Hermitcraft Season 8 - Thunderstruck #6

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Okay, I definitely think my theory is correct: the Hermatrix is going to summon Helsknight to the server, and he will feature into Evil X's master plan.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Tels315 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Of all the viewpoints released so far, Docm's was definitely the most epic. With the rain foreshadowing, and that music. Great editing!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Illusi 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi sorry i had to do it mandy's ex bro i tell you like what's wrong with the age i don't want to start the episode with some ranting but it has to be yeah dude i'm walking about every day up in their storage room in and out and every time my inventory is spammed with eggs dude yeah i mean look the phoenix farm is working at least right are you fed or you know do you have food in your belly every day yeah yeah so what are we complaining about all right all right we're cool and why are we down here why do you say uh today we do barbecue down here look i brought the fire at least oh nice yeah yeah good stuff yeah we're gonna barbecue in the sewer today doc okay because there's been a couple of creeper accidents upstairs uh over the last couple of days it's the beach has become unsafe all right look even the parrot is migrated down to the sewer so all right then you just gotta be careful man with the fire down in here is there some some yeah it's not great ventilation and we've got all these spores also yeah it's not ideal not a healthy environment why did we start building our new storage room down here then yeah i don't know dude i mean there's many questions that are unanswered um so far in our series to be fair it's going swimmingly man yeah listen the good news is though the laundry list i think we pretty much knocked it all out right chicken farm done yeah botumpol gloriously joined part of the bottom hole that was a spectacle my man ah i love it man absolutely amazing uh the octopus owner done boom that's out the window yeah beautiful i added a new thing man armor sorting in both sorting i'll show that today it's pretty cool nice and also the uh the coordinates were in the zoomers base we found axolotls it was weird but it's done that's it laundry list is clean ready for some new entries my dude indeed and we have big plans don't we very big very big hold on let me get some of the barbecue oh yes um so first up doc it's come to that point in the season where we need to figure out what shop we're going to be setting up okay we need to sell some stuff we need to make some diamonds or some dirt coin whatever the currency is going to be yeah we need all of it lots of it this is true our treasure pile looks impressive but it's not impressive enough honestly this is mostly for decoration and in fact we are pretty much broke yes like we have no spending time it's like this diamond you're holding in your hand didn't you get that from breaking one diamond block back there i did yep okay so listen we're gonna add our first thing raindoc shopping empire we don't know what it's we're gonna sell yet we're gonna figure that out this week at some point but it's on the laundry list we have one thing for sure we're gonna sell there and that also is on the laundry list right um oh yes oh yes yeah it's that time in the season once again doc i've been getting messages from hermits on discord and your rain when you're selling logs baby uh-huh we're gonna sell logs again labor intensive is gonna be again i mean we can automate some stuff but don't you worry i'm gonna make the octa blaster eight thousand last season we had four tree blasters this season we gonna have eight oh yeah i have good memories on that thing didn't i blow you up in the last one uh yes yes you're not allowed anywhere near the octa blaster my dude okay okay okay so so those are two of the big things we're going to be sorting out over the next couple of weeks but mud dude some weird stuff's been happening out of the inter bubs once again viewers dropping some weirdness on us they sent us co-words last time this time they sent us a schematic what that's i've been getting schematics in my comments i linked to like a schematic on the planet minecraft have you seen it yeah twitter and on some comments and on reddit yeah it looks pretty cool whatever that thing is that in the schematic yeah so why not include a community suggested built onto the hermitcraft server what do you think i think it's a beautiful idea we will build it they want us to build it they've sent us the schematic we shall make it doc and we shall make it glorious also all right um there's two things though i need to tell you guys some good news and bad news which one oh i don't like where this is going i don't want to get started come with me come with me um you know before we start building it's going to be a lot of grinding but um yeah we just recently installed a new poop shoot exit hulk nice beautiful god it's dark again creepy oh nice creeper menace okay let's stay here in the in the light where's b double i when you need update yeah so oh yeah sleep why is he like you know the sleeping discipline is really lacking when he's around really yeah come with me i can show you over there i might have you know yeah bad news or good news first uh let's rip the bandaid off dude hit me hit me with the bad news straight in the face let's do it what's up what have you done we might have lost some of our land what do you mean wait what do you mean lost uh scar came here and he never stopped talking and um he gave me some redstone and then i gave him this island here property of the swaggin ink doc why you do this why i don't know but i found a solution look all of a sudden turtle showed up and this is a turtle sanctuary now so nothing can be built here okay okay well that means we can't build anything either so um right yeah but at least all right it's safe from this from you know from this this the scam artist here and and yeah indeed okay now the good news though okay i'll make up for it we're gonna be the richest hermits on the server tell me more tell me more i with the help of the scicraft guys have come up with a super compact and easy and insanely efficient shulker farm oh oh baby and we're going to build it over there and then we're going to sell shulker shells and be loaded man everybody dude that's that sounds amazing that's amazing i mean shulker boxes we know are one of the number one commodities on a hermitcraft server any season you're going to churn them out in bulk mud dude we're going to be so freaking rich man we can buy every single derp coin on this freaking server 500 shares an hour and then we're gonna have logs and shells who's i mean that sounds like the start of an insane empire right um this island now sucks okay well dude that sounds amazing i'm going to be working on the octa chopper 9000 8000 whatever version it is we're going to make logs you're going to make shulker boxes and i'm thinking we should probably spend the rest of the afternoon making that schematic just to get things started this week my dude i'm thinking maybe out here might be a good spot right like down here somewhere i mean this might work we got obsidian already uh yeah we marked it out we have a building station here guys so we're gonna we're gonna put that thing here and yeah i guess um let's get cracking i think we got most of the resources already we've been collecting like like nuts we got everything we need to make that schematic the copper all the copper out of the octo chunk well worth it nice okay all right well that's our afternoon set we're going to build whatever that giant crab thing is in the schematic it's going to look sweet i think thanks viewers for another weird thing you guys are already pretty strange thanks kind of fitting with us all right come on man let's get cracking let's do it [Music] so hey yo hey dark all good yeah everything's good yeah how are you doing huh i'm fine chilling we're grinding it out yesterday was waiting for copper to oxidize it's like more boring than watching paint dry because it just doesn't happen well i find it either goes really quick or really slow there's like no in between no there's some spots like over there that literally don't oxidize here i want to show the viewers too i showed iso when he when he came over here oh yeah you're a bit slow slow down [Laughter] ouch wow but look like this lag of the walker is literally not oxidizing at all huh yeah it's so strange and the other foot and it's not waxed guys don't you know this leg didn't get a wax job the other one i'm gonna check just in case maybe you don't understand how the waxing all right it doesn't actually say it on the block dock [Music] oh yeah this is a waxed one well how do you know no i'm kidding come on now you know i was like okay now you made me completely look like a fool you actually have to do f3h to see if it's a wax block no oh really so it should say yeah this one for some reason oxidized at exactly the same rate is so strange man i don't the the mysteries of copper oxidization you know and i have kt all night long to get it oxidizing it was it was weird you're discovering things here this is good for science yeah um yeah but um why i called you over i know you you made the giant moss block that spits out tridents yes yes i need a few five fish well i've got i've got some tridents for you doc good good good where do you want to go i don't know let's go let's go out of the woods here i don't trust it nobody's out of the creeper infected area bro like nobody sleeps anymore it's an absolute joke we we just tested it we're standing there right night was falling and i i told you so nobody's gonna sleep watch and it actually happened again like yeah i know nobody will nobody will sleep no everybody counts on beat ups to do it you know it's just if he's not on creeper danger like yesterday when we were building that thing non-stop creeper spawning because well darkness so we had to sleep in between the building and so the time lapse looks halfway decent all right i got some premium forks for you doc premium premium all right yeah how much how much i need to ask i need to ask you give me everything you got i first need to look at them to assess the product oh okay i gotta test the tuning ability of my forks hey that's a clean one yeah i like it it's pretty good yeah yeah yeah ah yes feels good to have a trident again okay what's the common market rate uh yeah so uh we have a monopoly at the moment that means i can charge whatever i want i don't know what what do you think is fair here doc i don't have no idea when i had to tried it monopoly i tried to fleece people in five don't say that yeah i know but i said you only want five or do you want more because i got i got ten total here um five should be fine but okay yeah i mean we are not very rich at the moment like um i can take you to the vault we can look at our diamond reserves that's all we got oh but the great thing is doc you can always pay in credit oh god you you just put down the down payment now you can get whatever you want right now but later it might cost you a little bit more oh but you don't have to worry about you don't even think about that then what is what is going on with the sales pitches you know scar roped me into buying giving him our land and yeah now i'm going to buy tridents on credit suite you got no copper right now right i'm assuming no we literally used 1 000 over 1 000 blocks of copper that's all all we had like yeah i'm sorry all right well start making some deals here doc what do you got to offer um okay so do you think 20 diamonds per trident is a fair price that sounds about right to me yeah okay so i need five so that's a hundred diamonds then i get you know bulk bulk discount right i'll give you the nice guys face discount okay not for you for rent okay how much how much discount uh we'll take 10 diamonds off the total lot all right that'll be 90 then 90. yeah all right and i give you a down payment so you didn't just come here and leave empty-handed right the only other option i can think of at the moment no no no no no no no i i got one idea oh if you can sign up people to the no wings club you know wells came by yesterday and you know this other club really has great membership perks and free signups yeah yeah i'll just okay okay i can try to recruit people into non-flying i i'll try i'll try my best but it's gonna be a hard sell i tell you man every person you get is at least one free trident how about that oh okay now now this is some some real stakes in there yeah maybe i can convince ren you know if we if both of us do it but they got to make it at least 250 days at least oh look at all these fine print things yeah yeah all right let's let's make a deal i'll try to convince people to no fly and at the moment i owe you 90 diamonds 90 diamonds yeah okay sweet come on one down payment though one block of diamond i think i can spare you can sit on the clock yeah you can yikes okay i was expecting you know a doggy's been strip mining and doing all these things no i'm living here with ren okay you got money right but let's see what we got man like here that's all our diamond so okay you got something there's some i can it can give you more than one but you know they are more like a decorative element here ren's gonna be oh okay all right three three blocks just do two put that last one back and he'll never notice it's missing okay okay so 14 so i still owe you 76 yes or members or get a member every member that makes it 250 days is a free trident all right sounds like a good deal to me and you can sign yourself up too yeah yeah i know i know but fro then i really rather go strip mining for days it's rough it's rough but at least you can swim down toilets right that's yes you can get down the toilets with the tridents yeah that's very cool all right back up ah oh man i don't know this could you know i think from now on wren should do our business deals i don't think i'm very good at it you you don't have the skills for it well i thought this was a good deal i i like this one no it's a fair deal yeah it's a fair deal all right thanks mate yeah no problem i'll do some staring at paint dry okay copper oxidizing maybe if you pour water on it you know that should be a thing right like honestly put copper in the water and it oxidizes real quickly isn't that how it works in real life like when it rains sure genius hey mojang you're listening that's how you should do it right listen to the man he's dead he knows things what's the whistling man i'm back hey what's up doc what's happening baby dude i'm busy i'm busy right now leave me alone i see your name tag you can't hide the grind is not over man dude can a man not just get a moment to do his business on this server hey i mean we we've been grinding for like three days bro can i not get a moment on the pot please all right this is awkward i'm sorry dude oh man look at that thing what did we build what is this i don't know i don't know dude we have been grinding solid for three days my brain is a potter yogurt dude like i look at this i don't remember making it i don't know what it is no what have we done bro it was 1 000 blocks of copper alone madness yeah well thank goodness for the octa spawner yeah but we have no copper at all man you know bro like hours of afk just for the copper and mining on top yeah well dude i looked a little bit more into the schematic that the viewers sent us it it's on planet minecraft i looked into who made it it's a user on planet minecraft called goatman or something like that he used goatman as the account so that's fun yeah whoever you are thank you for this magnificent build that we also hate you because this you have consumed our life for the past few days yeah absolute menace i mean there's any block variation of of deep slate and blackstone that exists dude what about the crater man we had to rip up a piece of the ground and match the crater with the floating island bit too i mean this wasn't in the schematic by the way we did this well yeah because it had the ground up there so you know there needs to be a hole right yeah i mean yeah exactly well they clearly took inspiration from the pirate crab boat which is fantastic um we still got some things to do though it's actually not finished yet yeah yeah so i looked at the redstone man so from what i can tell yeah it looks pretty mad wait we need to probably yeah we need to break in here that's hard to get out so okay here let's let's jump in here so from what i can tell this is a zero tick generator look like if we throw watch a pistol loudness coming in oh geez okay yep yeah yep okay uh wait okay this is scary how do you turn it off uh like this okay good so um okay let's turn it on and let's get out of here right in this fly okay that's step one okay dude what are you doing well you know i did my research um you know there was this crazy redstone thing in there so i i i was trying to figure out what it does and what i think it is it is something really insane i think it is yeah well we'll see i'm not gonna try to speculate wait for a sec okay i got tridents here five of them named them sun destruct they have channeling on them all of them right and now what we need to do is aim exactly at the tip of the lightning rod right i'm just gonna stand back if that's okay you throw them in like that that is looking you can see see how they bounce yep yep it's it's like a trident disco party in there yeah okay that means as they are bouncing like that yeah the game considers them as tossed by a player they never go to entity form and they stay you know stay an item like that and never go to item form and they will also never despawn they will right stay there infinitely so okay well that's that's wonderful uh good job yeah i don't know why but that's not it yeah that's it right um well there's also another thing missing by the way oh really yeah in the original schematic there's an axolotl in this tank thing oh yeah right yeah do you do we have any axolotls because i i just want to finish this thing now dude i've had enough of this build i'm not gonna lie it's epic but it's it's it's destroyed me i mean we have technically we we you know x is watching some of ours in the sense oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we found a bunch of explosive eggs the other day right we can go grab one of those i guess throw it in there yeah well zoom is on holiday like do you think you'll mind if we join one of them i think he has him still down in the in the sanctuary so yeah okay just grab one i mean it'll be fine okay dude well listen let's do it man listen the last the last block to add to this build is an axolotl let's plug it in let's call the build done and please can we then go to sleep or can i at least spend some time on the pot without being interrupted next time dg all right let's go uninterrupted potty time all right we're back at azuma's basement i think he's actually made a staircase down to that weird axolotl cave thing yeah here it is yeah here it is i scouted it before it's here i checked some people said i should go check out the redstone there was also all kinds of redstone in that cave built by the way that triggered the lava and all oh yeah yeah well dude i'm i still think there's tnt around here so i don't want to touch anything yeah look here look here there was something and then it goes up and there's all kinds of dispensers and stuff yeah interesting well here's the chest of axolotls yeah i still don't understand what the message was with this thing though it's kind of weird yeah i don't know well let's just take i don't know c we'll take c it's fine zima won't notice yeah well no they're just in order and there's a gap now you will never know this you'll never know if it's a thing but dude at this point i can't be bothered i'm too hot and i'm too tired of building let's just go put the axolotl in the tank and call it a day dude all right let's go all right dude so we got the axolotl potentially the last piece of the puzzle here right because this thing isn't doing anything right now uh not at all actually it's making a lot of noise which is hurting my brain don't drown don't drop okay releasing the axolotl there we go uh oh you're about to drown well i thought he'd interact with the tridents or something dude like the schematic just it doesn't make any sense there's no information in the schematic at all so yeah i mean he looks really happy in here he's chilling yeah you know he's not doing anything i i don't know if he's happy um here where's the hole here here here here there it is um put the glass yeah is that it yeah is that it dude i i guess i have no idea he's just swimming there doing nothing well he he's kind of like approaching the tridents though is he well he was he's looking at them what is this oh look at him he's adorable dude i want to stroke him hold on okay well i'm mildly disappointed i'm not gonna lie like is that it is this a squid farm dude three days of grind for a axolotl in a giant tank with the noise machine on top of it bro i mean really why does this always happen to us this is why you never do anything that the viewers tell you doc they sent us a schematic we built the dang thing it doesn't do anything it's absolutely ridiculous man yeah although dude like at the very top of this thing they are like like in this redstone at the top here right there's channeling tridents there's like a lightning rod i mean isn't isn't this like this gotta have good have something to do with lightning or something on in minecraft right you're the technical guy does this look like a lightning thing i don't know man i mean it's just stridents they're hovering i don't know i mean it's channeling tridents but i don't know if if that work it makes no sense that would be some game glitch i mean makes no sense at all well channeling has got is like got lightning stuff about it the lightning rod is kind of the giveaway doc lightning rod right ah dude i don't know why i based i based with you because i thought i was basing with the redstone genius you know nothing bro i at least figured out it's a zero tick thing but i have no clue what it's supposed to do it's absolutely it i don't know i mean let's just let's stay down here a little bit and see if some squid spawn in there or something okay well it's gonna take a while i think i mean i just don't know what it's supposed to do it's just looking epic yeah well doug i mean i don't know what to tell you dude i've i've i'm disappointed i was hoping for explosions at the very least you know like a viewer had figured out some special trick with an axolotl well it's maybe it's getting night it's getting nighttime now okay let's maybe let's look at it during night maybe that changes something all right i mean it's a glorious view in the night not gonna lie it looks amazing it looks pretty amazing from all angles that's for sure yeah still going down is there squid in there no no dude there's no squid in there there's an axolotl and that's it okay listen i mean there's you have the lightning rod theory yeah so i mean the only way to see that is happening is pretty much if we had a thunderstorm but you know how it is right thunderstorms never happened on this server when was the last time there was a thunderstorm on the hill across i think like season five i have no freaking clue dude my ears my ears are exploding what is this it's so loud is occurring what is this madness um what the thunderstorm that we needed oh my god oh my goodness i'm close the noise up here is just mind-boggling okay okay i'm getting as far away from that thing as possible what on earth is going on okay well dude the viewers got us they definitely got us whatever the heck this thing is it is absolute insanity i mean a huge apology to the hermitcraft circle right now the noise must be insane what they must see this from everywhere what is it doing that's absolutely holy moly you can't get near it it's so long what is it doing oh careful dude what's going on oh my god dude what uh check it out the redstone lamps have turned on some sort of beacon action is just firing up through the middle of this thing bro is the world about to explode what on earth is this oh my goodness doc what have we done dude i mean i'm i'm sitting here with my jaw dropped bro i've i've never seen anything like that in minecraft in my life dude i know we're gonna do i i don't know i don't know can we turn it off is this this thing have an off switch it actually has wait a second i need to get close to the lightning don't no i can't no no i'm not going there we need to sleep we need to sleep to shut it off man it's nuts don't ride the lightning brother bro i made one heart okay we need to sleep man sleep sleep okay okay okay i'm sleeping all right oh my goodness doc what the heck was that dude order has been restored what the actual well the lamps are on the thing looks like it's been powered up now or something so yeah that's a thing let's investigate it yeah knock dude there's hermits everywhere the first thing is like a it's like a moth like you know like moths to a flame there's all over the place oh my god i think you can you could see it from everywhere yeah you definitely hear it from everywhere did anything happen to this thing the beacons got turned on which is awesome we've got this red beam going straight through the middle there's a book there's a book in there man wait where oh book on the floor yeah yeah dude i i don't i don't really want to touch it to be honest what is it what does it say yeah what do you guess huh what is it oh zero blah blah blah again one of these again bro dude this is nuts another one of the books again wait let's see if the axolotl lived i mean that thing hit like absolute madness dude the last time we got a book we had to go to azuma's base and do weird stuff so he's alive that's busy oh yes he survived he survived it hey bro you live oh look at him he's adorable wait wait he looks mildly terrified to be honest bro that's a different one what huh what it's a blue one man the one it's a blue oh it's a blue axolotl dude one thousand one into 1200 chance to get one yeah that's the rarest axolotl you can get right wow bro i think i'm gonna drown okay i found the hole dude that's insane this thing turned axolotl c into a blue axolotl what what in the name of all that is holy was this thing wait i think we should maybe activate our group chat there's so many hermits here wondering what the heck's going on man okay let's let's show you the group chat dude all what's it right sorry about that dudes my ears hurt we had no idea what this thing was it was a schematic sent to us by the viewers so blame the viewers we had nothing to do with it oh you just built a random schematic you listen to the viewers oh my god yeah we listen to the viewers i know it's a cardinal sin i'm just gonna go hang out with the goats now wow this one's blue you guys look very concerned up there bro i was i have no freaking clue what's going on it triggered some chain lightning or something so one thing's for sure whenever there's a thunderstorm on the server don't go near that thing oh my gosh that makes up for it thank you i have a steak um thank you but yeah sorry about that guys sorry for the fear everything's fine nothing to see here um okay there's a blue axe model up there now which is pretty cool that's so rare yeah rare that's awesome he's saying that lightning can create blue axolotls oh well apparently apparently now it looks like it yeah but hey feel free to go up there and breed it if you want to right yeah just don't do it i feel like i'm willing to all right well that was nuts in store many times soon again no your balls need to recover yeah i look forward to seeing you in my friend yes yeah we should ren it's glorious um boys and girls i i'm gonna have to love and leave you i need to go to the little boys room i'm gonna go sit in the outhouse for a while yeah okay that was quite okay under control yeah i pooped my pants a little bit yep all right later still just as confused as when i go all right this is the next day now you can see the tridents are still there they are not despawning so what happens here is the zero ticking of this piston makes it so the tridents um you know constantly hit the target with which is the lightning rod and constantly summoning lightning over and over and over and as they are moving they are constantly yeah kept in entity form and never collapsed to item form so they will never despawn and there you can not pick him up while they're moving like that you have to turn off the zero tick generator and yeah and then if there's a thunderstorm madness ensues man i'm slowly but surely starting to have fun with this craziness that is going on here all the time and yeah and with all the excitement we didn't even look at the book yesterday um so once again seems to be a binary code and this time um it stands for l 0.10110 binary l and once again it's the weird scrambled author so we have no clue who leaves us these books here but um yeah there is a connection starting to build right we have three of those books by now and yeah if you spell it together it is h e l hell where did i put the books oh yeah i have them in my wallet let me get them yeah there they are you know this is the first one second one and now the third one by the way i never used the netherride ingot we got from the last quest related to the books here and um yeah i thought we should make use of them and yeah i will put them on my boots you know make the crocs um immortal uh oh no wait yeah we need we need this bad boy here all right cool shoes upgraded nice ah fits nice color wise with the elytra maybe we should go get some more of that sweet sweet netherride but yeah i've been busy haven't had time to do that with doing this we have almost a shulker box we took a little bit um full of obsidian i mind uh one of the pillars in the end and that's uh the result of that it was not even the biggest one took the beacon with me you know and then he stood it but still took a long time and why do we need that well that's for our next big project we will start next episode it's gonna be somewhere out here roughly thereish and yeah and its gonna be a brand new shulker farm um design that is definitely doable for anybody and yeah uh el mango spent a lot of time on that with kate ender uh perfecting it and it's glorious it spits out 500 charcoal shells per hour and will be running 24 7 on the server doesn't have to be built in the spawn chunks to do that um it's epic can't wait to start that project i also you know have to yeah bow and armor sorter down in the octo chunk right i haven't had time this episode to show you um what's going on down there at all so let's have a quick peek and um yeah no next episode i can tell you about the details of the yeah set up but it's really cool let's have a quick peek before we wrap up the episode there was again crazy madness sometimes you can't believe what's doable in survival minecraft day so here it is i made a little extension resorting heads now and also some rotten flash and over there i have a stash of bows i picked a few to stitch me to get a decent bow for myself um where is it here that is wrens i think yeah that flamin waffle that's mine you know good bow i haven't used a bow in a while and yeah i also want to use those um for crafting uh dispensers of course and yeah there's a system right here it's pretty clever design using armor stands and what not to sort um yeah non-stackable items so we can sort armor pieces and we can sort bows and shovels and other weapons out so yeah i'll show you next time in detail how that works i think today there was enough craziness yeah wow what an episode again huh it's been a crazy ride that's for sure fun our hermitcraft oh yeah before i forget i should probably look into the book right oh my god right i almost forgot i almost forgot wait wait wait that's why we why we came here all right let's have a look [Music] okay [Music] new coordinates the new [Music] see you next time bye guys [Music] you
Channel: docm77
Views: 468,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boatempole, Hermatrix, hidden code, hermitcraft arg, hermatrix arg, minecraft arg, hermitcraft viii, hermitcraft 8, hermitcraft eight, hermitcraft s8, season eight, season 8, new hermitcraft season, hermitcraft 1.17, 1.17, minecraft, minecraft 1.17, hermitcraft first episode, first episode, new hermitcraft episode, caves and cliffs, docm77, docm, goat, rendog, hermitcraft new members, hermitcraft, hermitcraft docm77, goats, hermitcraft season 8, scar hermitcraft, copper farm, tegg
Id: mmziC8_wofg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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