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I open it please be the explosion [Music] [Applause] what's up y'all it's Pat and welcome back to another video until yeah our intros I don't know if we can do a whole thing at this Chad I don't like it's it's getting worse I think every time but welcome back to another video dude today what we are doing is we're checking out the most amazing lucky block thing you've ever seen in your entire life really easy ok so this is not a mod it is a command by th command blocks dudes I will leave a link down below to his channel he made me a giant massive lucky block jack he did so this is the biggest lucky block that you've ever seen I actually haven't looked at it yet myself so I wanted to keep the surprise for the video apparently it is the most deadly lucky block ever and the most rewarding lucky block in the history of Minecraft what does that mean it's like an oxymoron so you know how lucky wants to be good or bad yeah oh yeah is apparently that you know so news if you're new to this channel be sure to smash that subscribe button also leave a comment down below right down here right below even further down than usual guys wow the lady lumps [Laughter] those are my toes lady love ok I will be replied to bless you guys because we appreciate your support please ignore the crazy one we just said alright so this one it requires um to command blocks don't hit this one this from last time so I'm gonna smack this boom it is ready jet this is what you need okay blondie 64 diamonds and 64 volt in gets and then while off we get this this is the magic crafter you put it down and that's cool okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you half of these take those thank you I need you to spit them onto this oh all right just spin them on okay alright only a couple of them seem to be landing on top I think all right so grab all those who's your lucky blocks oh wait hold on I have two more oh you only miss to look like you missed a lot more than that all right so how many do you have to return Hey 832 gold I think your throws were just so far off I got 30 Jim got eight and we had the same amount of small tanks oh okay so also but I want to do is let me go into creative because we both are going to need a pickaxe for this so but you also can do other than throwing gold idiot sorry guys you can throw a diamond pickaxe on it and you will get ginormous pickaxe you knew all right now do it don't lose it don't lose this you only get one please don't eat my pickaxe yes I got it so yes look at how big these beautiful things are no beefy okay so I don't really know how big this is gonna be because I haven't seen them so I'm just gonna like right-click the ground and we're gonna see what the kind of block looks like okay oh my god that's the lucky block guys all right is here we go and Jen remember this is gonna be a competition me against you with all the stuff you get from our block are we doing at the end that's right we're battling too bad you have eight and I have thirty all right here we go oh my god Luke is a huge bone whoa wait a second I got a giant lucky Bo power enchantment 127 jab all right come here no you have to wait all right guys this could like take out the weather in like 3 hits that is insane all right everything will die today all right Jen you're sure nobody blog let's do it look at that guy's I'm scared Jen's bad luck wait did you break it no oh my god oh man that is so beautiful I enjoy this firework shows you right now I know this is like the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life guys you really need to check this out all right it's my turn how many do you get for giant firework yeah all right so guys Jen will be done in a year all right and you put this down I want to crush you with it good girl all right I'm gonna open this beast let's go above this view for it don't worry I have a giant lucky bow all right so guys the thing is you ready it's a really really overpowered weapons bought when you get attack you might have a hundred zombies great iron iron capsule you know them don't worry I think I'm winning the battle right the Gordon's gone wait the gardens gone the block like got rid of the Guardian all right the blocks you have to be careful with them guys sorry no you first hopping you all look the same to me all right you've made your next one I know you look you look gorgeous all right put down your sake I'm just finishing them off oh man okay I actually killed all of them what you about what did you break it gods I'm posting what kind of potion is the giant unlucky last person I'm gonna be saving this for the baddies I see it in your head I know this is that's what she said man whoo whoo this is awesome okay here we go if others down I would okay here we go guys like this needs to be used for other videos it's better so yeah they're supposed to be a horrible one that's horrible oh did I get it - no let's see what it is I got it to your dad all right okay your turn okay left by the way that's because you ruined yours through a bad all right here we go what is she gonna get they're like never-ending yes wait I'm ever gonna head take me a while to gather all these there's like a thousand diamonds since you came down book still raining um no you let me help you so it's either really good or really bad luckily so far we've gotten mostly all good stuff I got over a stack of diamonds for you all right and I almost have to snack so you can get like five stacks of diamonds or I take this thank you very much all right so I've been open a couple before you go against there's so many more than you all right put this down here we go I'm scared oh the fires horrible hey I might leave really yeah what do we know fire okay I'm making it red okay do fire tic bull okay getting better okay whoo well that was stressful all right I'm gonna put down another block okay okay if I put the Block on top of some of the fire should disappear anyways all right here we go spiders luckily luckily they're not going for big maybe you'll crush them yes all right I'm gonna wait for them to die before over this all right so so far you guys this stuff coming out of the all right I'm just making sure all the fire goes that way no no the house is still on fire don't do it I know we're trying we're trying to make it beautiful again here all right here we go and swing that's really smart wait I don't know what happened I don't think you call it anything wait is it I think it was because of the spiders don't you do you think they picked up my drops throw me my drops or do you think an explosion happen in the thick mornin yeah Oh whole world oh maybe that would be so bad all right I got rid of the spiders but they're not nice okay [Music] look he's in a lucky potion we got it's huge oh it is a giant lucky potion which gives me amazing buffs for the battle after I know cuz I have so many more than you all right look beacon it just rained like a stack of beer today no there's no trace okay black because I didn't know was gonna drop guys this is amazing for the challenge it's like ridiculous so I got an entirely open one now all right okay oh I open it please be the explosion oh my god that is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life do you think it's nice to tell them what someone into it molecule I mean when were you ever gonna experience such fire you know what I love you and I will make sure that you can experience only the finest things that happen in this command okay I'm still wagging are you by the way I'm like right next to the house who are you alright I'm gonna go to the opposite side of the house where there's so much going on okay I'm following you alright here we go guys we're going for another one please get the dry explosion they'll be amazing ooh iron is raining down the sky to make me some Arbor alright so I'm just gonna grab some battle panty it's not as good as diamonds but you know no one likes a bragger you I have it open the next one here we go okay has to be done with the pickaxe I got a giant sword to fight you with you did it is a massive sword oh yeah I'm lucky sort of completely useless sword but it's big oh wait we oh my god wait let me see before when I thought I got nothing I had something in my inventory and I didn't realize what I had walking boots protection 500 and they give me a thousand health can't wear those I'm too bad alright you ready to open one all right I only have three left after this one all right open it okay please come on be really cool please be amazing check our inventory oh my god oh it's got a thousand health 2500 protection purple on okay amazing let me see if this does anything now he's still back it's the books overpowered I want to take these off cause they're blocking my view and it's almost dead I'm sorry mama killed it alright don't worry I won't do it again oh is it gonna blow is it oh I don't think this oh wow I think it's over that's a warm-up compared to what there is dead all right so I've got 19 blocks left to go but I really really want to see the epic one but we're probably gonna use this again for like a special challenge games or something yeah you have to like a race he's gonna rain so it'd be so funny okay I'm gonna break this have nervous even deadlier explosion all right so I think that I got myself another is it another super lucky unlucky potion yes I've got two now for two rounds wait don't kill me with it purpose I saw you place it on me alright that wasn't so bad alright here comes mine wait wait where are you I'm up here missing it oh it looks like an epic sword yes what is it it is Pat sword sharpness 50 fire aspect 1 it's so cool-looking and its massive the battle is gonna be so epic I hope so that would be so cool try for it just died in a block to it ok ok ok how many marks you left all right wait let me just open this one and it's raining I already got this one ok do yours yet ok so I have 16 left oh ok I think this is gonna be Romano give you a couple if you own it isn't if you're something good I will give you five of mine ok oh that's really good no that was my iron what oh do you get anything else wait maybe you didn't get I bet you had you have gotten something alright wait let me check my jewelry Oh beautiful I will give you here's one two three blocks Jen thank you alright ok ready for mine this one's gonna be a bitch I'm ready here we go I had another amazing sword I have to pass swords wait let me open another you want to trade something for that like diamond oh no thank you here yeah this one's gonna be awesome oh my enchanted golden helpful come on dad this is so cool or alright so what I have here is it shiny enchanted golden I don't know how good it is but I imagine that it's probably really sick look I dare you to eat it right now no I won't do it look if I could smack you with my Apple just try to smell me all right here she goes guys go alright so I don't think you're actually gonna be so cool I'm gonna spit down a block I'll save you don't worry I don't get your be fine Oh oh my god - oh no nevermind I got spiders all right now I'm gonna crush them all right so are you okay are you all right this one might kill you here we go oh we can still make it oh it looks like you've just enough time to outrun it because it's above your head but I wasn't prepared daddy's horrible is amazing that is just terrible all right I've got 9 blocks left all right here we go I'm gonna try to break it from it I'm on my way oh man that was brutal putting it on me and then saying you're gonna save me all right because I'm gonna break it and then it will save you I love all right I had another one comin here we go hoping for something nothing's happening you don't date wait what is that I got the fireworks oh the fireworks one of the coolest ones worth a yeah all right I'm gonna come over here so I could shoot off my own fireworks you guys 64 all right let me check it out yes I've got 64 amazing Oh Joey another firework show enjoy it oh yes yeah but could you actually play some down so you can't really like walk off and enjoy it at the same time and you do this Betty no all right I'm gonna play some up and then look at the sky good George it beautiful all right so I've got six blocks left to open okay all right I'm still nervous we're gonna get the advocates version one yeah you got the output that is amazing all right now I'm gonna put down mine right there and I'm hoping for an explosion I got an apple - I've got two now all right - I think this is gonna be really good because your final block I'm just gonna lick it okay yeah it's work on a little come on you got the awful sword wait I'll save you wait I'm saving you right now look I yeah I saved you oh wait I'll save you it doesn't count if you first try to kill me oh no don't move got me a lucky function I've got three more to open it oh I got another lucky you are getting too many good things all right so we didn't get a crafting table all right oh I'll give us crafting tables for this I got the path sword again so this is the deal guys no matter what I want to see the big explosion so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get us 7,000 lucky blocks okay you're and open these and I'm just gonna spawn a man until we get the explosion okay okay all right so you're ready all right open it so we're basically trying to show you guys what the drops are no then you can't open the block so you have to take a hit for the team okay all right here we go you're gonna get that explosion for us don't pick it up you're also taking anything up cuz we're not allowed to use this stuff for the battle okay what he's dead oh my god it's his biggest the Maui oh that's what she said about the magma cube because she likes magma cubes okay cuz you're gonna be dying a lot are you I can't believe how big that magma was you're breaking it with a cute wait what oh my god there's a movie because they're loading in oh you're probably gonna die I don't think the world is meant to have that bad no guys that was I don't know hundreds of anvils where are you can't spawn here anymore because of that I'm gonna come to you actually we have a brand new area and Jenison opening from what oh it must have been one of the ones that opened Oh so I'm sorry no wait do you think I could've been the thing where you said you got nothing maybe maybe that's your word okay fine all right here we go so this should be oh my god we haven't seen this draw alright so this one is the giant lizard 157 attack damage so better than the password but no one could use it sadly because we didn't get it but really cool alright so many cool things I know that's why we're trying to show you guys everything that there is oh no we're too far away now no the first one works alright break this puppy here we go we're expecting something new oh my gosh that is the biggest nether portal ever break it from inside I'm working on it I'm so sorry alright I'm fine I'm getting out what you are going on top of it that is so weird wait I don't even see you I'm coming to you break the wall jam okey I think this could be the one well no way that's gonna work guys it is happening right now oh my god I just got shot really far away there is a massive explosion happening and I think I'm in the stars oh well I think I'm falling back down so guys this is probably one of the worst explosions you will ever experience in my alright so I'm in the woods I really wish I had a better view I bet you that this area I'm in right now is going to book you can see there's cracks in the world okay close your eyes look I'm alive alright so I'm assuming because of the lag I haven't taken the damage yet I will die at some point look we're inside the crater guys not we're not inside crater we're inside the crater if you misheard or not so I can't leave we're actually at bedrock high already alright guys I was able to parkour oh I'm so like the whole world is stopped oh my god time is stopped I'm terrified cuz creepers right about Matt I'll catch you little buddy come down it's doing something I can move wait why did I fall I don't know what's happening dudes but for some reason I'm getting back down in the hole again as you can tell guys the world is completely destroyed we can't even get it to finish pace world so we actually tried to relog and we're actually talking over the footage right now whatever we're along the explosions going I talked to the creator he said he thinks it glitched out and I showed him a picture he thinks there's 10 times more creepers than they're supposed to be all right dudes we are back in game I messaged the creator on Twitter and I was like your explosion it's the most insane explosion ever and he was like how long you been waiting I'm like half an hour he's like what something's wrong send him a picture send him the picture and he was like that is ten times the amount of curry first there should be and he's like you know what the creepers might actually never stop it was so cool though they were like frozen in time so we we really tried to get you guys the explosion I waited for almost an hour and then I realized the explosion was gone so you guys saw it from inside the most insane explosion ever the worst drop in lucky block history that will destroy your world okay so we got some really cool stuff and we both can make some armor so that is about what we're going to do I got tons of diamonds I'm like a real Lackey for some reason do you think it's the million anvils that are on the ground over probably or it's just everything to happen today so hopefully we can get a battle in before the world is just dead forever all right so I have so many cool potions I've got lucky potions I've got unlucky potions I have Pat swords I have a amazing I get it you got amazing like I did so good you're going down jad all right make sure you spawn point yourself in the arena we were going until someone dies three times okay okay so I'm gonna throw down my super lucky potion all right are you really using that question oh my god wait we both died oh wait how did I die dude this makes absolutely no sense it said I died on the screen boy I still have all my buffs that I had beforehand wow you're dead look if you go into your inventory it shows you did we oh my god is us oh yeah you're like a goat all right so I'm gonna actually slash kill myself to get rid of my effects but do they go away d2 what happened yeah all right we're gonna say I guess we're tied but I'm gonna eat this and let's go 100 no she threw it I'm fine you might die oh wait wait let me eat my other Golden Apple I'm fine all right so it is two to one but after every battle we must flash kill ourselves and we're going on - all right so we better use everything good that we have all right ready ready 3 2 1 go oh yes I got another one I can't all right so maybe if I get her with the sword wait there you are please finish all right is your health not moving all right the bow is so overpowered so I'll just go with that wait she's still wide not moving at all right so as you can tell guys this is the motion scene lucky walk ever the best stuff in any mine ever in the most deadly seriously worst look at our world lately insane there was even a huge hole there was an explosion that destroyed everything it was just ridiculous ridiculous you're welcome everyone but now the others hope you enjoyed the video if you did subscribe to our YouTube channel if that would be what happened I think I broke them with this supply breakers over here Chester's fell off oh but also you guys leave a comment down below right down here I'm shooting right at you right now I will be replying to a bunch you guys - we appreciate your amazing support hope you guys enjoyed this you will not see anything like this anywhere else and we'll see you dudes next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 16,343,795
Rating: 4.8142271 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, lucky block, mega, mega lucky block, lucky, biggest lucky block, giant, huge, minecraft house, giant weapons, blocks, sword, weapon, mod showcase, command, jen's house, potion, lucky block challenge, tnt, explosion, mining, ore
Id: rDUU-rrF7U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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