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guys I'm nervous it's super nervous is time to take minecraft hardcore the serious you guys all know and love me too and take that from about here to all the way up here let's strike we're taking it to the next level today we begin a brand new series called minecraft ultra hardcore I know it's a creative title so I originally wanted to do with this was take my original minecraft hardcore world of all the builds all the characters all the animals and stuff all the machines that we've built and add mods to it but it turns out I can't do that because the version of Minecraft I was using was - no and all the mods are really old so instead I thought that start from scratch we can always bring things from the original hardcore world into here by just recreating them but I'm using a mod pack and has 342 mods that's right 342 and I'm gonna be playing a hardcore so let's create a world and that's how you how this hardcore is gonna work so we hit single player is create new world let's go into hardcore let's call this world this gonna be bad let's check that everything is good it create new worlds and this world should create itself now let me explain what's going on here so this could be traditional hardcore 342 mods so there's loads of different creatures loads of different structures dimensions lots of stuff that can kill me to be honest which is quite scary I've also added two mods to this mod pack that should be able to help us out the first one is totems that can be crafted so if we can find the heads to the totems we can actually craft totems of undying which will be helpful and I've also added a mod that will allow us to get more hearts than traditional minecraft wait it's loading where's it gonna put a stone put me on an island please don't put me on an island we are we are Islands oh I think we're alland what is this yep we're definitely on island this is not a good start oh look my health bar is different so I've got two health bars now for some reason I've got 20 hearts which is good but we're still in hard quad I know why I'm wasting time here cuz I haven't got time to waste why did why did I have to spawn here this is awful let me try and get to some dry land real quick we've got three books as well I have no idea what's going on what our way over am i well as well explain what is going to be happening here so basically I've gotten mod in here if it works correctly which it might it just might not I've gone mod that will allow us to collect heart pieces kind of like in Legend of Zelda and be able to craft them as well so that we can make our health even higher which I think in a minecraft mod hardcore is fair we have to earn them but it's still gonna be ridiculously hard why are there beehives under the water and what is that oh I'm so confused too scared at the same time we've spawned in the worst place ever let's try and get top this mountain to see what's going on what is that hello oh I didn't meet it you I'm sorry I was scared I didn't know what you were I'm just gonna leave now oh there's another one it's like green what can I do with you you're really cute is that an owl hey buddy how's it going I can hear things moving around I think that's a bee hive so you should probably get away from that loads of new ores as well appetites okay this is gonna take a lot of learning let's see what's through this magical crack here oh okay this is actually too bad we got pigs we got sheep we got a tree loads of trees over there let me smack some wood and while I'm doing that let me discuss my disappointment which is probably what you guys have let me just discuss what is going on with the old Minecraft hardcore basically I'm just gonna leave that as it is that was a good end we 100% completed it everything was done and I did try I try to get it so that we could play that world with mods but instead I think it's better to just start fresh and we can bring people like bones you like bones didn't you there's crystals I like that let's get the basics done first though shall we cuz otherwise it's gonna be a very short series yeah I did try to make it so that we could use that but we can't so I just thought this was the best way start afresh start anew we could even rebuild stuff which would be fun we could rebuild the castle and just make it ten times better but for now we're here in a brand new minecraft hardcore worlds and if you're excited let me know leave a thumbs up let me greatly appreciate it this series is going to be just as good if not better than the previous one I promise you what am i picking up here it's going a lot of learning I got an egg of a silkworm the kind of sounds disgusting tonight Oh get away from me don't even come near me please yeah let me get some time into this we learn everything that's going on there's gonna be insane fights they're all gonna be risky because we can lose everything at any points and I'm ready I don't know about you guys I am ready for the next challenge minecraft hardcore vanilla easy give me this big challenge oh these bees these bees is gonna sting me are they so I need to decide where I want to go I also need to find out oh here it is this is what I wanted this is the mat it will have floating island over here looks like we're just in the extreme hills biome which is um it's not ideal to be honest oh look Oh guys it's getting dark already this is this is gonna go well rubber wood I think we might need this for something but what I'm excited about in this as well is aside from normal redstone you obviously have machines and stuff which is what we kind of tried to do with redstone in Minecraft hardcore so I'm excited for that I think rubber wood has something to do with that but for now we just need its wooden properties we have three books encyclopedia mysticum oh man there's a lot to learn in this it's a very mysterious world out there this book will grant you insight into the many mysterious and mystical things you might come across probably we'll need that we've got a tome that includes many more books that's a lot of reading the chickens keep me safe I need to go and get some wool I've got llamas as well okay this is gonna go great let's actually start by doing what we're supposed to do we're gonna make some a crafting table I'm gonna make a bed so that we're safe and then we're gonna start thinking about where on earth we want to go to sell obtained by guess which is half a temporary one first I'm thinking up there but I don't think we can I don't think we can get up there can we shape shape I need your wool actually I just need the white sheep don't I come here you come here I'm sorry this had to happen to you real sorry there we go untrue pacifist wait hold on you murdered an innocent creature no I didn't it needed to be done come here oh I can see the health and stuff now as well that's kind of cool too all right one more sheep and we've got ourselves two beds that's half the battle when you're starting out a Minecraft world there we go right let's pop down this crafting table real fast and let's hope that beds are made exactly the same way they are perfect so what we're gonna need to get our hands on to be able to stay alive enough because the beginning of Minecraft hardcore is gonna be the hardest especially in a modded one we need to work towards getting totems and getting hard points so we should just get going we should do this now we should just get tools hopefully try and get like iron tools as well I think that's gonna be handy get some coal and then we're good to go obviously all my achievements have reset which is sad but you know what we've got a whole new set of achievements now what was that beryllium dust nuclear craft oh we can make nuclear stuff I'm about it let's go so we've also got all of this apatite or leaves aluminum copper or there's so much amber bearing stone copper ore there's a lot in here it's gonna take a lot of learning all I want is iron actually that's all I want and all I need to be fair still not a fan of this biome but I'm gonna have to get a whole wait wait a second hold on oh these are cranberries can we eat these well I think we can oh it tells us as well not all new hunger bar oh that's amazing right we need to grab as many cranberries as possible hold up hold up these get as many crab Ares as we want how would I take these cranberries with me I want this bush to come with me that's insane right I'm thinking we holed up in in a cave and just try and find some ions we can get ourselves some armor otherwise we're gonna be in trouble so let's do that oh no nighttime nighttimes actually happening now I see glowing things so I'm a little bit scared already let's make some torches because we've got a lot of coal burns oh no the torches run out I think the torches run out over time 400 ticks but sources run out oh this made me real nervous also the fact I don't see any mobs is making me a little bit nervous too because I feel like I should be and I'm not hello friends I just want to be friends all I want is some iron ore with all these other all generations I think we're gonna struggle to find some win is there even iron ore in this can we get iron ore is that a thing maybe we should sleep yeah they'd sleep there's a sleep and chill huh oh yes the mob let's sum up this ask Ellen okay I haven't made myself a sword yet which I definitely should have done let's make one now I was thinking that maybe there weren't that many mobs so I pushed my luck a little bit and maybe I should have done that but I've got a sword fellas watch out oh geez oh geez he's coming for me who is it no you stay back stay back friends I don't wanna be your friend monster hunter and I picked up some jelly I got zombie jelly solidified experience how strange let's quickly look up what armor we can get I want to see if we can get aluminium so I've found some of that a loom in the chest plate definitely no chest plates nevermind amber what about amber what can we do with that okay so we can get amber chest plate but you need to do some next level of stuff to get it so let's let's skip that ah we can make copper copper he'll make copper chest plate okay let's grab copper if we can oh great a creeper I guess gonna have to try and take this out by ourselves come in you I'm not scared of you you we cross pops in the old series you remember you remember I could kill you in one short oh geez oh really scared okay we have earth crystals as well which we can grab your fingers tingled strangely as you handle the crystal what does that mean maybe some rest will inspire you ooh are we gonna have dreams I'm not sure I'm prepared for that all I want is some armor that's all I need just to feel a little bit more safe ah no no no ow oh geez okay twelve parts per million already eight hearts I'm gonna die I'm a just gonna die let's go there's a baby zombie behind me too oh this is horrible this is bad I have no food either what am i doing with myself let's not go in a cave let's let's just not let's not do that chickens come here come here I need you thank you oh that was scary I think I've got a different regen system as well so I regenerate health a little bit differently I think that's to do with the the mud I've got which is gonna make things a little bit easier but I think we're gonna need it I can always change that at some point if it becomes too easy I need to get out of this biome this biome really sucks let's try and do a little bit of exploring and see where that takes us shall we what is that is that a frog it's a frog come here I need you I feel bad actually they didn't drop anything all his friend is watching me oh you didn't see that you didn't see I dropped slime balls though that's really good to know sorry buddy oh that was just the two of them too I feel awful look at these biomes these poems are crazy in the frozen river this is the snowy forest I just need to find somewhere that's not just surrounded by ocean cuz I'm not sure I'm I'm not feeling this all blue or appetites let's have a look at that apatite no Armour unfortunately but it does look cool any iron pickaxe for it which I don't have slate is brand new well what's wrong with oh what's this oh they're cute it's rough it's a reindeer Rudolph on your biggest fan look at him ah he's cute I'm not gonna kill it I don't know this is like an achievement enter shrine and awaken its oh no I've awakened ancient magic no no I'm gonna die I'm actually gonna die oh Jesus should not have come here I should not have come here oh I'm dead I'm so dead oh no don't go near the runes let me out it's already I have died already killed by a wizard using magic fantastic well let's delete that world this is going well new worlds take two let's go turns out we need to rethink our strategy this looks like a nicer place to be we've got cows we've got sheep we've got trees why why do I do these things why this looks nicer all we have Abi's nothing too scary note to self don't go near the magical runes they're bad since we're near sheep I'm gonna grab a bed and then we're just gonna go and explore see what's nearby and try not to die this time that was awful see how easy it is to die they don't call it ultra hardcore for nothing oh great just what we need a forest fire I'm so pleased there is something in the river I'm gonna go and check it out I'm not gonna get too close just in case it's one of those magical ruin things again I need to explore and see what's going on this is a Marble Arch I think it's safe no threat detected hold on a second I recognize this I recognize this from when I used to play tech it that's where the that's where the rubber wood comes in you can put a tap on it I'm not joking you you can put a tap on a tree and it works okay just believe me I want to see if I can grab your huckleberries all those other ones were definitely glitched I've got one from those look at this a ravine that gives us nothing is that a chest hold on a second is this another one of those trap things I don't want to die again but I really want to see what's in that chair I'm gonna get closer and see what happens are we okay nature chest random things I got a magic bean pumpkin seeds melon seeds and vines I'm gonna take the chest - I like the chest I thought that was gonna be cursed but it looks like we're okay the magic bean however not sure how that's gonna go down sweet try it let's see what happens I wonder if we like plant it and it happens straight away or whether we need to nurture it go Oh hold on a second wait what is it I got a magic Beanstalk I'm going fast whoa it's taking me to another dimension I'm not sure I was ready for this a bean pod random things what is happening why is this a thing I'm so confused the magic Beanstalk I guess this can help you to just go up stuff right this is great Wow we've learned something new today when I got my bean back those that it if I use the magic bean Wow well that was cool crystal flower I feel like these are sparkly and I should definitely take these they seem rare there's something over here as well hold on hold on a second what is this is it a shrine this looks like a shrine to me but it's got absolutely nothing in it see lanterns are pretty nice but I don't need those right now I'm thinking we go straight through the forest we have got enough to make a bed so if we get into a bit of a bit of trouble we can just sleep it off I just want to find somewhere interesting to actually start progress I feel like we had decent progress going and then we died and now I'm already getting hungry this isn't going well oh wait cherries give me these cherries perfect timing nom nom they only give me one hunger point this one hunger point more than I had before whoa check out this blue tree Silverwood this is awesome if I had the patience that go and get that right now but I just need to find somewhere to live as a house it's actually a house do I go towards it I could offer them cherries in exchange for staying the night this looks way too convenient actually who stays here alone in the middle of nowhere hello knock knock wait is it a trap there's cake inside I see lots of mobs on the radar I feel like this is a trap I'm gonna go in anyway hello furnace is on and no one's gonna gonna quickly this though they won't minds okay I think I think we're fine no one's here I'm just chilling hold up we did say the jackpot statistics we need to read statistics oh this is like an architect that was at an architect's house it's mine now grab all these things we've got an enchanted power book pantaloons of warding and pantaloons of defense it's got fire protection I'm braking and protection and I'm braking too I'm putting these pants on oh I look fabulous we've stole a man's house this is great I don't believe it we've actually gained a free house oh okay wait there's zombies there's actually I think there's zombies in here oh there's zombies in my basement this is fantastic how low does this go I shouldn't be going down here oh okay okay yeah this is the downside again a free house huh it's infested with zombies below I mean we'll take it we'll take it for now we're just gonna go up and pretend this doesn't exist just a few labyrinth and fix that there we go that's gone now we sleep in our brand-new house okay I think this is a good little temporary base so far we've got stuff underneath us and a place to store things as well which is good got shovel as well it's quite nice or some food okay okay we're actually doing all right we've got paper as well sticks piece of bread don't even I didn't even see where we got that from now we have a home right by the river so now I want to see how we make iron cuz I feel like it's different recipe maybe make Nuggets no it's still just his straight-up iron interesting that we can't find any work we do waypoints I wanna do a waypoint so if we do a waypoint here this is home wait wait temporary home I'm gonna build my own but for now this is home not bad I wonder if we know we don't have the mod that allows us to chop down trees completely which I guess is fine our house is definitely cursed there's a lot of zombies below what happened to the fox's face box what happened to your tiny it actually shows his growing time as well that's kind of cute I like that what's this we've got ourselves beans becoming magic beans we were soul blocks as well another Fox hey buddy look so weird what will happen to that face so I just want to try and find a Nazi genocide that Opie Bush I found it we can just grab loads of these I'm not sure this is allowed but I'm gonna do it anyway just for now just for the stars and I've also found something incredibly pink is to try and pink a drive pink planet okay there are a lot of ores down in this ravine I feel like I should go down here should I do it I feel like I should yeah let's go down the side of it play it safe don't even have a cobble stone axe that's exactly why I was supposed to do and I just didn't okay I think I made him I was super cautious but I think that's uh that's a good thing I'm not seeing oh is that iron there's iron right there but I don't feel like there's actually a lot of iron around for some reason looks like we are stuck down here for a little bit as well oh this is not bad right let's grab some iron and then we can get out of here it's so weird because there's so many different wars it's just this is not that much iron oh no there's a zombie with an iron spear coming at me if you can drop the iron though I'd be greatly appreciated back up back up there we go monster hunter that's what I'm talking about my first monsters I'm gonna take down a zombie with an iron sword let's go I still have no armor to this is risky oh no not you not you oh no why why why why why I'm hiding behind this orange would feel like this is really hard I see your bow it's sticking out the side come here don't be that guy I'm gonna be that guy you ready okay Pro strats you can't get me you've got me from there come here buddy come on oh no no I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I didn't mean it oh jeez no you can't see me got him okay we need some coal and stuff did I leave all my okay I've got my wool that's good I can sleep down here I've got some torches so let's go and light this up and see what's down here I'm hoping not that many monsters this place looks amazing is there many oh yes there's definitely monsters down here why didn't I think of this we will creepers and stuff going on right well things are chasing me let's think about this I need him to chase me down here hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy hope you actually gave me boss there no no I didn't mean it I didn't mean it come on around the corner I dare you I can see me and the creepers come in as well actually the creepers gone I'm just gonna try this yes is the creeper come in all the creepers come in cochis this is not good I just need to sneak around the edge oh I got him oh I got him okay creep up back off buddy that's fine that's absolutely fine they just blow up some bees wait what rocky princess and rocky drone that's got some beasts what is going on here I desperately need to sleep I'm scared I don't know what to do I feel like this is a good place though I want to sleep I want to sleep desperately let me sleep please thank you you're waking from a strange dream you quickly write it down before the memory fades where where did I write this down oh I need to eat I'm gonna die online no here we go all the way to fall this regains some health real fast and let's go back in and try and light this up so I feel like this is a good place to be okay maybe not that's a lot of monsters I just want to iron all that's all I want I just want to make some sort of make some you know some standard armor get down here boy that's another ravine this is great and scary I just want I in give me alone leave me alone leave me alone I don't know where you are I'm just kind of blocking things up there we go I want to just grab this iron and get out of here I don't want to argue with you I just want to chill I just want to chill I'm out let's go let's even find some more there's some up here let's try and get these creepers oh no all right you can get out of here - oh my goodness I'm in big trouble these mobs can see me from so far away oh my goodness I almost died if I fell down a ravine that was it that was game over number two dude this is no joke that's my in here I just need this everyone chill okay everyone don't you what do you know why you why you no scoping me from up there that is not fun let's just go and make some and now the slimes have turned up - what are you guys doing here get out of here if I pop this in here we've got ourselves 11 so I probably make myself a chest plate first I probably should make myself a pickaxe as well actually I'm gonna have to do that too actually your chest as well my goodness we got so much stuff oh wait I got a red heart I don't actually know what that does but let's see well that healed me that's all it did though that's kind of good to know let's make a chest just to dump all our stuff in it's where this now we have two pieces of armor looking fresh and that is everything dumped okay sweet well should we make we should make a hat a helmet even we should make some legs actually no legs through your legs already let's just make a hat and then boots and now we do it okay I don't know if are we gonna be able to make leggings we need one two three four three six seven I need some more this is good though this is real good progress and look at this cave we found this is nuts oh there's loads of iron down here but also a lot of us had a dungeon I think we found a dungeon guys already I should have made an iron sword desperately oh that guy just dropped a heart container increases maximum health okay we can see if this works now oh right my brain fellow you idiot oh that works perfectly right let's uh munch on this so this should go from we're on 20 house at the moment this should increase us to 22 nice so now we have 22 hearts which makes this just a little bit easier because now we have to lose 22 hearts to fully die instead of Omega so it's risky instead of just the normal 20 which I think in this book back it's gonna be pretty helpful I found graves dusts from the undead we're finding some freaky things in here I wanna know what this is oh yeah this is a dungeon all this is a double dungeon okay we definitely need to go in there but let's not go in there just yet it's a bit scary do we have shields shields would be Oh pee right now wait a second I got a zombie hot fantastic and I've got toughness I don't even know where I got that from a zombie brain to a spell book there's so much stuff in here strange dreams oh wait a second I had the strangest dream in the dream I took three of those strange crystals I've been finding and ground them with a handful of redstone in a bowl using a piece of Flint the crystals had to be different types but I did it properly a result in a strange glowing dust in the dream I took the dust sprinkled it on a bookcase but then the dream ended before I saw what happens oh it was gonna reveal something wondrous but dangerous we should definitely keep this book it's hinting at us isn't it to do that which we should be able to do at some point how do we get some shield I don't think shields are in this version of the game or they are sweet we can definitely make one of those let's do that yes okay right now we're doing much better alright let's pop that in there and then we should be able to have full iron armor first episode just like we did in the original minecraft hardcore I think we've also gained other random stuff too which I'm not sure if I'm happy about right there we go let's go and make these sweet we are now full I don't know where the toughness is coming from I don't really know whether it's because I got a shield or not but I'm gonna go and see if I can grab myself what is inside that chest in the dungeon real fast I feel like we can get it and I don't know if this is a normal dungeon or not we're gonna figure it out real quick I'm gonna make sure that we have an escape route just in case things get real crazy look at this forward planning let's get rid of that whoa okay whoa whoa I thought he was holding the I thought he was holding the cage then it's just vines okay don't panic just vines there we go give me all your brains in that oh wait well that just switched my sword oh jeez no I've got a better sword though there we go that's switch to my sword that must be a mod that's kind of cool done amaura level 10 already as well right what have we got in here let us quickly block that up we have got ourselves oh my goodness what holy moly what is this we've got ten machines scrolls whoa we got loads of crazy stuff in here oh you can back off - what is that what is that you're wearing take that off wait this is something - and I've got a broken spawner I don't actually know what I can do with this but it sounds cool right we need to keep all that stuff in there that is a lot of stuff okay let's see what we can do with a broken spawner we can make oh we can actually make mob spawner stabilized mob spawner oh well that's a lot of magic right there I'm not sure about that so I've noticed I've got an extra shield on my right-hand side as well I'm not sure how I got that I think it might be to do with my nutrition you can actually have nutrition in this the other thing I want to show you is this this is a totem of the ascending head so if I craft myself a totem base and then a totem head I can save myself from a lethal fall or the void which is crazy good and for this you just need clay and a stick I think any kind of stick and this is part of the new totems what I was talking about so we can actually craft these but we need to get the undying head you can buy them from witch doctors or you can just get them from mob drops so I think that's cool combined the powered spawner in an anvil to spawn a type of zombie away Howard Warner she can power a spawner by grabbing all of this stuff man this stuff is deep I don't know how I'm going to learn all this but I think I'm going to have to oh we got 26 hearts as well now I don't actually know where we got those from 26 hearts I didn't eat another heart containers there must be other ways that you can grab yourself health which is nice so if I smell these up I can't make myself an iron pickaxe which is one step closer to them die amante's I don't even know if diamonds are that good in this but I guess we're gonna find out another thing that I need is an iron sword because these guys again an annoying and also another mod that I've included in this mod pack I've actually added it myself is minecraft comes alive if you guys remember diamond dimensions that was a massive part of that mod pack which is where you can make friends make trades have a family get married have kids it's crazy so we're definitely gonna be doing that at some point I just need to find a village that will have us let me see I wonder if I could find one that's my iron sword ready to go remember I can just bookmark this so we're not gonna lose it forever actually gonna do that right now where we are we are here so if we do this and we do crazy ravine save done I think it's gonna be night time okay I want to see if I can find a village though because I want to see I think that's a good that'll be a good place to make our house if we can find one we could also get slow walls back I don't have a saddle but if I got a saddle from that dungeon I definitely would have got slow horse back Oh sir buddy whichever one we need to introduce them back into this wonder if you can craft a saddle in this lobby kids oh you actually can leather and iron ingots oh let's go so we could actually do that pretty quickly then right cows I'm gonna slay you just to get your leather please give me a leather that's what I'm talking about how much did we need for a saddle when he did five give me that go give me two you didn't give me Eddie what is this what are you doing near my beds to lose Clym that's kind of cool I've just played something hold up there was it emotes emotes hey so weird I don't know if I like it look rose gold ore is from minecraft comes alive I think I'm gonna need that I'm gonna put that nice and safe in there a rib bone Oh what can we do it with this crazy stuff make Klaus cross of mercy hey hold on I really get two more iron just so I can get a slow horse back and then we get Sir buddy back at some point as well I just need some oh my goodness what is that down there oh man we need to go down there all the witch get away from me get away from me in Tunis goodbye goodbye oh man there's two witches way holding this is a dungeon or something I think that's awesome poison itself you guys are dumb about got found two more pieces of iron I'm gonna grab it right now and smell that bad boy up and then we just need I think we need two leather and then we can go and get smarts oh geez oh no oh this is a mess oh this is this is quite the mess I heard it too late I hope there's iron ore in here let's just throw everything back in a copy that just happened well the course one that could have gone really badly all right we got that let's bring our crafting table with us and let's see if we can get out of here come on cows give me what I need give me what I need but okay that was weird come here why are you so fast right that's for anyone more there we go five now we can make ourselves a saddle and then we go and grab ourselves a horse I don't know if it is slow horse out here I need to go back and see which one is actually slow horse so I can't remember I feel like slow horse was black I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure he was Sir buddy might be the color of the horse that we found just now though there he is which one shall we tame I'm gonna go for the one with spots I think this is a new horse but I'm gonna go for the one with spots actually we can see how much health they've got oh that's beast this one's a beast this one's a beast this one's the Beast deus oh my goodness this one's crazy come on buddy love me love me please I need you in my army it's gonna be great what do you all know okay what out in a second we're floating see look I can I could give you magical things magical things can happen if you just be my friends oh no he's gonna die isn't he come on just look this is the only way you can get out alive Hey what okay sweet now we can try and get you out of here I'm not quite sure what's happening and we're fine okay let's go this is always fast as well oh he's real fast he's got loads of health and he's really fast this is great great news there we go that's the stuff I just wanted a quick way to get down and get back up again actually this is smart I'm using my brain I'm feeling pretty powerful right now I've got a horse I've got my bed I've got full iron stuff I'm feeling okay right now I'm gonna go back up to my horse real quick it's gonna take me forever horse is that you that's you I couldn't quite see your saddle how's it going bro ah this is this is a good start a really good start guys let me know what you think this is what I'm gonna call Minecraft ultra hardcore survival we only died once and if we die from now that's it's completely it I've gone too far in to go back now so the riskiest version of Minecraft you can play with 340 something mods let me know what you think if you always carry this on leave a like the greatly appreciated if you want to catch up with this and the rest of the videos that I make please do consider subscribing that we greatly appreciated by hitting that big red button on the bottom right hand corner of the video just underneath and I'll see you guys in the next one good eye [Music] posters are swing wagon candles canvas so far fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,510,885
Rating: 4.9500518 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, minecraft shulker, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly
Id: YO7npVqx6ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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