Minecraft - HermitCraft S7#26: Ender Chest Storage System

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53 minutes

It's Etho hour!


Edit: I love this first build montage, the music and the pacing of the editing feels so good. It seems that each video is better than the last.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 230 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ForksNotTines πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


(ty Etho because your Decked Out spreadsheet is the most ridiculous one I've been working on and it needs a lot of fixing).

Edit1: He has over 2 hours of Decked Out footage. I waaaaaaant it.

Edit2: I have watched every single hermit run of Decked Out and also every livestream and video Tango has put out on the development of Decked Out and yet Etho has uncovered secrets I have never seen until now. Tango, you sly genius.

Edit3: Since this episode is primarily about Decked Out, some of you might be interested in this post about who's winning I made in /r/HermitCraft yesterday. There are no longer spoilers there for Etho in the main post now that his video is out but I could update it with a new post here in /r/ethoslab with new data. Suffice it to say, Decked Out is mainly a competition between Etho and Cub right now with Zedaph and Impulse nipping at their heels. Maybe False, if she plays a lot more which she might, according to her last episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 140 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/diamondelytra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude jumped into the Keralis void. Not only did he land safely above the pit using his orb... he caught the dragon head as he did it.

Etho is Magic (TM)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 96 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lucretia23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Every time he builds something new, I’m blown away by how it turns out even when at the start it sometimes doesn’t sound like it will work. (EDIT: HOLY GUACAMOLE! 53 minutes?! We have been blessed!)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 71 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CODENAMEDERPY πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel so blessed with 53 minutes of Etho lol. I’m pretty sure that’s the longest episode of this whole season from all the hermits.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EthoRedditYay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Are we entering a golden age of Etho?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yanitrix πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

There's not a single series that I don't look forward to!

Edit: I love that colour scheme in the new room!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DevilKid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man I loved the video so much. I'm pretty sure that under that one block of lava where etho thought could be a barrel must be water, like a secret. One of the books read something like "To get the prize you have to take a risk" tho I can't recall which hermit read it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Andradessssss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Etho’s sooooo good at Decked Out. Hands down the very best player. Tango will be delighted again to watch Etho’s footage! πŸ™Œ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/isitfuninredditville πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] um hey welcome to hermitcraft okay so let's get this started i just took a quick look around our base and it looks like we got a couple of deliveries to check out look at this it says etho this is not a down payment this is a gift down payment which means you don't have to share this with your evil boss vintage kebab it's all yours love corrales oh that's so cool so i told him he didn't need to give me anything more but look at this he he's given us more for that what is love new block song although it's a gift it's not a down payment you know tax purposes you know he's paying us under the table a little bit uh i think corrales and beef have had some beef with each other what do you give us oh wow look at all that iron holy smokes oh and he gave us pumpkins good i need pumpkins oh and more mending books good i was almost out and melons holy smokes we're going to be building with these today what's on this side okay so he's got to looks like he oh man double double the stuff thanks coreless okay and what does this say mycelium resistance is calling meeting at headquarters let's go [Music] where is everybody oh not that urgent though okay we'll have to check that out later i guess well i guess for now let's work on our base a little bit to pass the time i actually have a project i've been wanting to do for a few months here before we get into it i have to explain a little bit about myself actually so as many of you know i am a very humble person i don't like to brag in fact i'm proud to say i'm probably the most humble person but i do have a bit of a weakness i can't help bragging about my ender chest have you guys seen my ender chest oh it's amazing look at this anything i want is all super organized anywhere i go i have everything i need in my ender chest it's amazing you know i need something for a flower pot i need the flower pots i got it in here i need uh you know coral i got my coral in here fishing you never know when you want to go fishing look at this i even have a large fern don't ask me how i got it but we got it anywhere we go the ender chest is the greatest storage room in this game but unfortunately as i use my ender chest it kind of starts to run out of things starts to get a little disorganized these aren't supposed to be here actually and uh it kind of gets a little messy right so our project for today is to work on a storage system for our ender chest now that might sound a little bit crazy but this is actually going to be very simple to do so here's my idea for every shulker box in our ender chest we're gonna have five hoppers dedicated to it i've been training myself for the last few months to left click and then right click whenever i take an item out of my shulker boxes i can finally do it like consistently which is great it's a little bit of a thing you got to train yourself to do but here's how it's going to work you put uh five different items in each of these hoppers right and then that'll be up to 25 items chalker boxes can hold 27 items so unfortunately the two items you use the least won't be able to get refilled this way but now that this is like empty and our our hoppers are loaded with all the different items all we got to do is stick this shulker box in here and all five hoppers will fill it up at once and then once that stack fills up it'll go on to the next stack and the next one and basically it'll fill up the whole shulker box with the stuff and refill anything that's missing now you might be thinking okay etho that's a cool little trick but unfortunately your hoppers only hold one stack of each thing that's not going to work out too well well no what we're going to be doing is putting chests above each of these and they actually fit extremely compactly we'll just do something like this and then in those chests we will put all our items and they'll flow down into the hoppers as they disappear from here and yeah that's pretty much all there is to it so let's get to building today we're going to be building with the cayman melons prismarine blue terracotta purple terracotta sandstone jungle planks bee hives whatever that is and our special sauce in crystals [Music] [Music] okay nobody's around let's check the dumpster and see if scar paid the diamond block for the mycelium resistance information we got the bite now we gotta string them along and keep them going here you know just enough information to get them intrigued but not enough to give any evidence on anything [Music] do [Music] [Music] oh man so much building i am uh built out now guys i've been at this for a few hours it's not done even got so much more to do on it but this is probably as far as we're going to get on it in this episode aha so where do we begin with this one even well i'll address the the elephant in the room yeah i know it looks a little bit weird uh that's kind of what i was going for i actually really wanted to use this color scheme somewhere and i thought it looked a little bit similar to what we did here so i thought that would be a good addition like from this room we'll go into that one it's turning dark right now and you can see we have no torches in there we have no floor and we're missing a roof and a whole bunch of other stuff as well so that's what we got to still work on with this we got to decide what's going to go in the middle i think if we just made this a big giant flat floor it would look pretty boring so either need to raise the floor or drop it down from a distance it looks a little out of place so we're probably gonna have to jungle over that if i was to guess i'm not exactly sure what we're gonna be doing so this room's gonna have four potential paths plus maybe one in the middle to drop down somewhere and we'll probably be able to fly out wherever we want this one's gonna connect up to that other room that we saw these two i have no clue at the moment this one is gonna go to over top our base look at this so we'll probably have a path that runs through this way and this way this one's not really gonna lead anywhere probably just to like uh like a a garden area here with like a lookout over the base with like a fence or something so you don't fall down here um i'm also thinking probably put like trees on the left here and like have it go over top of us and create like a cool cool uh garden area sort of thing this one's gonna go straight across probably and somehow connect up to over here the other big job we have to do with this though is just organize all the inventory so we have 16 of these shulker loading areas and each of those has five double chests and five hoppers and we're gonna have to go through the googlers start pulling stuff out and uh filling these up i tried doing just one of them here i really don't have much sandstone it seems i had more red sand than sandstone believe it or not um yeah so let's do a little practice run here because i haven't actually used this yet i just assume it works so i got my shulker loaded in here our sandbox um the idea is we would probably have two sandboxes oh it looks like they can kind of get stuck that might be an issue um let's see so let's we're gonna want to create a new one here so let's just throw one glass out from each of these okay so we got our two sandboxes ready here uh this is the one that's probably gonna go in our ender chest and this one we're gonna leave here in the loader and then when this one starts to run out we can just uh pop this one out put this one in to fill up and we'll have a full one right away we won't have to wait for it to fill up so i think that'll be a good way of doing it okay and look at this it's about to get to the next stack and it's starting to fill the next stack now so it'll fill all the way up except for these two anyways let's get away from our base here and start doing some other stuff this episode [Music] so you might recall a couple weeks ago cub fans set up an auction for the shopping district here he gathered all the stray shulker boxes that people left behind and put them up for auction and we bid on it we put in a bunch of big bids on the final day even and the auction is closed apparently we won one of the auctions oh these guys they came in at the last moment and outbid me but we did win the most important one auction number two the original 12 bamboo this went up to like 200 and some diamonds and then uh we bid 12 sticks on it and then someone bid i think 13 but then we came back we bid the stick so let's get that out of our valuables box here this is where i keep all our goodies look at this we we still got the mega golden tickets we got scars road pass we got the stick we're gonna use that to buy the original 12 bamboo that's pretty cool now i don't know if these are actually the original we need someone to appraise them for us all right everybody check this out b double o came through and worked on the netherlands entrance even in the nether here he made a little entrance to the portal so he got like the train tracks and he's like all aboard next stop the netherlands mini games area he's got the bat carriage here some seats and then we walk into the next car into the netherlands the gaming district and uh oh uh oh things didn't go up go too well here got like a little parkour puzzle you got to figure out to get get out of here uh-huh look at this so it's easier to understand what's going on from the outside here it's like a train a titanic train that got split in half and a space train too because it's up in the air and then it like hits the ground and then we got all the rubble flying and the fire and it's pretty cool it's uh strangely very suiting for this if you think about it like it's kind of a fun build for a gaming district and yet it's kind of a horrific build right so it kind of suits the netherlands theme oh the moment we've been waiting for it's meeting time welcome everyone to the official mycelium resistance what is that you were interrupted by by some noteblocks i think uh this is right on top of decked out right it's right nobody knows literally one block down and you've got decked out it's right there i mean that brings me basically to why i'm having this meeting you guys have all signed up i am getting really interrupted by decked out yeah a lot of stealth going on right now so you guys have all signed up including xb who is he's with us hello hello this mycelium base isn't fit for purpose well one you can hear decked out all the time and two it's not secret at all everyone knows the way in this was like a recruitment thing so since we're all like a gang now we all know why we're here and what we're doing then i think what we should do is take another location and make it our base and never show the entrance on camera that way yes we can have a property down here too i i'd prefer if we moved out to be honest yeah i mean there's never never going to be a permanent location but it means that the mayor and his particularly his enforcer can't can't find us because they they they think we're here they know they know everyone's seen my videos they know where the entrance is a little close to town hall right now yeah we are actually leaving one day by cub fan so i'm pretty sure cub watched me walk in here earlier so like it's ultra compromised so we need to we need to find a new location for the mycelium resistance so that we can resist sounds good what are we resisting exactly yeah i i was wondering that too to be honest uh you know you guys you know why we're here we're oh well not rich we're here we're here oh yeah come on exactly yeah what is that what's that what is the message it's about the principle it is about the principle okay it is the principle sending scar ever at any point makes no sense at all you tell them it's a matter of principle and it's about sending scar a message right okay and we got to do this principle and that's what it's about is that three exclamation marks or five i'd say five five definitely that's what i put down the more they ask the more exclamation marks because at this point it is about the principle of the matter it is about the principle brilliant if anyone's ever confused it's about the principle yeah yes okay okay let's let's all go and find let's go and find a place for the new base that is nowhere near decked out okay so the new secret location for the mycelium resistance base may or may not be a secret tunnel and decked out who's to say i can't say uh but what we should do is start running some decked out i've actually uh i've been playing this a lot guys probably the most out of all the hermits actually my strategy at the very beginning was to buy as many of the keys at the shop here like whenever they go on sale i'd buy them if i have the coins i must have bought like at least 10 of them by now um so i gotta run this thing constantly to use up all the keys and i've been trying to do it every day and i have over two hours of uh footage saved up so we're gonna have to blitz through this it'll be an extra long episode and uh yeah let's let's start watching some decked out here round six gotta clank instantly ah this is the way it goes okay here we go going slow at first oh yeah it's right here we go in we get out i want to go down that well again see if we can uh get anything there oh i got a lot of clank oh wait what's this there's no barrel there okay just checking you know you never know if you if you never check these are not traps these are just scary pressure plates empty and all the chests are empty today empty empty we were here last run oh hey what's this guy some dragon heads the dragon egg there's got to be a secret here right okay oh okay we got spotted keep going keep going i'm gonna hop in the well here hey we got some coins he's still there he's still there oh you cheater how did he do that there it is empty okay we're getting out oh i waited too long the heartbeat went up [Music] i think if we go across the bridge though we can bypass the vexes if we take this route i hope the vexes are to the left here oh yeah look at this oh we don't have to worry about vexes if we go that way and we're also gonna have to trade in our artifacts our board is full you're not allowed to keep these stored in your inventory so we gotta choose ooh i think this is a rare yeah we got a rare all right we got four coins for that okay so we got six cards in our deck we're only able to use five at a time so one of these is useless but we can trade three of them in for a higher tiered card put in three give three tier one cards receive one random tier two card so and then up from here what did we get it's random oh we got stealth too that's a good one here we go straight ahead no not straight ahead i love the strides you went in the lava it's so good oh this is actually a little questionable actually i think if we go through the well we'll get to where we need to go here in the blackstone area there's a barrel down there i don't know how you would get that though burning die right i missed that before pretty sure i went too far is there anything cool here it was a weird piece of granite there that's something um oh pressure plate oh it's one of those we got a way down do i use the compass to do it though that seems like a risk oh dude there's a dungeon key too oh my goodness the reward okay we gotta make sure we don't die here that was a big one oh speaking of speaking of wait i shouldn't be going this way i need to go here oh it is in here okay i went right by it not being observant oh we got it okay we got the token uh let's go check this out so flame is lit oh baby and do we check out the forest yes we do because i'm a greedy boy soul flame is lit oh baby and empty barrel take it like a champ take it like a champ oh that does a lot of damage though oh it's gonna be so sad if i mess this up though okay okay a lot of coins in my inventory oh here we go we're good we're good oh baby 26 coins and i thought did k oh i feel sorry for the next guy to enter i better i better not go again okay so we didn't really get anything with the soul flames uncommon be set common witch rare bee set okay we got something there all right let's trade these in oh we got a dungeon key from that dude i am getting so many dungeon keys i'm gonna buy some dungeon keys too man why wouldn't i they're only 18 coins and tango also has a stealth 2 card up for auction here so we should bid on that 12 coins left over let's bid them hit the button all right so we won the stealth two card from the auction for 12 coins so now we have two of those and we have two of the level ones and six cards total here so we should trade some of these in i'm gonna get rid of the stealth ones and the loot finder what are we gonna get what are we gonna get speed boost too i didn't even know that was a thing what is this round eight oh do we really have to go into the forest i hate going into the forest and it's it's kind of confusing me this one like it's under water i don't think this is possible i feel like it's right here it's actually in the water that's insane okay i didn't even know that was allowed tango i want to go to the soul flame area really bad actually okay this i think there's a barrel below no there isn't really i thought he would have snuck one there let's check out the web room and an empty barrel okay but we got a soul flame that's something i'm hearing a lot of ravagers i think they might be below nope they're right here they're right here i cannot sprint go go go go i don't know where this goes okay i really wanted to explore there but no we're not going there there's at least two ravagers in there i think empty got another soul flame like i think we're up to three now ah i want to go there so bad but we can't the guy's right there still tier one cards all right now we're probably gonna have to start making some hard decisions here because our board is full of some pretty decent stuff we're close to making a lot of sets but let's see what we get here four coins and common end uncommon villager uncommon wither oh a rare poison uh we only have the one villager uncommon so we're gonna get rid of that we'll save the rare poison and uh we'll get rid of this other stuff it doesn't help us oh another key oh my goodness all right we got three coins and a key that's pretty good round nine always worth checking it out but today is not the date oh there's a stair above there oh i see how it is i think we gotta jump here and then jump here oh i hit another stair it's impossible how how is this possible is it a one-way thing like we can't go this way oh it is doable okay we just gotta be really careful i'm gonna go a little to the left so i don't hit the stair okay we finally made it found it oh they're over there there's two of them yeah we can't go in there i kind of feel like this does something go behind the waterfall there is a soul flame here reason people don't want to go here is because of the skeletons of course oh any stuff got in the tower there are you serious oh man oh man go hide hide me shot the polar bear dude not cool go get him go get him bear all right this is a death trap i shouldn't have gone here because that guy is camping me with the enchanted bow now oh there's a soul flame here empty got a jump got a jump gotta get out of his range oh he saw me dude the bubble golem i might die here oh we made it out we made it out of the forest that was uh oh that was a bad spot i kind of want to explore here i know i don't have much time left let's check out the barrels oh we got some coins actually you hear that heartbeat though i'm out of time pretty much two coins that's it okay we're gonna get out cause i think we are on the range of uh invoking the invokers where do we get three soul flames let's see if we got an upgrade loot finder descents be sense dude we gotta we got an upgraded one unbelievable the soul flames paid off guys there's an auction going on right now for a wild card of any artifact we could get a unique that way so i'm trying to save up coins so we can hopefully win that two rares in this one oh i'm gonna have all the rares and no uniques it's so ah so brutal what do we do with these things with this brewing stand we'll have another close set with the common uncommon and rare with the witch i think we'll get rid of this for sure and since we only have two pieces of the b set i think i will break it four more coins so we're gonna trade those in we're gonna get tier three our first tier three card what's it gonna be i really want either stealth or soul seeker i think [Music] loot finder okay that's that would be another one of my choices that was good yeah it wants us to go sharp left here interesting gotta be in either that oh no no no no no okay we lost them oh it's got to be in the either blue or red forest if i said yes there's another guy over there dude they're all over the spawn not chasing us okay and i hear another one over there i think oh we got a barrel see i think that's from our loot finder three because it's in the top left of the barrel so i know that's not a manually placed one okay where are we going guys what are we doing that's a ravager he saw me is he smart is he coming around this way oh i'm not liking this let's uh hide in the water another one okay our loop finder three is doing work um okay oh we got some good stuff in the barrel look at that yeah it's right around here probably the netherrack right here it's a special block just gonna jump it and run it it's a little cheesy but it works [Music] okay the clank doors are up man i missed that other stealth dude card it was so good so that other ravager was on the bridge like that way so we can't go that way yeah you can hear him from here which means we gotta loop around oh he sees us oh you coming over no oh there's the other guy over there though we're cornered oh like a champ guy looking at me he's not over there oh i hate this i hate this parkour so much so we got to go this way that guy's right there i think he might have saw me he's not coming we can't sneak under here no i think i will heal up because i think there's a good chance we're going to hit this time and it does nine hearts i think got a soul flame can you get through the oh yeah over here i really want to explore this area one time but we never get a thing over here oh i really want to check things out look at all the barrels here oh and there's coins we don't have a lot of time here just going to do a little snooping oh there's a soul flame at the end there [Music] i got to do it oh and it was a mistake even the smithy knows to hide the treasures well well well look at at the you hold this all the secrets oh i think that's a a well hint sometimes you don't need a compass to find artifacts i sure do the elder guardian knows more than you that's the elder guardian secret deep within the graveyard lies a bit on these spreads huh waterfalls water conceals through this this path yeah we're safe for safe or good don't let the invokers see you the voker's like up over there and we made it out soul seeker or soul seeker oh oh we got a unique but it's not the one we need ocean set unique seven coins that's a lot of coins a few people have the nether rare so i think i'll ditch that all right four coins we got 41 to spend and we're gonna bid them all on the token there i haven't put my box in yet so it hasn't started but this guy showed up to say hello i think i'm gonna wait in this room for a while maybe he'll he'll move a little bit immediately right oh he gotta hit on me so i brought the beast bites with us at least i can heal up we got to get him out of there it's the problem i got some beast bites i think it's great maybe this is a horrible place to go i don't know i don't know b dubs gave up though that's one thing i know for sure oh we got a coin yes okay we got like a barracks sort of thing here whoa this is a cool room it's got all the hermits and tango on the throne let's just focus on getting the loot because uh this is gonna be a tough run to finish especially since i don't know this area oh i got a dungeon key no way okay now we have to live this was a that's a good prize oh now he saw me for sure i think we can get around here let's let him chase us a bit okay he's on me he's on me go go go go we have to go this way oh there's a door here what is this doesn't do anything oh i hear him i hear a zombie near here it's got to be in here if it's not in here it's somewhere else oh we got it well we should have got it we didn't get it oh hey coins and a slowness oh it's over here okay we got it it's a straight shot through there i think i'm gonna get a slowness ready for this guy yeah it's through here we can get back we gotta leave now for sure because we're one i think we're one clank away from vexes yeah the vex has just popped up i heard him so if this guy is still here okay he's behind the fence let's go let's go let's go not today buddy you're gonna have to get the next tournament i figured you out now we have some hard decisions to make because look at our board we got four more cards i believe yep four more cards four coins we got dragon set uncommon we got insect common wither set common we got a unique we got a unique a poison set you need do we have the i think we have the rare yeah we got the rare for that already okay now here's the other thing though we won that auction our 41 emeralds decked out coins we bid one us the wild card artifact so we have to choose what we're gonna use that on right now probably so this is gonna be our first point so we got the common the uncommon and the rare all in the dragon set we could not find the unique so we're gonna use the wild card to act as our unique this can be any artifact we want so that completes the set that'll give us a point assuming uh tango's approval we hit this button i think they go down and then tango's gonna see that and give us a point all right so we gotta save this for sure got a coin [Music] and we got a soul seeker too okay that's the best card i could have got there we're gonna buy a teleportation orb i see you got quite a number of pieces on your board you got your eyes on the good stuff don't you i do i do uh man you got shiny stuff you got witch stuff got ocean stuff poison poison as well man got a lot of rares and stuff too man it's impressive it's impressive uh but a lot of points but i got some stuff true yeah soon though soon um this this nsa common would you be willing to part with that in exchange for let's say like an ocean common you know i would i have the ocean unique and i don't need this thing so okay it's a deal it might come in handy to switch it so what do you think about i give you the ocean unique and ocean comet oh okay so you know two for one i like that that that is actually a really good deal for me because then that gives me a chance to actually build out the ocean set which uh that works man you have one already right the uncommon yeah i got the uncommon so part partly there and as you notice i only have one extra spot so that's going to fill the board again oh perfect there you go i never know if it's okay to throw stuff on the ground around here let's get sucked up by hoppers and you'll never see it again there's so many hoppers in the ground in this game oh well hey there we go man good luck i mean that's that's it for you right you're you got a full set now you're going to oh i just gave you the lead i literally just gave you that no no i think uh i think cub is it too did he i just saw it i think he gained one yeah okay check this out we're starting to get a pretty good deck here loot finder three stealth two soul secret two soul seeker one let's go round 12 of that down and we gotta go right i hear ravager to the right in the castle area that's where we need to go i hear two or three ravagers there uh maybe we'll loop around to the forest actually yeah i'm pretty sure they're where we need to go there's like three in there oh and they saw me they actually saw me okay we keep running we don't stop we just keep running [Music] dude oh my goodness they're everywhere hey guy hey hello hello um [Laughter] uh i gotta rethink this yeah look that guy is he's staring at me there's one over there [Music] i am so scared this time i guess let's go here there's can't be any more ravagers left right kind of gotta learn out of there too if we can there is a soulfling there's a new barrel here he's adding stuff so it's gotta be like we gotta go there i'm sure let's check this out first oh we might have got spotted there no i don't want to lose this stuff this is actually a good run i saw flying yeah we gotta we gotta book it oh we almost got trapped there don't know what to do about this like i kind of want him to chase me but i don't want him to chase me i'm gonna throw it okay he just got it oh that was perfect timing you want some beast bites oh that is so freaky when they start chasing you okay we got him out of there he's right on my tail is this guy still here [Music] am i trapping myself right now i don't even know okay there's one guy there i think that worked i think we got him out of there [Laughter] oh i see so someone's standing in front of the throat he drops them down that's that's awesome scars licking the diamonds i hear a soul flame aha oh the doors are down and they spotted me through the door yeah it actually got me oh no and our heartbeat is just about maxed out and he is in the room we need to go in okay still on me okay let's just go loop around the vexes are out he's still chasing me okay it's over here i think yes we got it okay we got the loot we just gotta get out somehow now [Music] don't ask me how we're gonna do this without dying not a clue i don't remember where these guys are even [Music] i'm going to go the way i know works if i can no i can't do this he's going to turn on me right now [Music] i think we just have to book it past the vexes no he's over here no [Music] we got sandwiched i forgot where they all were round 13. oh the lovely oh no not going that way oh my goodness there's another one nearby not going that way can we get through this way no man i can't get through anywhere [Music] oh go go go go go yeah he can come over here i don't know if he can so that other guy's the left so this is our only route now and it's free now okay so that was the it might not be free now the guy over there too come on this is actually insane oh my goodness okay we made it out of there somehow i don't know how we're getting back yeah we know there's a thing over here let's check this out we got a coin loot finder three paying off this was a good room once upon a time oh baby he restocked it this could be good if there's no ravagers here we got a flame another flame yeah we're gonna get lots of flames here no ravager no ravager please flame out oh another two coins i love my coins give me more coins looking pretty standard knock out this flame though i think that's our third one already oh another one down here four flames the most flames we've ever gotten in iran and another one oh baby we do have a lot of soul seeker in our deck now three coins a dungeon key okay we gotta get out with the stuff this is good stuff guys somewhere around here yes we got our token another one what do we do here i think we got to get that ravager that's on the bridge to chase us and somehow loop around i know they're so fun yeah i'm gonna be greedy still playing that one played a note for some reason oh okay this could be good we might need this to escape i think we have to skip the wither room because if we take damage uh we'll get one-shotted by the beast so let's keep our health at full he's over there i hear him he's just waiting for me oh yes 22 coins and a dungeon key and a teleport orb i don't know how we're gonna do this though okay here he comes here he comes guys whoa he did not take the route i expected i thought he'd go across the bridge if he loses vision well we could still teleport past them right yeah let's do it let's go let's go let's go there's another guy over there oh this game is so stressful level one level one ah i didn't get lucky all right let's check out what we got oh i'm seeing a lot of coins only three cards seven coins and three cards uh common uncommon common oh that was a stinky artifact box honestly uh okay good news is we traded with impulse we got the shiny unique off of him for our ocean unique so we have a full set we can hand this in and that'll free up a lot of space on our board which is great so that'll give us another point we're gonna bid one coin on the auction item because i don't see anybody else's lights on we might just steal it for a coin it would be a foolish not to try it at least and we might win a bee since three with just one coin tango lowered it to 15 which is just a steal i mean we have to do it round 14. oh coins coins coins coins okay so the barrels are empty but look at this he's got like furnaces all on the top here and each one of these could have something in it i don't think you would put something up here i think these are decorative but you never know tango all right they're empty probably a good thing oh we got more coins though in the actual chess makes sense okay what do we got going on here this is the fire um we got the stone cutter i mean i'll throw something in here i doubt it'll do anything and then there's the fireplace oh wait there's more of these keep going looks like we gotta go maybe either to the dungeon or to the bunker oh more coins i've been getting a lot of coins now when i run i think this is a loot finder barrel okay oh we got another one another coin another two coins yeah i think it's in here right around here right by is that impulse okay oh he's a ravager no run run run run run run run check the water i don't know why i checked this one i've never found anything here he is still there still on my tail please leave me alone i haven't been in this room in a long time i kind of want to look you followed me in here no no three level ones gets us a level two and it is a stealth too that's a good one nice round 15. okay guys so our goal this time is to do the mission i've bought two ender pearls from the shop we're going to use them to check out the uh the little secrets perella's hole so it's very important we don't die though because these ender pearls were not cheap we paid six coins for them and if we lose them we can't get them again for quite a while oh he's still there um what do we do about that guy should we focus on getting our loot first so it's gonna be off this way is this it we got it okay that was easy uh ravager's up ahead there so let's go through the blackstone area yeah let's take the well this way okay these are empty so we're pretty close to our destination where we want to go here we just got to really listen for ravagers this is it right here yeah this is our mission spot guys so there's a barrel down there we need one ender pearl to go down one to go up there we got we got it down free pancakes oh oh he gives an end to pearl okay secret secret guys we did it now we just gotta get out with the loot and somehow not mess up this throw if we miss this throw we throw and i don't have my elytra to save me right around there whoa oh oh man i knocked something off of something it was in here we got it we got out i think i fell in the void or something there or that was actually actually a hole not uh concrete oh okay we're good so we got 18 coins out of that and an enterprise we might need this to get out we got plenty of stealth this time oh we got a coin there is a guy nearby here oh he's uh that's the guy we were looking at before okay let's go around i think oh there's a guy right there do you see me oh man so plane the guy's kind of camping where i want to go that guy must have saw me check all our favorite spots i love i love these forest areas they've been good to us guys so flame man i i gotta stop playing so greedy i just can't help myself guys problem with doing this is now i'm i'm dead in one hit oh but the good news is it's worth it 24 and a soul flame wow we took a lot of damage i think we're gonna go across the bridge here [Music] 24 coins riding on this this room still empty okay uh let's go for the exits i think we uh we did what we wanted in there that worked out pretty good uh we did punch out some soul flames so we might get lucky here one one and a resistance three yes oh baby that was really lucky oh my goodness that's a big leap in our power level check out our loot box uh oh i'm seeing a lot of coins i think that usually means uh junk common common uncommon comment oh we got a dungeon key and a unbelievable all right we're gonna we're gonna buy this mystery box it might be full of junk we don't know kind of doubt the first one would be a bad one he puts up though or just my hunch but it also might be full of stuff that tango thinks is valuable but really isn't that valuable so i don't know it's a mystery we'll find out a whole bunch of beast fights oh oh teleportation orbs two dungeons okay this was definitely worth it like these are like 20 coins each on their own uh at least according to the last shop prices and we got all this other stuff that is incredible and we're gonna trade in our tier two cards for a tier three oh he got so secret couldn't have asked for a better one that'll help us get more cards so kind of what you want early in the game but what's in your hand carrot you want one i'm not sure why have you ever sung these before i swear i've played this game before they're good for some reason it was not registering in my head in my mind like what is that time for an eyes check yes check beef um all right what do you want from me you called me over here what do you want yeah so you have this very very valueless uh poison set common it's a common card already you might want to get rid of that i'm pretty sure green is looking for one of my cards and he wants to trade me a dragon card so do you have any dragon cards oh it's a little shiny beef it's all the shine i like it i really like can i have it uh well you can't have it but maybe we could pay for it dang you found my loophole it was a good try though all right here i'll i'll put it i'm doing it i'm doing it oh you trust me i trust you look at that oh this is so pretty oh you didn't get it i just created a common for an uncommon i feel like i got the better deal here you know what beef i'm gonna i'm gonna be extra generous with you even what do you mean extra gender since you're helping me finish a set i'm gonna reward you with some coins oh i helped you finish a set yeah and some beast bites beef all right everybody well this ended up being a very long episode i hope you guys didn't mind that i've just been having so much fun with the decked out tango truly did an awesome job with this game and uh i thought i could cut it down a bit more but uh no i want to show you guys my progress as i play through the game and all the trading and stuff so hopefully you have a good picture of what's going on so that's about the best i could cut it down without losing too much information but yeah i hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching have a great day take care bye bye
Channel: EthosLab
Views: 987,983
Rating: 4.9818749 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft LP, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Game, Etho, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Building, HermitCraft, Game, Minecraft Multiplayer, Survival Minecraft, Hermit, Server, Season 7, Minecraft 1.16, Nether Update
Id: FRmq1bCRRo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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