DIAMONDS! (Minecraft Starblight Desert)

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This series has been great, hope they finish the map cause it's gonna be a long one if they do lol

It also sent me on a bit of a CTM playing spree and if anyone's interested themselves I'd super recommend this map, it's definitely more modern feeling and I'd recommend playing with keepInventory on, but wow is it good. Probably my favorite map since the OG Vechs' Super Hostile

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Zanian 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2023 🗫︎ replies

(It's been asked a fair bit now, so I'm going to comment this on every upload for clarity: Etho is not uploading his POV yet, and it will only be uploaded as a highlights reel. Beef is the only one uploading any other POV for now.)

I find it so funny how they went from just Leeroy Jenkins-ing it last episode, to playing as if their lives depended on it this episode. Team Canada knows no inbetween

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/camel-cultist 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2023 🗫︎ replies

I miss Pause. Hopefully he's back in an episode or two.

I do like that Etho & Beef have been taking things much slower. It means they won't advance too far without Pause too which I like.

It's amazing that there were zero deaths this episode. I'm so proud. =D

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/diamondelytra 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2023 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to another 33 percent less uh effective star blight deck in Canada yes that's right it's only 66 of Team 66.6 technically 66.66 and then infinity and stuff like that so anyway math aside uh Etho went and purchased a bunch of armor look at this all chain mail armor from our boy in the village I'm gonna be watching this leather yeah what was that we got backup gear for you know just in case something happens here not that much yeah why would it happen it never happens um I'm gonna put the the stone tools that I made in here in case you need them uh uh I think that's it I'm gonna Splash myself with a night vision potion too actually do you want to be splashed with me I would love that yeah okay here we go wait should we Splash CL not doesn't matter ready and ready oh awesome that got really bright I have a regen I'm gonna bring with me too just in case we need that later is it a splash potion to free chat yeah oh yeah nice okay so if you do a call out I'm setting it here okay so this is the blue wall okay yeah this is the blue wool uh should we continue to go on that bridge you know the the bridge where he broke that spawner probably okay let's go through there take our time here let's not rush let's not rush everything is fine this is the bridge right here there's another spawner near the end of this bridge oh I see it yeah yeah so I'm going to the night vision is awesome I know you can see everything though there's a gas spawner up there too yes there is it's spinning already isn't it you got a bow I do have a bow or do you want to go for it uh we gotta get rid of both spawners so yeah I can I can handle the boat let's take out that Skelly yep is there anything else that we can take out and let's regen before we go in wait should we check out that uh no yeah yeah let's go let's go you ready yes okay I'm gonna regen you thank you this is it this is it is a spider down there but I'll take care of him he's dead okay for spawner another spider oh there's a blue guys coming with the with a terrible uh hit things okay I'm gonna try to build up I'm good so far okay starting to get shot the Red Dawn spot snipers are around I'm taking them out as much as I can you could probably reach it now can I I think so I'm Blinded by the Light oh I see it up there okay okay let me take out the blue Dawn snipers oh no oh that guy yeah spawn her down nice I I there's blue Dawn snipers all around I'm trying to take them out but I only killed one of them there's also a Skelly down there stop moving okay it's fine so what you're saying is don't go down just be careful coming down I don't think any of them are on you right now what the oh there's a pillar there uh just fire into a pillar I I was blinded like oh that's gonna hit him and then the blindness went away and the pillar appeared we're forgiven okay that's skeleton is out there's the blue Dawn sniper oh he's aiming at me oh yeah he's coming for you uh oh I'm out of arrows there's no way I am out of arrows well we didn't have many that's true it's almost like we should make an arrow Farm [Laughter] you know I was kidding at first but you know it's actually not that bad yeah we might have to do that soon uh I'm gonna try and are you okay there or do you need my help I came back okay so I'm gonna try and um sort of make the brewing stand down there our way down here making our way downtown going fast and singing songs there is I don't know if there's anything any spawners in these these Towers look so suspicious right yeah yeah cover me hey there doesn't seem to be anything oh there's a chest in here a bunch of lapis and enchanting um bottles of enchanting so if they're doing that that means there's gonna be an enchanting table here somewhere for sure or they want us to make one right but at least the materials will be here they've got to be are you okay yeah yeah I'm just deep in thought okay I thought you were uh there's a spawner here taking it out down okay I think there's one in this Tower as well a Skelly one have you been lighting things up by the way no I know me too I completely forgot oh no the blue Dawn sniper okay Retreat Retreat first yep I have no bow so I cannot attack him I do have a shield though and a sword there's a few of them spawning yep there exactly I'm gonna see if I can sneak up on him yep he's attacking me now do you see him I see one of them I don't see the one on you okay don't worry I'll I'll take care of them I took one out oh oh I think I see where the spawner is though I'm gonna come come give you support oh my Shield's about to break where is he there he is oh okay they just spawned a bunch I'll try to break the spawner oh no I can't I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't I have to retreat oh I got knocked into their house okay I'm retreating people I got knocked into their house I don't want to be there I just want to be your friend why are they so fast in the water too oh they fought each other good good good did you see where the spawner was yes did you break it no I didn't have a chance oh come on not only do they hit hard their aim is impeccable okay I took one out is there more after you yes there's one and my my shield is pretty much yeah that's the one they seem to be about three hits okay if you take that one out I might be able to get to this spawner nope another two spawned we take out the spawner then yeah okay my name's good oh my goodness oh I've missed everyone okay let's go in let's go in you're ready oh I wasn't but oh he sees me on this side okay got him you're good spawner's broken nice oh there's another one behind here though oh goodness I got him you're good all right I picked up what wasn't good but I got him okay I picked up what was in that chest it's uh it's just um a potion of Leaping actually and then a bunch of uh uh potion making things like fermented spider eyes and Blaze powders and stuff plus I found more iron back here oh nice yeah this is good so I'm gonna mine up real quick what I got some stuff here as well torches and uh XP bottles okay okay yeah and over here is pretty good too because there's two full iron blocks oh awesome yeah so that's 18 iron right there now now beef don't waste this iron okay we're gonna need it yeah I'm the one who wastes the iron I'm also gonna mind this coal oh no I hear a stupid zombie like where are you even coming from I hear you I'm coming back with you all right I'm gonna go back to the um do you have a drop-off Spot the Station no I'm just gonna go back to the station okay I just feel more safe oh this place is not lit at all oh that's water [Laughter] oh oh okay surprise did we go in this Tower oh I guess we did uh yeah yeah I think we did yeah uh oh no we fully cleared it though I'm all turned around now I don't know if I'm going the right way I think it's this one yes yes this is the way all right going back to the station that was successful you know we're making progress you know it's not not the easiest thing but it's possible it is possible I'm gonna put this stuff in here so yeah a bunch more bottles of enchanting fermented spider eye the jump potion or the potion of Leaping which is interesting I got two Brewing stands from there too oops oh my dog's upset um he's mad about the skeletons too I think so okay okay hey hey buddy hey shut up I think that worked Excuse me while I go beat the crap out of him I'm just kidding oh no I don't see that no no no I would never all right there's the Iron by the way do you see this in here yeah two blocks and seven oars uh sure that will stay there you're gonna make the most useless stuff out of that art actually I ever play around with tripwire as me they are amazing you're gonna make trip wipes out of all the things I'm actually going to use some of the iron to make another pick because my pick is pretty close to Broken did I never give you the power tubo no you never did uh it's behind you thanks oh boy appreciate it I don't even have any arrows though so I can't really do much with a power Tuple now probably come in handy earlier though I can give you four arrows Shield because my shield is absolutely broken you gave me four arrows thanks buddy yeah that's all I had that's gonna come in real Handy why do these where do they keep coming from I don't know so annoying okay I think we're ready to go back in there do you want to bring this splash potion of regen with us or no yeah yeah take that with you I got a instant healing too on me okay I'm just making sure I have a little bit of food not too much oh the potion of Leaping I'll leave behind and then the iron I'll leave behind and the rest of this stuff oh lapis I'll leave behind okay all right yeah loudest is important yeah take that Splash I'll take the splash potion of healing unless you already did you say you had one on you I got one too yeah okay then I won't take it then we gotta be careful here we're doing good these mushrooms actually yeah there's mushrooms everywhere in there so it shouldn't be the regular ones yeah I've seen yeah Brown and red ones in there okay so do you want to continue going in the same direction like the bridge and moving forward I feel like it wants us to go up maybe but I'm not sure oh we could do that too like I'm good to go wherever um I'm not sure what the the path is though let's see what happens so far like it looks like it wants us to go up here and then there's the bridge oh a Charged Creeper spawner yeah you know what I'm gonna try to dig to it I'm gonna block this off I think I saw where it was and I'm gonna block myself off here is this hold on is this mushroom blocks that I'm breaking yeah yeah it's brown everywhere oh nice we just don't have the red ones right all right so where did I see that creeper spawner it was over here man the spiders have oh I see okay that can't be a natural spider what do you mean the natural spider he had strength oh creeper spawner is broken at least one of them I don't know if there's more I'm gonna go ahead and take this guy out oh yeah there's a spider spawner here I'm sure of it I just can't see it I'm gonna check up above here maybe okay I'm I'm currently trying to take out this Charged Creeper oh yeah there's a nasty spawner here yes okay it's gone I got the spawner up here let's see if there's another one in this direction oh sir okay there are charged creepers everywhere over here I'm sure you've given given them plenty of time was that some sort of an insult no I was just saying it's you've been there a while so of course I I took one out already lasted I just don't know how many there are and it's hard to see because I'm digging in walls here uh I'm Gonna Keep I think that might be like the wool then I think I think so yeah it looks like there's a tunnel going should I come down oh no yep yep you can come down oh where where are they coming from I think there's another one come on you see him right the blue scale you guys are back yep yeah I see that spawner too I just can't get to it right oh you do now yeah oh how did he come on the shield you gotta be kidding me this Shield is up this game needs to fix itself there's so many creepers in there now spot Chargers guys okay I'm taking them out you're spotting lots of things there's like all kinds of spawners right here you know what it's too bad okay I'm just saying okay like I'm gonna I'm gonna continue to dig around oh I gotta punch three oh punch one power three bow but it's almost broken I'm coming in here with you I gotta see what this is all about yeah if you look under that I see the spawner yeah I got it wait you got the blue the skeleton one the charge creeper oh good God good I'm making my way to the blue skeleton one okay good a couple of them have spawned though I can see their stupid names but their names are actually helping me locate the spawner oh there's a there's a bummer here too box box body over here gotta be over here there it is yeah I see those charged creepers there's another scaly spawner on my side here okay I just don't know how to take it out let that let's kind of stick together maybe yep you're not over here where are you no I'm on the other side how are they not shooting you because I'm in the wall oh you know what's great about them actually they spawn arrows or they drop arrows I should say oh true uh I think I broke well I did break it I don't know if there's any more there probably is I'm Gonna Keep going here are you okay by yourself on that side so far okay every once in a while I'm gonna peek in here hear stuff dying that might be you oh okay there's a this is a nasty spot I see a bunch of potions being launched yeah oh you're actually in there here I was being all careful oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you see what's up charge creeper over there but I also broke a spawner but be careful he might be coming I got him he's dead nice the the spawners on the other side there you see it I broke it it was behind the chest two diamonds oh okay that's for enchanting right I should go back right yeah well or leave them in there until we're ready to take them out oh I already took it out well you can put it back in okay there's no rules against that but there's creepers everywhere I get really worried I killed them okay gulp down below there's a lot of nasty stuff though I tell you wait a second what's up there is the blue is the wool up there there's like blueness I think it's down there okay you see where all the guys are yeah down there all right all right that's fine well things are things are moving and shaking this would be a great spot for lava if we have it I know that's a great Point let's just go Oh I thought I just saw you jump down like a maniac four-way intersection hmm so should we just staircase down a little at a time to try and get that those spawners I would say yeah let's go down above the spawners and put a torch down okay maybe uh but be careful because I think they can shoot if they're the skellies no these are the ax guys are they yeah yeah I got myself kind of lit put that there all over you I don't think I can reach that one but maybe I can oh you're gonna try to break it yeah I guess it's probably the marriage uh this makes me so nervous this kind of stuff though if you fall down there you're just dead got one okay these guys have extreme targeting too yeah like they they don't move around once they find you they just stay on you did you make your way uh oh you're still trying to break that spawner yeah all the guys are on me right now and I'm just attacking them with my sword makes sense I'm gonna and go down yeah they will for sure I'm gonna go down this way and see if there's anything I can sort of gather any sort of Intel oh my goodness if you fall down there don't try to fight them just try to retreat because they have so much health oh there's a chest there interesting uh there's a chest up here then used up a full sword on these guys oh it's probably below that okay oh man um oh hold on hold on I found two more golden apples and a weapon that says Cinder fire aspect three I don't even know what this thing is sounds good it looks like a lightsaber oh it's I think it's a retextured um uh uh Blaze Rod here let me show you okay where are you at you're down there yeah look at this thing oh cool here you can take my sword it's a stone sword but it has enchantment enchantments on it do you think that thing actually does damage though it says it does seven attack damage okay yeah it's yeah so decent somewhat decent but it's got It's got fire aspect three on it okay right a little nervous about that why because you're gonna set the zombies on fire then they're gonna set you on fire oh no that's fine I don't know if you see where I am but there's a spotter right below me yeah I was able to reach mine you can't reach yours they're I'm killing all the mobs I see okay come on my last one I think or last two like literally fighting them for two minutes here okay just um just to Kill Them All should I okay they're all dead can you break it Bonner's out nice okay is it safe to go down there though I still hear a zombie it might be a regular one though yeah I got it locked I think I'm gonna go down the other side and see if there's anything further in that tunnel because I was able to break the spawner but I don't know if there's if the tunnel keeps going anywhere I think it does ouch okay oh have you walked down here or not no no no no not yet there's stairs here though this this makes me nervous okay there are stairs over here and then oh you're walking yeah yeah we're good we're good we're good what's in the other rooms though I haven't checked it they're this one's empty I already got it this is okay oh this was the way down I see yeah this one was just the chest with the cinder on it okay and so this one has a way also to go back right so I'm guessing these lead to the same place these two probably so should we um pick one yeah which one you want to do we'll find out in the next episode oh snap hope you guys enjoyed it see you next time we're doing it I don't think we even died once this episode dude uh I'll take your word for it I didn't I still have my leather armor on oh yeah yeah cool we're good we're good okay thanks for watching see you next time Etho loves you your family and your uh uh that's it okay bye bye
Channel: VintageBeef
Views: 41,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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