No Mans Sky Next Generation Update! No Mans Sky Episode 1 | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what is going on everybody z here and welcome back to no man's sky so today we have the next generation update upon us and with that we say goodbye to our 101 hour save that might not seem like a lot to you guys but to me that's a long time that is a long time we are going to start a fresh brand new game and i'm super excited hopefully you guys are as well make sure you leave a like on the video if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more we're just gonna do a a nice normal mode and we're gonna get right on into this hopefully you guys enjoy like i said if you do make sure like subscribe all the fun things we're going to be continuing the series as long as you enjoy we'll continue it so let's go ahead let's see what it has to offer the next generation update is here and before we get too far into the video i gotta give a quick shout out to today's sponsor ridge wallet the ridge wallet the ridge wallet is a modern sleek industrial upgrade to the old flappy 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i'm gonna die here i'm gonna get i'm gonna get destroyed by like a heat wave there's our super basic laser tool our mining tool that's crazy i haven't had one of those for so long all right uh let me go through make sure my settings are good and then we'll get right on into this also i'm going to be playing this series in first person i can't do the third person thing it's just i don't like it it's just not my cup of tea all right we are good to go um let's go ahead and let's swap to first person view so i'm going to swap to first person view that way everybody knows how to do it because it took me a minute to figure it out basically what you're gonna wanna do is you're gonna wanna hold up uh you're gonna wanna press the button that's gonna open this menu you're gonna go settings and then toggle camera view and now we're good okay perform a scan let's do this so let's get this out and let's swap uh locate sodium with the scanner activate the scanner scanner critically damaged i can't even do it all right let's grab some of this stuff i bet you yeah fair ride dust perfect oh it feels so good to be starting over but it's also like not so good at the same time because i have nothing i'm like broke look at this zero units zero nanites zero quicksilver uh my sl inventories are terribly small oh my gosh this is going to be interesting i don't have any s-class ships i don't have a living ship oh this is going to be rough all right we should be good let's go ahead and repair our scanners let's go over to multi-tools scanner uh repaired that look at how basic this tool looks i love it though i love it all right uh scan for sodium all right we got some sodium over here let's go ahead and do this oh my gosh my jet pack doesn't have any upgrades on it it's horrible terrible i had some lag there for a second all right i gotta rep i got to repair my hazard protection because uh there we go we were taking radiation damage we don't want that [Music] oh we are alive [Music] we're doing things automated stress signal that distress signal is probably my ship uh where is that distressing a lot okay it's all the way over there hold on i wanna actually grab so what the heck what are you doing i don't know i'm gonna grab some of this stuff because i know we're gonna need it uh this is dihydrogen and then i also want to grab oh that's an advanced mining laser required i don't have an advanced mining laser it is so weird not being able to do the things and stuff advanced mining laser required oh look at these nasty prickly plants ooh and they're like all like gooey and like they look like tentacles no thank you all right let's go to let's go to this thing over here i'm trying to oh man oh no don't touch it don't touch it nasty plants okay we got a signal source we're super close right over this hill we'll be there no time at all it's gonna be a broken down ship it is indeed there's the starter ship oh it's super cool all right so let's do the signal stuff and uh we're gonna have to start repairing a ship here so we can get out of here scenario iteration blah blah blah blah deleted boundaries separation failure likely vessel 16 emptied cause sentinel intervention deliberate transfer analysis fresh iteration generated anomaly containment prepared i don't know what that means i just read the words broadcast received traveler normally detected anomaly is compliant position logged system integrity scan initialized basically i think what it's saying is that i just came here and um i'm the anomaly like i i just came in here and we're trying to figure out stuff anyways uh investigate the crashed ship okay let's do this oh look at i haven't seen this little guy forever now i'm gonna keep this ship forever i do that in like all of my saves as i always keep the starting ship because it's just a neat little ship and actually we could upgrade this to an s-class and we could upgrade the storage um that would actually be pretty interesting to do i'm not gonna lie we just might just keep this one to just make it a super super amazing ship atlas class atlas connection intermittent launch thrusters offline pulse engine offline i find myself alone on strange world unequipped and in danger i have no memory of how i got here no sense of a before but this shift at least seems to recognize me the controls react to my touch or at least to that of my exosuit i'm not dead yet and this ship is a lifeline out to the stars uh let's connect the exosuit log 4225a unavailable substantiating data unavailable exosuit connected suggestion pilot should perform maintenance uh select a desired repair path repair ship systems self-guided repair protocols initiated all right look at that we got to repair the pulse engine uh launchers critically damaged press e to exit okay so now we are going to have to build some stuff we're going to make a little crafting table deal things like that uh recommended repair ship engines repairing starship requires a mix of crafted product products salvaged items and advanced refined substances collect fairy dust all right so let's start with that and then uh we'll get rock and roll in here so i also just want to say hello to everybody new that's playing maybe there's a lot of people that are uh you know just getting into playstation or xbox or maybe you're hopping in for the first time ever into no man's sky welcome welcome glad you finally made it it is a good game i've liked it from the beginning um but i it had a bad rap in the beginning i had a bad rap is this carbon let's grab some carbon because i'm going to need that for uh for things we're going to need it for things like i eat know i have a hundred hours on my last save i kind of have an idea of what uh of what i'm doing a little bit just a little bit though okay so we need to craft metal plating so let's go ahead and go into our inventory uh it wants me to craft it on the starship interesting how many do i need one patch metal plating onto the pulse engine can i just do this oh nice now we need that okay so we can't do that so it's going to tell me that i probably need to make some kind of uh board the starship and consult ship diagnostics okay iteration yes functional starship critically damaged vital ingredients missing unable to synthesize synthesize required components pulse engine requires a hermetic seal do i request assistance let's request assistance let's see what happens iteration comparison reveals medic seals nearby salvage planetary chart from distress beacon cash oh okay um so it's gonna want us to go and find the stuff so where is is it this was there romantic seals oh let's take the planetary chart and then very technology module so let's use this uh plot a route because my guess is that that planetary chart is going to tell us where the hermetic seals are right maybe how far away is it what is the distance on that guy 920 used that's not bad not bad not bad not bad very technology module i wish i could get that hey hey can you get it guys get hey can i get a hermetic seal or uh like a ride or something no then okay just leave me alone then all right let's uh let's jump let's run our way all the way over here hey look it there's some of these guys visions of the geck we're gonna start learning words hey hi boy boy boy the stone resin is producing a sound that fills my mind and vision begins to take shape a small alien life form kneels before me they are tired of beating without meeting my guests they offer up their hand except except knowledge the name geck floats my vision and echo over strange vision i have experienced a word in this alien tongue is seared into my brain i have learned the geck word for geck that's good that's good i forget because like we're brand new we've never seen any of the other aliens yet so we don't know what to get the geck the corvax or any of those um any of those guys look like you know um you're like a little flying kitty can i fly oh no radioactive supercell oh you know what this always happens this always happens it happens every single time so i'm about to get wrecked by a storm but that's because this place over here actually has some interior places to hide from the storm form i've i've done this i remember this look at there's some free supply containers i'll take these don't mind the storm all right let's get out of here we gotta go the storm is storm is upon us uh let's overcharge it's gonna overcharge our system a little bit and then what i'm gonna do is do this and i can blast off for a lot longer nice power starts fading and we're protected nice okay hollow archive this will probably give me nan nights accessing all right archive six of seven logs corrupted entry follows no one making this recording in case leaving behind in fabricator might be of some use fires are damaged can't find ship recover supplies is it hermetic seal the log finishes and the machine whirls to life spitting out supplies i have a the hermetic seal i need to repair my ship whoever it was that led me here whoever left this message perhaps they found themselves in the same situation as i do now oh i'm sure they did i am sure that they did okay we're gonna search that let's see is there anything else to search no terrible storm going on outside uh let's pop next door though real quick let's see if there's anything good in here hoping there might be some nanites oh there's not there's no nanite containers or anything in here normally there is something okay do we have any other rooms in here doesn't look like it okay so i think we're probably gonna hang out here for a minute until the storm passes but uh yeah i'll see you guys in a second oh my gosh the lightning out the window i'm sorry the lightning outside the window under cover of darkness the storm has passed we are now free to go back to our ship um which was where exactly uh oh use the analysis finder it wants me to use oh and it's not functional so i need carbon nanotubes but guess what i can make carbon nanotubes oh we have to make this okay uh let's go to our exosuit let's make some carbon nanotubes i should be able to yep let's do this let's do that analysis visor installed analysis analyze objects for rewards locate your starship alright so starship is located there but we can scan stuff and get a little bit of money not much a little bit now this can be a lot this can be a very viable option scanning stuff once you get a few s-class scanner upgrades uh you can make like hundreds of thousands uh by scanning just random stuff on planets it's pretty great it's pretty great and then usually the flora and fauna are worth the most so like rocks are usually not worth a lot but like that guy right there is gonna be worth a little bit more and then this wiggly nasty looking technical plant is gonna be worth more as well all right let's head back to our ship now that we have the um now that we have the the hermetic steel that we need i really want to find a nice planet i'd like to find a good planet to start a base on like to start my first stuff on now when it goes to starting a base you cannot start building a base right away right out of the gate um i have a lot of people they join the discord also if you guys want to join the discord estimate just the links down below but if you discord gg slashes c1 gaming um we haven't known me and skychat in there so but i have a lot of people they're like hey i can't build a base what do i need to do it's like you got to play the story a little bit you got to follow the missions and stuff like that so we're not going to be able to build a base right away we got to get to that point but it's all right it's all right it's all good times it's all fun so my life support systems are looking a little low and it hasn't told me to refill them yet but i'm going to go ahead and grab one of these little oxygen rich plants right here and i'm gonna i'm gonna refill a little bit into it uh let's see oxygen let's go put that in life support fantastic all right let's repair our ship uh look at your starship look it located it it's right there found it all right let's repair the pulse engine hermetic steel launch thrusters critically damaged we need pure ferro into hydrogen jelly so now it's going to want me to make a refiner so let's go ahead and let's deploy a refiner so launch repair launch thrusters repair launch thrusters i got it a craft hydrogen jelly onto hydrogen acquire open inventory let's go ahead and craft one of those it's grease let's oh that's not what i wanted to do whatever let's grease up our landing gear she's it's seized you know it's seized up we gotta throw some lube on it all right and then repair launch thrusters with pure ferrite let's go ahead and let's open up this guy let us craft a product um we gotta craft a construct a portable refiner craft metal plating all right construct portable portable refiner gather oxygen hopefully this will be 30. yeah perfect okay so we got the stuff access the build menu with the z z get it i like it i like it okay boom one portable refinery let's go ahead let's add uh some condensed carbon let's add some ferrite dust that's going to give us 60 pure ferrite and let's go ahead and start that guy and just like that it's done e z enough exo suit fantastic prepare the launch thrusters guys i think we're about to leave this horrible planet i don't know why i keep getting in the ship to do this but hey it is what it is right we have done it we have done it ship starship prepared launch systems online okay hold on i want to pick this thing up before we uh before we go anywhere uh pick you up fantastic so let's get out of there and let's hop into here all systems functional return to your ship i'm ready use w to take off goodbye terrible planet you were awful horrible terrible and i don't ever want to be here again and away we go the stars our next stop okay also seek answers among the stars all right do i have pulse engines i do good um also so for starship stuff i actually prefer the third person view on starship stuff um i don't know why i just do because i like just looking at the ship you know it's nice it's nice we've done it i discovered this five planets gek trading promising what's a promising economy level two that's really nice orbital flight achieve test charge ship systems test flight controls with thrust with w test boost with left shift hold space for pulse engine we're good to go we're good looking good now i don't know if i have a scanner oh incoming message okay incoming transmission source uh please identify yourself i'm let's identify yourself you're not alone follow the broadcast ends as strangely as it begins the final piece of the coordinate appears to be a set of planetary coordinates let's input the coordinate data uh where are you taking medications okay so let's go here can i scan this place what kind of what kind of system are we going to here a torrid planet selenium copper phosphorus oh that's not gonna be a good time that it's not gonna be a good time i'm gonna tell you that right now uh if there's selenium there it's it's a hot planet it's a hot nasty planet oh a paradise planet oh my god no way oh yes that is where we will be setting up shop for sure okay but we got to go here first because i can't do any base building or anything anyway so the fall of the coordinates find the signal source pilot towards the corner marker and engage pulse driver space pulse drive will autopilot two coordinate markers nice oh i can't believe we have a paradise planet here that's super nice maybe maybe every starting system that you started maybe it does have a paradise planet i don't know all right we got a signal source here now this is a torrid planet so it's not gonna be a nice one i'm gonna tell you that right now but where are we going uh did i hit something oh i think i stopped you know what i'm gonna go land over here so i don't worry about making launch fuel i don't want to make launch feel for this if i don't have to that's one thing i missed about my living ship there's actually a lot of things i missed about the living ship but you know it is what it is so all right uh hey we found an outpost let's go ahead and scan that wasn't scan this scan let's save and chart this planet see if we can find anything handy dandy useful um let's see atlas pacific one required we got some damaged machinery over here which would be kind of handy okay uh enough of the uh enough of the the wandering around let's go check this thing out okay so what do we have here did you seriously just take me to this damask machinery right here broken technology the sparking wires of the machine generates a signal uh tapping out its broadcast and devoid whoever left this message is long gone let's decipher the signal decoding 1616 ah it's the 16 16 16 the old fashioned 16s uh no fuel filled reach station has a protection low but no choice to go underground deployed base computer as well as log entry a signal contains plans for a base computer and a terrain manipulator with any luck the basic computer will hold more information about whoever is leaving these messages extract plans uh we got a base computer which is what we need to actually claim a spot to start the base building stuff so that's super exciting and we also got terrain manipulator carbon nanotubes into hydrogen jelly easy enough we can make those so it's going to want us to make i'm already gonna tell you right now it's gonna want us to make the terrain manipulation mission in the log mine copper to build the base computer mine copper requires the terrain manipulator all right so select terrain manipulation mission in the log so the log is under escape for me terry manipulation let's select this one install the terrain manipulator uh multi tool upgrade fantastic let's go to our multi tool install technology tray manipulator now i don't have either of those right now but i will here shortly because i should be able to oh i can't make the hydrogen hmm we're gonna need more dihydrogen um we need what two carbon nanotubes now when you are crafting multiples you can actually hit well for me it's a and d so i'm gonna i'm gonna say like left and right to select how many you want to build uh so i need two of those but then we need more dihydrogen so look what we got here okay i should have oh so close 3440 i need more dot hydrogen let's see what's in this damage container i'm gonna junk that burst in metal what'd we get well i gotta get relic nice need more dihydrogen hey there's a little bit right here oh weapon charge depleted oh come on mining beam we'll go with uh condensed carbon nope we're gonna go with regular carbon there we go okay so now we can make the jelly and now we can get the terrain manipulator online wonderful wonderful terrain manipulator installed awesome now we need to mine copper all right gather copper activate the terrain manipulator with g try uh mining beam use the analysis visor to locate deposits so i'm going to be looking for a deposit of copper to possibly huh that one's 410. it's 307 327. let's go to that one right there we'll tag that one let's head that way um i might need to grab some stuff for oxygen and for uh my my suit life support systems or my hazard protections as well oh look at those guys those guys are weird looking um elderly behavior diet the diet is collecting seeds so we should be safe from them all right we gotta grab the sodium because my uh my systems are running a little low here sodium life support system fantastic okay let's go grab this copper all right mining beam time uh no tray manipulator time oh look at all this terrain manipulation it's so nice you know i thought you could scroll wheel to change the size of this is that not a thing i don't know all right perfect so now it wants me to make chromatic metal deploy refiner uh from the build menu let's go ahead and do that i already have one of my inventory so i don't have to worry about crafting another one uh let's go ahead and pull the refiner let's put some fuel in here that i don't have currently darn it uh we'll throw the 213 copper nice all right let's grab some fuel from one of these guys real quick all right we should have enough fuel to get this going and let's go ahead and begin that so we're turning copper into chromatic metal and we need i think it's 30 chromatic metal for a base computer so we're going to have way more than we need for now but we're going to need a lot more in the future chromatic metal is one of the things that you just need so much of also there is a way to make infinite amounts of chromatic metal um it was actually kind of part of the game it's been part of the game forever and i don't think it's something that's gonna get patched out but we're not gonna worry about that until we start doing base building stuff where chromatic metal is going to be a problem for us all right there's the chromatic metal easy enough and then i'm actually gonna go ahead i'm gonna pick this guy up uh control delete fantastic and we are good the base computer claims a site for construction find a suitable area and deploy a base computer uh access with what in the absolute heck are you it looks like a little tiny one that is like super weird looking um now i don't want to do it on this planet i want to do it on the paradise planet so i'm going to try i'm going to leave i'm going to place it on the paradise planet i want to see if that's going to mess up anything because it might be saying hey uh you need to do it here but i don't want to do it that's here it looks it this place just looks awful all right where was this uh paradise planet right there that looks good to me let's go there also i don't see a space station yet i don't see a space station here a little worried about that though maybe i'm gonna have to leave this system or maybe it's just not populated yet i don't know so it says this is a paradise planet this is not we're gonna we're not gonna be staying here for super long because i don't like the um i don't like the red oceans and stuff like that like it just kind of i don't know it's just not a it's not super appealing for like a final base place but it'll work for now as we're trying to figure things out and do things until we can find a planet that's like a paradise planet that's more of a green and blue lush thing now i know everybody's like well it's red you know red zoo and gaming yeah but it just it's not pretty on the eyes unfortunately you know what we'll just set up on this little peninsula right here we'll set up here uh weather is balmy isolated abundant and high nice let's just make a nice little base place somewhere man i wish it was flatter here hmm it's not as flat as i thought it would be ah we'll call this home we'll call this home nice little peninsula area nothing too crazy going on i like it we'll call this home so let's go ahead and let's place a base computer register the land as your own with the base computer heck yes we claim we're claiming our first site universal archives uh search reveals no prior claims on the site sonar texas confirms it is suitable for construction claim the base look at that we have a nice little peninsula area it's gonna be super fancy we've done it search based computer archives with terminal e uh okay accessing log from previous user entity follows storms sweeping across but construction supplies low depositing shelter plans while need to back soon extract plans so we got oh we got a wooden wall bases provide shelter from harsh planetary conditions uh recharging your hazard protection as your base grows it will grant access to many advanced technologies construct bases as a shelter from harsh uh environments there's no harsh environments here that's why we went to a paradise planet expand your base by uh earning new construction blueprints return to your base to store and process items as you explore construct a shelter from uh for protection against hazards build foundations from wooden floor panels okay well we should be able to do that super easy where are we actually gonna build this though let's see let's see where we're gonna start this i feel like up here might be the might be the place money lizard for that all right wooden floor i've done it build wooden walls i'm literally just gonna build the minimum right now uh one two three it's gonna wanna build a door is there seriously a storm oh i didn't think this place had storms no another reason we're not staying here [Laughter] and finished with a door frame can cannot build missing pots oh come on all right there we go we got a door we are now protected base archives updated new signal acquired base computer archives there's an outpost nice but are we in the storm yes we are we're in the storm let's just stay out of the storm for now okay so this planet doesn't have storms that's terrible that's awful i could i could analyze stuff from the door from the safety of my house we're gonna analyze some of this stuff that we can and then uh oh storm's clearing nice awesome okay so it wants me to go to my base computer archives it wants me to check this out again it's gonna unlock new things for me what do we have accessing log from previous user additional archive records found follows construction largely uh success recovery sales data from nearby plans logs scans indicate additional subterranean devices that begin search extract plans whoever recorded these logs of evidently had some success i have access to their plans that perhaps i can learn from their efforts uh we've got a construction research unit very nice earn new blueprints from construction research unit expand your base with advanced technology and large structures expand your face by earning construction blueprints to dig up berry technology uh to earn blueprints power your base to enable advanced technology use teleporters to instantly return to your base during your travels so what that is basically saying is we can actually make a uh a unit actually let's just make it we should be do we have the stuff to make it hold on let's see here uh technology portable um i need magnetized pharah and carbon nanotubes let's see do i have the stuff to make a carbon nanotube i do and then we actually need to go ahead and place down our a refinery so let's go and do that portable refinery let's just place that uh let's place it right here for now and then that is going to make our magnetized ferrite so we need to get some fuel in here and then i believe we need to go from pure ferrite to magnetized fire but that's only gonna make us five so that's not gonna be enough so let's just go put that back in our inventory uh ferrite just um okay so i need some more ferrite dust let me get some ferrite dust let me just let me get some materials gathered here i'm actually gonna go ahead and start clearing out i don't want to clear out too much around my base well you know what we're gonna be expanding it's all getting destroyed anyways you know i gotta say these little mushrooms on the ground right here have as much carbon in them as the trees which is fantastic because they don't have to destroy any trees look at this thing that's cool looking unidentified plant neato uh oh another unidentified plant so i'm getting units for all this and i can actually go through if i hit this and i go to uh catalog no discoveries if i go to discoveries i can actually upload all of my discoveries uh per per deal and i can actually make money additionally to everything but it also gives me the option to like rename stuff um but like if i say i don't know this is the one i'm currently on like if i upload uh hold on upload 10 nanite clusters so i actually get nanites for that so i'm getting units for scanning stuff but then i get nanites for uploading like that so uh yeah a little little way to get some stuff okay do i have enough stuff to do the things that i need to now okay so pure ferrite where's ferret dust okay let's do the ferret dust let's make that and then we're gonna put that through and then we're gonna try to get magnetized ferret so we can make our base research thing now let's put that in there magnetized ferrite that's gonna give us 38 how many did we need from uh what do we need for this guy oh we only need 20. okay nice all right perfect so now we can go ahead and go into here going here going here we place this guy down right there for now and basically what this is going to allow us to do is it's going to allow us to purchase new base modules um now you can purchase base modules through here but there's only so many that you can get through here or once you get to a space station there's another uh there's like a station you can go to and buy like further base modules even more stuff uh so research structures maybe so these are the basic wooden structures we got basic metal structures basic concrete structures all of these only to take uh well the the the concrete stuff takes ferrite dust but it's weird the metal stuff takes wait what why is this one carbon it's a thin metal wall it takes carbon but everything else takes pharah dust which is you know i don't know i have no idea um but we need salvage data in order to be able to unlock any of this stuff so explore the planet and find a salvage data salvage data is there's none here i don't see any nearby we're gonna have to go we're gonna go go look oh what the heck is that thing that looks like a monstrous praying mantis uh excited by violence its diet is small animals oh gosh i don't want to fight that thing uh berry technology modules i don't actually see any right now but that's okay because that is going to end our first episode of a no man's sky next generations like i said brand new save brand new series hopefully you guys want to stick around make sure if you do you hit a like on the video and you subscribe for more things as well we're going to continue on and oh man there's so much to do so many things to explore and i have a lot of work to do we have a lot of work to do we have new things to unlock we have new ships to get we have new base pieces to get we've got a lot we've got a lot ahead of us but yes thank you again for coming out hopefully you have a fantastic rest of your day i'll see you in the next one bye everybody hey guys bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 535,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky gameplay, no mans sky 2020, no mans sky update 2020, no mans sky next, no mans sky next generation, no mans sky next gen, no mans sky next update, no mans sky next generation pc, nms, nms update, nms lets play, no mans sky ep 1, no mans sky episode, no mans sky ep 1 2020, nms ep 1, z1 gaming, no mans sky z1 gaming
Id: UwVwB_pDz9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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