Minecraft Void Rising 1v1...

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why are you just bouncing no no that's not gonna end good for you whoreson the void rises every five minutes or so and I was placed into a 500 tons 500 border I was against time deal who is a world-renowned PvP gods we had to fight to the death now wait about 10 minutes to prepare but even master when preparing the void was still just rising and rising and it was scary now this video was incredibly intense we even go to the nether but you know I just don't want to spoil any of it for you you've got to watch it oh my god Jen's of course if you could subscribe and leave a like it takes you about three seconds you don't have to but it would be really really appreciating it and you can unsubscribe at any point in the future you want to little chance I don't want to take up any more of your time please do enjoy the video thank you for watching all the doubles there's higher belch answers apparently there's a spawner at some point ten minutes kind of grace period where we can't kill each other but obviously when you know when I'm gonna find each other you know I want this 20 minute video this one you kidding me okay you ready it starts yeah - what okay you don't you go that way where are trees I'm getting on definitely way too much up mine well alright chat here's what we got to do I'm thinking we get a lot of wood and we just got to bounce down a cave since the thing is the last time when the lava was rising we were okay when the lava rose cuz we even kind of hover on it we can use a water bucket here we can all right you know what happens when the lava rises you can hover in love you can cut up by someone yeah not here you've fallen you die so I want to stock up on pearls big-time all right Laura look at the wire level look how high up bad girl all right we got to get mining okay we can just get some iron off the back while be thinking John what we thinking first thing I want to do I want to get a shield now I remember know if you saw our little lava rising video but snowballs they are bad they are bad they are bro so alright the first thing I want to do I'm gonna go straight down here can't even see who iron okay there's a cave somewhere I found it okay let's go that diamond that's already timing oh I should be smelting iron right here cool we I should like really be looking on the surface herself shouldn't I her like diamond door and stuff oh actually what these saplings I want to plant some trees in this guy base there's a couple trees er is a beehive but wait if I pick up a beehive can I like place it back with bee somewhere oh no okay well they're mad at me and the Beehive is gone cool I'm not permitted to enter this there Josh there's something wrong I can't uh I can't go over here no this morning straight down I just heard a zombie okay soul time sod time everybody hello my friend hold on so I'm not actually scared of you uh can you do how are you doing I can't access half the map ready I just want let me move no dude there's the bees are coming towards me and that doesn't seem like a problem I want to be involved we want to gosh you want to secure the shield right boys right all right here's what I'm gonna do we got a stack up on iron stock up on iron all right hog I'm gonna get my iron pickaxe in the back and then I want to get my own sword I think I don't know we don't have an why why is that a sound do bees drop anything I don't think they do or anything useful really like there's no be meat I can either anything it's gonna take all the food before Tommy does so eat starves to death right yeah I don't know how long we have I don't know what why it's already risen to as well this is why it's kind of scary one one Tommy's got diamonds already Woods is gone eight vein of diamonds all right cool how are you doing uh better than you I think I'm more prepared late-game then you are cuz I don't really see how armor will matter at all for whenwe PDP he's on one wide bridges deer makes a good point we should probably stack up on blocks okay any mutant okay well that means I was right and he's wrong however three diamond shovels in the back how much I don't know right Chinese your guys's help bow and arrows yes I need strength I need strength why do you need armor though big time I think this might have been the rest Mona okay I swear down this isn't Arabia sniff his looks like that's might be this mornin this might be just you know what I don't look is that I do not love that thing I do not love that okay this is the customs Warner you know what I think I'll make my my diamond sword first hey God the chest plate now I got the tunic guys hey this is am I gonna be able to take me guys we gotta make armor we've gotta make on all right ravine over here I think I see a diamond already Hey found it thank you block you off hey another one is gonna be like so easy to fuldheim and not like it really matters oh there's more right here another one I just gotta like look around wait that's another one of seven diamonds already to your boy I'm gonna go under and get the chest they are an infinite hoard what what what what uh I heard explosions I'm gonna get out we gotta get we gotta get those diamonds though oh he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know or I K okay yeah the time isn't he get out for me this let me feel up I heard explosions I think Tommy's clothes I know I'm gonna do treat myself yeah looking good Oh like I'm gonna ride a horse like why two million we need that lava bucket as well I think I don't reckon we'll have enough time to make a gap even though Kapil's on my right chat but I think we're gonna have to you know just accept a defeat on that one so I need 11 lava buckets I don't even have enough iron holy actually I guess I really only need 10 but still that's more iron than I have this is white harder than I thought it was gonna be like I know I am stacked but in the grand scheme of things I'm not that stack I see Tommy I actually see Tommy right there what he's so close oh well two diamonds here okay you doing da I don't know but I'm kind of scared ready yeah let's see you well can I restart my game with more memories real quick I'm lagging okay cool thanks the boy just written one block hey I'm very very nervous because the void is just gonna show up all right there's one diamond that I can get my boy or should I get a diamond sugar diamond shovel or diamond boots actually you know what probably boots cuz it's really easy for a sister it's not one more diamond alright we are get boys oh oh oh I got my grass block go hog gotta find a new cave wait how much is the void rising it can't be closed already but I don't have enough iron to build this another portal back this way we've got a lava we've got two water buckets we're doing fine we're doing fine the void has risen one but okay no no I'm going up I'm not taking any chances that makes me very scared will you something down is that oh that's void I was about a walk on that I thought that was obsidian but I think I reckon we just need to stack up on pearls alright yeah oh okay there are so my god well we got another grass block guys hog I think the quickest way of getting verlox is just from trees so I might just go and just chop down all the trees you know pull a mr. beast wait wait uh another two diamonds see how happy full diamond I don't know if Tommy's going for in chance that kind of be a smart move but again I don't feel like Armour is even gonna be that necessary unless he gets knocked back that'd be bad and I'm full diamond yeah I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do I'm gonna happy with the levels of food we were to you I'm gonna go find commander man now I don't remember how much wood I should get probably go to my inventories for I'll get this tree I'm call it good I see Tommy down though well I don't want it's just suddenly encounter do because I know how high I see you what's your literally coming towards me you see my name right I'm not going I think the end of men have gone I can't seem to find anymore can you I only killed two actually I think I only killed one I only saw two no I didn't kill Annie it's kind of concerning it's fine whatever Wow I wonder if Josh a20 the admin has heard my concerns and now I only have one purl oh no I see you wow you've really taken the IAP approach holy crap I have the high ground six six arrows remember boys six only six all right okay so we're gonna craft thin steel pop pop up a box and now I can burn down okay well he's two steps I had to make him seem Ziva already start you're burning down your your manya me yep you were not coming over here okay well that's Boyd's going ten Walker time now so I need to be well careful why just look to my left did you see that oh okay that didn't spread all the way where's Tommy even be be is still be me be moment but you why would you say like that you also tell me where are you you chill a little bit more in VI was Chinon yeah and he'd Stefan I've annoyed him enough to where I can talk about my strategies and also look for and I wait it's only spreading on half but the corners problem I'm on me way or Leo why are you doing that wavy mates and red forms are making a fort well that's gonna be really entertaining you stopped in a fort while Steve that's realizing the huge lack of blocks that we have anyone else is going no I'm thinking we head back over there and get some because I am no I did not my cleverest moment I don't even see him down here I might go to the nether now I didn't get Flint I think it points i han't get Flint dude I got to go down for Flint I can't even I think that's gravel right there boy doesn't yeah I gotta go before it's gone what's he doing the do is wetting Wow I meant knives in his bases gay do I apologize when you get canceled a couple hours after by the way for what I said already bad side I did I didn't poor phrasing that's okay what did you say do anyone me to repeat why I said please I saw your base that's are you placing water on you want to finish that yeah I saw you placing water over and I said Tom do is so awesome and cool will love time dear except maybe we don't and then they were like let's cancel time do and that was it that was all I said why was is that is that I have no idea what just happened dude but I got my Flint we're fine time to go to the nether I'll make it a few blocks in the sky I don't know if I'm happy with how big this is but I also kind of like how big it is yeah this is fine whatever oh oh right by jewel who's gonna win that's on the zombie that's on the zombie hook it to that Zombo don't give the achievement no I gave the achievement dang it wait do of you just why are you going to the nether do you don't break the game by going to the nether it cannot catch me here okay rule 1 of this stream you may not go to the nether did you're saying that now that you've realized you're just mad they you didn't know it rises here I see the void do you actually yeah I see the for you okay well you know from the Edit I'm streaming now with the 1700 viewers but in the Edit we can all see if you're lying or not I'm not lying you're lying on your very I've what I've known you will watch no wait what it's Josh it's the yeah the void has risen 10 blocks I literally just saw it get world edited out it's a is it rising in the nether as well Josh oh he says yes alright Touche now go to the nether thanks Josh oh let's go I don't even know where my portal is I lost it already dude how am I so dumb I should have like took screenshots it's like up here I think my friend yeah it has risen like cows cows are all gonna get it in a minute and I don't want to be watching that I'll lose twitch part there's like a load of cows just vibing and I just know that they're gonna get merging is kind of sad okay I'm still not confident and the amount of blocks we have I reckon I want to start going up chat OB you are just going out we you are so disgusting wait what's a portal track guys guys guys guys why is a portal trap it'd be too easy to trap the portal it also defeat the point of the challenge yeah I don't I don't see the portal or I don't see the fortress I'm trying to go back Dan yet my plan is ruined I wanted strength potions by the way sweaty stirred gamers holy see your base I see as opposed to last time do you can I just fortifying which is interesting which is very interesting yeah well it was kind of just meant to be like an area where I could get situated but yeah I also know what that means good I'm glad you're a smart what a situation mean that's like just like yes that would in it he's gone oh I'm gonna cook food and look for the fortress I think I've even been over here already yeah I think I have I don't even have bottles to make strength potions I was just giving me a reason to tell them novice in here when in reality I don't know why I'm here I just kind of wanted to come here and break the game I'm just gonna go back what if I like aggro the Pigman they are things you come Mike that void void void is rising by the way yeah I I realized I can't craft logs okay dude I'm gonna go back through the portal in my leg part of the portal is just gonna be voided like I'll die immediately well I didn't know yeah I think you should come back into the yeah yeah I am I'm coming back yeah I'm just cooking my food it's done yeah I'm going back I don't like how much time you spent in the nether cuz for all the people watching on the tube I won't get to see you Oh POV but not for me not for me all my viewers we just oh god oh you weren't even by my portal I was fully expecting no my oh I'm seeing the void for the first time do you wait was it rising in the nether oh no oh no it wasn't Josh destroy that portal okay well you know okay actually I'm gonna destroy because it makes annoying sounds I don't want to deal with that I'm gonna make a cobblestone generator though are you making a cobblestone generator so I can have more blocks oh you did prepare enough blocks did you I come down to me we can have a good talk all right I planted some trees do you mind not coming over here I'm not ready right literally looking at you when I'm ready to murder what point is risen so much all no diamonds am I gonna why how many diamonds are you away from Diamond pants six them so you had me close there's no point going down for diamonds actually do wrong why can't maybe they don't but look at all those diamonds void oh no no why is why now right now and do you not get rid of my price of diamonds Josh how do you after you it's not working thanks Josh I do have a secret weapon right boys here's my secret Robin what I'm gonna tell you but I'm gonna tell you all right here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make a big-ass platform and then I'm gonna spawn a horse on it and then when he comes down to find me I'm gonna pull onto his base fall oh my voice rising 20 blocks oh well your your other staircase is gone dude oh okay Wow okay that's rising a lot quicker than I thought amazed yeah did you just okay we're fine we're fine nine Jesus Christ dear what did you say to the bastard horse it just threw me off the edge where is the horse I'm you you you kill it why are you just bouncing no no that's not gonna end good for you horse I'm I'm sweating I'm gonna lose I'm gonna lose I'm gonna you are you are the worst I write the secret weapon is no more I kind of just ruined my cobblestone generator why summon herobrine up that what the keys yeah dude I'm calling in reinforcements he's making a cobblestone generator but the void might swallow up invites love me actually I actually think I'm safe I think I'm safe yeah I'm also making a cobble Janet have a quick infinite water source boys going what are you doing dude let me check my whoa wait okay well this is really close to me now and I was waiting for it to swallow you while your remaining cobblestone so what nothing just chilling nothing yeah where are you I've run I am with my people now run okay wait oh you just avoided better than that wait you would appall trapped me my whole chance telling me do you really think I would go that low to portal trap you yeah well where are you okay where else would I be wait is it rising in the nether or not I don't have a fight in the nether if it's not even rising Josh make it rise in another Josh avoid the nether Oh suffice happening in the nether I can't confirm have you say people on your POV will know if you've bought would trap me but I have no idea and this is very scary uh technically yeah but you really think a portal trap would be a good way that yes technically yes I think they wouldn't know it my portal trap happen no I have not portal trap to you but people from my point of view would know if I portal trap to you that's why I said technically yes I don't know me my 1,800 viewers don't know it is not portal trap Josh can confirm do you really think I want to end a Tommy in a video with portal trapping you see you just your gang in my head now okay well this is all mine I have world you should never come through but if you don't go through then I'm safe here because it's not rising in another oh oh wait I think in the nether no we're just high up I'll say yeah it's not rise into the nether have a look around it's not rising it's so cool okay Josh can we make it rock just rose my friend did it I don't know where it rose I got lag back I'm assuming that's what you mean oh hey all right you ready what do you just not wanna fight you escaping hey hey hey dude alright you're lame Wow you portal trap dude Anna you have come through please please why why should I go why should I even have it well I haven't hold on to I promise you you promise I promise I I know to never take what you say in actually believe do do you know what they call me oh no what do they call you Tommy I don't even I don't even need to say it because you can trust me they're also the void is rising so I recommend coming through before your portal is wiped from existence no I can't be here I can't be here I can't be sure no no it's not happening that's not happenin tell me if I go through that portal it links to a completely new portal at like why 40 Tommy just come nether it's not trapped I think the nether Pole is about to disappear with the next void yeah so hurry I could I could technically survive forever in this no I'm not sure I'm gonna I'm not sure how we're gonna learn how we're gonna ever meet again what do you mean the portal is gone Isis your back and I am out of blocks all right we're gonna make some ninja moves then wait oh no you you you do your thing first Josh you might have to put another poll so he can come back however I could go yeah the y40 ball yeah that's probably your best bet I have to go all the way down there yeah I mean there's literally nothing I can do Oh Oh the admin God is telling me to go to the nether hole if God says so you have no choice here I can't wait to put just killed time to go feeling good on my community top what happened you're on your way 40 okay I don't think I can block over you are you can you pull from it on any night didn't Oh No hello it is uh it's time for battle is it writing in the nether yes it is okay it's kind of scary here let's just so do you see this huge open area let's just take this moment to battle stay away from me time dear what are you gonna do about it probably just muddy uh I don't know about that one you going up too huh Oh Oh kind of an ell moment for all mister do a block clutch to here stay there stay there buddy or what stay there Boyd Oh Boyd um like I'm fine okay wait wait give me a sec give me a sec please oh I'm scared now you just don't know where I'm gone you sure I think you have a lot quicker pickups tonight I'm a oh you're going down I see hey hey let's talk let's shop hmm that's not happening so scary it is I'm on edge dude I'm kind of shaky dude y'all give us a little minute we're all avoid on this one Josh because I feel like we might the me might have to uh yeah yeah I don't know how to get on top of the bedrock ceiling dude my chance will spawn in flames I know how yeah I'm not plan for this man I didn't plan for this either is he significantly more than I anticipated I don't even hear you anymore where did you go oh oh no please please please please please we good we good are we I don't know I don't want to move I'm not rich I'm not moving first are you like at the very very top Bach no but almost where's the void out this is my last pickaxe this is my last big axe all right dude I don't know where you are unsure I see you know yeah I know you do you see me you see me I do oh okay do you're gonna have to come to me now not again not again surely okay it's latter o'clock no dear you gotta come to me you've got to come to me okay come on come on I'm gonna get squeezed trapped Dior I don't have the big guys you don't no no I am stack of marriage that's why I spent all of my time doing just lava their whites I can't got my patient I've got my patient where where how I did not even think about beds that's why you wanted me to go to the nether yes stack of roc oh you don't want to do this I don't I have no choice let's just take a minute to talk about twitch per minute which bribe the arrest of Swiss Prime yes so twitch problem is a free subscription service reports is really intense battles you can make money do you have any more beds you have any more badness how much more than four eyes it's gonna have to go like a Wayne I don't either Touche oh no no yeah yeah it can't see the furnace bro no I completely forgot about a Minecraft that was sick I didn't even fit the bets didn't even cross my mind pearls completely slipped mine and we have a look at the map a little bit down there wait and I anyway guys I got the community tab I get the no dollars you were agreed upon before this I never agreed [Music]
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 4,550,492
Rating: 4.9404087 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, hypixel, minecraft, mine craft, hypixel skyblock, stream, live, twitch, skyblock, timedeo, dream, wilbursoot, minecraft challenge, skeppy, the void is rising, the lava is rising, challenge, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, speedrun, minecraft void, minecraft but, minecraft skyblock, sky block, skeppy challenge
Id: ZUO3tZ_PY0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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