HermitCraft S8#1: HermitCraft Season 8 Begins!

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hello everybody this is etho and oh you see that what is that that's a new season of hermitcraft is what it is oh snappers welcome to season eight of hermitcraft with the 1.17 update oh i'm excited about this guys i hope you are too let's get into it so if you happen to be new to hermitcraft welcome welcome glad to have you here hermitcraft is a group of minecraft youtubers there's about 25 of us i don't know the exact number uh and we all play together on the same server we try to build cool stuff and i just enjoy playing the game for season eight here we decided to go for a big island seed for our main play area so we tried to squeeze all the hermits within like a two to three thousand block space which uh feels good now but it will fill up quickly but we want it to be close together so it'd be uh easier to interact with each other this season and yeah you know what so far i've been having a ton of fun playing with everybody i think to start things off for this episode i want to tell you all about my starting adventures with istel going to the desert is bad because no trees but you have to punch wood that's the whole idea i'm gonna do desert yeah i'll follow you how about that yes yes oh this is a mistake we can get sticks from the bushes yeah let's let's hardcore play minecraft sticks from the bushes i got no sticks that's not a good sign oh check this out though what you got oh man oh that was a good one bet they're not doing that over in their forest dude we're having the time of our lives over here this is great yeah this is this is oh no i see trees we've made it to the other side so i want to be like a an interviewer this season this gal oh an interviewer yeah what is your favorite part of uh the start of a season all the opportunities opportunities ooh okay opportunity good answer yeah a little vague a little vague but i'll take it it's political answers yeah it's like you can't be wrong with that one what about you if i can interview the interviewer e back oh what do i like i like i like caving dude oh yeah i don't want to do the battle area man out oh there's food good luck get food yes you just just steal it from the new person for the new people who are doing the work which way is east let's go you must no that that removed the guys oh no my brother two first one no don't let her get driven head oh i got bread i got bread let's go dude i got the dubs head this is great nice i want to bed i'm taking the bed we're out we're out this is i've never started a season we're just killing each other i mean we were we were just defending zombie cleo was killing everybody right we were true vigilante heroes there they're missing the best thing about this village oh my look at it all i know okay they're stealing no no wait what happened which one are we going for wait let's just let's just oh my gosh oh my goodness look at this i'm gonna go up the elevator come okay okay come my brother that's ascent is this where you murder me is this this is the final trial every bring you up lead me all this way first i give you the brand you're safe with me brother dude i think i'm gonna live here that that's what i was gonna say i think i'm gonna live here i'm gonna live here but i i think i'll i think i'm gonna live here now uh but yeah but you know you know first first first the ghosties uh first to the top first to the top no no no no no that was oh that is a rule though oh no you blocked it so i couldn't make it what are we calling the top well i'm stopping right here ah darn it i think there's an acacia tree that is a little bit higher but dude this is huge we could both live here look at this view etho is it pretty cool amazing we have the biggest that's pretty amazing wow that is a long ways up that is so smooth i could have just you were right on the edge man the potato of sharing the potato of sharing and i shall return to you eight potatoes for planting well thank you very much that's a good treat you don't give someone a fish you give them a fishing rod exactly you don't give them a potato you give them a poisonous potato so that they die and you get all their food oh the moss block look amazing we should we should get that we should can we go on that can we do a treasure hunt you ever have like where you leave the coke out for a few days and you forget about it and you go to grab the you like open a new coke and then you accidentally grab the wrong coke every day and it's like fuzzy i did it yesterday oh no so gross oh and it's coming in on the map now are you going to find this treasure immediately yes because you know the trick yeah okay then please teach me that trick you know the trick no i would like to know the trick okay so if you do f3 g to bring up your chunk borders you got them up yep in the very center of the chunk is where the the treasure is so it could be around here somewhere oh that was a boring way to find it i thought it was i thought it was neat not like you no you find it immediately it's it's cool it's great it's cool you know some people don't know that and they like to learn things like that oh you see this no what is this oh it's a new thing you can get to these in the ocean what are they oh they are they geodes wait is there two different types of amethyst yeah it looks like it oh there's some nice noises you're walking around yeah yeah it's so cool wait you're picking them up right i'm not yeah i'm picking them up but not not the ones that have them so the x ones you can't pick up oh you probably need silk touch you probably gotta still touch them and then you can plant them and the shards are for making the blocks i think yeah that's what it is if it's out in the ocean you can actually see where it is because the sand has formed formed weirdly there's like two pieces of sand here is this it it oh wow oh nice that was a sneaky one oh dude oh i think i saw one get thrown yeah there's a trident there's straining guys oh dude he's throwing at me oh he turned to me now is she serious i thought he i thought you wanted treading guy i won't try to guy where is he he's over here he's up oh man that hurts i got one hit on him where is he i can't stop he's he's by me oh he's up there okay yeah yeah go for it go for it i guess my guy's attention i got him oh no trident found it found it found it it's on the grave oh dirt we could have seen it with the copper block i thought that copper block was weird there's a diamond in there that's a good one man look at all that stuff back to the interview what's what do you hate the most about the start of a season finding stuff my goodness do i struggle with that when you don't know the landmarks or anything i would say inventory management over that to be honest oh that's another good one wow yeah oh that might top it actually we are rich boys we got moss we got heart of the seas we got tnt oh look at this look man that's so perfect look how close they are oh it's so good proud of you that was all of it no i saw your switch i saw you switch i saw your switch there we go get out there we go proud of you that's all of it now definitely none left either i saw you picked that one up you jumped down to pick it up no oh he didn't buy it i was wondering where that was gonna go if you're really good you did you could place like two and get up the cliff oh okay well that would be really impressive oh oh my god oh you pro man that was insane that was insane honestly i'm not even i'm not even trying to fluff you up that was incredible so after our adventures with iskell i kind of got the weird idea that i want to get a horse for some reason but it was a job i couldn't do myself so i put a call to arms in chat for anyone in the area come help me out and guess who showed up so what's up should i get in the boat with you yeah i'm gathering all warriors all master crafters and miners out there that's me a master crafter and a miner sometimes a major uh-huh we're here for one reason beep and what's that you're gonna die getting me a saddle what uh-huh why what do you mean i'm gonna die i'm not gonna die i'm the best there's gonna be a raid on a village oh no you gotta be kidding me i have no bow to fight oh just yeah they spawn around here all the time first time i've seen them oh that's awesome okay we can't admire them now though we have a battle no no when i come back for my victorious slaying of the people i will uh i'll grab them on the way back do you have a bet or something at least i brought a band yeah so the plan is first wave we fight them we steal the crossbows so we have ranged weapons okay oh okay this is wait what are the boats for you trap them in the boats and then you like cheese them yeah we're going to cheese them as much as we can because i don't want to die i have a bow but i don't have any arrows so i mean that's kind of useful that's okay we can take their emeralds and buy arrows from the fletcher in the village okay okay if we can pull it off that's the plan oh you know i'll be able to you have an extra shield by chance i should probably not okay let's go less than three minutes we just gotta do it oh yeah i see him not a not a problem he's in a boat already oh okay good but he's he's uh he he's crossbowed oh is it sorry we're surrounded beef oh already okay this guy's dead oh snappers they do damage get one down uh this is great no crossbows yet right no he didn't know okay let's uh let's keep looking oh they're here here maybe let's set up some walls too just in case you get shot okay we can hide yeah that's fine balls are good i mean i can they're not damaging much at all i know but the later waves are gonna get harder are we gonna face like ravagers and stuff yeah so the goal is i want a saddle and we gotta kill a ravager for it oh okay this whole boat idea is fantastic will he be able to hit me from here do you think where are you at this guy this guy i know this guy's got some reach on him you should be able to outreach i think okay yeah i'm out reaching oh first emerald nice look at this guy oh he got you oh behind you whoa oh they got they found the way up okay it's fine get them in the boat get them in the boats come on losers i'm good i'm good emerald on me they can't wait to get in the boats man i know it's great they came from our weak side though unfortunately yeah i know we didn't have very many boats over there oh it's the ravager oh dude uh oh you okay she's chasing me you okay yeah i'm fine where's the boats okay here are you sure they'll get in the boats oh you watched it you walked over dude i don't think they get in the boats i thought they did dude oh we're in trouble okay i don't know how to fight this guy then um um lava is there lava nearby anything oh that would have been smart that would have been smart beef well he's coming he's coming yeah there we go we got him we got him he's gonna okay that's good now don't burn the saddle don't burn the saddle oh right oh you got it yes get it pick pick it up pick it up we got the saddle awesome let's go take these other guys out on the boats we got the saddle thank you so much beef yeah yeah no problem glad i could be uh the hero you needed raid successful i knew i called on the right guy gotta do some horse wrangling that has to be etho is that you scared it is i knew it how did you know i got my disguise on and everything i was like nobody else have a glow squid head on in three horses what is going on over here oh you got one of those so if you got an extra i'll take it yeah go on you have this one i've got one thank you so much so honestly what's your opinion all right whoever gets it in the middle you're going to get it again this is like keep away all over again let's keep away oh sweet what do you think of these things they're okay actually so if you go f1 it actually works like a zoom i actually quite like the the ui on it the focus yeah it kind of focuses your attention on what you're looking at right it's got a comical element to it i've noticed yeah i was i was spying on scar oh no you almost see the boogers you didn't even see me man that's a really fast horse can i have a little go yeah go for it holy smokes this is the best horse i've ever seen hold on i'm going to jump right through the next level that's insane looking oh my god [Laughter] this is the best horse i've ever seen yeah they're really not if you get a good one they're just really hard to find good ones all right everybody well you know things have been going really good on the server so far i'm happy i got uh three horses that i brought back to the base here maybe one for iskall if he wants one um we got like a natural spawning pool here for the glow squids and axolotls which is pretty cool they're out hunting all the time there's one right over there oh he's going in for a kill oh oh oh we swam over top of him oh yeah they spawn in perfect darkness and i guess because the land mass up above is so big it blocks out enough light that they actually spawn here which is pretty neat we got like a natural uh glow squid farm uh so let me talk to you guys a bit about the plans and and the base here so i'm going to be building a base with iskall this season we talked a lot about it i think with the moss blocks that have come out in this update it's going to look really good with the savannah normally i wouldn't really want to live in a savannah with the grass color it's a little but with the moss blocks and stuff i think it'll be pretty cool actually um let's see so we installed in an elevator over here just to get up a little easier because man that is way way up and this is kind of the area we picked out to start off at this feels pretty cool so we got uh you know a bunch of land up above we can go down we got cool views up here uh down below looks pretty nice it's gonna take a lot of work so a lot of terraforming a lot of uh building and stuff i am looking forward to it though i think there's a lot of potential with this area it's got an enchanting table over here i think one of my goals for today is to get my tools up and up and ready got a little cow farm started we gotta get some some bookshelves going and just our crops and stuff over there and then uh this platform it wraps around uh quite a bit of the shattered savannah actually like it goes over here and then we got like more area we can work with and we'll probably dig tunnels through the mountain to to get across the areas and bridges and stuff i think it's going to be a lot of fun and i talked about this before but uh i kind of want to do like a riptide base and this is perfect for it this season we'll have lots of different layers and we'll be able to throw our trident around to hop to the different layers but yeah i think our next goal now should probably be going caving i've been looking forward to this i hear some zombies down below we're gonna do some caving in the area around our base so that we can light it up for any mob systems we might be building here i don't know we'll see and we gotta get iron for beacons copper for for cool stuff what do we use copper for i don't know we'll figure something out and let's go all right look at this everybody we got the deep slates once you get a little bit lower down uh-huh so how does this work can you do anything like this yeah that turns it into polished and then i think you can smelt it as well look at this ah i like it i like it we got the new oars as well like iron oh all right now i'm trapped oh that's a geode pretty sure yeah we stumbled across another geode sticking out yeah so with the geodes there's like three layers to them the outside is the smooth basalt this is a new block you can get that by smelting the basalt we got from the nether update i'm pretty sure uh so that's not like too hard to get but the really special thing about finding a geode i believe is the calcite i don't think you can get this from trading i don't think there's any other way of getting it you have to find it on the geodes at the moment and it's a pretty nice block it's also kind of interesting you can mine it like super quick and then inside the geode we have these crystals which drop the shards when you break them and i think you can move them around with silk touch as well they grow off of the amethysts with the x texture on them these ones as you saw earlier they get destroyed if we break them you don't want to break them because there's no way of getting them back uh they're the only place you can farm the amethyst and uh once they're gone they're gone so you should just leave them deep um but other amethysts we can take if we want i don't think they're gonna be super great for building there's not a lot of blocks in the game that work with them that i can think of anyways but uh the texture on its own i think is fine i think it looks kind of cool i'm gonna teach you guys some secret not so secret uh etho caving technology that i do here so whenever i find something interesting underground like a geode or a mob spawner or whatever i'll take whatever what i have on me and i'll build a ladder straight up to the surface so i can find it easily again in the future dude what was that like gold oh redstone oh coal oh iron oh diamond stew sure [Music] oh behind me okay we're fine everything's good there's nothing more dangerous in minecraft than walking at the bottom of everything where did they even come from man i was looking the whole time there was nobody there woohoo oh that's so cool i love these things yes all right i'll take it oh we got two of them and two name tags well i think the cows are ready in between caving i've been uh coming up to drop off the iron and stuff and every time i've done that i've fed the cows and we only need 45 leather for the enchanting station so i think the time has come oh yeah oh some babies survived look at that i'm not a monster uh okay how do we do here we got 34 a little bit more over here and oh yeah we got plenty plenty of leather now that's great i don't know about you guys but i gotta say one of my favorite things to do in this game when you're first starting off in a world you've played for a few hours you've gotten used to the crummy tools and everything and then you get that efficiency for you you get that looting three and everything just feels so much better oh look at that what else can we get here efficiency for a depth strider on boots i think that's what i want protection for depth pretty good pretty good can't complain about that and can we get a good pick that's also very important here just as i'm breaking do we take the risk let's see what it is oh fortune 3 yes that is the dream that's the first enchantment you want when you're starting off in a world let's go for a bow enchantment hello there how's it going i have been out on a far journey i have raided seven villages 3 000 blocks away wow yeah i've been in the search of something that we need and i got 25 books but i also managed to get some leather oh good good uh our base is very very dangerous by the way yeah especially down here but i'm gonna i was thinking i take our enchanting station and make it well so that we can get to level 30. because you've grown sugarcane yeah hello oh you can thank me later um yeah so about the the bookshelf i'm just adding i'm just adding a little bit here but just added some extra items i didn't know you were going for bookshelves and i've been breeding cows for a while here um yes i for some reason i i got myself to blame i thought that it would be more efficient to find a village didn't realize i would find eight bookshelves in seven villages to be fair they are fairly rare yeah but looks like you got quite a few there i'm i'm proud of you i uh i have got presents for you as well oh my yes you you could not have given me a better present you have no idea dude we can have matching horses you want a horse there's three horses downstairs no horses suck dude i can't get anyone excited about horses i have one thing to show you i don't know if you've noticed but i have been building there there's something pretty impressive up there i saw oh have you have you been up there i haven't been up i haven't seen a secret there's a secret little entrance here i've come to the conclusion today that i am the slowest builder in minecraft because this took me a long time and also in the beginning you don't have that much material so even collecting the oak and the spruce oh wow oh man this is looking good oh you got the chimney up there even mm-hmm little hill house hill house little house of opportunity hill house of opportunity yeah that's right i liked it man it's cool thank you and you can look down below and uh at the cows and and any intruders coming right all right gotta always worry about those yep but i have also i haven't had time to move our items but i have made us oh a little storage oh only a starter one only a starter one you got the the glowing item frames and stuff oh and the little azalea plants i love these the bonsai pots there's the best oh that's really cool i can just imagine this imagine like if minecraft had actual lighting and you could just see like rays of the sunlight coming through yes that would be incredible time to put on shaders [Music] yeah no you're right i uh i'm i'm actually i think it turned out really cool and listen closely yes oh that you got amethyst under the the mouse oh i like the details uh huh very cool very cool so i was thinking now you can move all the stuff up here me oh i saw your little that's a little microphone thing this well i gotta get going uh it's been fun though iskill hey i just found something out by the way you can still do the bucket drop if you have an axolotl in it yeah but it's pain for the axolotl it's like a cushion when you land you know they're pretty spongy ah all right everybody well it's about time we start thinking about ending the episode for today got one last thing to show you real quick here when i was caving i found something pretty cool right below our base there is a skelly spawner so i want to get this set up i want to turn it into an xp farm get some bone meal for growing things and uh you know what you know the deal i'm going to try out the the glass on this as well i made some of this it uses the amethyst shards apparently which uh i guess there is actually a reason for farming amethyst even if you're not building with the blocks you need it for the glass here so this blocks out all light should be pretty cool and unlike other glass it looks like uh you don't need silk touch on it to get it back which is interesting uh yeah what are you guys looking forward to with hermitcraft season 8 here is there anything you want to see me do anything you want to see built at the base or any ideas just let me know in the comments i'd love to read them i think that's going to be it for today so until the next one take care have a good day bye
Channel: EthosLab
Views: 845,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft LP, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Game, Etho, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Building, HermitCraft, Game, Minecraft Multiplayer, Survival Minecraft, Hermit, Server, Season 8, HermitCraft Season 8, Minecraft 1.17
Id: wWHhzqGP_Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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