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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you all something really cool now Mike my friend new zombie has gone in and invited us to the middle of nowhere where I'm not really sure he wants us to do hello mark my friend zombie what's going on today why have you invited us to the plains is there something going on Navid Shh hide wait who are we hiding from it's not some evil zombies is it because I know you're my friend zombie I know the other evil zombies want to kill us so who are we hiding from mark I stole something from a nearby village they are testing out some weird items that I needed to see for myself the attorney mobs into buildings by mutating them and genetically deconstructing them we must find out what is going on they are yours to keep so make them into a home for yourself wait you trying to tell me that you stole some items from a village again and this time they're gonna be really dangerous okay I'm gonna do this very secretly mark because I don't really know where this village is so if it's nearby you have to tell me well let's go see what's inside this chest you guys ready three two one let's have a look wait it looks like a shark tooth whoa it is and we also have a reptile hide awesome well I can't wait to get started you guys ready for this let's do it mark I'm guessing these are spawner so I have to go somewhere to spawn them right yeah I think that's right so let's do this you guys ready here we go three two one this shot too oh I think I spawned it whoa it's a giant shark have you guys seen this before it's so cool so we've spawned it from one small shark tooth which i think is crazy well let's get down there and let's go figure out what this thing looks like mark are you gonna come with us today if you are thou be'st so cool I'm just gonna have to dig my way down good good and perfect and let's go up here how do we do this perfect and good cool this is awesome so right now we're inside the shark's mouth and if we go through it's completely empty so no wonder Mike said we can actually make this our wonderful home you guys ready for this let's do it I'm gonna go inside mode one and I do want to get out some furniture because I think this is gonna be awesome okay I do need some lights all around this house so let's get started did you guys hear that I have something really strange okay this is really scary I don't really know what's going on mark something really weird is happening I'm a bit scared Oh hopefully doesn't kill us okay I am gonna make this a wonderful home so let me get out some red couches also some gray ones to go with the skin and also some white ones because of the teeth of the sharks and I do want to get out some dye right bedside cabinets and also some white lamps let's do this I'm gonna put cabinets on each of the corners with a lamp right next to it and perfect there we go then one over here and perfect and there we go good and then another one on this side and hopefully this whole room would start to light up very quickly and awesome and then one over here there we go did you guys see that as well okay I don't think it's just me then there's something really weird going on inside the shark mark mark I still wanna be inside this shark anymore something really weird is going on um okay let's be quick let me get out some beds and we get out a white bed also a red bed and also a black bed here we go so I'm going to do one there one there and there on one there perfect and where should I do these couches I'm gonna do two here then two there and then hmm let's do the white ones there I think that's okay and let's go ahead and actually figure out what else we can do I am looking for something really cool to put inside this house so I'm gonna go ahead and get out the oven range hood the oven or so what else do we need we do need the fridge which is right up here then we can keep on building some really cool stuff like the bins and also the kitchen counters the kitchen counter sink the dishwasher and also some kitchen cabinets perfect and let's do the kitchen right around here I'm gonna do the oven right there then the oven range hood right on top with some kitchen counters right by its side there in the kitchen sink then let's not forget the dishwasher then what else do we need I do need some bins one and two and then hmm what else I'm gonna do some kitchen counters right on top as well perfect and what else mark what does she do to this wonderful house I do want to put the fridge right around here so one and two I think that's awesome so let's check these away good and now let's go ahead and get out the bathroom because every single house needs a bathroom so let me see I'm gonna get out the toilets the base in the wall cabinets the bath and also the shower and also the showerhead perfect I'm gonna do it right around here so we have the toilet the base in some wall cabinets right on top good and then the bath right around shoot on this side there we go then the shower right here with a showerhead right on top you guys ready for this let's have a quick shower it's gonna be awesome and let's go build the next one mark this has been crazy cool but I'm a little bit scared I don't know what's been spawned inside there that it makes such weird noises well let's get out of here mark I'm coming I'm done I can't do this anymore but I do want to now go ahead and actually build the crocodile you guys ready for this let's do it I'm gonna do it right near mark so hopefully mark can actually come and visit them both mark it's been so cool so far we've built a shark and we've built two makes you some nice furniture inside and it looks awesome I'm gonna do the next one right around here where should we do it I'm gonna do it right here here we go three two one the krookodile what I think we like some water ahh we are this is crazy mark have you seen this this is so cool so I'm guessing this is supposed to be the crocodile which i think is awesome so inside we go hello guys we're walking inside a crocodile we must be standing on intestines hearts the whole lot guys well let's go through that what can actually add to this house and hopefully we make this a wonderful home so far I prefer this one so much more guys comment down below which one is your favorite and which one would you live in the shark one or the crocodile one it'll be so cool to find out so comment down below and right at the end of the I'm now smug which one is his favorite so wait until then to figure out so let's make this into a wonderful home I'm gonna go ahead and actually get out some more beds because we need one bit for me and one bed for mark I'm gonna get out the green bed and also the lime bed I'm gonna get rid of this one and let's do the green bed there so that one's for me and then this one's for mark awesome and let's just get out some awesome lamps let's get out some couches as well whilst we're here so lime lamps and also green lamps I'm gonna do one right there good and then one on this side perfect and let's do some couches right around here so one two and three nice so we can actually sit on the couches and watch our whole house build itself awesome okay let's keep on looking around and I think this is a perfect area to make this into a kitchen so let's do it I'm gonna get out the fridge or so let me see at the oven the bin obviously every single kitchen needs a bin the kitchen counter the kitchen counter sink the dishwasher and also the washing machine and let's get out some stores I'm gonna get out the green one and also the lime green one so let's do this I'm gonna put the fridge right in there good then the wash machine the oven and some kitchen counters on this side we have a bin right there good and then there's also put some stores there and they're nice it's not very practical but it's awesome and then I'm put the sink right here with that there and also the dishwasher there with another counter hmm what else can we do another fridge inside there you have two fridges one for me and one for mark cool well let's chuck away these good and what else can we do to this house done such a good job she would go get market another great news and maybe we can actually figure out which one is his favorite let's do it mark mark we want to figure out which one is your favorite so where are you mark oh here you are mark we've built two houses the shark one and the crocodile one do you want to come with us and figure out which one is your favorite I can show you them both but we have to be super quick this way mark come on let's do this so let's go over here and I'm gonna show Mike the first one which is the shark house mug you're gonna love this one so much hopefully you like it but is very spacious so keep that in mind let's go up good and let's go inside mark what do you think of this house I know there's a lot of space so there's so much you can actually do in here we've got the kitchen on this side our beds with lamps on every single corner we've got a wonderful sofa this one's the skin this one is his mouth and this one is this shark teeth gross isn't it and don't be here we have the bathroom we have a wonderful shower look it really works mark well let's get out of here and let me gonna show Mike the crocodile one then we can figure out which one is his favorite and the crocodile one perfect mark you're gonna love this one so much this one's like one of my favorites so let's do this inside we go good brown tea mug what do you think this one's cool isn't it I think it's really awesome we even have like so many beds mark mark we weren't you buddy hmm maybe mark lobster shark one more I think that's really cool mark I swear I saw and came in oh he's over here mark I didn't realize you inside you must have blended in with this crazy crocodile so over here we have the wonderful kitchen isn't it so cool and then if we go over here we have our bedrooms so this is my bed or this can be your bed mark and this one can be mine or this one can be yours so you can go ahead and choose I think he likes the kitchen and also think he likes all the insights of these crazy crocodiles because mark the Friendly zombie still eats a lot of flesh so guys this has been so cool and I have a feeling Mark's favorite one is the crocodile I think it is so guys thanks so much for watching this video and me and Mark would love to say don't forget give this video a huge thumbs up and also subscribe and press the notifications about so guys I'll see you soon peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 1,254,604
Rating: 4.7029009 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, animal, crocodile, shark, house, mod, mods, minecraft animal, minecraft animal mod, animal mod, animal mod minecraft, minecraft shark, shark minecraft, shark mod, shark mod minecraft, minecraft house, house minecraft, minecraft house mod, house mod, house mod minecraft, minecraft mods, mods minecraft
Id: md9UiPSxxY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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