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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you something really cool now Mike my friend zombie has gone it and invited us to a very strange place where I'm not really sure he wants us to do hello mark my friend is on beep what's going on today why have you invited us this is out to be nice plays is there something going on hello in a vide I was recently with some scientist who are trying to find a way to get rid of some dangerous monsters wait you weren't the science labs again mark every time you go there something really strange happens you have to stop going there they have found one solution turning them all into structures spawn them and tell me what you think in joy wait so the scientists have created some spawn --is that turned the dangerous mobs into structures mark there's gonna be so crazy whatever you have inside this chest I can't wait to figure out what it is you guys ready for this here we go 3 2 1 spoilers wait a second mark has given us a creeper spawner and also a wolf spawner this is gonna be so strange so mark you telling me if I spawn these things they'll turn into giant structures well there's only one way to figure this out you guys ready for this here we go 3 2 1 whoa this is so cool mark are you seeing this this is so crazy so we seem to have spawned a giant creeper let's go side game-mode 1 and let's go see what this crazy thing looks like nice yep this is one way of the scientist getting rid of all these evil creatures okay let's go side its head and let's figure out what is inside you guys ready open up good hello is anyone live inside maybe we can make this a wonderful home that'll be so cool ok let me get out some doors so I'm gonna get out doors and perfect and let's get spawning because I call my talk she's going these crazy things okay I'm gonna do one door here and one door there and then we can actually make this a wonderful home I'm gonna get out some beds so let's get out beds I do need a lime bed and also a green bed this is gonna fit in perfectly with this creeper I'm into a lime bed on this side good and then also Dokka bed on that side mark look I've one bed for me and one bed for you Mike it's gonna be so cool and let's not forget we have so much more furniture to spawn I'm getting out some lime couches or so a green couch and then a black couch you guys ready for this the lime one the green one and also the black one on this side nice this is gonna be so crazy let me check all these inside and I'm gonna get out hmm we do need some tables I'm gonna get out the jungle table with mmm Oh some lamps these lamps are gonna be so cool a green lamp and also a white lamp and let's get spawning I'm into one on this side one on this side one here and then one there and then let's not forget the lamp which we have to turn on wait no no no no good and then also the white one no good and then also one on this side perfect and then one on this side those creepers did any of you guys hear that that's so crazy guys comment down below which animal you prefer the creeper or the wolf it will be so cool to find out comment down below and I would love to know and we can never forget the jungle hedges so I'm gonna get at 1 and 2 there we go so I'm gonna spawn some on this side some on this side and let's just keep on going up because we got to keep this or so green good and perfect nice and what else do we have hmm we do have so much more stuff to put outside so let's go downstairs and let's get spawning I'm gonna spawn let me give it up this side good good good and perfect and let's gets born in the kitchen I'm gonna get out the fridge also let's see what else the oven also what else do we need in a kitchen I don't really know what goes inside a kitchen this is crazy also a washing machine a kitchen counter and also basin and also a dishwasher and we can never forget some awesome stools I merely out the green one and also the other darker green one I was born the fridge the dishwasher the kitchen counters and then also the sink and then the dishwasher on this side perfect and then also I want stores here and there's some stores there nice this fits in so perfectly and let's not forget some more kitchen counters on this side huh what a nice little kitchen we have I don't really know what else to do on this side many people can actually spawn some floors or something or maybe we should have a straight head and actually spawn the next one which is the wolf hey you guys ready let's get going mark I'm gonna spawn the next one I can't wait to see what this one's gonna look like you guys ready for this here we go three two one where is it where is it nice oh it's so cute mark have you seen this this is so cute okay let's go inside and let's see we can actually build something right in the middle oh yeah as we can this is gonna be so cool okay I know exactly what I'm gonna do I need a fireplace okay let's get at the fireplace which i think is right around here there we go and let's also get out the mantelpiece we'll do one and then two and then also the fire pit oh come on can we do the fire pit no we can't I have a think that's gonna burn that word there we go a little chimney and let's also get out some beds we do need a white bed and also what else Oh a red bed for the collar okay mark you gonna be sleeping with me again let's do the white bed and also the red bed nice and we need some side cabinets so let me get out some of those crazy things we need a white one and also a dark one so I'm gonna put the dark one on this side and then also the white one on that side nice and we need some lamps we can never be too careful with these awesome lamps okay I'm gonna get out a white one and also the red one perfect okay I'm gonna spawn the red one on this side there we go and then a white one on this side lets on and on nice this is gonna be so crazy and so first a white one a grey one and also a red one nice I would put this right around this side the white one and also the red one ah wonderful mark you can see with me on this wonderful couch it's gonna be so cool later and ride around on the other side I'm gonna go ahead and actually put the TV so let's get a TV out good and also some tables we need and the - hi right chair and also the died right table nice one two three and then the chairs on this side and this side and in the TV vide in the middle villager news man discovered circle in Minecraft defines all logic have a blind spot sit in the woods what mark what you out have a blind is gonna come out tonight mark be very careful and what else can we do to this house let me check over this inside and maybe we need a bathroom because the other house doesn't have one between the toilets a base in a bath and also some wall cabinets and it's rusty Ben where should we do this can we go outside and see where we can do this maybe the toilet has to be upstairs that was so cool okay let's do the toilet right here the basin right here then the bath on this side and then also some wall cabinets which I don't really know what to do I'll do the bin right there and let me see hmm maybe we need some warm so let's get some wall nice and let's get building you guys ready for this whoa whoa and there we go nice and let's also do one there and one there it's gonna be so crazy wait me bring get out a mirror that's gonna be so cool okay do one here one there and perfect and then we do mirror mirror and then on this side one there and then one right here and good and let's do mirror and mirror there is so crazy this is the best toilet I've ever been on ah nice flush that that is so disgusting well well let's go actually back inside and let's get going well this is gonna be the craziest house I've ever built and what else can we do to this house we have so many cool things that I want to actually build everything let me see what else I can do I do want to go outside and build some awesome like trampolines some awesome outdoor furniture maybe even like a grill that was so nice and a wonderful doormat okay let's get going mark if you want to join us you truly care okay let's get out and perfect and I'm gonna put a doormat right around here to do 100 let's do wolf done and let's also do creeper it's a wolf peeper nice oh and we need a doorbell here we go doorbell doorbell doorbell good we're gonna do one on this side and one on this side so if you'd like creepers you press this Bell and if you like wolves you press the other Bell yes awesome and let's do trampolines around here one two three good no good and perfect yes we're so cool but it is getting fully dark now guys so I do have to actually go ahead and go to bed so let's get going with the outdoor tables nice and let's also put the outdoor benches one two three four five six and then also the grill round this side nice well guys it's been such a crazy day I'm gonna actually have to go ahead and go to bed now I don't really know if Mars gonna join me later on oh it was gonna see beside the creeper house well guys think it's not watching I will see you soon another crazy Minecraft video and don't forget to comment down below if you love wolves or creepers more it'll be so cool to find out so guys I'll see you soon and don't forget give this video a huge thumbs up subscribe and also press the notifications bell and we'd love to give a shout out to this wonderful person thanks so much for pressing notifications about so guys I'll see you soon and peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 1,346,219
Rating: 4.6819329 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creeper, wolf, wolves, house, mod, mods, minecraft creeper, creeper minecraft, minecraft creeper mod, creeper mod, minecraft wolf, minecraft wolf mod, wolf mod, wolf mod minecraft, minecraft house, house minecraft, house mod, house mod minecraft, minecraft house mod, mod minecraft, minecraft mod, mods minecraft, minecraft mods
Id: eTW2uIPzrFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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