I Built a MINING MACHINE in Minecraft! (Ultra Hardcore)

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okay listen here all of you it's time to do some more science in Minecraft last time we went a little bit crazy oh by the way welcome back to a Minecraft Ultra Hardcore the series that takes me about a week or two it's kind of calmed down from and just rest my brain because it's so complex but last time we created stuff like the diam on teen crystal and empowered void crystals by blowing up stuff with the oh jeez I forgot about the slime boots but by blowing up stuff with a laser there we go laser yeah we got lasers in Minecraft we completed this like black magic nonsense as well and we spawned in a chicken which is one of my greatest achievements so far oh we have slime boots and a jet pack as well which is great it's the ultimate combo to never die and that's good because we're playing minecraft hardcore with 350 mods so a little chicken as long as you survive I'll survive you got that good so today what I want to do is I want to get to what we were our ultimate goal which was the Builder I want to make this so I can make a quarry so I can get everything easier but this thing looks easy to make but it ain't easy to make at all like seriously I can't remember what we needed the Empowered void crystal block for because we've got these empowered void crystals I think we need to do this yeah and powered void crystal block gimme that we've got one thing because one thing we need is let's see what else we need we need ender pearl wait do we not have an ender pearl I don't think we're gonna have an ender pearl how on earth do I get one of those please don't tell me I need to let's not get negative and stay positive this is science guys hardcore hardcore science if you know what I'm saying but we need an ender pearl we also need this vert school digger that's why we need the empowered void crystal block we also need redstone and lots of iron casing which ain't too bad we've got some some of the black quartz haven't we I can't actually remember how we made this all actually I found it in the mining dimension didn't I it was actually really easy to get so that's fine so I encasing absolutely fine we need some iron though and then we need a drill so the drill is gonna be pretty hard to get that's why we needed our diam on teen crystals we also need an Ori crystal blocks an iron ingot so we need to go and get some materials we need some iron because we literally don't have that much at all oh we have 18 actually that's not too bad but if we're making blocks of stuff and we're definitely gonna need it so I say we go to the mining dimension do a little bit of mining and see if we can get the stuff for this drill we need advance coils which is golden nuggets which means I have to go back to nether but let's try not to and then a drill core which is red storing a crystal which is fine to get basic coils and more inori crystals we need a lot of iron for this a lot is this gonna be worth it who knows but we need black quartz redstone and iron and I think we might actually need diamonds wait hold up need a pump which one was the cheap one this one iron plate yep we need more iron iron metal component I can make that okay that's much better no diamonds needed whatsoever see a Grimm I'm out here and you it your job buddy your job is to keep careful watch over this duck I'm not quite sure what is happening to it but in 566 seconds it's gonna grow from a beautiful chick so you need to keep your eye on this don't let it run out the door while I'm away I might need some more food actually do I have food in here let's you know that's sleep first oh man I forgot how much this tugs on my brain strings but I think we're gonna be fine stay safe little ducky stay safe oh no my jet pack is almost out of fuel I might have to charge that up real quick and the only way I remember how to do it is this so I put it in here oh there you go yeah I put it in here so I'm gonna need coal as well let's just charge this as much as we can so we're definitely gonna need this not a lot of it but we're gonna need a decent amount let's get up to 10k in our electricity and then we can go searching we have arrived hello wait where do I need to go I feel like I need to go to the surface let's get out of here these guys wear my black quartz was going ah that I forgot how good this jetpack was if I add that in normal hardcore I have completed the game ages ago by mining base let's go over here and if you haven't seen this before check this out this is what the slime boots are perfect for you can go miles with this thing Paul so be careful of the lava okay I need to be way more careful oh my goodness I think I've got a hole down here I can just fool down Oh Carmen which one it is is it this one yeah here it is okay this is where it gets a little bit touchy but I think we can survive oh man oh it's kind of crazy yeah right let's just bounce bounce and shifts perfect made it without issues so the oh this is thorium I don't need thorium I need black quartz and stuff ah here we are this is my mining base so I need a redstone thank you very much yes I remember now okay so we got electro line rock salt and quartz but they have quartz here that's pretty cool oh the other thing I was gonna do is to get what's it called when you get more stuff from the same or I can't actually remember what it's called so I need to collect these need to collect these diamonds for now let's just grab what we came to get lots of iron probably gonna need some coal as well I don't actually need diamonds so I probably don't need to collect those just yet but I do need black quartz as well but our goal for the end of this is to have ourselves a working quarry which I think we can do it's not too much of a headache we should be able to get there it should be easier than last episode anyway then we'll be soaring flying this is the stuff black quartz we need as much of that as we can get think it's time to bust out the diamond hammer I think I'm gonna try and do a little bit more strip mining with this thing it's perfect look if you haven't seen it before it's actually incredible and look at that we hope we straightaway find what we want gimme gimme gimme I love that diamond hammer so much it's incredible keep er going find whatever you can what what is this syrtis quartz I'll take it let's keep going Oh diamonds okay I feel like I need to go and get this in Xiamen Oh Carmen what it's cold I'm such a noob why don't I know what this is poor tune it's called for tune right I need to get that on my diamond pickaxe or I can get it on my diamond hammer I don't know which one but let's get home they'd shove some of this stuff away and try and get fortune cuz I need to mine up these diamonds I feel like it needs to be done I might actually grab one diamonds and the reason for that is to make I think I need to make another enchanting table 22 diamonds I need two diamonds i'ma have to go and grab two diamonds Oh Carmen before I've got any at home so I'm gonna have to grab two of them and I'm sure we'll come across some more where these diamonds I'm low-key lost there they are oh I need to eat as well what a shame alright give me two there we go my two diamonds and I should be able to go and make this right I'll meet you back at the house lab the lab ha I really don't want to go back to the nether so I'm just gathering this gold before I go now I'll meet you back at the lab I'll see you there this is so sick I love it oh geez oh oh oh no I did not bail on that happening no zombies please I'm going straight to sleep oh my goodness wait calm down boots whoa that zombie was kitted as well that's that was kind of scary right am i need another chesty guys I am pretty full of stuff so let's make another one of those I do run low on wood so I need to be careful as he throws some diamonds out like they're nothing we're gonna have to smell some of this stuff up as well kind of wish I had two of these I feel like I had I know I didn't have another one okay I need to start smelling these up this needs to go in there because that is powered by the electric generator then next up is gonna be the iron ore but we'll do that later so what else did I need oh I came back for the enchantment I'm such an idiot I forget the very thing that I came here for I need some obsidian as well actually for obsidian I think I already work three but because the thing is I built an enchanting table but then I like I made the wrong one so where did I put it yeah there we go the Auto enchantment table how do I change this I want to I want to get rid of it I literally can't uncraft it it's so bad right give me this black quartz popped this iron ore in there just gonna double-check what I need go and get the obsidian that I need as well cuz it's not gonna be too bad to get because we need to do is this easy mode easy hear that hiss listen to it one regular crafting table coming up wait I mean enchanting table see my brain already isn't working today it's not a good sign right then lemme craft an enchanting table let's go to diamonds and a singular book give me the enchantment table now I need to try and get some I'll know when I see it I always forget what it's called I always go to say looting but it's it's the same kind of thing but there we go the real one is here efficiency unbreaking or scorching heat wait that's a new one what if I put a book in here let's see what we get we get efficiency respiration a magic protection efficiency is good but I'm just kinda I need a certain thing I don't know how I'm gonna get it I need level 30 for that as well I also want a new diamond hammer too but I don't know how I'm gonna get one I want to repair this once it's already gone in charmant on it because I'm an idiot and enchanted it with the wrong thing fortune is what I'm after fortune if I get this the chances are level 30 will give me something good from it but I really want fortune maybe I should just get an iron one and keep doing it over and over again yeah let me do that let me do that that's a good idea I think I did this in my a hardcore world as well so I want to guarantee that I get fortune so let me pop this here where I'm breaking three scorching heat oh they're exactly the same pretty sure they're exactly the same I wonder what scorching he does I'm gonna do it scorching I'm gonna guess it's like an auto smell where on earth did that go that was weird okay let me try it yes it does it mines it instantly oh I definitely need to put that on the diamond pickaxe let me see if we've got a reroll real fast efficiency XP boost and insight whoa what are these things do okay so insight is when the tool is used to break a block the amount of chopped experience is increased okay that's good to know XP boost as welders pretty much the same thing what does a book give us now blast protection normal protection and power do not want that um let me make one more of the pickaxes because I could always combine them as well at some point and let's see what we can get all I want is fortune that's all I want to get run the enchantment grind right now I'm breaking XP boosting efficiency that he's exactly not what I want I could do this trick again though let's do this trick so we got efficiency 1 and scorching heat insight smashing and efficiency oh that's so bad bleach protect our projection and sides because there's so many enchantments in this pack tombstones soulbound that sounds ridiculous what is that hello are you good that bees on me there's actually bees on me are you good are you summoning bees what is happening I can't get fortune how is there is there a way that I can choose my enchantment I guess that would be kind of Opie wouldn't it ok this is done this is good let's get gold or we won't actually need to use that much longer if we've got the smelting thing that's actually really good I'm gonna have to leave the diamonds as they are I have no food ok I need to go and get some food I hear food hello food how are you thank you thank you much come here well these gives me experience is well there's actually not bad move aside gold we've got food to cook so check this out we could actually just put down all these gold ores and just mined them up with the the pickaxe we've got scorching heat and it just straight-up smelt it this is great if you could put fortune on this as well that would be awesome actually gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme I don't think I need that much else so I'm gonna have to leave the diamonds there and then just come back for them so give me a sec and I'll go and get some more iron let's get out here are the jiggy grow up hey dudes how are you I'll be back for you soon wait I need to charge this on man there's so much to do in this mod pack it's insane charge my pretty so the sky's we go wall okay that is soaring up I'm about that that's carefully carve out these diamonds you see we can find any more iron whatsoever just one okay there's two there's four nevermind I actually kind of need this a little bit more desperately right now this is the stuff I need I should have enough of the pion but I'm gonna grab as much as I need anyway so I don't have to come back here I don't waste time I just want to do science yo okay um yeah let's chill out let's not do anything crazy actually mining on the edge over here what's this uranium is iron down there this is dangerous but what so worth its keep on going keep on going oh it's so good is gonna run out soon though so I'm a little bit worried I'm gonna have to stop I think we should have enough materials again more black quartz would be sick eighty durability left got some more black quartz amazing I know how much we've got we've got seventeen that is not gonna be enough 62 durability it takes away nine each time twenty six one two it's only got eight left we can't use anymore look at all of this okay I'm gonna go home I'm gonna see if this is enough and I guess we'll see if we've got enough for this stuff I hope so Oh home all right let's try this shall we we need a drill ass weakening three other crystals which you've already got three inori crystal blocks which I think we can just do this with so if we grab the iron that we have and we go like this we should just be able to do three of these and zap that I'm pretty sure this iron is gonna run out pretty quick and I figured out I don't need to place them like last time I can just throw them like this zap waves ELISA link and you should change to and nori crystal blocks perfect now we need oils so we need four coils no we don't we need two coils two coils and then two advanced coils that should be easy peasy as well so I'm pretty sure a coil is this right I just need to get some more of those yeah there's one of the normal ones then we need our gold which turns into nugs beautiful another advanced coil Perfect's right let's zap half our redstone because we're probably gonna need a lot more of these anyway so let's zap it I don't even know if that's in the way it is beautiful I love that laser I'm definitely gonna move it into the lab once I get a safe uh Grimm I can hear you about can't see you and the chickens laying eggs what is going on here huh what's happening oh we've got another one never mind is the chicken round see I think they follow their mums don't they this is getting weird guys I don't know what's happening anyway back to coil making grab a coil grab some nuggets I've got two of those now we just need the drill core which is four more coils we do need four coils four coils and four blocks and another redstone iya crystal okay four coils BAM and four iron blocks I don't know how this is gonna go of the iron this is a lot of iron so we can get two more oh jeez this is gonna this is costing so much iron but I think it's gonna be worth it I hope it's gonna be worth it it better work as well time and time oh you served us well I'm gonna put you in here so I don't break you by accident okay I should have enough for this now so one two so that's four more okay I should be out to zap these and I think we've got the drill done guys I'm pretty sure that's it diamond drill in Minecraft let's go hopefully I don't have to whoa almost walked into that I dunno what to be playing with player in my life like that in front of lasers especially in hardcore mode right if I grab these I should have Zee drill let's go here here here and I need to make the drill core first okay I think I've got this though never go drill core now if we go into the drill yes give me this oh boy I've got myself a diamond drill that's actually kind of insane right what else do we need now so we've got the drill I now need iron casing redstone that's where the Empowered void crystal comes from an iron casing so black quartz sticks and four iron ingots so four times four is 16 I think it's 16 luckily there's 16 in there okay I also need sticks I definitely don't have sticks that's going get some of those do I need 16 sticks as well four eight twelve sixteen I'm pretty sure I'm doing quick math over here math and science I know you guys aren't at school right now if you ever go to school but I've got your lessons right here i encasing I'm gonna make four of these sweet now I just need blocks of redstone did I get enough I have all the things I didn't get enough redstone oh wait that might be perfect that might be the perfect amount yeah it is okay I think I make this now so we can now make the vertical digger I need the Empowered crystalloid crystal block this was the most expensive part and now we can make it gimme oh it's beautiful absolutely I know what it is but we need it okay next up we need obsidian observer blocks of redstone a magma block okay I can get some of this stuff machine frame easy and Nepal not so easy and more iron so I need to go and get some more iron more redstone and then come back I'm on the case and then we might have to go to the nether which I'm not really that happy about to be honest wait a second so I'm down here in the mine you know how it is but I think I might be able to just use this digger I was thinking why can't I just use a normal digger to dig things so I looked up what it does and it does pretty much the same it does exactly what I want to do so this diamond drill could actually be perfect instead so I'm gonna go and give this a go and I think I'm gonna let it power through I'm gonna steal why I used before to power it and power it in this world because this has the most ores you can also set it to mining ores only as well so I'm gonna do that too so let's set this thing up I think we've got it already let me switch to my jetpack and saw the bots outta here sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sweet I don't know why grim and the chicken have got invisible I guess we'll find out soon maybe they're playing a prank on me who knows anyway let's grab I mean just put a load of this nonsense in here I've got loads of coal I'm not you're gonna need this call um get rid of this I don't know what are there you are oh hello what have you done with my dog uh I don't know he's gone anyway let's carry on so I'm gonna steal I think when I steal this cold generator I'm gonna grab this might grab the cables as well because I feel like I need some of these actually maybe I should try it out here first just so I know that I've got it so vertical digger let's place this thing down and modes only mining ores yeah this is what we want this is exactly what we want hold up so if I do a cable out here and then place down this generator this should actually work that's its / 10/10 going in I don't know if this is powering oh it's powering it's actually mining it says it's mining at certain bits by think is it gonna collect in here is that what's gonna happen well here it is oh that's sick what do we want it to mine I guess we want it to mine everything right okay stop stop stop I need to put this in a different area give me this it got me some coal as well it's a super-nice of it I'm gonna put this in the mining dimension for sure yeah I think I'm gonna put it in the mining dimension the thing is I don't know if it's gonna run if we're in the other place so I might have to like just wait here to see if it runs properly oh no oh no all right my jetpack just ran out of fuel give me a second this diamond drill will work wherever you put my dog oh there he is hello where did you go it just kind of went off for some food I guess at the moment you're only on that one trip to the shops don't let the cops catch you cuz we'll be in big trouble I can't be affording the finest today alright then jet pack replenished that's mine stuff I can put it like right here as well I don't need it to be anywhere specialist if we do this I think it's a weight that's not I want it I think it's a 2x2 radius as well you can increase it by using certain things well let's do this let's grab a couple cables as well do that and that pop this down and then a pop 10 : and if we make it just mine the ores yeah that should be fine it's definitely working and because it's only mining ores as well it should only get us like it shouldn't get any nonsense blocks we don't need any cobblestone up in here and it should get us the Madhi doors as well I'm hoping so yeah I don't actually need this at all see that it's grabbing it beryllium coal oh yeah this is the stuff this is perfect haha we've got a quarry go in so I just need to leave this running so I'm gonna I got seven coal on one was it seven called on one beryllium I just need to see if this works while we're out seven call one beryllium so I need to just chill out here I probably should make some pipes and stuff to pump it into some chests yo are you okay there sir you are definitely a very strange chicken we have got a pet chicken that is very disturbed don't look what I eat this look away I said look away okay let's make let's see what Ches we've got I know we've got like some ridiculous chests so if we do upgrade we can do we need wood to something wood to iron chest upgrade so it's just that with iron ingots around it okay we can do that let's do that so we've got one chest and then we need iron ingots and then we can do that to make the chests because what I want to do is just leave that running that quarry if it doesn't work between dimensions I think I'm gonna move it to the overworld just to grab like some good stuff so we can upgrade wood to iron then we want to do iron to gold so we need gold around an iron ingot I think you do that too we're actually we've got a lot of resources right now then and so that is gonna be a gold chest any one gold two diamonds is glass and stuff okay I don't think we need that just yet we are gonna get a gold chest that is good going now I just need like some kind of pipe extraction cable I just want a way to be able to know I just want what I wait to bring items out of the machine and then into a chest but I don't know how this is gonna work maybe it's this glass redstone and stone slabs I think I might be able to do that glass redstone I just need some glass um about two that's not gonna cut it is it oh it's gonna cut it I'll wait hold up let's try and make some transfer pipes I don't know if these are even gonna work but it's worth to try and now we can see if this thing actually works when we're not in the dimension I don't think that's gonna happen that would be ridiculous if it happens what we got what we got what we got yeah it's definitely not gonna work okay that's a bit upsetting right instead how do I make this do I do this what do I just click on it I don't actually know let me see what happens if I do this oh yeah so that's an iron chest has way more storage and then this is a gold chest that's perfect absolutely perfect gimme so I want to see if this transfer pipe works so now this to transfer it into there they're not gonna work maybe I need something else transfer pipe let me look it up okay so we need nodes between a item transfer nodes there we go transfer node items and then retrieval node on the other side so that requires stone chests and then transfer pipes okay let's make two of these and then we'll get out of here it's not mining much else but if we put a transfer node from here and then our achieving nodes here we should be fine oh look at them laser coming out of this thing look at it that's so sick that's awesome I love that I mean I could probably make it better with the upgrades but for now at least that works that works perfect you can hear it go in and you can't expand it by need lots of ender pearls for that I don't think I'm ready to do that yet so what we can get actually while I'm here is a phantom booster if we make one of these it increases the radius of the digger but you need indicating we can get all these easy because these are diamonds this is redstone we've already got those we need more diamonds here block of black quartz which we've got that's fine we just need four ender pearls for us when we find some ender pearls we should definitely go and grab those right I need chests and redstone let's just make a normal one so let's make four of these and see if this will work but then we need to go end the man-hunting and I'm definitely not going to the ends there is no way I'm going there and I don't think we have the armor available to be able to do the other stuff okay this is getting full really quick let's move all this gimme gimme I'm gonna put a transfer node on this and then we're gonna go but the calls already in there and see what happens if I just pop this on the end hopefully it works whoa okay it works wait wait it's working it's working he's putting the dirt in there oh oh it's getting the yours as well yeah this is working look at it go I made a machine yes the diamond drill in Minecraft is working perfectly so this is mining I think a 5x5 radius I don't know if there's a way that I can find out I don't to get mines here but I'm gonna go down I don't wanna get killed by this laser I want to see the action of this thing I told you it would be worth it this is gonna be so worth it we're gonna have materials for days oh look look at it go it's not that quick but it's mining every always gonna mind me it's it's gonna mind me look at it its proper going for it this is great okay perfect I wish there was a way that we could make it faster though I don't think there is a way we can do it but at least we've got everything going into here I feel like we're gonna need to upgrade this so let's do gold upgrades so gold to diamond is to diamonds and a piece of gold and six glass we could probably afford that at some point and then is there a diamond upgrades diamond to crystal diamond to obsidian I don't know which one's better obsidian chests I'm gonna have to look that up I remember the crystal ones the crystal ones are see-through which is super sick why I can't believe I made a working machine I actually made a working machine it was expensive but my goodness it was worth it the only thing is as well this is gonna take way more power cuz I'm mining everything so maybe if I just go to a mining ores this might be a little bit better cuz I only really want the good stuff I've already got the other stuff I don't really grab all cobblestone dirt it will still grab the coal which is good so I can kind of like feed this back in if I really need to actually that's a great idea what if I transfer I only want to transfer coal though I'm gonna have to figure out how to use the filter oh we have the craft one okay I'm gonna go and do that and then what we can do is we can put it in there but I think we'd have to have another node wouldn't we this is one I need sticks redstone and string I should be able to get that lets get that and then we've got a fully working machine I'm talking impeccable machinery in Minecraft we've literally made a self-sufficient mining machine I've got you this this is great pop that in there filter I'm learning and I feel like I'm actually doing a pretty good job guys let me know am i doing good I hope I'm doing a good job I just wanna call just call coal only ah there we go you have to apply the filter whitelists I want it to be coal only so this filter is now coal only so it should only allow : oh yes I think that's gonna work then that goes into there 17 yes if I put two more in there it will only take call and then pop it in there that should go up yes self sufficient so every time it mines our piece of coal it goes into this chest and then goes out of this node into the coal generator I'm an absolute genius and no one's around here to witness it apart from you guys you're chillin well we got boron uranium copper aluminum boron guys I've made myself my basic my first basic minecraft machine I love this series because it's a little bit of a break from the normal hard core we just do dumb stuff all the time this is a bit more like serious hardcore you know but hope you're enjoying it you really enjoyed the last one where we made what do we do we did science today we've making a Minecraft minor machine though let me know if the Builder block is better because it is more expensive but this is what people on reddit's sense of build I don't know what the benefit is of using this but it says this block can Quarry areas pump liquids move copy and swap structures collects items and XP move entities and build structures I only want it to quarry though so I don't know if it's gonna be worth it but let me know if you guys have any experience with these whether it is worth me upgrading to the Builder and I think I might put this in the overworld as well and see like next to my my lab and see if it's worth me doing that instead to get all the basic laws like iron I'm gonna need an absolute ton of and then just come here instead to go and get the SPECIAL starve we just got diamonds yo okay we got iron ore as well it's grabbing me diamonds okay I'm going down I want to see oh my gosh I thought I did not my jet pack on that would've been tragic how they find diamonds down oh because it's only doing the ores that's smart that's really smart we with diamonds already I'm so pleased and it's filtering back through it's got a hundred thousands energy in it I feel like a genius I know it's super basic but I feel like a genius guys thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed if you did even like let me greatly appreciate it and subscribe if you're brand new way in that big red subscribe button just below the video and I see you all all of you in the next one give eye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,326,424
Rating: 4.9437838 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly
Id: Rv-UZjquhkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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