got I'm rich guys I'm rich we've done it scared of this grab my tin or I want to make sure I picked up everything especially these shiny stones that are animated I can get out of here we've got the achievement shocking gravel get out of here duck get out of here I want to pick up these I think these are rubies yeah they are rubies let's grab that grab this as well it looks like a thunder stone from Pokemon it's all in the water as well thank you for your services mystic terrain I didn't bring any food with me I've gone a single Apple really do you generate food can you generate food please I'm so distracted by everything let's go a little bit deeper down to lava level it's not a good idea I feel like it's a good idea this is electrolyte or and then we're just gonna start using our hammer cuz this can do three at a time and as long as we're at the right level we should be able to get some diamonds in our pockets I need five to be able to do what I want to do right then let's do it this goes straight this way this is a strip mining master class well we found Oh gold depository I'll take this I'm finding lapis but I'm not finding diamonds why am I not finding diamonds oh my goodness it just broke actually just broke I found zero zero diamonds I got plenty of lapis but nobody wants lapis I mean I'll take it there's nobody to mean what quartz as well how could I find no diamonds with that look how far we went you see how hard it is to get diamonds in this looks like I'm gonna have to smell me up some more copper I don't have enough that smelt me up some iron that's all we can do and keep her going thing is as well I'm gonna run out of food I don't think I can eat diamonds which is lil bit upsetting I could try but I don't think it's gonna go very well I'm just seeing what else you can make with this you make a drill I hate to find out this electricity stuff a sickle Sun crystal yeah I definitely need to make like some kind of quarry or something to dig all this stuff out a jackhammer alright good as wait this is actually kind of crazy that we can make all this stuff I need some more sticks so let's make those let's make yourself another hammer so an iron hammer let's see if this does it any better than the previous hammer and I better find some diamonds this time please oh I think it's a little bit quicker I love the hammer is so good might have a little bit more durability actually as well the problem is I use some of my iron for it but we are gonna find some more dude this is so good ah yeah we got some okay how many do we get oh that's two that's all this is it this is it we did it the hack to find diamonds that could be a beautifully clickbait to youtube hide tool not sure if I'm gonna use it if I did I'm sorry I'm real sorry look at this sleds go dude give me all these diamonds ah this is a proven method all we need is the mining dimension we were eight in total I might just keep going until this thing dies annoying me what gravel in our way I could just turn actually let's go this way instead and grab some more iron on the way got so much iron this is amazing and I think the iron hammer definitely is better it seems to last longer and I can pick up iron on the way wasn't gonna do that oh you know what though I do need to make a bucket so we can grab some obsidian at some point I don't need to do that now but we can do and this is like extreme strip mining this is incredible incredible work everyone hey there he goes it has broken we could just keep rinse and repeating this by the way cuz we've got so much words that we can use the only thing is trying to get it all back I want to find enough diamonds to make diamond armor pickaxe and also what else do I want we could go to the nether as well if we get obsidian on pickaxe armor sword I'm sure there's so much more crazy stuff that we could use to kill things in this mod pack but I want to start with basics if I know anything about mod packs it's go for diamond first because it's not gonna be as good as you think it is right then second hammer coming in Opie oh I just made a gun iron CAD assembly I don't wanna make a gun just yet we can make it go into some point but not now I'm gonna leave that to smell actually and we're gonna continue on in for diamonds my friends oh I thought that was diamonds then you're teasing me now I feel like the iron one can actually mine up more than the copper one can you know I feel like that might be the case okay that's gone as well right no diamonds in that one which is kind of upset in just want to triple check but we should have one being made right now oh yeah we've got two more hammers worth this is so weird let's actually make two hammers worth as well because we're getting way more iron the more that we do this as well one iron ore I need to have that my imagery at all times just so I know I want to make sure I pick up all the iron ore down here cuz I don't know waste it let's keep going Oh what was that so much experience come on give me the goods oh there's some that was his soul good dude I feel like I've won minecraft right now actually won the whole thing oh my food hardcore mode as well I can't die I just need to get these get out and then we'll figure out what to do next I mean you got one too oh geez oh yes let's go well there's more there's actually more yes okay we need to get out of here cuz otherwise I'm gonna die after collecting a 14 diamonds I might just die and I don't think there's anything I can eat down here so the problem is I'm pretty low down right now I need to get out of here desperado I'm actually gonna I think Waypoint this so this is gonna be like mining base and I'm just gonna try and get out of here by going upwards yeah there we go you know like I did with the UM with the stairs in my base I'm gonna try and do this and get out as long as I find the portal I should be okay the problem is I don't know where the pool is and I'm worried yes oh thank goodness I'm not stuck in here forever okay this is good news and also no mobs so we can just enjoy the sunrise together I'm here okay I need to make a waypoint here which is tunnel entrance save where on earth is my portal I should have I know it down the coordinates but I should have just put a flippin checkpoint wine I think brain come on you're not cool minecraft with 350 miles don't be an idiot so I need to be at 658 and then 1382 658 1382 which is this way oh man and that's not fall in lava while we do this because we have diamonds on board and I don't want to die these hammers though these hammers ROP straight ope they're amazing you can make lots of obsidian here you just need to bring a bucket and you're good so as soon as we can make a diamond pickaxe which is like pretty soon as soon as we get home we can make an enchanting table as well and make this hammer as Opie as possible we could probably make a diamond hammer as well actually ah I have found the meet your site let us find where we went through the portal why could the portal not just appear normally huh why couldn't it be on the surface why have you got to do this to me and force me to do all this stuff I think it's down here as well it's even lower down I could have to make like a proper staircase to get to it that's so annoying right where are you where are you here so need to make a waypoint here as well so many waypoints I have been gone so long let us go back oh you would never guess where I've been sheep I have been to the Holy Land it was magical right then I have bought so many goodies with me that I can't even hold them hey javi yeah what's good my friends I've never met you before how are you I'm gonna make two of these we're gonna pop those here in this here I'm gonna shove everything in there and just grab as and when we need things so the 14 diamonds gonna stay with me my name multi-tools gonna stay with me this is gonna stay with me alright well iron or I I'm gonna smell that real quick now we've got steak as well big nom big dongs coming in this is why I was missing so now what we can do is I thought I do have a book raaah we're ready so ready I got iron ingots in here as well oh man okay what am i doing I need to make a diamond pickaxe so give me this wood let's make a diamond pickaxe actually can we make a diamond hammer we've got enough to do it diamond hammer 2800 durability I'm just gonna do it the diamond hammers coming in BAM look at this bad boy 3122 I don't feel like this is the same thing it is the same thing it just looks a little bit different grabbed oh we have to try this thing out look at it Grimm's look oh it's beautiful please do the same thing or even bigger okay does the same thing but still it's got 3,000 durability and hopefully we can in Charton this thing as well we might obsidian with this actually that would be kind of kind of unreal so let's take this let's make a buck here we go and test this out real fast because if we can get obsidian we can now make an enchanting table then hope you put efficiency on this and then we repeat we could just do as much as we want let's go do the dew shall we with my diamond pickaxe into the unlimited mining dimension either broke at the game I've broken the game let's go this is why you play more in Minecraft this is why you do it the most efficient the most efficient minecraft hammer you've ever seen it's just a good day to be alive a fantastic day to be alive I thought this is kind of ope though but I got a don't care let there be obsidian do you reckon we could get on it so satisfying dragon we could get more than one of sitting at the same time with this diamond I think we might be able to you know so let's see we I think we can do it I actually think we can do it let's get rid of this is there any lover underneath huh okay there's library underneath oh man so how can I do this can we mine it was at the same time are we doing it we're mining all at the same time this is unreal but with lava underneath it's gonna be annoying they were gonna pop on to the lover aren't they Oh before ok fours fine actually it's really fine oh this is great give me this I just want to make sure that I can get all of the obsidian without it burning I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna do that though okay that's bad that's better stop that stop that stop that right there so if I now do this here we should be able to get it as well this is the quickest obsidian ever oh man modded minecraft is beautiful and scary at the same time these waypoints are so handy as well they're ridiculous let's go let's make an insurance Abel and let's see if we can make this thing the most opie mining tool you've ever seen in your life book BAM diamonds BAM obsidian BAM enchantment table thank you very much now I don't know if this works on lap is oh I need bookshelves so guys uh anyone have bookshelves I just wanna see if we can enchant it first actually can we Bop efficiency so we can this is gonna be great has anyone got bookshelves here would really appreciate some bookshelves I need a librarian Oh didn't see that there there's literally bookshelves in my house oh but I should be able to mine this right and get some books excuse me sir I'm gonna need you to not eat my potential people that are gonna help me okay actually you found the books Ponce how's it going man can I borrow your books don't mind me just borrowing new book ease that's a of those would be good if I had silk touch but I can't inch on bookshelves huh books this library knew that about books what will you trade me for books where on earth is your door okay don't think she has the door hold on guys we're gonna have to help out the librarian in return she's gonna give us books are you okay Wow dear librarian trade you just trade paper for emeralds okay I'm taking your books I'm commandeering the books I'm taking them thank you thank you very much gonna have to take them off you stop looking at me like that sheep as well stop judging me oh that's a fantastic doorway let's see how many bookshelves you can make with this I've got I've actually got a lot of wood in here okay let's grab some more okay let's start making some bookshelves I don't know how many Oh this is the perfect amount of books as well yes we are gonna need some more of these though oh wait I can have these oh I can actually do it 15 oh this is beautiful beautiful where am I gonna put this though I need it to be protected from the elements actually we can move it in the future so for now we're gonna plop this down here I think you can make it like this right I think that's it that's the full enchantments that you could get diamond hammer 30 levels is soulbound Auto smell or efficiency what are these so about are you kidding me soulbound that's not what I want I want efficiency and I want it now auto smoke could be pretty dope actually let's go we've got lapis I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do you efficiency I didn't mean to do that I did not mean to do that oh my goodness why do I do these things to myself that has unbreaking efficiency 5 4 even I don't have to make another Diamond hammer for this to work now there's too many enjoyments way too many enchantments I wonder if there's a way is there another enchantment Auto enchantment table will hold up let's make one of these I don't know what this is gonna do but I kind of want to find out and just quickly grab this let's see what happens I could have just wasted some diamonds but I could also wasted this as well but I'm hoping this is better right BAM open this if I put this in that slot and then the lap is in there what's he gonna do also extract wait can I take things off I want to take things off oh I know what I've done now this is an automatic one the evidence is in the name of this one so this is actually a machine version of it need to do a machine version of that so now I have two inch arm and tables and I've wasted two diamonds I'm a complete dumb bot and now I don't have a book why if only there was a way to uncraft it but we've got autumn attic enchantment table does that mean it does it my own uses liquid experience as well so our diamond hammer has efficiency one I think I'm gonna have to use books to make it even better but let's see if this works I'm sure it's gonna be absolutely incredible anyway even though I low-key messed it up that is definitely better but if we get books and try and charm them up to efficiency we should be good but guys I think I believe this year I spent a lot of time in the dimensional world but now we essentially have unlimited diamonds if I get out of here real fast and go to my tunnel I can just use this I'm gonna have so many diamonds and if I get enough iron I can make an anvil so I can repair it this is gonna be beautiful I actually might make a fresh one depending how many diamonds I get so this should be my tunnel so I should be able to run all the way down and get to my mining base haha I have arrived this is smelted I've got so much iron now as well but now what I can do is I can literally go strip mining with my diamond hammer so many times I should have got the auto smell as well because if I'd have done that what I'd have been able to do is make it so that every time I mine iron or something like that it also smelled sin I don't have to use a smelter anymore and that would work for gold it would work for everything that needs smelting so oh yeah diamonds actually you might wait until we've got ourselves should I wait until I get a fortune this is gonna get so many diamonds I think I'm gonna wait to get a fortune on a pickaxe a diamond pickaxe and I have enough to do that so guys this works we found the most opie way to miner minecraft thank you so much for watching another episode of ultra modded hardcore hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like that we greatly appreciated thank you for hanging out with me today and if you're brand new around here why don't you consider subscribing by hitting that big fat red subscribe button just below the video that would be awesome and I'll see you guys in the next one you there [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle canvas super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,613,301
Rating: 4.9443402 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly
Id: oJ1naw7dpHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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