Minecraft: TOO MANY DOGS!! (39 EPIC TYPES OF DOGS!) Mod Showcase

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all right okay you've got this Oh [Music] [Applause] what's up dudes it's Patton welcome back to another mod showcase so the thing is normally I try not to let Jen know what the mod is but I'm pretty sure she could hear this one I can't hear the wolf all right so you think we're checking out what kind of bond today all right this is kind of embarrassing we're not even looking at a wolves Vaughn it's a dogs mod wait the wolf's bark thanks question right now think so the house are gone so today we check out the copious dogs might ads in so many kinds of dogs it is absolutely ridiculous someone should really make a cat mod like this because I'm a cat like there are so many kinds of dogs in our house so what we do today is we're gonna pick out our favorite dog and all of them and then we were bringing them on an obstacle course over here they actually do oh yeah and pink collars all right okay calm down it's just it's dogs with my pink bedazzled leash all right so check this out in here we have a collar so you have to pick out a collar you want for your dog okay all right so there are lotsa different colors guys in to make them first you need to make a normal dog collar which actually okay I'm trying to figure out the recipe you just keep where it is okay this is the one need to make you need an iron Tim get in a bunch of straight like that and then you add the color to it you are I think I'm going to go with I'm gonna go with red for mine oh and there's even dog dishes so yeah you can have a dog dish so these are pretty sure are just for decoration at this point so you can get one of these to make them it is basically the same thing okay here we go it is a bunch of iron ingots and then there was something in the middle right okay it always like here we go wait wait for it guys I'm hitting the thing to fight dirt is bucket in the middle iron ingots around it and then add the color to it I will grab a yellow one for mine and that what we need to Tim the dogs are dog biscuits to make a dog biscuit it is just raw pork chops and a bone in the middle okay so then to bring the dog around with you you need a leash to make a leash it is a bunch of string I would not recommend using string in real life I'm sorry Jen you can't sorry I wish I could put the leash in like bring you I am NOT your bark for me once I'll put down your little dish for you so this is what the dishes look like guys they look pretty cool I actually really like it it's a nice little decoration place in your house if you have a dog I don't think that's possible at the moment maybe they'll add that at some point but I'll dudes if you're new to the channel be sure to smash the subscribe button if you love dogs today we're checking out tons of them also leave a comment down below right here and I'll be comedy 2 about you guys when the video goes up because we appreciate your amazing support it also guys fetch I know that was weird ok so you get to choose which all room would you'd like to go into first there's dogs every there's so many kinds Jen alright so we're gonna head into bedroom in here we have the first little dude no that's just the kind of dog me either I've never had one it's a Yorkshire York shire terrier and guys if I say dog name wrong then you have to subscribe I know it's weird it's a weird situation if I say one wrong you have to subscribe so this is a Yorkshire's our our er Yorkshire Yorkshire Terrier then ever get with the sea Bernard look how huge eh let me pet him oh so cute so we have this big dog all different kinds over here we have look it's a pug it's like PewDiePie's dog so you have to choose which all you want you only get to choose one today okay okay one amazing dog or just one total all right one in total oh okay it's gonna be the one to bring down the course with you okay the deadly course muah ha ha ha poodles we will find out right now oh my god they're different colors oh maybe the poodle how did I get a green one let me tell you what happened so originally I installed the mod in a different version and then I realized there was no collars in that version so I downgraded to this version any turn green so guys if you want a green one it's it's not easy to get one that's the rarest poodle on the ball I'm actually I'm teaming it it's so rare I just I need you in my life poodle wait did I get him wait you can I give him the bone please don't leave I love you so much I love you please where I have the biscuit wait wait I put the Colorado the course is quite dangerous alright so I've got my poodle with me I like to call it um green clouds so over you next up guys we have our shooting out which one is these oh my god I actually noticed one looks like a squirrel yeah I was gonna say it's not a course alright need to get this can you calm down poodle okay so the next one over here that is a Pomeranian it's not a squirrel over here we have the Doberman Pinscher pincher please subscribe over here we have the Cool diesel acutely so this one is cold I'm trying to target its name you will tell me what you are Corky okay so this is another kind of Corgi really cool looking and then over here we've got the box or epic looking dog I know it's crazy over here we have the English bulldog open concept like the cutest faces I look towards us so that's another choice for a dog this one is really crazy picky open up oh my mom open it open up my mom all right over here we have the extremely crazy American Eskimo spits whoa it just won't stop for some reason please calm down sir alright if we go into this room Jed we have the beagle would you like a bagel so you do have the choice for a beagle over there all right don't worry in the bathroom I've got a bunch of all let's go in the back this is the Australian Shepherd I know it's like going to the shelter and picking one out this is the bloodhound that you would like that wouldn't you good you might like that one and then we have the dashing so have you chosen your dog yet all right so I think we're to go into this room next this one we have right here the Bernese Mountain it's a big dog next to the golden retriever that's a popular dog choice over here we have the husky that's a good one Juwan I'm glad you said it because I was like Mitch in Chihuahua you wanted to Wawa he's really scared of you too now grandma I hear the grandmother is coming back again ever since then sickness every once awhile this comes back over here with the French Bulldog we've got the children Shepherd if you punch them they look at you oh my god he was so quick there he is okay do you see it well I don't know what to do about it alright so over you we've got Oh Dalmatian Jen oh my gosh I might choose the Dalmatian but let's keep looking alright so this one is the great name it's a pretty big dog do you like that dog alright you cannot ride the dogs that is cruel that is unhuman alright you can follow me into the next room and I'm pretty sure I already know one you might want to choose it's in the pet room the doggy doggy yeah I gave them an entire room and I filled it off with doggies so that's a choice as well we have the shipper kitchen sawarna Wow we have him right there we've got the Newfoundland right there you got the Papillion the Pembroke Welsh Corgi so we have another is that looks like your dad's dog doesn't it yes yes no your dad has no idea can you like tweet him and ask if he's got a Pembroke Welsh Corgi yes I will tweet them later alright and we have a pit bull terrier right there but you can only see this but so it's really not the most appealing look all right no there you go all right what kind is that that is the same oh yes it looks just like him okay so over here we've got which is this one when they like are in this corner I can't get that's a Rottweiler and they may eat people in Old English Sheepdog reminds me - there is a Labrador and there is an Akita right there which looks cute - look at its little tail okay then in the bathroom guys we have got this Italian Greyhound we've got the English bulldog and we have the border collie right there dog waste one second there's one more I would be buy back all right news we are back Jim turn around and look at whatever that is no idea I don't know I found this in creative and he's like sparkling I don't know about wonder alright so you know what to do you have to give them some biscuits once you even biscuits you put the collar on him okay now get the leash okay and Meecham yes okay I think you have me sitting down right now so right click up again okay stand up okay and now he's gonna follow you around okay so follow me to the front mine is still sitting down I'm still attached to them I don't know how to unattach myself but let me grab my green poodle all right we're going in a friend wait let me get you out of here all right let's go to the front yard it would have a little competition right now all right so what we need to do is make it through the obstacle course without dying okay no it's just straight that's all we have to do want me to go first or you you go first all right I'm actually okay I can't even make it off the step all right okay you've got this all right mine's gonna be just fun all right go get another dog while I'm going okay okay wait no puppy dog I'm gonna pick a smaller dog oh I got our leashes are going all right news we got one more try so what I'm gonna do is grab the brand new color I'm going with this bright one over here and let's do this all right so I think this might be a bad decision but I might go with the Pomeranian hey man you little guy okay we're friends now oh my god you click him one more time with it you could name them I didn't realize this you can't ya cook him again with the biscuit okay thought fire dog oh he probably escapes you where does he named mine me ran away oh is that my fire dog he's gone I lost my dog I just named him and he escapes me okay this time I need to make sure that when I tame it did I actually like okay here you go a higher dog you don't leave on me friend right take this and take this we're going it's gonna be a combination maybe I said whoo you get further into the obstacle course before kill their dog all right so I got this little crazy dude over here who's going first okay you can go first all right so please little dog please let's go okay so I'm gonna bring him okay I made it to this part you see you could beat that oh you stole my fire dog so my doggy okay she's actually doing way better oh my god you're just falling you perfectly guys you cannot control these dogs you know I made a really hard optional horse we're actually you know we're gonna do we're gonna race through it on our own feet okay let's do it three two one go oh my god you've Ystad it okay now we raced back through it again and then back here again okay 100 I guess this all there is to show the money as in so many dogs it is ridiculous don't bring them to dangerous places in Minecraft what I learned from this is you should keep them in your minecraft house don't bring them outside they're very bad at following you so amazing if there was a cough I can't mod just like this one that has cotton candy katsudon I'll be really cool oh my gosh that would be amazing but I'm dudes that is all there is to show up for today I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did subscribe to our YouTube channel that would be awesome leave a comment down below right down here maybe not that far maybe right right there yes right there leave a comment right there I'll be replying to a bunch you guys so we appreciate your support thank you so much for watching have an epic day and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 4,621,768
Rating: 4.8835034 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, dogs mod, more dogs, better dogs, dogs, animals, mod showcase, new mods, dog breeds, pets mod, more, better, modded mini-game, dog race, race, crafting, craft, items, dog bowl, pug, poodle, lava, fire, trapped, dog leash
Id: EKuiA8Zd9rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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