I Built a Cherry Blossom Village in Minecraft Hardcore

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I've decided to transform the cherry blossom biome into a massive Village that will put every other pathetic Village to shame to do that though we need to find a spot to build it okay this looks perfect like all good cities the first step to building them is tearing down every tree in sight yeah much better all right so I've set up this little base in the valley and now it's time to get building so I made this sketch of what I want the village to look like I think I want to start with this building in the back first I'll be turning it into a smelting and processing building to help get the others built the first thing we need to do is map out where the foundation's going to be I'm gonna use a mix of stone and andesite for the foundations and the roadways inside the village okay so now the foundation is done it's time to start building I haven't really figured out how I'm gonna build this yet but I found this picture on Google I liked and I'm gonna try and build it alright so I like how the bases going so far but it's a bit too much wood I think I'd like to replace these pillars with something [Music] yeah I think I like that a bit better I'm gonna replace all of them around with that all right so this is our start and now we gotta figure out where to go from here I began using some of the spruce what I had collected earlier to build up the frame of the Interior something I've noticed a lot with Japanese buildings is that they have these little supports and random designs on the outside so I started playing around with some trap doors and stairs see if I could recreate some of them I was getting bored of my block palette so I decided to smelt down some terracotta and use its glaze versions I've never built with these before so this is either going to look awful or super cool alright now we have a first layer done and this is super important you see something I've noticed with the architecture is that these buildings are the exact same thing stacked on top of each other all I have to do is repeat it up and up until I get to my desired height big brains all right so at this point we should probably put a roof on this thing to recreate the roof from the picture we'll need to mess around with some designs first nope nope nope nope I like this one it has a nice woo to it this was probably the trickiest part of the build I kept breaking and retrying things but I finally found something I was somewhat satisfied with all right now that layer one is finished time to repeat it all the way to the top [Music] okay well aside from the emotional pain of sitting here for six hours placing blocks I like some pizza I'd say I'm in some pretty good shape so now that the exterior is done let's get the interior finished as well [Music] and that's it smelting and processing building is done huh I look so lonely alright so the next thing I want to work on is the gate to get into the valley now for those of you small brains who think there's an issue with having a mountain in between your front door and your house you've clearly never heard of high grid explosives before but we'll worry about nuking the mountain later for now let's clear an area for the gate to be built Boop do it [Music] that went well okay so we'll stir it at this corner then over here it's probably a wide enough yeah that'll be one you know I'm looking at it and I feel like I want to make it bigger [Music] oh my goodness this is taking forever all right so now we got some black stone out I want to accent it here yeah fairly at the side yeah I like it now let's build it up a little okay I want to try let's take out this middle column I'm gonna try putting either red Terracotta Red concrete at the middle okay yeah that makes it stand out a lot more so let's try the concrete and see what that looks like yeah I like that that's gonna stand out a lot more when it's finished okay so now we gotta duplicate this design on the other side [Music] off my gate now to do the roofs of either side of the gate I've pulled up real schematics and images of Japanese games and I'm gonna try and copy a similar design to this one only mine's not white and not enough forest and it doesn't have statues of dog all right so it's taken what are you doing down there out of my gate I don't like you all right now it's time to do the middle portion all the way up there [Music] and now we finish the gates [Music] foreign [Music] all right now we just have to dig a giant hole right to the center of the mountain I'm just kidding we're gonna blow it out but we're gonna need a few things to get that done oh there's a thing there oh there's five hoglands this is your problem okay fine we'll go mining for the debris [Music] well that was painful now that we have our supplies it's time to build our tunnel boards you see rather than mining a giant tunnel by hand like a peasant these tunnel boards use TNT it's launched onto ancient debris and explodes the debris is immune to TNT and can be pushed by our flying machine to press forward as the TNT explodes and now in the it doesn't work [Music] what did I do wrong oh I think it works aha this is sick this is gonna save so much time all right so to make this a bit quicker I made two of them [Music] I just did that for a transition um play the next clip all right so now that we put a giant hole right through the middle of the mountain let's clean it up a little bit and yeah all right that's better this should make it a lot easier to work with and build inside okay so I'm thinking we take this design put it over there ear and bear then we'll put giant pillars in the middle that'll hold up the cave no idea if it'll look goodbye I'm gonna try it foreign okay now that we have the template down I think we need to go and get some green warped wood from the nether we can fill that in as the backdrop oh oh that's that's lava that's lava oh that's what I'm looking for oh okay okay let's try not to die and now it's time to just grab a little bit of wood foreign [Music] nothing feels better than some good old deforestation all right first we gotta clear out this little area behind here all right so now that we have the background filled out I want to fill it this green wood I feel like it's either gonna look good or Dreadful what do you want oh yeah that's right run boy I mean I kind of like it I think I'll have to see the full thing with it but two hours later all right so it's not looking too shabby I'm thinking in every one of these slots we can put a different Japanese word but I have no idea what to write there yet so for now let's deal with the roof as it's uh it's looking a little rough my first thought is to put red concrete everywhere and maybe accent it with some black no idea if that'll look good but I'll go grab some all right to make this a bit easier I've come up with a plan if I make a trapdoor then I place it in a Nook like this stand here and right click it it'll sink me to only one block tall this way I only have to mine out of one high space and I just take out the floor it'll save me a bit of time since I won't have to mine two layers at a time [Music] okay okay now that we got the banners going down each side I want to try like a spider pattern I like it it's very basic but I think it'll work for the ceiling oh we just gotta copy it all the way to the end where are you getting this dirt from why are you pranking into my tunnel get out oh Emerald oh right now wow so I capped off all the pillars I think they look a bit better now I also added some detail to the ends of these I think I think if I double it yeah and then I'll rise it up go away talking to the camera I'm gonna double it and get all the way to the ceiling and see what that looks like oh I like this the alternating pattern okay I just gotta paste it onto everything that's gonna take a while and there she is the tunnel is completed you know thinking about it a tunnel should probably lead to something as of right now if you were to walk out the other side of this tunnel here would fall to your immediate death I should probably fix that some of this let's go this way a little why not I have no idea if each segment is even but I'm just winging okay that looks bad all right so to try and save these stairs I'm Gonna Fill in the sides I took an inspiration for these builds from absolutely nowhere I was completely winging it and had no idea if it would look good and with that being said I present you stairs [Music] hey all right now that we have a way into the valley it's time to get back to building the village the next building I want to construct is a huge library with tons of space for my enchanted books and my enchanting table with a rough plan in mind I started building okay I'm um I'm out of blocks well then we got some more okay so the first block we need is andesite did you have a baby okay first thing we need is and design all right I need like 800 endocytes so this could take a while all right so that should be enough and to sight um what do I get out of here all right so now we need like um 8 000 of these blocks yeah let's go yeah all right that's probably enough we just need a couple more things from base now we just have one more issue before we can start you see we need like 2500 prismarine just for this build and if I try and mine it like this all right this is working a lot better than I originally planned it working oh that I might run into a bit of an issue oh I'm gonna die oh we're good now we rain like 10 temples and mine them all manually or we could build a slaughtering house and mercilessly kill thousands of Guardians and harvest their scales to be made into blocks humanely of course first thing we need to do is kill the Elder Guardians right that's one oh hello number two all right and that was three now to farm Guardians efficiently we're gonna have to use the nether you see the Overworld caps the amount of mobs in a single area at a 70. and since we want thousands of Guardians spawning per minute we need to get around that the minute above enters the nether however the mob cap and the Overworld resets to actually pull this off we need to make a Max size nether portal at 23 blocks long then using easy block to mine we construct a 21x17 area on either side of the platform this will capture a majority of the spawn points the Guardians regenerate from using fence gates and water we create a stream that flows into the nether portal and add a small well around the edges lastly to persuade the fish to swim into the nether portal and give their lives to serve as building blocks we place Soul Sand all over the base of the temple Soul Sand creates bubble columns underwater and will force the Guardians to swim up and then be pushed through the nether portal now we just need to construct a humane way to extract the scales once the Guardians go into The Nether and to do that we're gonna burn them alive all right we build little circles around the portal like this and it will enable the Guardians to fall through it after I eat them through the other side some campfires for the Guardians to fall onto then we place some Hoppers like this to collect the drops then we surround the base like this so the Guardians don't flop out and now we commit genocide alright so I've sat here for a couple hours now it's time to see how much prismarine we got okay this might have been a bad idea okay well it's the only way we can get through so no no okay redo redo redo take two everything's fine things are not fine um um um a few M's later all right so we mainly just need the prismarine shards for now make them into bricks all right that should be enough bricks for the second building now we need to get back home I'm using stairs and trap doors again around the edges because well they look cool I'm gonna have the roof dip out a lot more from the frame than the last one I don't want every building to be small and skinny and I think this one's gonna look cooler anyway yeah it's nice let's finish it off [Music] all right so the outside of the library is done but this looks kind of awful it's just two random buildings sitting across from each other so let's build a road to connect them to make the path look worn in I'm gonna play stairs here and there the little air gaps they leave make it look like the road's been walked on a lot oh yeah that actually looks a lot better all right now we gotta decorate the interior only I have no idea what to do there's like every build I've ever done all right something like this maybe maybe I could find a design from like actual I kind of like the sliding door designs going I wonder I wonder if we could do something with slabs all right I'm thinking we do like a little privacy screen right here I kind of like it what if we alternated all slabs and then we do one with stairs and slabs yeah I like it let's do that all the way up I spent a bit of time on the walls trying to decorate them so they didn't look so plain since it's a library let's play some bookshelves okay now we need an area to enchant I've always liked the idea of Enchantment tables sort of sunk into the ground like a wine cellar for all the OCD people there you go all right and with that the library is complete [Music] I wanted to test out some ideas so I built smaller houses behind the library to film the area a little this project has literally taken so long and I still have the main Mega structure to build and a bunch of others to put this in perspective I've managed to watch nearly every season of Naruto during this build there are 27 Seasons but anyway I want to film the other side of the valley with houses before we get to the main structure however we have a slight issue I've um running a cherry wood now I could go hunting for another biome DeForest it and return home but I think I'll take the more environmental route we're gonna make an automatic tree farm that bit just took like 30 minutes to film hmm apparently there are none for 1.20 yet I wonder what would happen if we built one that was designed for oak trees and then just planted cherry blossom saplings [Applause] yeah works like a charm with the resources gathered I started on the new section of the village okay so I think it's best if this time we put Pathways first before we make the buildings This way everything connects a lot nicer with the pathways finished I began framing where we were going to put down the new houses I'll show you I'll build you a house that you'll be begging me to live in no I'm not sure why a donkey gave me this much motivation but for the next six hours I said absolutely nothing and just built all of the smaller buildings follow a similar pattern in style to the larger ones I would have liked to create more variety but I had spent over a hundred hours already on designing and building these things so I just didn't have the time alright the left side is complete and with that I present you the village nearly complete [Music] what's left is the Mega structure in the center of the village and some smaller ones around oh boy let's start with the small ones first my original drawing showed buildings on the Mountainside so I picked a spot to overlook the city and began building [Music] these structures to be tall enough so they be seen from the village so I spent a little longer than I should have you know even though that took nine hours I'm glad we put those there now I just need to curl open a ball and die but now we gotta focus on the main building of the village I want two things to be part of this build first it has to be way bigger and cooler than the others and second I want a dragon like on on the building hugging it I want to put it smack dab in the middle only there's a couple things in the way it should be a big enough area to do it now let's figure out where the foundation's gonna be oh right so that's about how big I want to make it and then it's gonna go way up there when I started this project I had no idea how crazy it would be to actually build I spend countless hours mining tree farming drinking way too many energy drinks and barely any of that made it into the video but you know as I spent the last 10 hours building the town hall it felt like every hour I spent somehow stored in one of the greatest builds I had ever done thank you [Music]
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 115,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 1.20, cherry blossom, minecraft cherry wood, cherry farm, minecraft hardcore, wadzee, cherry blossom biome, I Transformed the Cherry Blossom Biome into a Village in Hardcore Minecraft, minecraft update, minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft cherry blossom, cherry blossom house minecraft
Id: GTX9W4NjZro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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