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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you something really cool now mark my friend zombie has gone and invited us to his awesome house in the woods where I'm not really sure what he wants us to do hello mark my friend new zombie what's going on today why have you invited us to your awesome house is there something wrong hello Naveed thanks for coming today once again we'll be making wonderful houses today yes like that's like one of my favorite things to do this is awesome I can't wait to get started but what type of houses are we gonna be making we have done everything from creatures to fruits for a change though let's make structures of each other what am I gonna be making a structure of myself mark and you're gonna be making a structure of yourself that's gonna be so cool I will build you and you will build me oh okay that sounds pretty decent mark doesn't that sound awesome let's get started mark I can't wait to get started so let's see what he's given us so I'm guessing mark is a chest of all my colors on my face yep that is so accurate we have the yellow the orange and even the darker colors that exactly looks like my face mark I've got me to see how it ends up and we have all the colors to do with mark awesome we have blue for his hoodies and also for his hat and then we have lime and green wool for his face and also the darker colors for his eyes and also his headphones mark you are awesome what type of music do you listen to is it like zombie music like wow this is crazy well let's get started so let's take out these items and let's get started I might take out every single ball and good and also a door and a ladder mark let's do this mark wait where's mark on mark Oh marks over here he's gotten started already ah mark is such a fast zombie he's really building he's gonna win today let's go side game mode on I've really messed up come on uh panicking game mode one and let's do this guy's who do you think is gonna look better my face or marks face comment down below and you'll be so cool to find out well let's do this I'm going to right next to Maxim - and one two three and let's do one two three perfect and when they do one here and good so let's do this mark is gonna be so psyched when she sees what we've done with his face it's gonna be so crazy and perfect and there we go so that's gonna be like the outline of his face so when - one two and then his eyes are gonna be right around right here so we're gonna do that good and another eye there and let's do another I hear and perfect Mike that's supposed to be your face it looks crazy doesn't it hey you better not start cheating mark this already kind of looks like me that's so cool mug well let's do this I'm gonna keep on building and hopefully to find out what other colors we can use a Mark's face we might need to get some other colors so do one here we go round good and let's just fill this whole face up there we go and perfect this looks really cool and I do want to get his little hoodie going on and it also his cap so let's do this I'm to one two and let's just fill up the whole top there we go with his wonderful cap oh wait he needs a little opening right there and good yes so we have one two three one two one two are hot and then we need another one right on top we do this all the way over and perfect so let's get building one two three one two one two three there we go so this is like a perfect square go all day round good and we keep going around here and perfect and let's just keep on building mark if you win I wouldn't be so upset that's gonna be crazy ah I can't wait to see what it looks like so I'm just gonna keep on building and we're almost done Mark's caps so we've almost done that so keep going keep going good and perfect and great okay so the next thing we need is his little headphone so I'm gonna go round here once and this I think there we go and it's perfect mug can I get the look of your face okay I think I'm doing a good job perfect and let me think okay I know exactly what to do let's give up filling this up good keep going good and we leave those two open good and then keep on going here perfect and good and then do this side good and I do wanna have like a little area here where you can see the top of his head I think that's gonna be really cool and good okay and I'm gonna do some different colors just here and there perfect and I think that looks okay let me just get rid of this and good perfect and let's see whoa mark you doing such a good job that is so cool okay we've got to be quick I didn't realize how fast mark is good and good and then we do want to three good and then another one here perfect and that should be enough perfect so keep going keep going we do one spot there and then keep going come on we've really have to make it look really alike so let's keep on going good and then we do it some around here and perfect and great perfect okay let's do the floor I'm gonna make it really bright in here and hopefully things can look fantastic once we're done because we don't want to be that dark keep going good so the live floor we've really make everything look really bright and perfect okay keep going keep going keep going let's do three here one two three and then we do one two three good come on this is gonna be crazy mark if you win this I'm gonna be so upset but mark hasn't actually won any in quite a while so maybe he deserves this one good almost there and perfect so we need to do 1 & 2 mark how you doing so far buddy Wow mark is doing such a good job mark this is awesome oK we've got to go we've got to go we've got to go and one and two and good so we fill up the rest with green a wall perfect there we go come on and good this is gonna be crazy and perfect now I think that'll do exactly the same as what Mark has done he's left a bit of an opening right around here for the front door so let's gonna have a quick look what he's done I'm just gonna fill up this wall and good and let's go see what monkeys done for the front door mark what have we done for the front door ah you've left an opening perfect guys look looks so cool oh this is awesome mark I'm doing your headphones right now so one two good keep going and perfect and then want to good and good so let's go round to it and let's do the same on this side so do one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten and then two in the middle perfect and what else what else oh this thing here I don't know what this is but Muk has one round his head oh let's go down another one and there we go good almost there come on Mike I'm almost done and perfect now let's go and get our front door sorted out and good and let's do the ladder one two three four come on I think this is gonna be a really close one and good and perfect how do we go and let's see how we've done have we done have we done I think so I don't know oh wait we have to do the end part of his hoodie mark can have a quick look at you yeah look C's got this little back part of his hoodie so let's do this one two three and four so let's fill up this whole wall come on we can do this good this is gonna be crazy come on good this is gonna be really close one and it's perfect good come on we can do this okay let's keep on going and we're almost done so you do this hip good and one down here and perfect are we done let's have a quick look come on and yes we're done mark how you doing Oh mark is almost finished mark this house looks amazing you're stuck in the wall mug it's so fluffy isn't it which makes it really awesome well I think we should start furnishing our house whilst Mark does that mark is that okay with you I'm just gonna furnish my house real quick let's give it up all of these perfect and let's get out the furniture I'm going to get out some beds let me think I'm gonna get out some beds them into this one here and this one there so let's do one and two perfect and let me think what else can we do I need a lime couch and a green couch and I also want some oak tables good and this one here and then this one there so let's do this quickly one here and then one there good so table here table there and let's the lights I look really similar to his hoodie perfect no it's starting to rain let's go on weather clear perfect and what else can we do we need some bedside cabinets which makes this house look amazing good and perfect we've almost used every single light in the house that got to do with marks color good and perfect ha this looks really wonderful doesn't it hmm what else can we do to this house let me think Oh doorbell I think a doorbell would be perfect mark here we go doorbell hello coming in and let's do one here for mark good and perfect well this looks awesome and up here we can do a trampoline that goes really well with mugs it's pretty much cap I think this would be perfect let's get out a trampoline good and I'm gonna do it right around here one two three four and perfect mark what do you think this is gonna be awesome yes I think mark is almost finished he's got to do the ladders inside his house and also the door this is gonna be great well I think mark is really psyched for this I think it's really gonna like it and I think everything we can do I don't know what else does not need maybe some zombies inside this'll be really cool well let's actually get out of this house and go inside my wine and let's start building good and good mark are you done hey wait am i go mark are you done there's something quick like he's just gonna do the ladders there and then he's done hey Mark where are you buddy mark is he hiding from me this is crazy have you guys seen mark I don't really know where he's gone mark oh there you are oh yes he's on the ladders thank you mark this is awesome he's like the best zombie in the world let's go speak to mark and see what he says mark what do you think my house or your house I can't decide which one is my favorite ask your friends to decide for us guys is true I can't decide which one do you think looks more like my house that looks like me or Mark's house that looks exactly like him I don't know I think I'm done okay job these are being super cool though well guys you do have to comment down below which one is your favorite I'm just gonna add some beds let's get this out an orange bed and a yellow bed good we're also some pesticide cabinets and just some couches and some lamps and then we are done I'm good good and good and also a table come on and perfect and let's do this but for me and then a bed for mark some bedside cabinets for the lamps so we do one there good and then one on this side good then a couch right here and then a couch there and we do one here and one there then another lamp good and then another one on this side perfect guys comment down below what do you think of these houses and I would love to find out which one is your favorite so guys thanks so much for watching don't forget to press the like button and also comment down below which one of your favorites and also subscribe and also press the notification Bell me and Mike will have to give a shout out to this wonderful person because Mark would love to say which is awesome so guys I'll see you soon another crazy minecraft video and peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 4,109,540
Rating: 4.7566261 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mc, naveed, mark, friendly, zombie, house, build, battle, mod, mods, minecraft mc naveed, mc naveed, mc naveed minecraft, minecraft mc naveed mods, mc naveed mods, mc naveed mods minecraft, minecraft zombie, minecraft zombie mod, zombie mod, zombie mod minecraft, minecraft build battle, build battle, build battle minecraft, minecraft mods, mods minecraft
Id: SM01pPmBoQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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