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ah this is rubbish i've been looking for a channel to watch for the last few minutes but i don't seem to find anything so do you know what i'm gonna go speak to marco funny zombie and see if he has anything for us to do today mark i think i need your help today i'm a little bit bored and i've been trying to watch tv for the last few minutes and it seems like all there is is just rubbish ads well let's go and find out what microphone zombie wants us to do today oh he's giving us a book let's go see what it says hello naveed you will find that today there are loads of chairs scattered around our neighborhood i thought we could go ahead and do an old-fashioned build battle let's build some mobs with the items we have first to finish wins oh that sounds awesome and look baby zombie is here to join us today so it seems like my girlfriend zombie wants us to build some sort of weird structure with the items inside this chest but all he's given us is glass and a single door and i think around here i did see another chest so let's go see what's right inside ah loads of furniture perfect well mark i think today's challenge is gonna be awesome so let's do this first to finish wins 10 diamonds i think that's a good bet well guys let's do this and i'm going to get the hell from baby zombie today well let's take out the items inside the chest and hopefully we can go ahead and get started before marco funny zombie wins wait where's marco for new zombie gone mark where are you buddy oh wait i think i've seen him around there he's going ahead and clearing away a foundation to go ahead and build a wonderful mob now i'm not really sure what he's gonna build but i have a feeling whatever it's gonna be it's gonna be really awesome mark is such an amazing builder well guys let's go ahead and get started and i'm gonna go ahead and change my skin i need a builder's outfit so guys let's do that real quick and perfect this is the perfect outfit to go ahead and get started wait what's baby zombie doing baby zombie you don't even know what we're trying to build i've decided i'm gonna go ahead and build a wonderful slime house this is gonna be awesome now something i'm a little bit scared of is that if we build a slime house it might not be ready before marco funny zombie goes ahead and finishes so let's go and hurry up as much as we can and pretty much finish this without anything happening to us okay i'm gonna go ahead and start with the floor and very quickly i think baby zombie's gonna go ahead and start helping us out this is gonna be perfect i'm a little bit scared that he might cut himself with all this glass so we've got to be very careful with him especially because he's such a little baby imagine if baby zombie had loads of friends helping us out and we can go ahead and finish before markup and zombie this is gonna be such an awesome day baby zombie i'm a little bit scared that we might not even have enough blocks so don't waste anything okay let's do this i think today is going to be perfect wait baby zombie why are you getting rid of all my blogs i don't think he knows what we're trying to do today look he's going ahead and removing them baby zombie you're not working with me mary can you go speak to baby zombie and tell him that what we're trying to do is go ahead and fix it we're not trying to break anything but you know what i'm gonna go and check up a microphone zombie and find out what's going on mark how you doing over there buddy i see you've gone ahead and cleared away a very big space but i'm not really sure if he needs all this space i'm not really sure what he's trying to do well hopefully he'll be done in no time but if he's gonna finish this it's gonna take forever so guys let's go and keep on building ourselves and hopefully marie has gone ahead and spoken to baby zombie and told him the great news that we need his help in going head and building things ah good finally he's finally realized that we're gonna go ahead and start building well guys i'm gonna do this i'm gonna go ahead keep on building and hopefully with his help this time we can go ahead and pretty much get things done oh he wants to go ahead and build it that way well i guess that's all right so let's go and help him out hopefully this should be right there we go and perfect now i have a feeling if we don't keep a non-baby zombie he might do something wrong so let's go and help him out as much as we can perfect and good and let's keep on going around baby zombie you are an awesome friend having a look at you seems like you are such a fast builder i've never seen such a baby zombie build so fast before but thankfully he's doing such a good job i don't think i even need to take care of him anymore okay let's keep going and perfect and we've almost done this hopefully baby zombie won't go ahead and get rid of any of more of my work perfect and there we go this is gonna be such a fun day thankfully we have quite a few blocks and then later on we can go ahead and add loads of furniture once we're completely finished perfect and good baby zombie stay here okay i'm just gonna go ahead and check up a microphone zombie and make sure he's still doing a very good job marie thank you so much for talking to baby zombie i'm so happy it's finally learned that building a wonderful house is so much fun okay let's go and do this mark have you started building or are you still getting rid of grass you know what i feel kind of sorry for mark i think he's a bit stuck on clearing out the area so what i'm going to do is maybe go ahead and help him out a little bit so you can get started with building i just feel so sorry for him so far we're gonna finish in no time and i don't even know what he's trying to build we're trying to build a slime which is basically just a square it's so easy to build okay i'm just gonna help him out as much as we can and hopefully he'll be done with this in no time mark should i get marie to come and help you i think that'll be a great idea well guys let me go and speak to marie and tell her the great news that she can get involved as well hopefully she's a really good builder marie are you ready to go and help marco for a zombie i can see baby zombie over there doing such a good job that i don't think i need any more help on our side so if you can help out marco from zombie that'll be awesome baby zombie how you doing over there buddy i see you're doing such a good job and from afar it does actually look like a slime now i'm kind of curious to find out what it's going to look like once we're completely finished so this is going to be so cool but i'm going to go ahead and start getting out some furniture because i'm gonna be in charge of that so far all the zombies have done so much construction that we haven't done anything so i'm gonna take out everything so none of the zombies take this job away from me perfect there we go and awesome hopefully this should go ahead and work out baby zombie are you almost finished i see you've done almost every single layer so this is pretty much almost done gosh he's doing such a good job and he's building so fast but i can see he's resting just a little bit well let's go check out the microphone and zombie and marie and make sure they're doing a good job as well i wonder who taught all these zombies to do so much construction because it seems like so far they're doing such an amazing job wait i think i know what they're building they must be building some sort of weird bee-like creature look marie you're awesome i'm so happy you got microphones on me to start building ah this is gonna be so cool i can already see what they're trying to build and it looks absolutely amazing but i'm pretty sure we're gonna go ahead and win because so far baby zombie has done such an amazing job by himself that i haven't really even got involved but he did start destroying some of my blocks as i was placing them so i'm not very happy about that well guys i think baby zombie is almost finished so what i'm gonna do is start going ahead and placing so many wonderful things inside the house now let's see we only have two oak tables so i'm gonna go ahead and put one there and then two chairs just around it and perfect and we only have one fridge and as far as i know zombies don't care about fridges too much so i'm gonna take that for myself and we have a few outside tables so i'm gonna put these right in the middle so let's do this i'm gonna do all four right around here and perfect and then the benches right around here and then another one right on this side and perfect and then i think i can get rid of all this glass now i don't imagine me using it perfect and good okay i think we're all good for now well let me go ahead and make sure that everything's going all right i did notice we did have a trampoline so i'm going to get this out the grill and also the stone paths and i think everything else belongs inside the house so let's do this there we go and awesome and perfect and let's add the grill right around here and then the trampoline right around this side by my house and perfect and then i think we're pretty much done with the outdoors this is going to be such a fun day so if i want to check up on baby zombie now i can i never want to check up on marco for any zombie we can do that as well it's going to be so fun baby zombie look how high we are this is so cool baby zombie is going to love that trampoline so much and yeah i was right they're definitely building a wonderful bee well guys i'll be back in a few minutes once everyone has completely finished construction and we can go ahead and add all our furniture well guys i've just had word that they're finished which i think is so awesome look mark is just adding the finishing touches right now and how did they build that ladder in the sky that is so awesome well let's go inside and have a quick look do you know what there's actually so much space in here from the outside it doesn't look like there's much space but i'm pretty much shocked and look they built such a wonderful bead that this looks absolutely amazing i can't believe it they built the stinger right at the back and look it's pretty much glowing that is so cool well guys let's go ahead and furnish this place and hopefully we should be done in no time they're gonna hate us so much they probably think we're gonna destroy the place so let's add our furnace our chest and then our crafting table and perfect and let's add some couches i'm gonna do a black couch here and a black couch there and i did notice we also have a yellow one so let's do this one there and one here it pretty much goes with the whole place and then what i'm gonna do is go ahead and add some lights around which i think is going to be a great touch so here we go and perfect and then the last couple which i think we have the black one as well and let's do it right on this side on the floor perfect and then we were given an oak table and i'm going to add the two chairs just around here and perfect and then let's think i might go down below and add the doorbell right on this invisible block there we go perfect it's awesome i can't believe this this is the most amazing house i've seen in forever and let's not forget to add the two wonderful beds and then we go back to our wonderful house and finish off perfect and there we go well guys what do you think marco from the zombie and marie and baby zombie spent such a long time making sure this was such an amazing place ah i love it so much guys don't forget to go ahead and comment down below which one is your favorite and also don't forget to go ahead and pretty much subscribe because the majority of you guys aren't subscribed right now and don't forget to go ahead and press that notifications bell well guys looking at my house it doesn't look anything near this but i'm pretty happy with it still we've pretty much built it by ourselves with baby zombie let's add our two lime couches and perfect and let's take out the rest of the items we have and good i think this is perfect i'm gonna add a bed here oh it doesn't allow us now because we built it on class it just won't happen ah i guess we're gonna have to stay awake forever and let's also do um the furnace the crafting table and then i'm gonna add the chest right above so baby zombie doesn't steal any of our items i'm gonna add the bill right outside and if this works no it won't work i have no idea where to put it um i'm gonna put it on the chest hopefully this will work okay i'm guessing over there hopefully we can hear it from the house and then i'm gonna add the light right here and perfect and then our bedside cabinets right around here pretty much for storage i think that's a great spot and good and the final light just around there well i think we're pretty much done i've tried my hardest to go ahead and place the last few items but i don't think it's gonna happen maybe we can go ahead and sleep on one of these couches well guys thanks so much for watching don't forget to like this video and subscribe down below the button is red and i want you guys to comment down below as well which one is your favorite house so guys i'll see you all soon peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 782,056
Rating: 4.7430348 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bee, slime, furniture, build, battle, survival, mod, mods, minecraft bee, bee minecraft, minecraft bee mod, bee mod, bee mod minecraft, minecraft slime, slime minecraft, minecraft slime mod, slime mod, slime mod minecraft, minecraft furniture, furniture minecraft, minecraft furniture mod, furniture mod, furniture mod minecraft, minecraft battle, battle minecraft, minecraft mod, mod minecraft, minecraft mods, mods minecraft
Id: 1CT0UfacVus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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