Tommy Faces His Traumatic Past On Dream SMP...

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hey today i'm back on the dream smp with rambu and tubbo uh and it was more of a serious stream boys if you do enjoy it then please subscribe it's completely free and if you like any of my tommy in it channels then you'll probably really like the content here if you can please just check the subscribe button to see if you have subscribed enjoy but boys oh and it feels good to say this you ready ready welcome back to the dream smp hopefully you're gonna be hearing a lot more of that over this next month now should we have a little meander a little promenade for i am a gentleman know only gentle donations [Music] right we've been given the scraps that's okay let's have a little meander around ninja's house also what's been going on on the server does anyone know wasn't there a big banquet what was that about i wasn't here i was oh me i was outside oh okay maybe i'll keep the tnt there i was outside uh with turbo there's no more of the egg my path the path i shouldn't say my bath because it's not is it though legally it's not a jalen think that a ten gifted subs oh my god how are we by the way how are we check the egg okay after the tales you know i'm gonna start playing advertisements around the server every month i'm just gonna write down yeah i'm no i was never really afraid of this egg uh i always was wondering what would happen if it hatched do you think there'd be a big red chicken another one of chicken is so there would be a big red that had invaded the server guys guys guide i am not going to be afraid of a big red so uh come on now i know i just never thought it was that that upsetting you know what i mean where is it where is it i want it around here oh i still got it was it over here god i haven't just meandered for so long have i oh the egg's gone the egg's all gone the egg's gone is it hatched oh that's the big red oh it's not there oh underground the egg's gone easy clap thank me later everyone it's what i do it's it's what i do best now something i need to do today um it's not as pleasant as i would have been hoping for uh but it's okay let's go back to the home off the bat that's kind of what i got to do what is that i just i like having my little meanders man like looking around to see what's going on frogs are pog yeah oh god there's a oh chat you're all talking about oh my god that's i don't want that i don't think i want that oh we should get some oh no we're fine for food well it looks like we've made the rounds anything new in the chests it's all the same old isn't it it's all the same old um honestly i don't think it's going to be the same old for too long though i think changes are coming i think evil i think evil's gonna go you know like i think i think the whole vibe of you know no one being motivated to do anything because of the kind of evil of this server i think that's gonna go actually off the bat of this stream i need to go to snowchester um i don't know if you were watching turbo stream the other day um but over here uh over on that hill just over there i made a tnt cannon i was making tnt cannons and i've been preparing and i know it's very unclear what but it's gonna let's go and visit tubber uh let's go to snowchester off man i'm not having that that's the tower that's up my render distance there it is let's go to snowchester everyone well wow we're on our way i suppose we can read the bit donations thank you uh jalen for the five thousand uh i do have the active piece out today i need it um tommy is an alpha and how's my guys how have we all actually been by the way i i feel as though i say that and then the whole chat's like park no come on how are we chat when i say i want to hear and i have the blue as well and the tnt oh sorry i actually think with the prime okay that wasn't could have been quicker terrible if it makes you feel any better i have not been terrible and very very rarely am ever all right does that make anyone feel better i'm i'm almost never terrible and when i am i just insult rambo on twitter and i feel so much better does that make everyone feel better no no sad ah now sometimes guys there's a word for you like and it's called uh ungrateful oh my god when did they add pokemon palace to the minecraft server oh my god i know it's not up for grabs um [Music] what the actual lizzie lizzy is your long lost lover i'm here to give you the sweet kiss of life and extend your lifespan by another one thousand years oh yes why maybe next time okay she's not here oh hell man [Music] oh mongers i don't know why i'm holding some bait cod fish fingers on that i'm going to get cancelled for that i think you'll find i will not be cancelled if i wanted to kiss lizzy i think if i'm that is the least thing i'll i have a chandelier who knew the dream snp added tories you know i mean oh my god [Music] at your mansion [Music] where is he perhaps like are they kissing and oh my god oh my eyes oh my god oh my god you you let me let me blow this place to the oh my god i'm pumping this fight to the crap i'm blessed he won't stop talking about how snow chester is because from my angle it looked as though you were making out oh that happens occasionally it can seem that way i'll leave i'll leave i'll leave no i won't c to the ow hey guys this is the end to the g so i'm i'm okay why i was actually hoping um i could just speak to you today toby ramboo maybe i'll come and speak to you in a bit okay maybe maybe i won't ever speak to you again sorry i just did like three they were they were like kind of gags there i kind of sorry i gagged on you yeah i what did i say to that okay do you mind um rambu there's a present in vc one if you go and stay in vc one for 15 minutes yeah yeah yeah 15. i'll just stand like right here okay i'll go into vc can i um all right can i speak to you yeah sure what's up okay what word of advice do not make out with that man i i cannot believe i i would never get out of my head you um okay actually i should probably sweeter yeah what's up i'm actually coming here today to ask for a little bit of a favor okay yeah i can try anything literally anything well no reason okay you know i must have been a few months ago now when we um when we lock dream in the prison and i and at the end of that that day uh just before we spoke to us we spoke to wilbur and he joined um i gave you all of my armor all of dream's armor all of the the the the nightmare stuff yeah uh-huh gonna have it back and not for long but i need i need all the gear i can get and you have the best gear are you sure you want it it's like a little bit cursed if i'm honest what's that what does that mean i i don't know it gives off weird vibes that's the reason i don't use it anymore are you is this it are you wearing it no no i'm not wearing it i sealed it up yeah i'd like it if that's okay what like the whole set like shield everything but i need all the gear i can get all right and i all right maybe you're all right um just show me where the gear is all right okay okay follow me i'm fine i just do you actually want to come with me today because i have i have some things that i'm i'm going to find a little a little challenging on my own and i do not need it and by on my own i do i would rather be on my own than with rambu but i i would not for the record but i just i would really um honestly just you know ignoring everything that's happening with you and rambu i i don't know what the the kind of the politics are at the moment i saw there was a banquet and now the big red has disappeared it's all very common the red cross type wait wait i meant wait the red car called it the red first i don't think i did did you not call it the red car i don't think i did oh okay i'll go straight this way so there it is i haven't touched it i have all of it like okay so in here it's something vandalism has shield his bow his arrows his apples his armor you i actually have two but this is my one which i was given from a gift from a person can i keep this can i can i keep this please for the rest of it i'll give back but can i keep this all right yeah you know yeah of course death isn't yeah yeah you don't cope too well with the afterlife of pain death any form i keep the blue any form of kind of damage i can't handle wait you know you need that redstone for the cannon you have the exact amount for the cannon you just threw diamonds away i've got the exact amount for one cannon this is where you're broke i've got these that come out for one cannon right anyway i don't want to talk about the cannons now thank you thank you seriously man thank you no worries what's the it was that's the black and white shield yeah yeah it's the original one from the man burg stays oh my god okay well alum i'll leave this i'll put this back up here how do i take it off just right click you do you get what i mean when you feel it it does feel a little cursed if you know what i mean like it's not smelling i don't know if you believe in like ghosts and stuff but definitely oh believe me i believe in ghosts hell i've seen a lot more than ghosts my friend but like it does seem like the next thing i wanted i need to um do you want to come to pogtopia with me that's the next place i need to go um i i remember do you remember a while ago we made that vault yeah yeah i remember i mean sam made it did he not i left my sword in there and i i need it what nightmare hey dude you're wearing dream's armor come back down here you can zoom through here just feels a bit wrong yeah it does i get what you mean hello you go fast you ever tried that before what zooming through that tunnel because i don't think you know i've never been able to wear this armor it doesn't it doesn't feel particularly right feeling though i want to talk about that all in a minute if that's okay let's just head to bogtopia i've just been reading my subs have you i had the dude ever since you came around i i've forgotten what it's like to just stream normally sorry that's my bad i wish oh dude 11 months holy oh seven months as well i missed it oh boss oh my god it's like it flew by oh there's the manifold hotel i oh god you i know i know i can't bring up john manafort without you starting to bring up the directions no okay so okay if anyone is aware if anyone's not been on for the past few days uh jack me turbo freddy uh all like all of my mates the streamer men um we all met up we did loads of filming and film vlogs we filmed not for my channel obviously i can't wear that you can't wear that shield i can't wear that shield we all went out yeah oh wow bigger reviews oh yeah this has been yeah um we all went out uh and jack just driving and when jack drives he is a rage driver and he goes nah man you mind a and then says terrible terrible words wait am i in the center of my camera and he gets so angry and so we were driving him and he was driving near mine so i was trying to direct him all right and so i'm going to get manifold all right okay and i'm explaining to him and to about me and to have very disagreeing opinions on how this went down but we've i explained to him i said all right so when we get past that you're going to need to go left and then jack immediately turns left and i go why did you turn left and he goes because you told me to and i said i was giving you future and we lost until we were sat there like crying with laughter i'm going you dimwit oh my god and he was so dumb and he's such a idiot man i hate him oh you take the time i'll explain actually how it happened no jack got the directions wrong to begin with and you were like okay i'll direct the way why because i know where i'm going because it's near you know where you go but what you did was you went okay so when you get up here you're going to want to turn left i i didn't and then you got mad at him for swerving because he okay you know what you two are you are both i'll craft your minecart i don't have enough iron sorry you'll be walking i'll run you're both literally more that's not how it went i know exactly how it went tonight can you not run in the track please there is no track here yeah it comes up in a minute i literally no i told him and it was so he was like he was like i've lived here jack for 16 years of my life listened to me and he went no no i don't think i will and i oh my balls man that could have ripped his throat off it was so funny though like because you were both just completely wrong but i wasn't wrong that wasn't because okay no no no no no no no no no no to do english i did not fail to do english that's not my quirk that was yours you failed like like grammar is it loudness yeah i failed loudness i failed loudness yeah yeah yeah yeah yourself you're gonna want to turn left and then oh no it's my penis tower yeah you're you're an odd one sometimes how dare you you know the red coat could be anywhere around here here quick i hardly know her oh dear oh ladia who the that who knew the man was running animals man that sounded fair at once oh we're here so i believe i need one cobblestone that's soaked up john okay that's fine that's fine and i drop that here i press the button oh holy wow trident you know what i'll take all the main things i'm actually really really really really rich by the way i just tell everyone i'm really poor because then they give me things i'm pretty sure a lot of those diamond blocks are mine no correctly i think they are yeah okay we don't need all that okay i'm over i'm overtaking we need we need all of the gapples do you need the nightmare axe because that's part of the set we need nightmare we need the sword all right that should be enough let's go home outside please hey okay i'm just looking in your vote i don't need anything from you that's cool now i am the next thing i need do you have any obsidian or black stone i need obsidian and i need you have two but you have two to both well you didn't specify a quant okay so you just don't want my two this is the pit tomorrow it is hop in absolutely not we need um to be fair you did have the beaten out of you i'd probably you phrased it as an honorable battle with the blade in which an honorable battle with the blade which we were betting on okay do you actually is there any um i need obsidian and i need blackstone i have two bricks you are so mean is there obsidian down here where are you going oh i thought we were leaving pogba oh hey remember when i enslaved you yeah i kind of blacked out that day i'll be honest not sure what happened that was good sorry slav totally different thing all right different okay we need all of this obsidian okay get digging let's go okay um i'm going to explain to you why we need the obsidian in a moment we need probably a stack if that maybe a bit less a stack okay 30. we'll look at another pickaxes ah where's your water on me put your water down so we can mine sorry uh no no just place it to have it placed down on your feet don't don't tell me what to do okay bamboo hello [Music] stop doing that accident because we'll talk yeah did he tell you to become australian new zealand actually turbo you new zealand that's assuming bro hmm see how far that gets you okay what what rambu rambu join the vc i know you're watching because you seem to always be watching things that aren't making a lot of sense oh bro bro bro okay don't don't say that to me don't bro you don't bro me turbo this is well good mining efficient efficient i was about to say inefficient so i'm glad what the sometimes i genuinely like consider do you have clinical insanity because i everything i do is typically right and you seem to think it's typically wrong and that upsets me no no no that violates rule one i don't think anything you do is typically wrong we can't go through the rules again rule one tommy in it is never in the wrong way no way before you before you go on right yesterday was in the car with my mother and went through the rules my mum lost a in anger at me going on not on the rules tommy in it is never in the wrong rule two was like give me things no rule two no rule two was oh speak when spoken to yeah rule three it was rule three rule four give me things yeah right it's a system that works and and they are good rules might i add uh hello oh hi i was not gasping at you for the record we almost walked in lava don't get ahead of yourself oh okay rambo how much black stone do you have uh i can get it like uh i think a couple of stacks of obsidian i don't think i'm without probably that okay i wish you would have told us earlier i i asked how many stacks of obsidian if you did you want yeah i said vc and you ignored me and that's not my fault is it is it oh oh sorry i was focused um okay yeah rambu we're having it's quite a kind of sort of a more sensitive night tonight um so if you wouldn't mind taking it more slow if you could get me obsidian and blackstone then i'm gonna kind of reveal what we're doing yeah okay uh let me see if there's any black extra blackstone in this chest actually [Music] i can't believe you had a spare totem and you didn't tell me tommy it streamed so i was keeping the set pristine yeah i get that whoa that looks like a face it looks like a face that'd be there that'd be there and that'd be there looks like it's going you're having a mind whoa what oh yo whoa who sees it i see it you guys are seeing faces party if you see it please well we need to like draw around so it's that big it's that bit and it's that bit what happens if i do this wait it's still there no no no no no no it goes oh yeah no no look wait this is just a stone texture thing this isn't even a lighting thing there are faces everywhere okay go yeah they're everywhere dude there's another one here where oh god the stone is locking us please the stone has seen all of my wrongdoings don't know and cobblestone looks a bit like baked beans oh my god i can't i can't even see this i added the old cobblestone i'm literally in the nether right now i really like it j moment that's why i say to that you're wrong don't please never refer to me as a wrong again or i will become one we hit my sub goal sorry everyone i'm merely updating my sub count can we get some primes can we get some primes some sprines some sprimes guys if you click subscribe and prime there's a massive button like a big off button yeah you can't miss it if you do see that please press that button uh it really supports the stream and i really appreciate it i thought i spent a solid moment trying to find that button i lost it okay i saw some there oh my god we are on the bright back for a reason [Music] oh my god we really are in the prime mind holy balls wait why is all this still full of egg oh this does not take us this does not take us up to where i thought no remember i suppose maybe it's dead and the power's gone but you still need to clean it up to pal oh do you want to clean it up exactly exactly exactly hey exactly exactly one don't him rambo don't give him that's really helpful do you have any uh blackstone thank you for the 10 gift account [Laughter] you should be you should be nicer yeah yeah yeah that's what people tell me and then i go no okay i have a stack of each type of black stone now and they'll add a lot okay i have can i have this no no don't give to any of it please whereabouts are you rambling today is the thing i need to do all right i need you to kind of you know give me a little space to breathe and appreciate that you need a little space to breathe okay i understand everyone's oh sevening thank you i like it when people salute me just on the spot because i deserve it yeah yeah maybe the tier two vortex wait how many oakwood why is there blood and brokenness on my prime path yeah there has been a lot of blood on the server recently leaking yeah who's leaking come on boys i mean clearly they are there actually has been a lot of blood pressure tommy you see this island i'm standing on up here yeah this island has been untouched there was one tree on it that was cut down right at the start and this little floating island has not been touched since then i think i'm going to build a little hut here no no no appreciate it appreciate it don't retouch it yeah i think it needs to talk no don't touch it bro uh tubbo saw something he was just like oh this has been completely untouched i'm going to touch it now [Music] ah i'm going to put a hot there no don't don't don't it's you need planning permission oh says who is that made yes it's actually not the fences clearly goes around no you should adjust your fence then buddy yeah exactly boundaries are out of date okay well you're gonna have to tell that with my lawyer you don't have a lawyer do you wanna know who my lawyer is who you are i find it very difficult to talk to myself yeah exactly that's how i won that one remember we'll meet you at the turn we'll meet you at the tower i actually keep back up food in my ender chest in case of emergency you know rambo have you just entered the overworld because it has just started raining and that doesn't surprise me of course yeah i actually just did yeah oh my god you did it off oh my god wow i just rambled okay thank oh wow wait no wait sorry [Music] there we go a little bit of oak that was so cool but they did it again um okay follow me you two all right so i've got it only if stop it it's not it's not the time for dancing sorry in only kind of a few days time i'm it's all i think it's all going to change so what i don't think i'm strong enough for some of the things that i'm trying to do i don't think i'm strong enough and there are some things i need to my camera's gone off camera broke by the way yeah i thought i'd mention it why i don't know one sec could i break it to though this isn't funny no i didn't mean no no no i wouldn't oh you properly broke it i haven't broke it okay then i'm gonna break it i think that's just called fixing it [Music] no worries phil you're not needed did you fix it continue resting phil continue resting continue to rest phil all is okay all this solved no stress here phil i did it you're myself fair oh my god foggers i'm here oh wow holy dream smp thank you for the 600 pound donation wow oh pog champs in the name of them hey you're a pog and i love you oh my god holy oh jump that's crazy how much how much damage did you just can you do come both of you just please okay tell me if my camera goes off again now yeah yeah there are some things i just i don't i don't think i'm going to be strong enough for but that i don't have any choice and that has to change what do you mean you actually haven't told us anything have you heard of the phrase face my fears face your fears it's an expression about the things you're kind of scared of that one of the best ways to approach it is very much called exposure therapy whereas you go straight to it right no you sure that's the best way i'm gonna try it actually it sounds like that would be a very bad bad thing to do yeah i mean are you sure it's gonna work just start anger i read about come on please if you please let's not talk about anger on my right now sorry sorry that's that's that's rule four time and a place for anger yeah that's kind of rule that's kind of the method four but that one takes up to three weeks to go i don't have three weeks all right can you stop it you're being a bit weird and quirky don't don't call me quirky we'll stop placing now crafting tables next to rambo right i oh no no no no no no no no no no okay seriously though there is only um that would take up to a few weeks to do all of those things but there's only um the quick fixes exposure please stop that the quick things why do you need why do you need a quick fix because i don't have very long all right wait what do you mean what we're gonna do ramboo and turbo we're gonna make a little underground section to this all right now later on we're gonna work out the exact distance it takes to get mining fatigue but we are going to build two bunkers right two places one that is the exact same uh is the this is never meant to be room and one that is the same as the prison room or as close as we can get it and the reason is i've i've done a lot of panicking i've i've done a lot of struggling right but i need to get over it and i need to see what i can face rambu yeah because i it's not long until um well we'll talk about it later but i need your help all right yeah okay do you want us to come down there because we're gonna build some bunkers yeah yeah come down okay okay what i need to build plonk uh we'll make two rooms all right oh wait are they wrong okay we'll make this room here that'd be the prison room did either of you to ever visit the prison no can you help me clear this out here just down wrong rambo did you why were you um no i'm actually just um yeah i know sam doesn't let me into the prison i figured out how fast the way to do this um oh okay okay there we go that was easy rambo why were you never allowed in the prison um mainly just that's really just not important it was mainly just for my request you know that's weird okay my whatever no i mean just don't want to i mean sam didn't leave let me in either and i asked a lot yeah all right i'll make the prison room then can you two about can you make the arab one can you place up some lighting please okay thank you um i'll make the prism room here okay so i don't know what it looks like so you're on your own with this i'll make the prison room can you make the arrow room over here that room was like um it was it was black stone all around and had a chest in the middle yeah four chests have a chest yeah all right well i mean i think for recreation we really only need one okay okay one two three four five if you make the arrow room over here you can like expand it out this way i'm making mine out over here five okay so this is how i can't remember exactly how big it was i just need i need something that can really get me to think about it and you know i i know that this looks a little bit insane but rambu both of you look at me this is really embarrassing kind of to admit i've never not spoken properly about this with anyone but i'm afraid of taking damage i can't take damage because of what dream did to me in that prison he has ruined me all right and it has to stop and please don't tell anyone but i yeah no it has to stop all right all this that i am scared of i'm scared of obsidian and blackstone because of that green bastard so please help me okay yeah yeah sure sure thank you yeah all right rambo i've heard rumors about this what is the the panic room what does that mean um no nothing it was just a little it was basically just like a little uh little think tank that i would go to and i would get stressed you know so it's i mean it's basically what you're doing here kind of except might have a little bit of crying obsidian on the top minds to get stressed yeah yeah yours is kind of the opposite see i went in there for comfort you're kind of just going in who has blackstone sorry yeah tommy has the blackstone yeah i'll take this there are three places that we're going to go right okay we go to these bunkers we've made well i'm going to go all right and i need you guys to just wait outside okay okay do you need us to like wait for it just wait outside okay it happens i'm not sure if something happens oh that's ill-timed i need you to wait it's pretty ill time yeah i need you to wait in case i am i guess i can't because i'm not sure i'm going to be able to do all of them yeah we're going to go we're going to go to three places right yeah we're going to go we're going to start here okay then we're gonna go to the exile location then then we're gonna go to the prison room wait uh these need to be too thick it's not centered okay and god not centered things piss me off okay okay why would you it's fine it's fine it's fine ignore this bit all right all right how do we get out what did the prison have in there okay rambu i need a white bed yeah i need an obsidian i need three lava buckets if you can get that three lava buckets so okay me okay it had a cauldron as well didn't it and a clock cauldron clock i think the clock clock was burned okay wait bro there was no clock no clock okay okay so sad he must have been so confused i was a little more than confused pal oh here's the white bed actually right there you get the bed nope maybe we don't need the lava i think we should start now i'm gonna um okay i'm not gonna wear anything i'm just gonna have a little safety totem with me all right in case he gets too much okay let me let me get the um yeah and if you if it gets too much then just uh yell out and tell us because we'll probably be able to hear you okay we have tnt why would that help i don't i have no idea you know totally i don't think blowing him up is a good idea it's like a mercy of taking damage i don't want to be mercy i literally don't know don't talk about it don't stop talking about that i don't want don't don't want to take damage okay okay um how do you want us to place everything um i don't mind i don't want to go back in there now until it's time let's go to the exile room all right wait now what in the nether wait yeah we'll start now well we'll start now oh wait no no sorry we'll start exile i'd say the arab thing was probably more traumatizing i mean i died the beef i died as well i know but you have thicker skin then i'll go to arrow then we'll go to the prism room all right now while we're going can you i i need to get tougher with this all right i know this might not be the right way to do it but i need i need to i don't have enough time now um can you try punching me okay uh okay punk how was that it was better it was better than i thought it was better yeah all right let's run over okay you can just jump over there if you want you don't have to go through the gates run to um um so that's where we go where i got exile yeah you exiled me you know though i did i'm sorry about that you know happens people change like the tides in the ocean no no yeah yeah well then i always change for the right reasons to know because sometimes you will be dead wrong wrong yeah yeah yeah thank you chap for being compassionate and everyone just spamming the letter 69 i appreciate that mm-hmm that's what i needed right now why are they doing that let's get some primes someone caps pogs whatever what does 69 mean i don't know that's fine we've not started yet we've not started 69 is basically an upside down hug the cats do i don't know if you've heard this but cats are the inferior animal and it doesn't make any sense and they're mora why does it have a big s on it uh southeast south northwest oh that's badass yeah cats are idiots man they just think they hug each other upside down they go and then usually they just die they just burst yeah that's what cats do oh dang wait did what happened to the boat wrong way okay stop now everyone can i have some food please sure yeah yeah you guys really overfed me they really made the nether much louder and more intimidating yeah it's scary yeah maybe don't stand at the edge yeah i never understood why you made this path so wiggly it was a wiggly time in my life yeah i'm so sorry no man should be forced to wiggle against his heart i was i was i was wiggling so far against my will today you don't even understand i'm so sorry i'm so sorry you should really see someone i i did and then they beat me to death so oh my god all right come on yeah is it because you didn't wiggle i wasn't causing it was a little too much stop now place one [Music] did you just stay there [Music] [Music] when no one absolutely no one visited me that's when quack he came my camera just died that's not ideal oh but it's okay because i know how to very very very quickly fix it i figured it out you simply do this you click the camera you hit deactivate you unplug it in you re-plug it in turn off then on my camera is simply too sad oh you would be there wouldn't you my camera is very sad at the moment literally though the fix is just turn it off and on again man oh channel your inner i.t guy i will why is it doing that uh i don't know i didn't touch it it could be that weird software we had to use what oh that's tin wrap there's the christmas tree so i have my first house that's where justin came a lot of chaos autumn rats gone tourette's all gone why is there so much stuff there ah died um yeah one second oh yeah i'm just trying to ignore you there's the tower i forgot about this one second let me go on death i forgot about this everyone [Music] that's where i jumped so i dream blew up everywhere everything i work for the prime log [Music] when i have to find diamonds i'm okay you're okay i think i'm doing okay this isn't that's good it's it's not ideal this is hard this is much harder than i thought it would be but this is hard yeah this is where i almost okay [Music] we've done the easy one oh wait this was the easy one i actually spoke to him when i died he really he's doing stupidly well let's go back okay so if you need to get your stuff around you can just come with me if you need you can catch up later i'll just grab it real quick it's just on the tree where you died okay okay simmer this down now that wasn't that's not easy rambo you weren't here for a long while can you kill that piglet please yeah yeah i got you i mean i was kind of there for exile i mean i cried at least thanks man yeah you went there for a lot of it though no it wasn't because i mean it's hard to be oh consider yourself lucky yeah it's gonna start getting quite a lot harder from this point on we only have two more things to do and then i should be okay yeah if it provided we you know why don't we do it of course yeah okay let's go um okay okay slight change of course okay we're gonna go to um we're gonna go to the actual recreation of the thing so not the recreation just the actual oh no no no a exact rig a new exact record an exact recreation block by block oh okay all right um well um okay here we go oh i'm not this is quite a lot more intense than i thought it was gonna how do you feel give me a minute tomorrow [Music] okay you should be in there please remember um yeah sure one sec okay everyone oh okay all right so this is the room where i came in and i pressed the button hold the tone hold the totem hold the term we can do this we can do this we can do this okay speak your feelings okay i am feeling like this room has a lot uh this room has a lot more to it than people than than remembered and it's hard to be in here and i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to but i have to i'm going to do what i'm going to do i'm going to do the plan that i agree to myself and i know i have to do for everyone for everyone so no one has to do what i did i know i need to do this but it out but it's okay it's okay because times have changed and so have people not all people but most all right i'm ready to come out okay all right what happened i don't know this is it's kind of okay let's go to the present i don't want to this is kind of getting a bit you know ah celery can you can you hit me a hit with your sword i don't know if that's a good idea i need to see if i can take it just do it with my sword do it don't cry okay i want me to play me out put me out okay why don't you keep asking me to hit you because i can't take damage everyone else can and i can't ever since i went into prison and it's not fair so i want to see if i can i think i can i think i can do this i mean you still haven't told us why do you need to take damn i mean i might need just let me do this first right okay yeah let's sprint okay let's just get there now okay i want to just get this last bit over with all right did either of you to decorate the prism room um yeah i tried placing some stuff in there but i don't really know what's in there that's fine that's it should the obsidian should really just be enough what do you mean decorate i was in like as close to possible as the real one oh i thought you're going to the entrance of the prison no no i'm going into our recreation that's why we made the bunkers oh okay by the way dude i need to give phil's a minecraft call in a moment yeah we've had this problem before yeah but then i thought we got fixed and now it's like nope nope might just be a software update or something maybe oh [Music] come on now it was a bit of a favor here mate you would have fought for a streaming product it would have been more oh we can't just stick it because there's 20 people just insulting about it yeah that's something we'll get done actually who will literally get done they have lawyers and then it just kind of rotates where i am okay why does it rotate i don't know that is so weird let's do this boys when i'm in there i want you to just kind of seal me in the door right with obsidian obsidian you have obsidian right no i gave it all to you should be when i placed all my stuff in the chest right where is that uh i think that's just down by the side over here i'll go grab the obsidian yeah grab this i can fill you in okay okay got some okay and then tubbo i'll get the top block you get the bottom block when he asks to get out okay okay all right okay let me start by breaking the door yeah this is the last one all right all right best of luck boss man thank you thank you very much all right [Music] okay so this is where i was in with dream this is where he killed me and beat me to death around here [Music] oh okay so i felt the pain it's where i died i surprised to stand in that i [Music] okay all the time speak my feelings sweet my feelings it's helpful it's helpful this is hard this is really hard but i have to do it i have to do it and there was no escaping him there was no escaping there's no escape right now [Music] he killed me but he can't kill other people but he killed me he killed me and i died and i felt it and i'm the only one's ever felt it and it was let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out now let me now okay okay okay please please all right what's up get out get out get out you're right what what happened in there oh my oh i'm not ready i'm not ready listen the next the next week the next few days it's all gonna change all right okay what's gonna change maybe maybe ever maybe it'll go maybe it won't maybe maybe i'll finally do what i should have done so long ago rambu yeah thank you so much for helping me with this yeah of course yeah i gave you a slash hug but i've got i need you to um please don't can you go now please i need i'm sorry i just all right yeah yeah all right i get it yeah rambu i really appreciate you man i'll see you soon yeah all right i'll see you tommy [Music] hi i'm gonna get my stuff come up here with me okay let me get my things i don't really need all of it i just [Applause] why'd you take out the diamond blocks i what have you got planned man that you're not telling me come up the tower and i'll tell you all now okay you've been acting a little bit weird i just come up the tower okay listen to me all right and this is i just i need you to support me on this all right i know i've always asked a lot from you but i need you now all right okay when i was in there dream killed me he i felt it and i've died and i came back i am i've been broken i'm broken tomorrow oh god and it's because of him and when i last went in there it was to end it all but this made it so much worse until me and you had the chance we had the chance to slit dreams we had the chance to slit his throat we had the chance to slit his throat and we didn't we up but i am not messing that up again okay you know we were preparing the tnt we're preparing everything yeah we've done a lot of preparing recently i'm a little the reason i need this armor the reason i needed to face my fears and the reason i don't have enough time i'm gonna break into the prison tabo how what listen to me just i know how yeah listen now i am going to kill dream but what i need from you i need a couple of things yeah and i need and you can't tell anyone about this i i as much as i make fun of him i really like rambu he's a really good guy he's always been there as much as i get very jealous about youtube very jealous i don't let it on all right yeah all right i'm gonna break in and i am gonna kill dream but what i need from you is help because i don't have enough time and i can't do enough things all right but you can you can stream for longer than me you're better of this game than you can do much more i need you i need you to get me invisibility potions precisely three to six of them at max length all right three at max length and three and max durability and okay and because because the prism will be exposed for a little bit we need a little bit of defenses all right there's only one thing that i've learned from this server that's stronger than tnt what with us so just just in the event that anything happens i need you to make security with us okay yeah i can try the boat people are going to be upset with me because killing dream that will get rid of the revival book but here's the thing everyone the reason we kept dreaming alive the reason we didn't slit his throat was because we thought the revival book was worth it to keep him alive it is not worth it when i died and was revived do i wish i'd have either just died really you would have rather just stayed dead i would have rather i wish i'd have just died or stayed here but not in between because the in between the in-between turbo the in-between is absolutely up so listen to me camera start again i know i am gonna kill him what i need you to do is i need you i need you to get invisibility potions i need you to get with us skeleton skulls yeah but most of all i need you to trust me because i have thought so much about this i've thought so much about this right yeah i i'm with you and this isn't the right thing to do to bow this is the only thing to do all right i'm not doing this because oh i'm still just streaming mum good night i'll be off for college in a minute oh i swear to god it's my mum pulling up my camera yeah but seriously this is the only thing to do now so please don't tell anyone act quick and keep it all secret okay i'm gonna get off now but the next time you see me on this server live it'll be time i guess i'll be time holy crap thinking that's a lot just to dump on someone why no well i can't tell anyone man because people think people think i was crazy ever since in that prison i'm not crazy tabo i've just seen what no one else has seen all right people treat you treat me differently everyone did but that's okay but we need to end it now so please get the inverse potions get everything on it all right and any any of the former defenses you know if you've got any any more items to me potions i imagine hey this isn't set in stone but i imagine it'll be either on thursday or friday probably thursday all right so i need you to buy you don't have time you don't have much time all right yeah don't tell anyone i won't i'll keep it to myself i promise please not even rambu i'll be heartbroken if you tell them man please all right i'll see you soon see you later boys uh uh i should imagine it will be um thursday night or friday uh that you'll see the the big stream all right thank you all very much big stream coming this week everyone do not miss it because it is holy it's all about to kick off boys thank you very much for watching for the ten thousand bits i have college tomorrow night so i am gonna be but i'm recording i'm doing i'm doing a recording oh my god you'll see it soon thank you all so so much for watching um of course if you wanna follow the twitter or anything for updates that's how you're going to see all my um she'll go see you lot on reddit and anyway thank you all very much you're going to host it by now go watch his stream he's literally continuing from this go follow turbo if you enjoy the stream please so you see the next stream which is a big one please just check right now that you have the notifications on even if you think you have even if you double check quadruple checks check on your phone that you have the twitch notifications on i don't like literally it's so much more important than subs or anything check you have the twitch notifications on and that when you see tommy and it's gone live you swipe on that right because that's how you see the stream so if you see that on your phone that means the stream's happening all right if you see the title and it's like facing my fit or something like that that means it's my stream so please swipe on that when you see it on your phone or whatever you're watching on thank you all so so much um college tomorrow oh god anyway have a good night everyone bye go watch the boys
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,277,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, dream team smp, tommyinnit dream smp, dream smp, tommyinnit technoblade, tommyinnit tubbo, tubbo dream smp, Dream Minecraft, minecraft funny moments, minecraft hardcore, tommyinnit vs dream, dream smp finale, tommyinnit on the dream smp, tommyinnit is back, tommyinnit stream, dream minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, tommyvods stream, Tommy Faces His Traumatic Past On Dream SMP..., minecraft but
Id: W_FQClsmU88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 34sec (4054 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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