Minecraft Lava Rising 1v1 (epic)

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i think you have to download a mod or a data pack

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GachaclubSUCKS 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
I'm a meeting flash [Music] the lava rises every few minutes and me and time do a minecraft PvP God were forced into a 500 times 500 border and we have to fight to the death we had a 10-minute grace period to gather supplies and prepare ourselves for the carnage that was about to unfold not only that but the lava will continue to rise but we didn't know that this is my most intense video I've ever done so you know if you're gonna watch anything on my channel I recommend watching this video all the way through again I mean you've seen the intro things get insane also please subscribe and leave a like you know it takes you about three seconds and you can just unsubscribe later so if you want to help us out and be a legend subscribe anyways this is what happened always die in story - well alright okay so PvP snot unable for the first ten minutes alright obviously we're gonna be very very high up for a lot of this we can get up here we can get all the snowballs yeah yeah is that clever high IQ high IQ in it and obviously we need to go mining pretty quick but if I can get snow boss and I can just I can just kill him all right so I'm gonna grab these snowballs now also if we kill chickens and we get feathers for a bow and arrow or what I'm gonna need food aren't I I'll be really quite quick since we only have ten minutes and then the lavas gonna start rising right so I think I'm gonna need quite off through this process I mean I could just staff to definitely actually oh no cake okay well come on come on okay okay gonna go straight now please don't be the end of me hey do uh what's going on I got diamonds I just need to find iron for me no no you don't I am thinking serious dude you're so far behind Wow how pro minecraftgamer no no wait no how ya know how did I went like I dug straight down fell in a ravine and there were diamonds there okay well I've got kind of a pro strat do that I don't think you'll be able to counter ro sir that's what you think okay one sec dad I'm good boys now I'm gonna need armor I'm really gonna knit hacks yeah I mean it could be he's recording so hopefully senses this BOV off that and we want to make an iron pickaxe so I can just get down really quick you stay Oh give me your love around again five minutes you know what you know okay we've got this I've gotta get down there and quick I believe the lava like level will slowly rise a bit here's the big thing on a crap I want to crap a water bucket oh my god the lavas already risen oh goodness alright okay we gotta find diamonds and quick right where's I'll see countless hi this way for anyone that isn't know where the sea counter basically tells you exactly where you need to go to find a cave also we need to get loads of cobble too but I really need our roof there's gonna be like a sky base battle I don't really think I do I don't know I'm yeah yeah I guess see me company cos tell you about me oh okay this could be promising come on come on come on diamonds please lapis okay good I was gonna run through here then we come run back please find some diamonds oh I see Tommy his eye PvE on give go and uh put a love a bucket on them it's fine I'll go but when I need to alright for now I want to get iron because I tell you our iron arm is gonna be so beneficial and also I really want to beat do cos and I can mock him for so so long I'm pretty sure I heard a zombie this way I go up here okay scaring me oh don't mind if I do hey we got it we got hey do sure you achievement there buddy what do you mean oh those are it's nothing yeah yeah no yeah yeah I've also found diamonds okay where are they I will see your achievement hey one minute wait wait this could be really good please don't kill me please don't kill me please please please come on wooden sword I've never betrayed you until now alright alright alright I need to get out I need to get out well you only got one diamond which isn't it make a shovel yeah yeah I'll be really helpful oh all right okay let's melt let's melt let's melt make a jukebox yeah POG yeah nice one shout Oh shield of course yeah yeah you're right oh no what didn't even I would have iron thick might cause like just a lot of blocks I mean if we're gonna have to build all the way up in the sky yes like full iron and just go chop down trees the whole time I think that'd be like the best move oh well I am not like one which will be so helpful alright okay I'm just gonna make sure I have a little bit of a hole just so I can see if the lovers getting really close to me a little bit of a dip need to make sure I get surface as well before Theo gets there and y50 hey sounds why pay right get on to the surface now and just be really sneaky Oh water that's so helpful really sneaky we're here it's not here it's not here it's not here right get food get wood get down you know what should I kill that Enderman now cuz I get another pearl excuse me buddy come on come on come on okay that's why that's why okay we gotta go we gotta go down the whole shift of course you go down really quick a little roller coaster I don't know where the lava stopped but it should be rising lava has risen five Oh No get more blocks yeah yeah you're right you're right we should be okay alright if I keep on get loads of cobble don't dig onto the lava hopefully we can find a bit more iron and maybe an anvil we have two pearls now I told you not to look at my screen whilst he's recording this so hopefully we're fine oh yeah how are you doing buddy better than you know you know yeah you don't even know how good I'm doing really yeah you haven't found diamonds you can't possibly be doing better than me I have found diamonds suit up oh you did find diamonds I'm 1/8 vain an evening of diamonds mm-hmm all right well good for you I uh I've got a little bit of a trick up my sleeve so why I also have a trick up my sleeve I have several traits in my sleeve the trickiest of the sleeves buddy are you a magician is that what you're saying oh no I didn't I'm not saying that actually okay give me a minute oh oh no dummy she's got diamond armor oh my god all right we need to get out of it now smell smell smell her they should go for a bowline hah is that what he's going for I'm just an idiot would I feel like I'll just be able to bridge over to him maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe if I make another book it then I can get an infinite water source last time up there on my sky base okay just to clarify I'm gonna sky base Jack because I can get really really high now it's also it is 1.15 PvP so as long as I have a shield I'm not sure if the a good remembers if he's up already there's no way she's got an anvil it's no way you go on that first okay I kind of want to go over to that mountain please don't see me do please I reckon I forget on that mountain I have a huge advantage fingers cross fingers okay we're all right we're all right all right hey I'm gonna hold up here should smell a little bit oh I just realized this if fire spreads actually on the lavas just kind of like lighter buildings on fire what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna fall to file it just in case there's a little base yeah yeah that's sugar cane oh I see Tommy I don't see him hey this is gonna be called the look hello please I'm so good wait you only have diamond boots oh and a diamond saw okay hey buddy huh not much any diamond pieces or anything no no I do I do I'm just not why do you go whoa whoa hey you know snowballs don't until hot bag in this version right Tommy don't come any closer I see you down there yeah I have the high ground you know right I have the high ground with my snow balls that oh oh hey hey hey hey hey building a house services yeah there's not even any lava here hey I'll go this way I'll go this way you go that way you go that way you go that way okay you know going that way do you my way is up okay well my way is down that's out no no no no it's gonna be done what are you doing you're like gonna fall on the vines or something no nothing nothing hey builds your water from there you won't no I know you're right I won't why not I really don't like how you just yeah I can tell me it's being so easy right now cuz you just know I'm just sitting here watching you I really don't know ya know you know I'm so unpredictable do you just don't know you just don't know wait one sec River so couple so I can win tigers believe them you shouldn't have undef oh oh okay bye okay okay I knew exactly why I was doing that all right sure I'll just uh get down by place in a water bucket all right no no no no no no no I won't say and I do have an idea even better even about all my speed and efficiency by 20% at least at least give me feathers idiot I don't know if he's got a boat I'll just take these so we can't get it I I'm gonna get more wood cuz I'd use like three stacks of planks or whatever just then I didn't make him waste cobble so that'll be good he's gotta use wood which will probably catch on fire okay I'm gonna go round since I've seen deer get loads of sand I have no idea why do isn't it's making is very schedule snowballs are just a scam so we don't need then I said anyway I could make a boat no there's gonna be no string is that just tell me up on that hill where did he go I have no clue where you win oh look how big the map is so I can come all the way over here I'm gonna need more blocks though like I really am I don't even see any lava yeah this is kind of fine maybe how I just hold it out here for a minute just gonna continue getting the wood I don't really know what else to do yeah yeah of course with my trusty Spade lovers rising five blah all right stack of logs you see I don't to go for I don't to push him yet you're gonna see deal which is good which is good this is part ok I'm gonna speed to I'm gonna speed to the devil hey Josh I mean they are do Oh what are you doing friend [ __ ] [ __ ] well you out do um get more food I can't even see the lava yet Mother of God I take it serious now oh ok ok good yeah I'm gonna head up to like a toll now which he'll do know that I know that I can oh my god the forest is on fire team trees guys any team Teresa's oh my god oh my lord is sorry it's all it's all gone why is the forest God you really didn't end a fire spreads huh oh no okay I'm scared now yeah I'll admit that was a lot more intimidating than I thought it was gonna be but two ladders in a two-box place and stay in their stream i'ma save these I might might be able to spleef them I'd be hilarious if I could this is really scary do the lava just rose again I I saw those oh yeah I know me I do I'm gonna start hurting up now oh yes you fool you messed up the air I did how just messed up just it thing gonna take a low-down approach alright cuz I'll these water buckets and if I have a ladders you guys are right you guys are right all right well okay this is scarier than I thought it would be all right so if you have ladders I believe if I go like this then he can't get me you can't get me because I'll be in the ladder block you can't have gone up already see over there oh okay everything's going by here I'm gonna make sure I think doesn't catch on fire okay I'm gonna bridge this way to D it to the bottom of the Essbase what wait can I just wait wait I have an idea I've had a pretty good idea wait will this idea this mole where are you just try something that doesn't oh and it's raining hey oh all right one minute so alright if I use the water then I can just kind of head over there easy he's over there oh he is over there now just burn you dum-dum I'll tree no my hay so I'm gonna do I've got my water I'm gonna head down there really quick all right okay I'm gonna travel this way to the bottom of the earth so I just need to make sure I'm pretty higher in case the lava suddenly starts flowing Tommy no no it's fine if I'm just really quick two bucks okay what is he doing is he making like a lava bomb or like an obsidian bunker just like underground all right no no no no screw this back to the mountain back oh oh he's arrived that yeah oh no I can't make it now I can't make an infinite war sauce because I'm out of this is pretty stressful alright alright okay you don't screw this screw this oh please tell me there's some more water somewhere hey how are you doing man I'm alright there's so many Oh God cor be real with you this is not going very good okay hey guys this is very fun I hear phantoms no wait he's gonna try and where where oh I see but then where do they after you let's go okay I'll be okay sure no I'm no no no I'm not sure why that phantoms yeah I don't know you know I'm gonna be honest that I'm kind of pinned down right now oh okay then Tommy um what do you what what why are you is the Phantom gone yeah I kill the fly you I'm your hero oh yeah you you jump there I don't want to go up there I'm going this way I'm doing this why are you placing what are you coming down uh I might be underneath you now I think you are I am NOT any underneath uh you already confusing me for all the people on the tube this is gonna be really easy cuz they can all see your point of view but for me oh oh just like so much I just like them it's at this point where I really wish I had an anvil just to draw up on his head ya know you're definitely not under media uh okay I can see you above me no it's not me I'm gonna make I'm gonna make the risk we're gonna run to that you ready shot you ready chap oh my god any visits our this is very scary okay where did you go oh no how am I gonna get how am I gonna [Music] oh I see you I see you didn't see me I'm not sure that you do oh my god how are you doing the food oh I got loads don't even worry yeah me too yeah hmm I see you uh struggling down there alright I've got to be really quick please not right now please not right now my god that's almost like Fanny's go there okay well of us about a rise and kill them right okay I'm good I'm guys I'm my face oh how nice is this guy's hog hog media Tommy I'm convinced you're not the smartest person well you have been convinced wrongly you have a convince you is convinced appalling there are bad convinced I see you down there have an idea she I'm gonna try and go get that boat right if I can't make it to that skeleton and kill him and get the boat that will be so beneficial I'm kind of just chillin a buddy he's like about to die it raises again he's dead I don't know oh oh okay oh well maybe I'm not to go get that boat maybe if I make a load of ladders and go up they all does see I did oh I could make a cobble chanyeol right you're right hey time do hello you are you just chillin on that island good oh oh you're just above me actually no no no I think you are just above me no I'm not the one that's just dropping water on you this whole time Wow maybe so easy for me to kill you right now no wouldn't it really would be no I don't think it would be yeah I can I get pearl onto that and clutch that would be really good and then I could get all the way up there I don't know I don't know I feel as though I couldn't miss it up you know he could land in the lava and that could be Bob I know I don't I don't have a choice I need to go over there why do you keep dropping water on me do you like it okay do you know why I'm known as the best player in Minecraft show me Europe I was about to say you're about to find out but you just go that was awesome wasn't hard alright why are you the best player of mine you wanna know who do why I'm the best player in Minecraft well you're about to find out what your my job now time do where are you I do you haven't loaded in you haven't loaded in I'm gonna get the high ground I'm gonna get the high ground you don't happen to have any spare food do you do Oh I mean I've got food I've also got food not that it would be a matter to you see do I know what you're gonna do you're gonna you're gonna share this cuz I run towards you dead silence do I can just go like this you know okay no you can build up to them no no no no hey you better run idiot no no don't hey hey yeah yeah yeah where did my water go oh there it is get down from here no you can't actually what wait yeah no I'll go down no you just got in st. you tired ladders you know what's it do pause hang-ups leave the 100 bits razor fire they give it a prime wait why are you dropping a boat on me this is fine I can just go to the side you know this way actually I'm gonna go this way all right oh you're also gonna go this way oh there then I'm so low on blocks I'm so low on blocks or I've got preserved a lot of copper so the ladders can you stop dropping boats on me do you do not like boats I don't think I do you know why not that's why I do not like the bows maybe could you drop them on my head stop it that's a really high IQ play how did you even when do you think you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna draw boats on his head that already show him who's boss [Music] are you sure that's Noble oh yeah that'll work yeah here I'll let them hit me here shoot me with the snowball okay well this game sucks I'll tell you that now the others this is are you like what are you doing I'm just kind of hovering you know it's oh you are you just dropping water like that man that's so weird that's so weird oh is that a lower budget I just saw oh are you going back wait wait one minute okay as long as do doesn't get to me I can make a cobble Jen as long as he doesn't get to me but also I'm gonna be using wood to make it faster also I'm not very good with cobbler Jen so I'm not entirely sure if I accidentally do it wrong and lose the water which would be very bad so it's like this right and then - and then what is he doing it's this right is this right oh my god half of your thing yes off of your thing no this is a still a bit hot he knows he knows he knows dear I'm gonna question you just leave me be buddy I'm just a dancer I'm just kind of vibing I'm just kind of I can tell I was making a cob agenda and the second it got theirs know times are getting a bit tough for the both of us we wish I could go down I could go down and get some more lovin recover again cuz I need I need blocks like I need them going down Tommy is he going to get another lava bucket there's no way okay you know I'm like some of this wood as well standing on the leaves oh no fire it cuz it's all made out of wood I don't wanna go get my boats back I want to row a boat down on him but I actually be in at this time so I'm trying to get him on the staircase where are you going what is he doing understand I think now I'm just gonna start writing really quickly see where I'm not sure cuz I know it gets to a point where just assumes how much zoom are we talking not enough zoom to out zuma-zuma buddy Oh Oh God alright I have an idea I have an idea I'm just gonna go down just gonna go quickly down and a bit kind of it a lava are you going to get another love about you you actually went got another one please done that deal go down don't let do come down still my ward and I do canal soon war he is so poor at this game hey right it's time that's a more blocks we need it the water goes there I need to run I need to run a two-run double why are you watering all the haha actually I do know good job good job water saves the planet yeah we'll save the funny I'm so good at my craft did you know that under you I just use your water against you you are so dumb you are so silly okay sure oh you're getting pretty close to me now mmm even more why do you have ladders why do you not have a lot of bro what are you crafting a boy needs his ladders or to boil Sinise's blocks and I'm not realizing that might have been a poor decision for the comedic comedic effect hey do hey I've got ladders you know no way oh this is quite the fight this is gonna be quite the jewel I'm really worried on one that cuz I know do that the lavas gonna go like that okay well then Mayo Oh God - the Pearl on him and get him I could / long do so the Pearl hits him and then he falls that might work but then I might die if I do that why don't you cook me why don't we look each other in the eye you know as you like perfectly align your bow to shoot me this long probably you probably forgot about it from being honest no well do you have use might want pearl now so I'm really not sure what we can do next it's either so you're making yourself a box why are you building up words yeah why why why I have a trick I have a trick it's called not dying okay it's actually called reverse not dying idiot so nice try all right you know I'm gonna go into my little my hidey hole I just remembered I've just remembered I can I can use the warp bucket to climb up the blocks so I don't actually need that loudest why are you making this sounds you're so strange - strange man you're a boy yeah yeah no nice one yeah this is really awkward I just don't know how I'm gonna stop under the emoji Oh are you doing these trying to vote me again it was just not gonna work why not I just don't think it's gonna you can't see it oh are you doing I was gonna come push you off again oh my god the lavas pretty high now time to yeah I'm uh I'm eating flesh did I wait where where I see you are you going on me wait wait wait I really thought I hid that pearl oh you had another one do you wanna know what my strategy was well I was either gonna spleef you with the leaves or what I tried to do I was gonna ride down the staircase with a boat in me in it and just knock you off idea here's the thing what oh oh oh no no no your time maybe not everyone wins just go I will survive I'm not sure that you're gonna survive this one [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 1,711,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, hypixel, minecraft, mine craft, hypixel skyblock, stream, live, twitch, timedeo, wilbursoot, jschlatt, lava rising, minecraft but, water rising, sea level rises, lava rises, challenge, minecraft challenge, vs, minecraft vs, minecraft fight, minecraft battle, sky block, dream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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