Minecraft : 37 EPIC NEW CHICKENS!!! (DIAMOND, TNT, EXPERIENCE, & MORE!) - Mod Showcase

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he's gonna push you in and perfectly vine hey what's going on dudes it's pat and welcome back to another notch okay so Chad what are we checking out today which ads in how many chickens 37 guys that is 37 chickens you move that chickens that is a lot of chickens not a chicken breast so right now there is breast filling the entire house so if you listen really carefully you could hear them pop it out legs eggs not legs well chicken legs yes they're not popping out chicken legs it seems wrong all the dudes if you love minecraft then hit that subscribe button right now and also leave a comment down below saying you subscribe I will try to comment to as many of you amazing people that I can and I hope you guys are all having an amazing day but if you are things are about to get really wonderful for you because there's so many chickens come here the first one this is the only one that spawns at your world though it is the white chicken oh she's beautiful how do you know that it's a lady I can just tell so she will give you bone meal so if you need bone meal it's really good Oh what do the eggs actually came out it's really rare so this is what we need guys we need white eggs this can be used to craft almost any chicken in the entire mod alright try to hatch it alright with one egg one egg one I'm gonna do this okay I'm gonna do work come on did I even throw me or something alright let me try this again so I put a bunch of white eggs in here I will throw them we will get a baby right now okay alright I think yes that was so beautiful durable that was the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life and I was looking at you with this little this little beard here with the chickens it's there's no way I'm never leaving you can't leave there's not a way to do it anyways alright so while Jamie is living with the chickens guys check this out we could use these to make all kinds of eggs we can have Bulava egg Lou Brown cocoa we've got to ink the water we have red seed normal seed snow there's so many cool egg that wood is sick and look at the egg on this is gorgeous this one is the ender and a pink chicken oh I think it's kind of like pinkish purple color okay so we've got dirt we've hope that isn't all guys pretty much all of the recipes are gonna be a white egg in the middle and then when it's made out of blocks as you can see on most of these all you have to do is just surround that white egg and you can get an egg - hopefully summoning your own chicken like this is the pink chicken to snowboard okay step board to me oh you got something didn't work I'm shutting you back in okay so all the normal chickens are in here but look at this it's a dirty chicken poop came out of this brown Jim he pooped on you so if you want guys and you need lots of dirt in the world dirt chicken aka the poop chicken yeah over here we have the ice chicken which will poop out ice and look at his beautiful color over here we have one of my personal favorites the boom chicken lookee though Mike's mokey mokey you smoky the chicken so guys he does have TNT that comes out from so if you need TT which everybody does this is the perfect chicken and the most beautiful in the entire mod let's blow it up I don't have any way to blow an option so I grab some flat steel I will meet you out there okay I didn't know this was gonna happen didn't know where to get in this situation Bob test out the TNT I should always be prepared so this is a normal CT this is chicken poop TNT so I've got some Clinton's field here we go place it down there's that I didn't even lose is amazing once guys you might think this is just show my chickens in this mine it isn't you have to create some of the chickens this is embarrassing we just like removed part of our melon alright so over here this is the one you were talking about before this is the end or chicken the one that has the pink egg gives you enter pearls teleport no that would be horrible for farms oh really where's my chicken and then you're like going to bed Neela crawls on top of your chassis so he's got pink eyes okay over here we have the snow chicken you could barely see his face and he gives you boss so balls come out that one I love the bone chicken it looks like a dead chicken so this one I gotta be honest I already ate his breasts wait what I already ate him this one's made of bone oh I see you didn't understand oh this one didn't even finish growing yet it's my nether wart chicken baby so he's gonna drop some nether wart over here we have the red sand chicken if you want red sand if that is the one for you we have the ink chicken which of course will give you sacks all day long oh yeah and look at the color on me could barely see this thing it looks like a tongue oh this will drops roses what it is the rose this is my favorite one I need to see the roses but he's still a baby he's still super oh okay what so there wasn't this morning for this one so I had to start it by like getting a baby chicken maybe he'll grow up imagine this roses popping out of it oh this one is really cool I drop some I believe lava buckets it is the lava chicken I know this is another one of the really cool ones and we have the Coco chicken over here which drops cocoa beans but that is that's enough with the boring ones let's go to the crazy stuff oh all right so this is not what you expected at all let me see I'm coming all right so let's just go straight over here what does this say that is what kind of chicken that is the water chicken what are we gonna do to him we are going to throw novel at him throw him in lava oh okay we're gonna throw a lava atom all right little dude we're just gonna you're gonna be completely fine oh he's scared he really doesn't want to go towards it you could tell it's all right little guy he's gonna push you in and perfectly fine how are you this all right dudes we are back we tried to do this in lava it does not work apparently getting a little baby what do you do is the baby yeah maybe it'll work come on in the lava is just look at them fluttering trying to get out I don't know what's wrong with that one but I'm really hoping the sand chicken works it says the sand chicken can also be used with fire so maybe that will be the way that we could do this all right so sand chicken of course it is going to drop sand but apparently if we get this in lava it will turn into a glass chicken oh that one is quite the hefty little guy they all look exactly the same just get in there turn the glass all right dudes we are back once again I believe I actually figured out Jen what do we do all right so I think that what we're not supposed to do is throw an actual chicken into the lava oh you're not supposed to no I don't think you're supposed to throw a living chicken I think you're supposed to throw the egg into it oh then it will hopefully spoil obsidian sugar okay we're gonna find out right now I haven't tried this I just reread the instruction actually sounds yeah so I killed those for no reason I'm so sorry look it's a no city and chickens my gosh I love you okay it is his bright white eyes I know he's just so happy to be alive I'm like the other one alright so yeah I'm sure they know I'm giving you the sand edge watching you throw them into the fire and make us a glass chicken okay here we go alright so do it oh oh you missed yeah you missed the fire okay um I throw it in love everything goes to the lava come on we're hoping for a sand chicken to pop out oh yeah glass eggs Jen's luck is so bad Oh what happened oh I think they're dying you're dying you're dying in there why would be tired this is how you create them how are they dying I read the rules I'm throwing them into this okay look you can hear the diet why are you not turning the glass this is also throwing Bob or fire and these ones are supposed to turn into glass though we have the oak chicken over here so this one o comes out of him he's made of wood okay we have the netherrack chicken so he will spit out some netherrack and then we have the clay chicken which no clay comes out of him alright well you're about to find out right now alright so let me just get myself up here into the lava she's supposed to turn to charcoal I'm just like in Minecraft when you burn the oak it turns of the charcoal he didn't work on him we'll try the nether one nether brick does he look any different than the other way I'm gonna put one next to him okay they look exactly the same and the clam one is going to turn into bricks right now wait how would work that is the brick chicken so this one 24 one of them work so this one when he grows up bricks will come out of his boy this is beautiful so those are all the ones that must burn so I'm gonna go back into survival if you don't eat any more of those so here we have every single kind of world look at this iron chicken golden chicken redstone chicken what I'm missing any there's one is it or it's glowstone do you see it look is actually one of the most beautiful ones so a lot of these like the really good ones like diamonds and apples they do not spit out or I mean poop out diamonds or emeralds I think so so instead they get little nuggets you put the Nuggets together and then you can get diamonds in Emerald so they're not too overpowered love them and you can see the redstone one it's got like redstone coming off his body in the water oh the lapis one kind of looks like the water effect on him too and the glowstone one when it walks it has a track around it wait I'm stuck no no not ever get for this one because I knew I'd want to go in and play with the chickens chickens on the roof is there I didn't put ladder always been here it's been there since the Hunger Games okay oh there's one room I totally forgot come with me yes yeah the leader of all chickens he is the stone chicken he is the leader because he can poop out four different kinds of chickens check this out yeah Oh is he bigger than the others no he's not but he has so he can have four different kind of eggs come out of him cobble stone andesite diorite and granite chickens very cool alright so I'm coming in to pick up all the eggs that he laid okay where is the I want to see you he's like right there oh you took this as an opportunity to get out of here oh they're like diamond color alright so let's see what do we five year so from him I got okay a grand I EXO I said he can have different kinds and I got died all right hopefully I said that right so about two different eggs I can try to hatch his chickens well not happen today he's the leader he can go where he wants get back to your throne alright so before we go on to anything else we are gonna be having an egg throwing contest me against you whoever keeps warning the most chickens in the area will be the winner okay so I have all the most beautiful eggs eggs nether quartz egg boom egg and blazing so I believe this side of the left is yours cuz there's a flower there and this on the right is mine okay so already do is just spawn them in they will count the eggs here we go oh I think maybe when you take when you like hit mom oh yeah hit them with an egg and they teleported alright oh it's gonna be hard to count them now but let's do this I'm getting so many oh my god the nether quartz or ones are beautiful just try not to hit the other dudes actually no why don't you just hit them and won't even count those who get them out of ours alright I am smart about in and finally my blaze eggs I've toured instead I'm doing really good I think okay I'm good so somehow we have to count this with all this smoke here they were the coolest of the eggs alright dudes we are back I counted every single egg and somehow it was actually a talk unbelievable and we had to kill all the chickens because there was so much chicken laughs I really didn't pick the worst eggs for the contest some of them teleported all the other ones smoked horribly with chicken lag so right now we are being a chicken off diamond chicken versus edible chicken first person to spawn in the chicken is the winner of this contract you go first come on diamond chicken No don't get it don't get it come on No are you through it through it alright here we go no no yes okay let's give you eight this could be win nothing nothing it didn't even look like you threw it so obviously the animations a little bit different with this market I'm trying every single one I think my legs are broken I'll give them to me broken egg throw them over and I will supply the egg first try for you here I said give me give me these toy you'll be everyone okay alright so here we go give me although okay here I need every single one of these to be this happy my god they're the most eggs ever I don't think bees and trying to spawn at a time and check it okay fine fine it was over fun anyways sorry loser over here we have a couple more chickens give the mushroom chicken it spawns and mushrooms we have the red mushroom chicken it has red mushrooms it looks really cool we have the chorus chicken has chorus fruit look at that beautiful food over here our chickens barely ran in was it my celly in one so you can see there is some mycelium with it over there cool the ones I got in there oh we have the gravel chicken which you know if you need a lot of gravel that is the dude for you there's a chicken smelling its spot right now but the coolest chickens of all are actually over here ok so we have the orb chicken which is a work in progress and then the one that is green and blue the one in front of us is an experienced chicken so gorgeous so I lend out go near it actually like throws down experience I just get ready for us do you think chicken you've run away from your do it so this is one of the most beautiful chickens the orb board is apparently a work in progress I don't think it does anything at the moment but another absolutely beautiful chicken right now chicken there are three mob chickens I didn't check out okay all right so we have the arena over here there's seriously a lot of chickens so what we have is we have the slime chicken we actually already saw the place chicken because we were like throwing the rats the winner won I am nervous about okay so I want to show you guys the recipes on the wither chicken that was a little bit different it is made like a real wither I cannot wait to see that one so set ablaze egg in the middle and wither skeleton skulls right there so we've got three different ones I'm gonna show the place one again because it's in de-stressing I want to here we go that is the blaze chicken which you've seen already this one he's the little slime chicken so he would slime balls when he grows up and finally I really want to see please have three heads please have three hands come on with a chicken oh my god oh that one is so amazing no I think my favorite one is the experience chicken wait before we check out the roast chicken and see if she drew love all right so I already broke in here to check everything out and she is alive excuse me um this is really embarrassing to watch the roast chicken lives it is yet to give birth too late what if it takes forever might take a while she's trying her best in you're putting pressure on it constipated she can't help it there's a lot of people watching it seems like all the other ones go up even the netherwart one threw up it has nether wart next to it love all of them so seems like I think she's the only one that's been too nervous that poor roast chicken oh but anyways these matters about all the ways to show for today this mod adds in tons and tons of chickens a couple of them are bugged and didn't exactly turn into what I expected but everything else is just absolutely amazing oh my god which one's the class chicken you look there's glass in here too what is happening something happened when we were gone and it created a glass chicken it's over the malian who's doing this we need to get down to the bottom of this I know that you're the sand chicken does it look just like the sand chicken maybe maybe they didn't switch the model and we thought you mean different I mean save it look the same oh my god it was English after all they just had like the same model I guess or maybe the model didn't work would it change to get wait he's right there their trap right there look he's stuck Oh what did last nets do it he looks just like a sand wine guys it works throw them right in the lava they love it they love it something might die but if they live they become a superpower glass chicken but I'll dudes I hope you enjoyed the video if you did subscribe to our YouTube channel that would be absolutely amazing thank you so much for watching also leave a comment down below say you subscribe I'll try to calm it to you and guys have a great day we'll see you next time guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 3,546,531
Rating: 4.9000163 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, chickens, too many, more, better, mod showcase, 1.10, 1.11, modded mini-games, minecraft mods, ore, mining, blocks, more chickens, diamond, emerald, crafting, craft, items, jen's house, mobs, egg challenge, lava trap, lava trolling
Id: gi6CL0EgJ8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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