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but we're to jump right into there okay so first up jet look at what it is penguin I mean [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] what's up dudes it's Pat and welcome back to another mod showcase yeah so I probably can't convince you that there's no animals in this mod right that is because there is it is an epic mod it is called an ax mania it adds new animals in pets to your Minecraft world it is amazing monkeys there's no monkeys it's there Mozart monkey so you're gonna be very surprised when you see them because they look nothing like monkeys ok that's actually the last room I set up a little obstacle course around the house that is gonna be epic we're checking out a bunch of cool pets today dudes if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button also head right down that down right here and leave a comment and let us know what you think of the mod I'm gonna be replying to a bunch of you guys cuz we appreciate your amazing support hope you guys have the best day ever but we're gonna jump right into this okay so first object look at what is penguins cat can you just go in the other room and try this again alright alright welcome back to another video today we are checking out the animal mods with some Ruby cool pets yeah do you want to check them out let's go see look over here oh my gosh their guinea pig yeah that one's standing on its hind legs yeah they have like animations they can actually like stand up in their zones that are kinda for you look like kids though they do do you guys look like kids I don't think so they're so cute so basically we can tame these guys and then there's the most amazing thing ever you could do with them I'm gonna show you how it works okay okay alright so you tame them with food so they'll also follow you so grab some hamster food okay okay so to make the hamster food dudes all you need is a bunch of seeds you just mash them together like like Oh mashed potatoes an item that's a teepee because guinea pigs love teepees I because I used to have a guinea pig and she loved TP you sound like your person you like tortures animals but I'll just I'll just go with that and notice they love TVs I put my hamsters in TVs and they were so happy but it was a complete coincidence nothing to do with the TVs you fed her popcorn I kind of remember this so look how they're all running towards me because I'm holding the food in my head you see this yes so we need to pick a guinea pig about 100k okay I choose you you're so cute okay so you tamed it right yes so you want to feed it until cheeks are like really huge okay so now they're very happy they're plenty of food we're gonna bring them out here oh god okay all following Oh cuz we have the food alright okay so what you do is you right-click yours and you look it could sit down oh okay okay we can teach them to do tricks mine's not listening alright what do you mean that's not the right one oh and then they wag their tail okay so you want them to follow you so you don't want them sitting down okay alright so bring them over here next what we're gonna do is show you something so sick okay it didn't follow us we can barely move because too much food in her stomach okay go over to her hold down shift and right click her and see what happens okay so hold down shift right click oh she's in my arms oh oh no she's on my shoulder look she's like a little parrot oh my gosh this is amazing this is me with my little guinea pig it will follow me alright guys don't try this in real life if you put your guinea pig on your shoulder lightly it will jump off and then break it snack so please I beg of every single one I beg of you do not put your guinea pig on your shoulder hamsters yes I'm just kidding don't do that either cats I do it with cloud he doesn't like those cats would probably scratch your eyes yeah so please don't put anyone on your shoulder except for your baby sister I'm just kidding don't do that either I got a song I always put cloud up there then you like bite see it Wendy's my parents know he loves gives me kissing then he scratches my face okay so savage but over here we've got nametags who grab some name tags okay and grab some bottles of enchanting so we have enough experience and actually David you're the twelve levels get like bubbles off okay okay of course what we do is written name our guinea pigs we need an epic name for each one you're gonna name yours Guinea you're not I'm not gonna name of that I'm gonna name it I have no idea whatever to name it okay it's a really epic name you're gonna love it okay so hold shift and right click so the ham circuit so I mean guinea pig it's off okay so have that hold shift right click and now how do we name them okay hold shift hold shift in the right click it and then it will have the name okay pink princess yeah do you see mine oh so now I've got mini cloud out of my shoulder and we're heading outside to the hamster obstacle course right now let's do this I don't know why I keep calling them hamsters but they're so similar okay over here we have we've got some glass so I'm gonna show you how to craft something you need to grab some glass around a circle like that and then you need to put the color that you want in the grab I thought you were telling me - I did tell you - okay well why did you grab it all ball what about me okay so then make it the color you want okay I want some pink glass and then grab leads you're gonna need that too okay alright so all you do is just do this watch my screen really quickly so you go like this around a circle then you put the collar in the middle and then you have that color hamster ball it is a hamster not a guinea pig that's why you confuse me by saying guinea pigs okay I have a big hamster ball okay so put it down wait wait I have to grab this the lead so put down your hamster so right click once again put it down and then right click it with the ball and then it goes in the ball oh my gosh it dies so look they actually can like play around while they're in the ball but this is what we're gonna do we're gonna grab them with the lead clearly you haven't seen the obstacle course so you'd probably feel a little upset right now oh okay no do you see it what is this do we have to safely bring them to the other side yes if we're gonna see their little hamster more no all right you go first okay okay yes you're doing really good I'm so nervous about this turn okay just just she's gonna be just fine oh she's doing really good so is it possible for her to actually fall in the lava I'm pretty sure it is all right all right you've got this okay oh I almost fell Ian she might Oh right around the corner okay yes yes keep coming all right my zoom really good okay it would be a shame if somewhere to push all right come this way cloud come on okay yes so proud of you you're doing gonna bump it's a pink princess oh I don't want a knocker because you can actually like bump into them okay push record a little yes she's busy dancing all right glad we're going you're not gonna fall off we just missed the edge you have to wait to dance until we get to the end you've almost made it just run for it okay I'll push it yes oh my god she just missed the quarter glad you're gonna do the same thing you're genius victory okay so what we want to do is we want to take them out of this okay so did you guys think we shift and we right-click that oh my god he's on the ball on my shoulder oh my god that's so cool so I don't know how to get him out or maybe you have to break him oh okay did you just punch hers I mean yes but I wasn't sure with killer all right we're trying to get ya to the ball little dude wait where'd he go she's blending in no you oh he's on your shoulder I thought you killed him no I just disappear this is my little clown I would never do such a thing all right news I looked it up online quick and it says you're supposed to just be able to right-click him but he keeps just sitting down cuz he loves me so boss what do we do okay try this put them on your shoulder we're not going to worry about that we're gonna try to get them into the real treadmill now okay okay so all you have to do looks like a torture chamber don't roll baby man all right you just right click and I believe and then they go in please leave the ball little view he loves it so much okay guys we have brand new hamsters now let me just name mine really quick and that is cloud 2 and yours is pink princess 2.0 way do you like how I named mine the cloud 2 like he is cloud - yeah you might be orange but I don't really care ok you need to put it on your shoulder this out works okay so grab her up okay there we go and then go back over all you have to do is just right clicking do not shift right click so they are running on the little hamster trap my new favorite mod and look the other one is just like sitting on top confuse so you know what's really cool about this I can't really show it off but if you have a bunch of tech mods installed these hamsters will actually generate power you can use four machines what I'm not even joking with you wait how many hamsters you have you have another one on your shoulder I do I'm like the gerbil lady sure who's the jerk lady I'm gonna go outside you have more stuff to show off must like bugged out it's showing them start our shoulders wait there's like grass in you know just the carrot um that's carrots don't work like grass on his head oh you thought he had rats on him yeah someone there you're seeing dead people again alright so next up we are checking out looking at shed the thing that no one buys at the pet store is Ferris you and long that's what she said okay over here we've got fair so the cool thing about parrots is you can tame them with either eggs or raw but it up to you which one you want to use for the taming process okay I will use the wrong button and we have a bunch of nametags already so we probably don't need any more of those okay all right so we're to go in here oh they love me they're so happy oh wait where's the food okay do you have the eggs oh oh yes okay you have to feed Mama's Jonathan hamster okay I want this white one right over here alright so tame a little dude okay so we both have one now okay so let me breathe let's bring them all outside okay so we've got these little dudes the thing about them is they're a little bit different than actually more vicious than ever because a pair Allegiant what they will do is they will eat frogs but we should probably name one quickly first really some stunt creative but I don't I don't care all right I'm gonna name it okay I've got an amazing name I've got mine let me go back into game-mode 0 and which is the one that's actually mine are you the one okay I named my - okay where's mine oh there she is no this one's mine right here go where's my dad Jesus gone look you see mine alright I'll just aim a new one all right Amy another beggar in the name it okay I tamed her and now I'm gonna name her there we go she is Queen Ferris very what is queen ferris wheel made mine go I think you've tested it with all your meat and stuff there is to see it it's long skinny clown so apparently what they will do clean clean Ferris wheel or whatever she is they drink water on occasion so if you have water around they will go up to it they will drink it but the cool thing is they will eat frogs and they will eat toads so I have a boy should be there just like snakes oh my god or frogs the ferrets are going crazy good job we in fear - Leung I think they eat everything there's a couple in the corner they're hiding poor frogs are hiding or trying to escape I'll help you frogs I'll get you out of here any second okay we did it chase them wait oh my god I think Queen fear is chasing she's run up the hill alright anyways the next one Roger is look at this it is hedgehogs they're amazing oh my gosh I've always one of these they're so cute oh no I'm so did I so we we can get eggs I think they're kind of dangerous though no they're beautiful they're so adorable beautiful and dangerous just like cloudy eggs carrots and beets that is what you could tame these words okay okay Oh totally forgot to show you you can put the ferrets on your shoulders you can Oh Queen Ferris is right here if you want to do it okay pink princess will be gone it's okay just put it off there okay oh she's huge okay so yeah I'm gonna grab beats and I'm gonna try to tame myself one of these cool little hedgehogs I got this one okay and it's on my shoulder you can do the same thing with these yeah oh I want you you're so cute okay I have carrots don't worry here we go wait no I want you I love it this one do you have look I've got the white one it's it's like poking my face Oh dudes if you actually happen to have a hedgehog I don't recommend putting him on your shoulder you're probably a spice in the face oh okay I need a name another name tag really quickly okay all right we do you have any extra name tags for me yes I have plenty here you go only thank you very much and I'm gonna rename it okay I'm pretty sure on the name here okay here we go and I've got the names now I just need to put her down well him down where'd mine go losing my put them on your shoulder so you don't lose up okay are you mine I think you're mine alright try to name them okay here we go Oh a named him okay look at mine okay Oh yours is fluffy crowd and you've got Prince hog I like that one yeah the one that survived was the queen ferris wheel oh my god I wanted to show that makes brake carrots and beets and potatoes look they've proof the whole garden already wait I'm gonna put him on top let's see if we can get that last mine go on my shoulder he won't go on your shoulder oh wow I mean he will I bet you didn't tame this one you actually tamed another one named one that wasn't tamed okay tame it really quick no I don't see any love I do he loves me he's on my shoulder oh oh my god he loves me okay now get on your shoulder wait I have to name him thirst Prince hog okay shoulder room okay now I must shoulder you why won't you go on my ship wait oh oh but you know what guess what I could just grab them all out for myself oh yeah want me to put them down you can finally grab them yes okay Prince Hawks right there we go there you go finally finally one of them will go on your shoulder all right where it's [ __ ] cloud oh don't leave oh he escaped cloud I love you come back all right so I actually saved the best room for last anything you like the most you can't TVs but they're like so amazing actually maybe you could come in these things that sound like monkeys yes they are I knew I told you you were like really far off they're so beautiful okay I'll buy no one the one we saw online on Google Images cause if every color oh I want the albino one so there's so many different ones guys and basically the way there was really beautiful teal over here so they eat frogs once again you can put frogs they will eat them they drink water they leg they lay eggs in there so we're gonna grab some nests okay in the way to feed them as you grab the seats you actually throw the seeds onto the ground to feed them oh okay okay I'm gonna watch you do this [Music] I think so so this is a man right here for he and make sure that he actually eats something oh oh i right-clicked imitate him oh my love all right now get on my shoulder all right doesn't work you can't do that okay I need a man Nelson I can name it okay the anvil is like directly outside this door oh okay all right so you can name it I'm gonna name one I ran out so I'm not gonna name one okay there would have been feathery cloud just so you know so yeah there's so many different colors look at this it's Jens naming a blue did this beautiful color there's like 10 different colors just like poop colored color over you if you're like poop you like peacocks you got poop peacock right over here alright do you name one I'm trying to think I'm trying to come up with a good name right now so I've got nests it says that they can lay eggs in nests oh can you can we turn into babies the nests do not turn into eggs yes they will turn it to babies okay so I put out a nest I don't know long feather they dropped yes they drop their feathers so basically you could put down a nest and then they will start like reproducing Megan ask guys what you're gonna need is wool a snake and some leaves and daddy's yet then put it down near your peacocks they will lay eggs that will keep them warm and then they will grow into real peacocks stop sniffing my peacock this one is being very weird it's just significance but that's like what God their right way do you name it King King white yes I think oh you made fun of me King white really really bro King white is if you got the King King it's just fabulous just make sense oh my god need to be so complicated look mini clad is trying to lay an egg he's on the nest over here but dude that is all there is to show for today there actually is a complete another part of this mod that adds in normal animals there's a bunch of different breeds of cows sheep pigs horses all that good stuff you guys want to see it leave a comment down below we may actually review that as well but dudes hope you enjoyed the video if you did definitely subscribe to our YouTube channel it also leave a comment down below that saw him the little I love you Prince hog I thought she was kissing you guys it's Prince hog but leave a comment let us know which one was your favorite pet of all my favorite one was the hedgehog love that my favorite one was pink princess of course it was but yeah dudes hope you're George if you did subscribe to our channel and we will see you dudes next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 7,453,687
Rating: 4.8733358 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, pets mod, mod showcase, hamster, hedgehog, ferret, more pets, better pets, new pets, obstacle course, modded mini-game, minecraft mods, new mods, jen's house, frogs, hamster ball, hamster wheel, items, craft, lava trap
Id: ANe60lrRuZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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