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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy Minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you something really cool yeah Mike my friend zombie has gone enter invited us to the middle of nowhere where I'm not really sure but he wants us to do hello mark my friend zombie what's going on today why have you invited us to the middle of nowhere and are these llamas your pets mark it's gonna be so cool today I can't wait to see what you have in store for us hello Naveed we all love your build battles so what I thought today we could do another one I love with creating mobs so how about we create a shoka and a guardian wait you will equate Ashoka and a guardian same ugh that's gonna be so cool and thankfully I have the furniture mod so I can go ahead and build the Shocker and you can do the Guardian whichever one people love the most in the comments here we were down below we'll win wait a second we are gonna be choosing a winner today because everyone else is gonna be choosing it for us mark that sounds so crazy well guys you had mark whoever wins this battle today it'll be down to you guys because if your comment down below we can figure out who is the winner so mark let's do this you're gonna be blue during the shocker so I'm guessing these are all the items you need to do it and I have to build a guardian Mike this is gonna be so cool you ready for this three two one go okay let me get out the war for Zion the white wall the red war the orange bowl and also the blue wall and our door and also our ladder perfect mark are you ready for this mark wait a second Marcus started building already mark you're such a crazy zombie but it looks really cool already I can't wait to see what its gonna look like okay let me go said game-mode one and let's get building okay so I do wanna make this look awesome so I'm gonna start let me think I want to go up a few just because it's really hard to actually build the the Guardian especially because he has like these weird tentacles coming out of him now it's actually really hard to do the Guardian because sometimes it looks like it's not a guardian but it it is so up to make this look really awesome if not you guys won't even know what it is so do one two three four five six seven and eight guys don't forget if you want actually copy me and mark and maybe even build the same stuff you can't do it it'll be so cool to see what you guys do and let me - one two three four five six seven and eight there we go and we do Eddie cross as well one two three four five six seven and eight and we do one two three four five six and seven and perfect that is awesome well now is the time to get started mark I'm so ready for this which way you're facing your one are you gonna make it facing us or something hmm maybe I should do this this way then so do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 8 then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 8 there we go mark I'm so ready for this we're gonna win guys comment down below who you think is gonna win do you think I'm gonna win or Eve marks Anna win I haven't finding Marcus building like a huge thing look how big that is so do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 there we go and we just join up the dots okay let's do this good so this is our frame for our wonderful Guardian there we go and awesome mark what do you think so far I'm gonna be making it facing this way so let me fill up this area here there we go and perfect and I do already do it space because I think it's awesome so I might get rid of let me think I need three spots so I might do one two three and four yeah that'll be okay let's do this there we go and perfect and we do is wonderful big eye right there it's so crazy and we do one two three and five there we go and perfect guys this is gonna be the face of our wonderful Guardian they're going happy is ah well we're trying our best just keep on going good mark how you doing buddy this looks so cool I actually love it so much but you have a lot of time so you might want to hurry up mark let me fill up these gaps here I'm gonna do em right over here good keep going perfect and good and if we go round here I hope you can keep on going and maybe mark an even finish before us mark if you need some help let us know I would love to help you out so keep going and perfect there we go there's not looking so bad at all so we keep on going good and we keep on going over here come on perfect and perfect almost there and good and good and I I'm gonna be so glad once we finish especially because we have so many more things to do and there we go cool mark how's it looking over there buddy it's looking really cool I do think before we do anything else we should just go ahead and actually fill up this whole room there we go perfect perfect almost there now thankfully it's not as big as Marc's house so we should be able to finish this very soon and perfect so we do one spot there one spot there and one spot there so let's go ahead and actually finish off these two walls good and perfect almost there almost there cool and cool perfect mark what do you think of my one so far it looks so crazy especially because it's gonna be such a weird color and good so we just got one more wall to do and then we can actually add the tentacles it's gonna be so crazy I can't wait so there we go and perfect and awesome so cool well I'm actually really excited because mark always built so many crazy stuff last time he built an Ender Dragon and it was insane I do want to go he think she had the door on this side so let's do this I'm gonna do one here and one there hmm so now all we got to do is really March add in the rest so imma do em one two three four five good and keep them going down good almost there now this is gonna actually give it a bit of texture so thankfully we should be able to do this really quickly almost there good and perfect mark what do you think this is gonna be so crazy once we finish and there we go so this actually adds the little sort of like texture to the guardian especially because the guardian isn't just a square box just keep on going good and perfect and good and perfect and there we go so we've just got to do this to the other side and then we are done so this gives it a little bit of a texture which i think is perfect just keep on going I do need to add some more here there we go I'm cool MA like what do you think so far it looks so crazy doesn't it and the time is now calm to go ahead and actually add our tentacles who do one and two good and on this side as well one and two good thank god wait it's gonna be so cool guys if you love it so much comment down below okay so now we do and one and two three four there we go and perfect this is so cool yes it's so crazy I love it so much and on this side we're just gonna go ahead and do this here there we go and perfect and cool so weird I'm not sure if I like it or I hate it I can't tell but let's keep on going and hopefully we can do it so it looks great I don't know it looks like a crazy one and just keep on going good and perfect almost there and cool and cool and foremost there and perfect okay mark what do you think buddy it just looks a little bit weird but IIIi can show I can do this so there we go and it's perfect and good and mmm I'm not sure guys comment down below what you think I'm not sure if I like it but it different looks really funny so there we go and perfect and good this is gonna be so cool once we finish and then down here just gonna do a little bit more and perfect and then down here as well let's do one on this side and perfect and then round this side as well cool and the final side mark I'm almost done you better be almost done as well I can't wait and perfect oh nice this actually looks really crazy it's so good as well I love it okay let's keep on going and we can just do these sides really quickly um and to be honest I don't think I was gonna ever see the back of the house so as long as it doesn't look too crazy we'll be okay and there we go nice I like this mark I think we're finished I think we've done everything we had to just put it out of there and also list add some different colored stairs right here just so people know it's not supposed to look like that and there we go nice guys we're finished well let's wait from to finish off its house as well and then we'll be done so let's do this and we are bad guys and mark has actually finished off his wonderful shoka house look at it it looks so cool mark how did you actually even learn how to do these things guys there is so much space inside for everything and then you have my house it looks so different mark would you want to do them should we go ahead and actually add some furniture your house looks really cool so I think we should start with Mark's house Mike let's do this inside we go and I'm just gonna make this the whole living area so I'm gonna get out some beds I'm gonna get out the blue bed and also the pink bed so I'm gonna put one right here and then a pink bed right here mark one's for you and one's for me but which color you gonna choose mark I'll let Marchese later okay oh it can be for marking his girlfriend Marie mark where is your girlfriend Marie haven't seen in forever guys you want to see movie again comment down below and like this video okay I'm gonna get out let me think I do wanna get out some bedside cabinets so I'm gonna get out the birch one and also this one over here and I do wanna get out some lamps when the other the purple one and the blue one and also the purple sofa and the blue sofa and let me think we have so much space in this house that I think we should had a kitchen but we can do that later on okay I'm gonna do the purple lamp and also the blue lamp good and this really brightens up the whole area someone to the hmm let me see him into the blue couch and also the purple couch right here and guys if he has some like snuffly like that's all the llamas right around me okay it's not me if you guys don't think you knew was me you guys are crazy okay let me go ahead actually add these and good then we do one here good good good and perfect and I do wanna go anything she had the TV can you guys hear that go away llamas leave me alone huh and there we go some do one here and one there and perfect mark we love that channel mark those llamas are so crazy can you get them away from me please it's so cool guys we're doing such a good job mark come upstairs you'll love this so much so round here we go and perfect hmm let me think yep this house definitely is a kitchen okay I'm gonna get out let me think I do need the bin the kitchen cabinets this this here there we go and perfect and also the blue stores and the purple stores and I think that's everything I don't know guys if you think of anything else that we can actually put in this house just let me know it'll be so called something to one here good also the bin right there and then some kitchen cabinets right on top good and the washing machine these here these there and then we just do let me think I'm gonna do the store here and still there and then also just the wall cabinets all the way along yes so cool and I might go in actually add the bathroom as well mark the shoka's gonna close we have to be quick okay this is crazy I don't know what is happening mark this is crazy let me think I do wanna get out the toilets the base in the wall cabinets the bath and also the shower the shower head and also the mirror where is the mirror there we go so I'm put a full-body mirror there we go then also the toilet here the basin right here the wall cabinets right on top good and also the buff right there and the shower I'm gonna put let me think just around here in the corner and then this right on top yes this is really cool your house is ready to live in well I think we should go in and actually do our house now guys I think it'd be so cool but we can never finish off this house about adding some shockers I'm do the purple wine and also the white one here we go so one here and one there mark if you're not welcome the Shockers get up and they pretty much attack you game-mode 0 ready game-mode 1 I'm gonna get me I don't think they will maybe they've been these well let's go to our house and let's gonna figure out what we can do in here because I can't wait mark are you ready for this up we go it's so cool and it's not as big as yours mark but I really like the color so we're gonna put on some Zion beds there we go and also some bedside cabinets which I do want to put let me think I do want some Zion lamps as well there we go and yet the die right ones I think will fit perfectly one there one there love there and lamp there yes we finally have some lights and we don't really have much space in this house which is so sad but let's get out the die right tables and also there die by chairs do one there one there and then one right here and one here there we go right in front of the eye and what else can we do maybe do some outdoor stuff in my house there we go good and this here good and fire-alarm good god wait mark I'm so ready for this okay I'm into this therefore our water supplies and also my mailbox right here there we go that's all mine now and also my doorbell why it's here hello it's so cool and there we go guys me and Mike are finished off my houses we would love to find out what you guys think of them do you prefer my house or Mark's house comment down below and whoever has the most likes it will be so cool to find out because whoever gets the most likes wins well guys thanks so much for watching don't forget give this video a huge thumbs up subscribe and also comment down below which one is your favorite and don't forget a person notifications bell so guys I'll see you soon peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 709,970
Rating: 4.7675486 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, guardian, shulker, house, furniture, mod, mods, minecraft guardian, minecraft guardian house, guardian minecraft, minecraft shulker, minecraft shulker house, shulker minecraft, minecraft house, house minecraft, minecraft house mod, house mod, house mod minecraft, minecraft furniture, furniture minecraft, minecraft furniture mod, furniture mod minecraft, furniture mod, minecraft mods, mods minecraft
Id: L_G_KIs1lck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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