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hello everyone and welcome back to the crazy Minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you guys something really cool now mark my friend zombie has gone ahead and invited us to the middle of nowhere where I'm not really sure what he wants us to do mark why have you brought me to the grassy plains is there something wrong and what we've all these chests lying around wait a second I've never seen this before mark what's going on that's only a sign inside mark is there something really strange going on you're starting to scare me please tell me what's wrong hello Naveed I think it's time we became more natural to building so I've set up a little challenge for you you must pick a theme for a structure put it in all the items you want to use in the building and press the lever it's super simple good luck mark wait you want me to pick a theme that's gonna be so cool okay I'm guessing I have to pick a theme for all of these items hmm guys what themes should we choose I really can't decide I love water mobs so maybe we should choose like sharks and squids do you guys think that's a good idea I'm gonna do it okay let's go get the signs good and let me put in should we do shark okay that's shark good and then let's do the next one hmm I'm gonna do squid okay we go squid yes mark I've chosen a theme so what do we do now I'm guessing we'd go ahead and get out of these items and put them inside the chest and then press the lever and a giant structure will appear okay for the shark I'm gonna get out purple wall mmm blue wall because obviously it's inside the water white wall for the teeth that's a really good idea and then what else should we choose we need some sort of like water theme so maybe I'm gonna get out some prismarine bricks good okay let's do this and let's go put this inside so here we go loads of wall just I'm gonna put it everywhere and then loads of blue wall good and then some white wall perfect and then some prismarine blocks good yeah guys are you ready for this this is gonna be the coolest thing I've ever done okay three so one good I'm a little bit confused than anything happened wait it's that a giant shark wow this is so cool okay let me go inside game mode one and let's go figure out what this is all about so we have the purple bull weapon inside the white wall where did my blue wall go oh so the blue wall must have turned into some awesome water ah this is wonderful and is there anything else outside we can go and check okay let's go rounds good keep going out we go come on this is so much to see whoa this is so cool and the fin is so big as well ha mark you're not gonna be able to beat this this is the coolest shark I've ever actually seen look at this thing it's so cool and I've built that with my own hands well you did help me as well ah this is wonderful well mark are we gonna be spawning another crazy creature because we did do the shark but now we got to do the squid huh this is gonna be awesome and good empty so let's go and get the squid items out hmm I'm sort of thinking like I want a giant squid up like some black wool very dark we're like soul sand and then I wouldn't like holding like a boat or something so there we go good maybe some glow stones to keep it lit and some blocks of diamonds and some sea lanterns and then what else what else hmm some stone that should be good well we've got loads of items for this squid it better be a big one okay let's put this all inside the black wall the soul sand the oak words the bookshelves clothes stones good and perfect and let's do this mark are you ready do you want to count down with me my put accounts down like this ah ah I'm really scared mark because I really don't to be here especially when a giant shark and maybe a giant squid or somewhere whoa look at this thing this is so cool wait a second is it holding a boat that must be with the wooden planks I added and we can even see over the sea lanterns is awesome Wow imagine being up here this is like your house or something wait a second we can make the shark in the squid our house they'll be so cool and Mark and come and visit us okay let's see inside hmm not enough space for much but this is definitely good and let's go see this giant squid I wonder if there's anything when actually do inside hmm open there's good oh look there is stuff to do inside cool and what is that whoa this is definitely the best thing I've ever seen inside a squid huh well we don't want to do now is go and speak to Mike and figure out what is next because I'm sure you have some sort of plan for us mark mark would you want us to do now this is just insane the shark is called the squid is awesome but do you want us to do anything now it's time to add furniture wait a second I know what furniture we can add to mr. crayfish furniture okay I'm gonna go and see let me see what should we add inside the shark maybe we should make you like a home for us okay I'm gonna go ahead and get out hmm oh the diving board because obviously there's a pool and then I'm gonna add a bit of a kitchen good some counters I'm gonna take out the shower the toaster the microwave the basin a bath good good good and let's go inside and add all this stuff and then you guys have to tell me down below which mores your favorites okay this is gonna be my kitchen right here good good good good and then I want to add the microwave right there then the washing machine there good and then the basin I'm gonna put it right around the back this is a perfect place for a bath and then a one around up here good hmm the diving board I'm gonna put let me see let me see can I put it like this come on yes this even works you guys would eat Wow yes it works okay and then what else can we do I might have to add some stuff around here but first let me add the shower which I'm going to put right there good and then hmm let me add some more stuff to the kitchen because this kitchen can be the best kitchen in the whole world okay let me get with this done good let me get this out then I'm gonna make it a bit homely I'm gonna put a white fence around his teeth hmm what else do we need a doorbell of course we need a doorbell and then a bin and what else anything else Oh kitchen cabinets and then hmm I think that's everything yep that's everything for now and then I'm gonna put the oven right there good I'm gonna put a bang right there some kitchen cabinets right around the top good good good and perfect and then let's go ahead and add the doorbell whites hmm should we doing one of his teeth there we go you guys would leave three two one hello shark ooh and then I'm gonna add good good good good just kind of like leading up to the shark's mouth good and perfect and then I'm put a wife and just like she helped people see where the front door is good good and then right here good mark this is looking amazing buddy we're gonna be done in no time and what else hmm I think this is looking good okay let's get rid of this perfect and let's get out some beds I'm gonna get out a blue bed because that fits in really well with this shark I'm gonna put it right around here and of course if we add a bed we need to go ahead and add actually some stuff for the bedroom okay I'm going to get out some cabinets a lamp good I'm gonna put the cabinet right here come on come on come on good and then good and then some of the lamps right there come on no come on come on come on I need to put this right here and good good and let's turn them on and on and there we go this is not a bad shock house hmm this obviously is so much more we can do to this like we could add sofas the radio I'm gonna radio right around here for our bedroom good let's see if it works now playing see one four blocks awesome and now I do want to go ahead and actually see what we can do inside the squared because the squid is gonna be awesome i don''t leader door opening here so maybe I should add a door let's get a door I'm gonna put just a normal awkward door good let's open it hello hello everyone and welcome to the giant squid house okay I'm gonna go ahead and actually get out their bed first and for the better wicked add a black bed and then also some dog wood cabinets which is gonna be perfect and what else can we get outside hmm oh maybe we can actually separate all the rooms with some hedges that'd be awesome we need a TV and some ceiling lights a fire alarm and also hmm what else should we get Oh a mantelpiece that'll be great okay let's do this where should we make our bedroom I'm gonna make it right here good so dark wood perfect I'm going to put a fire alarm right at the top right here good and then some oak hedges right around there good now this is separating the whole house away from my bedroom perfect and perfect and then I might put a TV on this one right there good wait what does it say what heavy pine spotted in the woods watch out Steven Alex dating what that's even news to me and then I want to put the mantlepiece provides there good hmm what else should we do what else should we do this is such a big place we can do so much should we add a kitchen too okay let me get out the oven range the oven what else do we need for the kitchen hmm this is just insane Oh the toaster the bin the washing machine then we need some dishwashers the kitchen cabinets the kitchen counters and also a kitchen sink okay let's do this I'm gonna put it right around here okay let's do this this good then the kitchen counters on either side then the oven with the oven range hood good hope the toaster good then also have been on this slide good and the washing machine then let's add some more counters good good good and what else hmmm I think that's everything that looks like a decent-sized kitchen and then let's go ahead Anxi get out the toilet because the squid is always wet slimy and everything so we always have to have the shower the shower head the bath also the base in the wall cabinet and also the toilet ok I want to put this right around oh this would be up here here is perfect okay the shower then also the barf I'm going to do it right here good also the basin then the wall cabinets good good good this is the perfect place and then we're gonna go ahead and open this up and do the toilet how cool is that and don't forget the wonderful showerhead awesome ahh this is starting to look like a wonderful house and what else can we do there's no windows which we might as well have some other day but this is definitely gonna be the best house ever and a fire pit with some grills and some outdoor furniture okay I'm gonna do it right there good some outdoor tables good good good and then also a grill ah this is looking wonderful well let's go speak to mark and figure out what he likes mark mark my frilly zombie we've done so much the shark and also to the crazy squid mark these your friends you next Lee go ahead and actually show them the house they're always so cool well guys I would like to give a shout out to this wonderful person I think it's so much more commenting down below guys if you want to get a shout out all you have to do is comment down below and he'll pretty much you could get a shout out it can be that easy so guys I'll see you soon at the crazy Minecraft video and don't really comment down below which one was your favorite creature it'll be so cool to find out so peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 3,362,817
Rating: 4.66889 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, squid, shark, house, mod, mods, minecraft squid, minecraft squid mod, squid mod, squid minecraft, squid mod minecraft, minecraft shark, minecraft shark mod, shark mod, shark minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft house mod, house mod, house minecraft, house mod minecraft, minecraft mods, mods minecraft, minecraft mod, mod minecraft
Id: _1RNbZcTYdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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