Minecraft: 1 DOLLAR CAR VS 1,000,000 DOLLAR SUPER CAR!!! Crafting Mini-Game

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another minecraft video so today we are doing it you guys have seen the maps before love Cubs has outdid himself this time everyone's seen like $1 worth $1,000,000 like normally it's like a shovel and honestly even I can create a map like that right Chad I don't think so I totally could I could rename a dirty shovel $1 diamond shovel a million dollars and sample a little obstacle course but today we are playing the amazing $1 car verse 1 million dollar car little toy car in a baby car so today's gonna be awesome guys Loeb comes makes the coolest map ever we have the best traders in the world guys so definitely smash that subscribe button also smash that like button as well and bring the belt lets you know when new videos come out so you don't miss any of this cool content you won't see on any other channels so we must hit this button you're back was the million dollar boat wasn't good enough are you sure you can handle a new challenge yes let's make a million dollar car instead I will be nice and let you start with the 1 dollar car it is completely useless just hop on and enjoy there was - OH what was you just like sliced talking to [Music] look like rubbing our butt like a dog like trying to clean itself oh man so this is the $1 car it's not that bad I thought it would be a toy car bad it could be worse wait look there's the iron generator over here dad over there let me see how do we get Oh it pops out and lands on our face so okay we have Jen is this an actual machine we don't have to throw things in anymore it made the video state like two hours every time okay so now we have a real compressing machine so we can compress any of these items so you create these items over here okay perfect so all we need to get iron so we get a car key right now okay so this is a crafting table okay and then this oh this is for the wither skeleton skulls to turn into nether stars over here okay wait okay whenever there's like an achievement it tell it speaks to me and tells me that's what was happening before oh you must have like a weird setting side weird I don't know why that's setting on I threw a sword at you there's a sword over there okay so all we need is I get one but you can thaw them okay let me contribute to this a little bit I got wheels and I've got a sword I guess that's gonna be for the slime killing how do we do that is there a crafting table of no I think we throw it in the compressor oh okay because the crafting table is only two by two is very tiny iron I'm gonna make the key for us okay craft this beauty okay so we just put one piece there we go and we have the $10 garage key here it is oh love comes told me the way that he set this up was for like keys to open different garages to unlock different stuff so we don't have to upgrade the crafting tables they upgrade when we open the new garage instead it's honestly probably better yes are you not writing care no it's so slow it's alright I'm here you opened a $10 garage you must think you are so cool well actually I do thank you alright actually I'm pretty sure that I am alright so what do we got over here okay so cobblestones compressed equals obsidian are that looks like we need a lot of cobblestone wheels okay iron and gets us libelous we can get that stuff right now oh and the recipes are in here we should make the next car if we can boy the crafting table is three by three now so we already upgraded left don't try to make the next car all right what do we need all right let me just take a little look-see here we will need iron I have the wheels already and I have the iron already we you have an iron bar um no but I can make one really soon I just need a couple more pieces all right yeah get the block and then we can make the car like right off the bat okay how do we get cobblestone um no idea oh looks like there's a cave back here but it looks to be blocked off right now okay open up so if we look at the other recipe oh no we don't even need cobblestone yeah we need a dirt to make compressed dirt and then we just need a slime ball oh no love clubs told me that the cars can break the things oh okay so we like to drive into that here take the block of iron all right so I think I've enough to actually make the car for us already yeah make that car for us so let me just throw that into my head I remember the first episode guys where I wasn't putting in my hand and then I was like trying to look at it I was like oh okay so it is all about one iron my hands in the way of a wheel it wasn't good but now I know I have learned okay good okay so go like that and then like that boom techno car you made the ten dollar car isn't it cute it's like Richard Oh I mess up all the words because I thought he was done talking wait what do you actually give me some of that wait I want to get it on this right now okay you just spawn in front of my face we need I think 27 pieces do we need three different ones okay I've got 16 pieces already this is actually awesome no I then we need a slime ball to you wrap that dirt I'll head over to the slide oh we can fight him over on this oh hello slime no it's fine oh it's actually extremely hard to fight a slide by on a pike shut up holding him but it's very slow let me kill this dude all right give me all your balls so I can make this prostate it will probably need like a million balls something yeah probably just kill a bunch all right I've got I got so many he got 12 all right so I have 27 okay let me get off here let me go over to the complex's of the dirt okay so you put it right there and Kirsten's gonna do nothing so they've already got all the dirt we have tons if we need more in the future all right so I need oh ed he won iron again okay let me just grab one of these before I need like a thousand iron ingots oh yeah probably alright so I think I have everything that is quite needed for this what are we making right now is it the wheels no what are we making the car keys okay okay so when you take these we put them like that luckily I'm pay attention here we have the $100 car key it looks dirty it looks like there's like booze on it okay so now we can do in the next garage all right let's drive over okay what are you doing do you have to play this back open the $100 garage do you want a trophy all right I'm gonna grab the $1,000 Raj tea recipe and also with a hundred dollar car recipe I'll store this stuff in here okay so we'll probably need to make the weight use 4x4 okay it is okay so we probably need to do the hundred dollar car recipe max okay what do I need for that for this one a lot of iron Oh your dirts coming in handy now okay perfect so we do need to craft the wheels okay there's all my dirt I'm gonna go get more I earn all right yeah you get us a bunch of iron and we need a ton of slime boss as well right you go kill those lands all right slams you go kill those Lambs all right don't worry I'm backing up my bike right now okay all right and you go get some snowballs is that really all you ever care about anything else in life I guess is the real question slide all right I'm taking them out dad don't you worry okay because do you want me to kill pasta I've got 18 on slime balls so you didn't get full idiots you got like pieces of them that's fine I think I only need to kill like maybe one more slime after this one guys you haven't seen this series before like sometimes you gets into like really high ones you leave like a thousand of a material yeah I'm just gonna keep going until you're done I'm done I decided to kill one more but they know that we're gonna need them yeah and then keep others in because we actually need the ingots okay so don't turn the ball two blocks cuz that would mess us up really bad I just made one block of mine I'll meet you in the garage all right I need to go over here I want to stay on this the whole time if possible I'm like really bad about using the cars or I've made two slime blocks alright okay so let me just back back up my angles like really really bad for this I'm getting off this thing so this we need to craft over here this is a three by three so we need the iron ingots okay throw up with iron and yes right now there you go okay how do they lever I'm standing I think so okay perfect so we made some wheels all right I've got four wheels for us okay perfect we can use or the car um let me look at the recipe did you throw over the block mine and everything - no here I'll throw that over next because I think we can just do this - oh I need to convert one more thing into a compressed block of dirt okay feel like I'm really good at this game all right let me grab these guys evil a lot of extra materials to which it will hopefully be useful high-fiving you know that's a high [ __ ] not a low five would be down here okay so wait put these over here like that we take these like that four wheels we've crafted all right are you ready for this you made the $100 car this one looks fast it can break cobblestone jet look mine actually is blue wait how oh my god into the walls cobblestone is just falling down from the sky oh okay so you pick it up that's a good question we think it's a lot hold on did I look at the rest of you for this one yeah I don't think I did oh we need gold we need skeleton bones and we need spider string oh by the way we can fight them we need 45 cobblestone what just 45 no big thing I got the strength oh I'm kind of fighting them which is they're after me oh just the skeletons drop it drop what they drop the gold you okay I'm fighting them right now all right okay let me get over here all right I'm gonna get us the cops okay so let me see how many comma so do you have right out I had three okay just focusing on fighting mobs right now all right work on that gold for us and I will try to drive over all the cobblestone I'm just gonna fight a bunch of them I'm gonna get all this I think if I just run through it a million miles an hour or something I think I have to go slow I'll just drive like I do in real life three miles an hour like up 90 I've got 12 pieces of the 45 that we meet all right you're going very very slowly no I'm actually making good progress now okay I've got 16 of them you just driving bringing lots of bones and gold and lots of spider stream you know what this reminds me up I don't know why but it reminds me of that mini game of Android of Warcraft where you have the little talk at the Darkmoon Faire I feel like the controls are almost exactly the same and I'm doing something similar the same card I don't know it's not the same car talk about 25 pieces have you picked up any more pieces alright so what are they at okay okay so we got 34 of the 45 okay 35 on the foot how do you like ten more pieces I'm done okay perfect and you have enough gold pieces alright we actually only need to do two skeleton bones yeah I actually have some anyways some string - I have three stream you only need one left wait grab this wrap that up to 36 pieces so how many times so he happens I'm almost done okay Matt will put us I think I just need to grab a couple of we're done let's go okay let's go oh you're so freaking soft like you like parked in a spot and something's came down a bro wait do you think wait a second you want to leave it that I want to leave it there do you think that would work um maybe but after five minutes remember things do spawn okay all right so we need to compress all of this Oh hand me the rest your table so I'm at the compressor to compress Oh Gold oh yeah Gold here you go keeping the valuables for yourself wait I look perfect about you look like really bad fight I was doing things you were just driving around it looks like this driving or taking a casual little stroll cable I was fighting to the death um you look like you reached that point all right put the string over there we got a little bit of gold right there and how did I mess this up Oh slime balls and then here we go guys he looks cool the $1,000 garage kit wait wait wait look at the key it looks like we're actually reaching some value now all right wait I need to drive the car over oh really yeah but this cars actually quick I'm like the other ones that's true this is like tradition all right you open a $1,000 garage okay you might be able to handle this okay he believes it on wait let me organize my inventory a little bit just so that it doesn't look horrible okay so we get a $100,000 crash key yes probably gonna be so hard to make the recipe every $10,000 car okay what do we need so to make the thousand dollar car we need wheels again which is just slime balls and iron right all right we need slime blocks we already have the string the bones and the gold we need three more cobblestones so that's gonna be a little bit more cobblestone wait so we have enough slime balls yeah okay the only thing we don't have we have wheel we just I can make the wheel so I think okay no then we do need a couple more slot Gengo kill one slime right now alright you go kill what's like I'm gonna go make wheels okay and then how much cobblestone do we need exactly um we need 9 18 27 pieces let's do we have right now um BM 0 Oh a little behind alright so I put that in you get more wheels you know what I'm gonna run any more wheels in this right yes just make a bunch that's what I'm gonna do cuz I actually have a lot of slime balls and a lot of iron so I'm gonna make 16 wheels I hope so oh yeah it's gotta be don't we only need like two more cars a hundred thousand then a million is wasted alright favor I need one more to go get the cobblestone for us alright did I pick them up Negin you said no right there okay no those are the ones from killing them dad okay I have it off an hour alright so I have enough of these I just need to convert these I'm expecting you to like cobblestone like a boss right now alright so I will convert these I've got three slime blocks which is play only thing we're missing is that map don't worry dude we farmed out a bunch of it so I am going to throw in some cobblestone and okay I've got what we have everything now or I believe that I do so let me head over to the crafting table okay alright so all we need to do is just put this in like that and then I need to put a bone in right there couple pieces of string they say so many things that go into this already alright this live and then finally the wheels and there we go alright okay are you ready are you sure yeah I'm sure you made the one thousand dollar car like this one can break netherrack I have no idea all right we have another recipe to open the next garage okay there's $100,000 one okay so this one may need two pieces of gold yes I have that yeah Rini oh we need to go to the nether you need it oh we also need obsidian which oh oh wait you got a lotta extra problem so right yeah I have a blood does I want to go get a snackie I was doing that so um do you have enough though I don't even know if you have enough for this we need 81 pieces alright was like 10 minutes okay okay can you uh can you convert that alright so yeah just get me 9 compressed ones and then we should have enough for it oh and pass it over there you go alright thank you very much so this okay so I already have one so I have 12 we need to go to the nether though so where's the nether I have no idea I guess we should go search for it it's a tractor fast oh my god attractor is fast okay so we're heading to the nether must be down this way ravenous ooh there's the portal wait chapter okay guys so I fixed the I broke the invisible blocks that were in the way that didn't disappear for some reason all right we can go phew now oh and there's a sign okay so it says to get card through your portal part car inside portal and you know I totally actually forgot to uh you know make the Obsidian like I thought maybe the portal would just be ready already it wasn't ready okay she's fine don't worry baby I'm good so all I need to do is take all this and go and then we've got five pieces of obsidian and I can put them down over there let me just get my tractor back yeah be right there it's very hard to control this masterpiece oh I'll put it in while I'm riding it okay it's gonna work there we go there we go and it says just partner this car key and then get on now bring yours in all right that wasn't that bad law so we need to only get I think of the beautiful netherrack we get in here let's go it's over slower when we go so the car can break it right just get out we parked the car in there all right excuse excuse me all right I got my goodbye all right we have to go over to the thing now we have to compress all this netherrack okay what happens all right so we go over here and we put in every single bit of netherrack I have tons do you need it all right yeah I don't think I do tori is literally covered another I'm gonna wrap 35 I'll leave the rest in the machine so guys are you ready to see the $100,000 key yes make it was a dog probably looks amazing all right yeah I'm talking to the audience okay well you know I don't care oh all right okay miss high-and-mighty all right let me put this miss high and mighty mighty look at the case wait let me get this out of my inventory but it's pretty nice all right all right you have to do you think there's only one way to do this okay you opened the $100,000 garage I am impressed thank you okay things are about to get difficult I think oh yeah $1,000,000 key in $100,000 car recipe dad $1,000,000 key yeah that means the next one's the last one all right the card offers car yeah what do we need three string I have it yes Bulls got him gold got it I got it wheels got it another record hold on what wait no one slide block we need one swipe oh I know that would have been insane to have all the materials for 100,000 all right yeah all we need to do is just get one and then we're done with this one the littlest slime of the Rogers spawn oh you killed it I'm gonna look at the other recipe we need diamonds and roots and redstone witty we need three more slime blocks we better just farm him now okay all right so I'm assuming the new car must like unlock something for us okay I think you're all these dudes over here so we actually are going to need four blocks of slime right now which means we need 36 balls okay how many do you have I'm six okay right in the littlest one spot just grab one we'll come back into the car okay all right we've got enough okay we're good do I'm never gonna forget this beautiful dig and I need to turn this in bed we can make it so quick - all right I've done it we have everything we need all right let's go all right let's get on our tractors get moving there's a reason these were made all right so we go in here all right guys check this out so I hit app so it's remember last time when I memorize them when they were this long yeah but you never did it right I know you get it wrong every time so if you like that then we take two of these put it above there it's hard to do it even with the recipe on the side at this point no complicated we take the string then we get all of this I have so many wheels I totally okay the two slime blocks I worked oh so hard for that's everything $100,000 cars yeah over here we need some open space okay right here okay you made the $100,000 car this one can break all of the ORS and instantly kills mobs accuse mobs okay all right let's go kill Bob no we just need the slime blocks okay so we can wait so what do we need to make the garage wait who bunch and park the car yeah we're they sport Park near me oh hold on so little part a little bit away from each other so that way we should be able to clear out any of the spawn in all right perfect maybe like right here right here so what do we need for the garage key so for the garage too many diamonds emeralds redstone me gold oh how much gold do we need more gold I don't have any Oh okay so maybe I should go get the gold all right yeah you go get gold cuz I think we need um four pieces it's not too bad so like a few skeletons oh no we don't okay that men are supporting him I think they're scared of the car oh all right so let's see I can come in there are there are skeletons in there at the moment all right okay I'm coming in to give you a little bit of backup over here okay cuz we need to get a little bit of this stuff then we need to figure out where the ore is oh yeah maybe they're like how come we only have spiders in you think it's the car let me get out of the car and see all right yeah get out of there so it knows that we're here oh yes the car I think cuz now Morris London oh there it is alright you spot him in our realm over okay oh one of them latest really okay so we just need to like find like one more skeleton and then we'll be done basically perfect I might kill the spider Justin over here oh there's another one or we got this there's gotta be bad okay here we go yeah yes what's your one oh I got two is well I'm done let's go alright now let see if the slimes are gonna call me okay there's no but you have to get in there you have to be close to the some water for them to spawn and that was like really a good one alright hold on I'm gonna maneuver the car all right there we go Oh perfect so we just keep it like park closed okay maybe I should park mine I think I think we almost have enough already right over here oh let me back it up a little yeah right there all right this is probably what stops it from spot again what you did yeah you know what let me just handle this all right through we are on a search for the or it must be on the other side of the map over here somewhere let's go so we need diamonds emeralds and we need redstone as well okay which is kind of a lot of stuff but it says that the car can actually mine or awesome um there's nowhere else Chad oh the range was going all right I've got one arm emeralds oh and there's diamonds burning in wait what if there's gold here too we could have just gotten the gold here just a mock though right oh yeah just a mom okay so yeah I mean but we just got it right now remember oh yeah it was already help mom Oh red stone okay let me get some of that I already have two emeralds and I got one diamond okay I have two diamonds all right perfect I think we don't really need that much stuff all right so I've got three emeralds already but we're probably gonna need a bunch for like the million dollar Carm thank you all right let me just look at the recipe again so what we need is we need six emeralds three diamonds and we need three redstone blocks all right we need a lot more redstone and we need more emeralds but we have enough diamonds I actually got it oh there's some redstone are really bad at picking this stuff up you have to do it like really slow I know it's not that easy I think we probably have enough Emeralds now we just need redstone I only have one emeralds I've left six which I got a lot apparently nobody keep getting them because I imagine what the million dollar what is it require gonna need tons so I would say just mind everything with your car Oh redstone do I need this how much redstone doing me so we need three blocks I have enough for about two blocks right now okay more redstone uh yeah I've got 22 pieces of redstone dust all right I think I have an off jab you do for everything I mean you have some of it but I'm sure we work together we work together grab that emerald okay let me get that emerald and I think we are ready to yeah I just can't stop let's go no we need to stop we need we need to go alright it's one man things to do we come back cuz we probably will need to alright let me just get a couple more pieces alright so I think no first we need to go over to the converter because we need to take the redstone and turn it in oh yeah okay so I've got 26 pieces all I need is just one piece from you alright and then give me all your stuff as well well you got a lot of time and subscribe oh and take those bones okay let me grab all of this stuff so we put this in I'm now blocked of this alright guys check this out this is gonna be sick what are you doing in that chest you're not stealing are you okay let me go over here let's get this recipe together here we go with the Moosey $1,000,000 key alright so this is gonna bring us to the hardest recipe in the game I'm so ready for it I cannot wait to see the car look so sick alright so we just take these put them like that get me a little gold I feel like we're doing really good this is like four hours to make this let me just remove some more recipes keep myself organized yeah good idea so people don't yell at me it's pretty good look at the key though it's like gold and it's like diamond and crystal oh I love it okay open it up get on your tractor I mean no get in your little car my $100,000 car dad open you open the $1,000,000 garage congratulations Oh God look at the crafting table oh no she said here we are let's do this oh that isn't the biggest recipe I've ever seen the car space let's see what we have okay do you have any boats on you I gave you everything we need one more bone which is wheat we need another Stars all right yeah we need another so we need kill some wither skeletons in the nether okay we have enough diamonds we need more gold we need one more emerald we do have the obsidian we have the wheels okay we need more redstone okay the only thing is we need kind of a few materials you've already gotten but we need to head to the nether right now Jack the window winders no others yeah that sounds normal alright let me just you know let me just back up my beautiful $100,000 cup this doesn't look like a hundred thousand dollar car so it said it come on so we should be able to just like easily smash the moms in here Cornell looks fine I got this oh no you have to come okay come to the nether John my tractor alright just coming to the nether I will find the area it looks like it's found the opposite way okay Tom went over to be teleported over right now alright no one is fun in yet oh there you are Oh God I killed them don't worry I only got four of them I lost it during that death row yes I know we have keeping inventory oh I definitely do hopefully please don't die ever half of what I need so once they spot it you instantly kill them is so sick with the car good why don't things add this into Minecraft he's gonna die I have five now I just need three more okay and you come in and I kill some long what am I supposed to do punch them in my hand yeah why don't you try that I'm gonna die alright here he comes look Oh behind you pick it up I got it don't worry I'm just picking them up - all right so we got seven we need one more alright this is the one I can feel it okay I'll just stand right next to it he'll just die Oh try to get in okay I'm trying do you have the last one get in alright let's go I'm just gonna run for it I'm coming okay we need to go now we need to grab more emeralds few times and me'll I gotta get out of here I need to do it alone - cuz you just even have a car okay guys so I grab all the over agendas in charts of the slimeballs and the skeleton bones so I am going to start putting some of this stuff together right now go get the bone now okay what I'm gonna do is I am going to make the nether stars I did figure how to do that okay all right okay so I've got ten wither skeleton things how did I'm teleporting to you right now I have the bones and the slime balls okay I have the nether stars about both of them I also have some extra I have an extra diamond if you need it okay let me put the slime balls in here all right perfect I think we have everything there's possible we missed something because there's like seven million things in the recipe let's go I'm stealing your car cuz my oh no I will take Bob oh you should check the one dollar one over so we can compare them no I would prefer not to I surprised you didn't drive this one over curio guys 1 million do we have what it takes we're about to find out I'm putting in the wheels okay all right I'm gonna start bottom up okay so then put that in do you have gold okay guys we now have everything we need to craft this beauty so I will continue on with the same way that I was making this I'm starting bottom up and I think it's coming along pretty nicely so far yeah it looks like you're not even messing anything up I haven't messed anything up yet I will mess something up guaranteed all right so we take the sixth time is right there and then we do emeralds you have to judge me no fixing it I knew the mistake had happened we put those over like that okay then we even have a spider I for this recipe and I think another sword is that it that's it okay alright we finish it by charging it with a block of redstone no we don't know all right wait goes right there you made the $1,000,000 car I didn't think you had it in you nice work take it out for a spin on the racetrack on the racetrack Oh yours is different look at my okay so I think love comes told me there's no abilities on these are just super quick and then he has a racetrack racetrack is right here well um like right in front of weird like the iron thing is what I think I can't control this thing I found the racetrack where are you over here oh okay where's like the the starting line um oh it's right here where it's like right when you come out oh okay blah so we're gonna start right at the big how do we stop this thing it just keeps hit backspace backspace way so just try to get right up to the front okay I'm perfect try yourself up a little bit okay I'm good I mean okay right there right there stop no I'm so I'm jet ski she is she has stopped yeah and you're anyway I my skin you keep bringing her words to one yo you totally look like you started before me you totally started before oh I just got ahead of you oh god hard to control oh god it's so crazy you me I'm slightly ahead alright you just need to mess up and then I will be in the lead all right perfectly straight you're really gonna hit me a lot they just think oh god this is where it's gonna happen oh they are oh they are my angles all right jet is behind me where is the [Music] victory is mine oh man that was intense one day oh dude this was an epic episode today one dollar Carver's 1 million actually my favorite one so far I've licked the boat why we do like ice cream next I'm probably not I would like something cooler than $1 ice cream I don't know if that means but yeah dudes hope you enjoyed this video definitely smash that subscribe button also smash the like button and ring the bell you won't see anything else like this anywhere else seriously guys will be all of an amazing day thank you for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 4,908,112
Rating: 4.8675733 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, car, super car, 1 million dollars, minecraft mods, minecraft map, custom map, modded mini-games, vs, minecraft minigames, minecraft mini-games, minecraft mini games, 1.14, minecraft 1.14, craft, crafting, minecraft crafting
Id: OrA1KDCa7Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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