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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today marco funny zombie has gone ahead and invited us to enjoy some wonderful droppers now the scary thing about this is that every single dropper is from a different dimension so today me and my best friends are gonna go ahead and figure out which ones are easy and which ones are hard mark are you ready for this i think it's gonna be such an awesome day well guys the first one is the overworld says go ahead and figure out what it looks like oh cool perfect i'm so happy you're here with us mark so let's go figure out what we have to do oh is that it we're just gonna jump ahead into the water and survive this yes that is so easy a microphone zombie has gone ahead and made it as well so i want to go ahead and figure out what the next one's going to be that one was just way too easy so guys let's go inside the mine which i think is going to be very scary mark what do you think about this one i have a feeling this one is going to be a little bit different to the last one but it's got something to do with the underworld okay i have a feeling we have to jump through here and i don't see any water no oh there's the water i think i see it right at the bottom so let's go and try this out again do you know what i'm gonna push mark down see you later mark let me go and join him i don't think he's gonna like us after that and perfect i'm so happy we made this next one well i think these so far have been pretty easy mark what do you think have they been easy or have they been quite difficult i don't think he's enjoying the water whatsoever so let's go ahead go inside the next one and figure out what it's gonna be oh the forest this one is gonna be perfect so let's go ahead and find out where the water is let's see oh it's right down there so let's go to this side and let's jump in mark get ready and watch out for the lily pad i think we hit it ourselves okay let's try this out for another time i think microphone zombie failed as well which makes us feel very nice and perfect good i'm so happy we made it well let's go ahead go to the next dropper and figure out what it's gonna be mark these so far have been super easy and i'm pretty happy that you've only died a few times it seems like every single time we die you die so you gotta stop following us well let's go into the snow dimension cool now this one looks very similar to the last one and i do see loads of snowballs everywhere but i don't see any water so wherever it is let's go figure it out anything wait so the snowballs are land as well mark you've got to be very careful with this i'm just gonna jump down and try and figure out where this water is oh there we go it's the cobwebs okay i think i know what we have to do now mark we're not looking for water anymore we're looking for cobwebs so i'm gonna jump down i'm perfect we pretty much failed that one really badly and let's keep going and jump down again and let's do this ah it takes up such a big space even though the snowballs are really tiny it pretty much stands out so much and perfect good mark how did you make that you didn't even land in the cobwebs ah mark is just such a weird zombie so let's keep on going we still got so many more to do it seems like this one is the mushroom biome so let's go figure out what it's going to look like can you see any water oh wait i think i do it's right down below here here we go i'm perfect we made it in one go mark where are you oh there he is he seemed to have missed the water but survived somehow i have a feeling he's just got so much health he just won't die from any of those falls well let's keep on going we've done so many so far and the next one is the nether i think this is gonna be so cool now we have to choose jump in lava or jump in lava now i'm assuming one of them is water but i do see lava particles jumping from both so mark let's just take it nope uh are we dying okay we're definitely dead on this one let's go and do this one then hopefully it is this one oh good we made it there's more okay i don't think we've survived that one so it was the one away from the chest and perfect and let's just fall straight down and see what happens nope definitely not the one straight down so let's do this mark be very careful i know how much zombies hate lava okay let's jump inside ah maybe it's not that one either we're kind of forgetting which ones it was we have to be very careful what okay maybe we chose the wrong one okay let's do this again here we go down we go and perfect and i'm gonna choose the one right over here ah it's gonna be so difficult okay not that one there's this one over here so let's do this i'm trying to figure out which one is the one we need to jump in but it's just well too difficult we just die so many times and microphone funny zombie just joins us whenever we do die okay i think i've got the hang of it now so let's go and try this out i've had to die so many times and because of this yes i knew we were gonna do it ah because of it we were able to figure it out eventually which took forever but i'm just so happy to be out of it huh mark i'm so happy we both survived that one that was one of the most challenging ones we could have ever done okay let's go to the next one which is the ocean every single one of these biomes has such a crazy dropper now i think i see it down below so let's just go and give it a shot okay no okay let's go around this side and i believe we should get down a little bit and then jump through here we go perfect oh this one's going to be really challenging the tunnel gets smaller and smaller and i don't think we might be able to survive this okay let's jump through i'm perfect keep going okay there's the water i see it we're so close right now so maybe if i just jump like this down we might be able to survive oh okay maybe maybe that's the way here we go let's try this out i'm perfect ah that was so cool mark quickly get out the water before you drown well let's make it to the next one ah perfect do you know what mark this has been crazy so far we've done almost i'd say 15 droppers it's been absolutely crazy well let's go to the slime world and figure out how to do this so it seems like we've got to jump down to the bottom and let's have a look oh we gotta jump inside that's perfect but if we don't make it on the first round we gotta go ahead jump in the lava and die well mark i'll see you at the top okay let's try this out one more time this one is actually really cool now let's look far down and perfect let's jump but we don't want to jump too far away and good oh we were so close okay let's go and do this one more time this is just crazy having to make it through slime is actually really challenging well let's try this out one more time so we jump down perfect watch out and good and we jump in we're so close again let's just keep on trying i'm pretty much sure we've almost done this yes ah that was so cool we did it okay let's climb up these vines and figure out what there is so it seems like to complete the level we can go right here oh good for a second i thought that was a trick well these have been super cool so far and you know what i'm actually pretty happy they're pretty easy to do the spooky dimension okay let's go inside and it's completely full of soul sand and i can't see a thing but let's jump down oops i don't think maybe we're supposed to make that let's keep going oops what does it say jump it will be fine okay do you know what i trust it here we go yes that was so much fun i can't believe we actually trusted it but it seems like ah we found an ink sack okay i guess that's a pretty decent reward but it seems like everyone that dies ends up here well let's get out of here and i think the next one is right at the end ah so far these have been absolutely amazing but some of these droppers are so scary but the next one is the end okay let's see i have a feeling we have to jump is that the water there i i can't see oh there we go i think i see it ah it was so close mark be careful of the shulkers it's a pretty much a challenging one perfect oh we were so close make sure not to go inside the portal if not the whole game will finish perfect and oh we're so close again do you know what this was actually not a very hard one i'm not sure if the shulkers were meant to make it difficult but so far it's been all right i'm not sure if maybe we're cheating or something but i haven't done anything to go ahead and do that perfect good i'm so glad we made this do you know what i'm pretty happy there's no enderdragon anywhere nearby well let's do this the next one is the pad dimension from popular mmos okay let's go and figure this one out oh okay i have a feeling some of these aren't actually water oh oh yes i think i see it it is the one right in front okay let's jump through and perfect yep it is that one right there we've got to be careful though because some of them are lapis lazuli so we have to be very very sneaky um is it cheating if we jump on here um i'm not sure i don't think we're supposed to do that but let's just jump down anyways try make it inside the water and we still failed let's try it out yes we did it mark i can't believe it every single time we jump through it's actually really challenging wait all this time and there was different spots of water i've been trying to just jump in that little one this whole time ah this has been absolutely challenging well let's go to the next one which is the gen dropper this is gonna be so cool cool it's so beautiful down here okay let's see there might be a floor somewhere we have to fall through straight in the middle let's have a quick look oops okay we're kind of failing this one let's keep on going i have a feeling maybe we don't even have to move oh mark that was so quick and so easy and we also got another ink sack okay let's keep on going this has just been super fun and really challenging but it seems like the next one is the pink dimension cool so it seems like we have to maybe avoid this jump on to these okay did that do anything nope nothing at all okay let's see i have a feeling maybe we're supposed to land in this water around here but i don't know how we're supposed to get that chest it's very confusing okay let's just keep on going hopefully we can make this here we go and yes we did it okay i think we made it but i'm not really sure what these buttons are for but look the chest is now gone from up there this is very scary wait what happened mark did you know that was gonna happen okay be very careful i'm getting out of that one straight away but it seems like the next one is the redstone dimension and let's go ahead and figure this out so it seems like when we make it oh okay we jumped down and i don't think we're supposed to do that but we made it i'm pretty happy well mark be very careful this is going to be very confusing all the time but we've got to make sure we survive it oh i think we did it but let's have a quick look anything we can use nope nothing okay let's go and do this let's get out of here and figure out what the next drop is gonna be so far we've almost done them there's about six more droppers we need to go and do but it seems like the next one is the villager dropper look there's so many of them but i have a feeling the only way we can make this is if we jump straight on that ladder right there okay let's go try this out it's gonna take quite a few tries but i'm pretty much sure we should be able to eventually do it see we've got to make it right there and then we've done it here we go yes i can't believe it that took so many tries but you know what i'm pretty thankful we were able to survive this wait could we have gone on to the cobwebs as well okay this is a very hard one i thought this was a very confusing one but i'm pretty happy we made it now where's how do we get out of here oh here we go oh thank goodness i'm so happy well mark i'm going to go into the last few if you want to stay here that's completely fine i get it it's never fun going ahead and dying this many times oh why you have no take beacon okay this is confusing oh wait i think some of the glass is broken and we have to fall straight through the glass okay i think i can do this one this is another one that might take a few tries but once you do it it's pretty simple oh see so once you just make it through it's pretty straightforward okay here we go oh okay i think some parts are bigger than others so let's try and jump through a bigger spot around here oh okay i think this is the spot we need to go ahead and jump through just keep trying and come on oh we pretty much made it how did we die right there yes okay that took a few tries as well but i don't want to show you guys how many times i messed up so is that the lobby or how do we get out of here oh good okay for a second i got scared i was just gonna reset the whole level well let's go to one of the last few which is just for you pat oh it's like a domino one okay let's try and figure this one out so it seems like right below there is lava but i'm not really sure if this is the way out so let's be very very careful here we go oops okay so we make it into the lava but do we survive this that's what i want to figure out maybe we have to be super quick and get out of the lava and then make it to the button let's keep on trying so what i did i just went down i jumped through and perfect and then we have to somehow make it to one of those areas over there which is going to be very challenging as well so let's keep on going so we jump through we jump over and perfect can we make it oh it just seems a bit too far away i just hope we can make it this time perfect that once again took well too many tries it must have taken about 15 to 20 but i don't want to show you guys that i want to show you guys how many times i failed mark i did it in one try i promise okay let's go to the anti-gravity world don't use your flower it will not help oh wait oh okay so we have to completely miss the lava so let's be very careful with this one i wasn't really sure what to expect so up we go and let's see where is it oh okay okay let's do this let's go around oh it's just well too fast okay let's keep on going oh we made it past the next one ah okay seems like we completed a challenge but i'm not really sure what it was it was just so hard to go in ahead and try to make it out see we can only make it past one or two until we fail but it's really challenging to pretty much make it across every single one without failing every single time let's keep going we have to pretty much dodge them ah see it's going to take forever have we made it this time yes i think we did okay let's go round perfect oh here's the exit okay let's just get out of this place it was just well too spooky wait we still have levitation mark oh good huh thank you for catching me mark well let's keep on going guys we only have two more to go ahead and do so let's just go and finish this off the next one is a tnt version this is gonna be so cool oh we're just gonna jump through the tears of this creeper okay let's keep going oh wait is that supposed to be open uh i i don't think it was okay let's keep on going ah we're gonna keep on failing this one but once we make it through it's gonna be a pretty simple one here we go and perfect there we go well this one has been pretty awesome it seems like that was the brain of the creeper which i'm pretty happy we didn't have to look at for too long and guys the final one is the cloud one which apparently is a very savage one so let's be very careful i have a feeling we might have to jump through its eyes or something let's see nope okay i don't know what i'm looking for at this point let's just keep on going through and hopefully we can figure it out i'm just gonna jump straight down or towards its tail and hopefully we can see something can you guys see anything nope i'm pretty lost myself let's see if i can get it i found it last time ah see it's right there it's the cobwebs i am so close right now so let's do this i'm pretty much sure we should be able to do it this time i'm gonna have to uh fall over and come on oh we're so close and then this is the last one mark is gonna be so proud of us okay let's go down and perfect let's try to make it over come on come on come on come on yes i can't believe it we made it to the last one that is so awesome hopefully we can actually just make it out alive and marco funny zombie can love us forever this was the last dropper ah i can't believe this mark we've done it we've gone ahead and finished every single dropper which has been super fun and now for the last button to press and then we're completely finished it seems like now we can go ahead buy loads of items and hopefully get out of here and survive a crazy fight well guys i will see you soon another crazy minecraft video and don't forget to like this video subscribe down below button is red and go for the post notifications bell so guys i'll see you soon peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 2,016,243
Rating: 4.7222071 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dropper, droppers, life, death, hole, map, adventure, survival, mod, mods, minecraft dropper, dropper minecraft, minecraft life, life minecraft, minecraft death, death minecraft, minecraft hole, hole minecraft, minecraft adventure map, adventure map, adventure map minecraft, minecraft map, map minecraft, minecraft survival, survival minecraft, minecraft mod, mod minecraft, minecraft mods, mods minecraft, mc naveed, beckbrojack, preston, mr beast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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