Minecraft, But You Can Invent Any Weapon...

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minecraft but you can invent any weapon if there was ever a weapon or power you wanted in minecraft you can now get it with the weapon creator i have to race a mystery youtuber to the end to see who can kill the enderdragon and win but i can secretly use my own invented weapons and the other youtuber con will i be the winner let's find out it is me against this mystery youtuber today who is going to win i think it is me but the minecraft pvp battle is about to begin are you ready i'm ready let's go three two one i'm off we have to move quickly today although i am not worried like i normally am in these videos i feel quite confident to be honest purely for the simple reason that i can invent weapons i can't yet if i go over here there is something that i added to this world on my server that i did not tell the youtuber that i'm facing about take my stomach level dig here whoa there's a chest and i did not need a treasure map to find this inside of here i hid myself before we started the video a weapon creator oh looks like it's got a lump on the top of it and it does it's a lumpy block i'll open the lumpy block though you see it says loser weapon base today i am inventing weapons and i will be using them against the enderdragon and the other youtuber in the game and any other monsters that mess with me by the way i'm gonna have another right sword okay not yet i don't have enough xp it will cost me 10 levels to get another right sword five for a diamond sword three for an iron sword two for a stone one and only one for a wood sword let's grab this thing up oh i didn't know it took so long to break i would have just kept it in my inventory it's that time of the video where i have to kill someone in front of their families to get some xp i'll throw in a squid as well you're getting smacked up buddy i'm at one level i'll come over here i'll place down our weapon creator again and see the word base button is now highlighted wooden base for the weapon costs one level yes oh we're on to the next page i'm so thrilled about this we get to pick a weapon ability see here there's the stick shooter ability the mining ability the dual blade ability sponge ability and nether ability the stick shooter says shoot wooden sticks to damage your enemies so it's kind of like a bow as well go oh another page to pick the weapon's skin there's flame skin dog bug skin turn your weapon into a dog briefly i want that egg skin fancy skin and invisible skin add fire aspect to your weapon let's keep it simple use a weapon name billy's first sword subscribe please it doesn't fit subscribe plut will work oh baby we got the good si hey give it yeah hilly's first sword fire respect three give me four years to break this i have to sneak to shoot the sticks oh these don't set them on fire though they were getting food and this isn't bad at all i'm picking up the sticks as well oh i'm farming blocks well farming sticks you do always need sticks in minecraft oh i'm already at another level let's take it a bit slower okay well i can't really our top priority today as well as getting items like this is to go and kill the ender dragon before the mystery youtuber does he doesn't have access to weapons like i do he'll have a diamond sword at best there's no way he's gonna get another right and with the weapon creator i can get never right as well without even going to another so even without putting skills in it we're already gonna have an advantage i just need to get to ten levels to do that i'll make another sword right here we could do stone let's do another wood one see what dual blade is all about oh wait see i'll open the stone one first there's all ability mining ability pebble ability space ability rainbow ability this is how it works all of the swords can get different abilities and different things it's crazy we're playing minecraft dual blade ability we'll give this weapon double looting and double xp i was just gonna take the double swords we get fancy give your fights a fancy finish invisible says this will make your weapon invisible that couldn't be more useless to be honest oh i forgot we get to name it why is this villager looking at a big nose sword for the big nose okay i can't even fit it again we have the big nose sword for the big nose oh i didn't expect it to look like this oh it's like poking out the back of me oh no but a sneaker what's fancy about it though that that is the fancy part double looting though yeah double xp2 i'm at two and a half levels stick in the face i am the stick sniper that is what they call me feel my pain and give me your level i do need to cross mama so that's why i killed him that's the excuse that's the excuse i like that double lever give it to me he did as well gotta get myself a crafting table now got a better crafting table but a normal one we'll have to join the team as well boom because i'm making a leverage just play where am i www.shadowapples.store that is where you go get yourself some drip like i've got in real life that is go buy the merch limited designs as well looking very cool skipping very easy go buy goodbye this is an ad for my own merch okay i'll make another sword now the world going with the fire it took about nine years to kill that zombie we need something a bit more beefy back off buddy i've got some stuff to do let's do the oh i've already unlocked the iron now we got to do stone first i gotta kill these zombies first they're coming from everywhere take double xp from them if they're going to do this i'm being surrounded i got five levels at least we gotta do this quick mining ability at a pickaxe attack yeah gold lining that was the first one i saw i'm spamming my keyboard give me that oh this isn't this isn't looking bad you know okay what's it doing though is it's just a sword do i have to sneak no i always oh i just made this supercharged if that blows up i die here i've got my merch on that's it boys i killed it so i got to click this button to spawn lightning with this with my set ritz gif gas gig for sword with efficiency too is it a pickaxe it breaks dirt like any other sword why did i use that to test it lightning please kill it we're lightning that's how we roll can i mine this with this thing with the old pickaxe attachment not with zombies coming at me please boys lightning you're gone oh a looking too right i'm out of it right let's see if this is not a pickaxe huh i clicked pickaxe it didn't even break the hat yeah we got a lightning sword only oh it enchanted my stone pickaxe with efficiency five i thought the sword would be a pickaxe i'll take that does it do the same for a novel oh right all i have to do is break one block with a tool then and it activates it okay i see how this works oh cool i'll grab it we do need to make iron armor i can fight the youtuber who is in the game with me right now as well oh yeah also we both get teleported to the end if one of us goes there but whoever gets there first will get a strength one buff so if the mystery youtuber beats us who have strength one if i get there before him i'll have spent one he'll definitely need it and probably get to the end before i do i've got weapons to invent he has nothing else to do but to get to the dragon and if i see him in the wild i can pvp in before we go to the end there's no rules on that pvp is enabled from the start today would spoil who the youtuber is though if we did bump into them all right with that though i'll kill them and knock them down a peg but we'll do that with a better sword i have seven levels we have already unlocked diamond i want to keep all of these in my inventory because the well this one is good for the double looting if i see enderman we could get some ender poles that way this one is just good to get food and all those cute stuff and this because i can i can even get lightning into the caves this is the least useful oh saying that though this enchants my tools so i'll keep it so when i get like upgraded to iron things like that we get efficiency with it i did not look at these stone ones at all really i rush through it turn mobs into coal or iron no i won't be doing that lets you throw strong rocks get the power of planets i mean space sounds better than pebble i'll click on pebble then potion skin this will spawn you potions when you win a fight i do like taking buffs billy's cheating sword very creative name that's massive that is look at this thing it's got potions on the side of it the sneaker doesn't shoot out pebbles that's throwing out the pebbles and these are like blocks of stone we wouldn't describe these as pebbles at all but we move i'll use them on some mobs i don't feel like dying i'll keep my shadow apple's merch done for now that is very great go buy it right we're good for now i want to find a mob to test this i see a skeleton right here yo that's good it gave me a potion gonna guess that one a bit lowness 130 are you swords meant to help me let's throw this at it okay i do damage them kills it too but no potion that's a bit of a shame this is a big cave too though although we're still at the surface if i'm wanting domino i must probably go down further hey what's good oh i'm looking for potions please be better to me one more hit oh i got it this is a fire resistance potion not too bad take that to the nether with us 100 and my pickaxe broke so logically i will make a new sword don't ask how that makes sense stone base again space ability still seems very overpowered rainbow ability i didn't read what i did let me go back not like i had to unlock the power of rainbow lasers i don't know what that is realism skin i didn't see this make your weapons very realistic real blade twitching up this type whoa that is a sword boys that is a sword and a half boy that apple is a real blade did i say one attack damage you joking me right now one attack damage uh i just turned the weapon creator into sand how did i um um um seeds bye holy smokes guys a weapon creator appeared in my inventory again where my seeds were that that is insane that that is wacky who knew that would happen let's use this sword i shoot laser these look sick i haven't seen anything like these lasers in the game before all they do is make concrete and don't hurt this guy oh what's realistic about this sword too is it the shape it's like got the size and shape of like the realistic swords i do in the video i almost suffocated myself or is that how i use this do i use it to suffocate people i need myself a new pickaxe you're welcome breaker block that's how we get efficiency five my boys thanks to the zedra sword what was i doing i hear water down here is there any diamonds oh i've been in this cave there's cobble here i must have been and i ain't seen any diamonds yet not down here by this dead end i mean i've got levels i can make a diamond sword right here do i need diamonds for anything else do i need better armor the swords are going to carry me let's be honest yeah let's go have a walk about hey oh they're beefing and now they're suffocating in my ear hit my concrete powder almost got me too hey hey hey stop it where's the double looting i'll take arrows i'm gonna got a bow but i'll use them double xp as well seven levels let's go to seven almost eight let's go make stuff on the surface freedom oh the fresh air feels so nice and this cow is surrounded by blue this sword is not good looks insane but but the use of it would not give it a five star on yelp was that my crafting table i'm hoping it was i need to grab my wood right now that is definitely not my stuff bro was that my crafting table back there no no no no no no no no no no i see lego i see logo oh you all know who the secret youtuber is now it's mr jagstas he is over there like you can barely see on my screen but is he looking at me or is that a flower i definitely saw him over there we're making another sword right now this piece of rainbow garbage is one attack damage i'll do iron i don't want to run it in with a diamond sword i don't want to reveal my secrets ripple bleed ability the other one was double triple looting and triple xp sonic skin visibility skin again crab skin no i'll just do realism again give me the sword oh that is insane i just shot lasers hey he could see me like i shouldn't be stood here i have a lever chest plate on technically i think will i just go in with this what is it six attack damage he's still up there i see him yo call me on discord i'm gonna call him and i'll sneak up let's see how this goes hello you're right you're going i pause the recording for a second it's a server okay i'm just trying to figure out what what like to do next you know okay are you struggling that much looking pretty good at the moment really oh yeah you're looking good yeah man yeah yeah you know why i say that why because i know you're looking bad turn around buddy i didn't stop the recording hello everybody oh you got a bow deal you got a bow no no no no i want to make that my ball right now no no no oh oh leave me alone leave me alone leave me life are you seeing the stuff i've got buddy wait what this yeah take this take some of this what just happened with this no philly no no no please stop oh what i want that gold helmet i'll let you leave i'll fire you in the end going to happen oh wait what are you doing like this yeah what are you shooting me you don't want to feel these yeah i'm hanging up on you now buddy i'm hanging up on you goodbye i'm out of here that was funny i did get a bit low there he has a bow but i need to get another projectile sword this was just to scare him i know it wasn't going to do anything it looks terrifying though shooting this stuff out my hand no i grabbed some food i think was this steak his i i can't i don't know i wish i knew how low i got him with this another villager and llamas let's test it on here fill the three blades he's not dead yet oh there he is and the llamas two take a few swords to the side you'll like it really shut up stop complaining almost six levels this gives triple xp oh yes and we all know mr dragsters is the next youtuber okay i'm not the next youtuber but the mystery youtuber so if either lego or myself get to the end the other one of us will get teleported there with them but the person that's there first will get strength his best thing with his bow though and you can't use strength with a bow so we're good i could get a diamond sword now we're at six levels i'll hide out in this lake diamond bass please completely different abilities diamond of fire ability this will turn your enemies into diamonds gives your weapon legs ah yeah cause that's useful in it boots diamond spikes to damage your enemies a bit like the other one adds a pickaxe attachment to your weapon it doesn't we know that from the stone one but it enchants our stuff and block thrower this ability lets you throw your blocks at enemies i'll do spike shooter blocks to pull random blocks from creative mode with creative skin hacker sword it's the name of this it's in the wall and we grabbed it and it looks godly i would use the word godly wait did it say hit blocks i don't have enough xp to open that and see does it hit blocks or kill mobs to get items what did it say that didn't drop newton's staffer he's doing more powers that's how it works items flooded out these are tons of items i thought it was going to be one step this can't be right get it can't pick up the diamond sticks either do a little bit scammed i need more food at least in my stomach we've got tons so what items are we getting from it a gold helmet like jay go no thanks well i did it for the sheep oh i somehow got hit there a stack of diamond ore oh yeah building up here unless those creepers blow me up one two three four four we're building a diamond all this is satisfying stuff ain't that nice exactly enough we're about to have a stack of diamonds and i will make armor out of it i did say i didn't need it earlier in the video but i mean i need to defend myself against that lagos got and from the dragon i need to make a water bucket the dragon is powerful and the youtuber in the game is not ordering the enemy there's creepers down here this is going to be like oh this will be rough grabbing these i grabbed all the diamonds without them exploding i think i did i think that i'm missing one and he's right over here safe and sound take some of these creepers i will make the trees around you into rainbow colors got them good and the spider he's now got he's on the dance floor he's grooving out he's dancing like 15 levels oh of course diamond always drop levels won't it yeah let's make some stuff i grabbed the iron from jay go too let's make the buckets i want yeah lava one two to use against him no i won't i've got a flame sword lily's first sword subscribe plus speaking of please subscribe clip and leave a lick not a like a lick because we don't know how to use words here not to make diamond armor though even making a diamond display it's worth replacing my modes with it could i get eyes of ender from this can we completely avoid the nether i'm going on a murderous rampage if i can get diamonds i can get ice vendor half a bucket i want to one of them corners two i doubt they'll do anything else avenger will be a godsend from this silke boxes on the floor there i could keep some of my many what was gonna say some of my many swords in there but i have barriers so no one can even get to me stack a barrier is oily if you ain't coming over here i don't need to hide my swords in a shelter if nobody can get to me i can shoot oh he's he's somehow going up in the sky where did i place these i know we're off bye i'll save these for the final fight make it look like i'm flying all right items please either vendor i see zero eyes of ender i only see candles and iron ore i'll save this for another time we can make another sword i left my weapon creator somewhere okay i will just pause the video right here then nobody will ever know i'm pleasing i'm so cool all my minecraft friends another weapon creator appeared in my inventory i mean i went and found it yeah i still got the triple blade do i yeah we have an enderman i would take three in the past maybe two or six there's some enderman ever dropped two ender poles got one or two okay i'll take two i'll cook food though because i'm starving and then we will make another sword i don't need more of these we're far too far into the game have a wood stone or iron sword i want another diamond sword please i want the block thrower you know gator skin eats any animal you need some of these seems silly adds diamonds and makes them powerful all right that one's fine again with the invisibility you know what now realism we've used a gator skin is there crocodile sword very wicked smiley face now that's a name and that's a sword with an alligator head zero attack damage you're pranking me right now i'm getting minecraft throwed we'll give it a go on that that was the last grass he could've taste my crocodile sword i killed it instantly zero attack damage but well it doesn't kill it because it doesn't drop xp the get your skin said eats items didn't it eats any animals you need does it just it is my sword eating the animals that's what we have going on isn't it fine i guess i'll i'll use this if i'm ever in a sticky situation with tons of mob is it creative do we get items no eyes of ender still that's what i'm after i'm desperate for them i'll avoid the nether at all costs oh where's my potion one too did i get potions oh the the sauger the potions on the side already the slowness another fire rays we have two of them i'll drink one now you what poison he gave me is a slo weakness if i got any weaker i would pass away thought i'm off with a brick in his head and smacks smoke salonist four bro you're joking me we aren't doing this anymore this store can burn in the lava it's gonna wish it had fire resistance i'm telling you all rainbows gator stomach deposited that just happened it stores all the food for me you know unless this was randomly here let's test it again the gator saw poo in my inventory i killed three pigs and one sleep we'll see if that happens again how do i activate hang on i've got the block thrower too and it's throwing my blocks for real look at the grapple with my hotbar go down are these damaged people the alligator must not have liked eating those stupid pigs he's throwing up everywhere this definitely doesn't damage them no squids at least i'm wasting my blocks here my very precious two stacks of gravel another sword we've got to do the netherrack oh there's a new water ability this weapon will make you a water guard demon ability bit of an opposite there use your weapon to spawn friendly demons find every jungle temple in your world with this ability we're good on jungle temples mate back down the stronghold and find the dragon instantly break and kill all end abilities don't know how that makes any sense of a sentence tracking down the stronghold and finding the dragon sounds a bit up my alley i'll still need eyes of ender though well we'll see how it works grab skin or sonic skin makes you very fast gator stomach deposited and i just got a wall that is correct so the sword just eats mobs that's quite useful really sonic make it faster i know the right sword very very insane whoa it's another big boy i threw a piece of wool on accident hey stronghold 18 21 blocks away if i walk this way 1825 so it gives us a tracker not even that far however we don't have eyes of ender so do we hope that the sword like places them in the portal for us or is that too much wistful thinking i don't know we'll see either way there is a silverfish spawner in the stronghold i can take out the creative sword and spam it until i get isa vendor or blaze rods and in the poles are we going the right way it's 1649. this is a bit of a trick what is sonic about this as well i have no speed everybody's though leave a like for the rainbows imagine i run into dragster right now going to the end i'll kill him for real that time and take his stuff we have to cross the water or do we this goes further that way this is we have to move this way so still into the water i'm gonna hit the seven seas and be on my merry way we're almost here lads it's gotta be on this island we're 27 blocks away or it's like right below us it is right below us stone bricks are right here and we're inside the library oh do i want to put a book on this sword darkness three protection three i'm using the protection and cry about it i won't offend my new swords i've invented with a sword in them and though they're better than a regular instance oh these creepers are still probably better than me don't blow up they did but i keep moving there is no dragster in sight either no portal inside either that's what i need oh yo yo won't break this can i feel no it doesn't fill it in there's no way i still need eyes of ender fellas we gotta whip out the hakka sword and unfortunately this is gonna be my life until i get isa vender or blaze rods or ender pearls and the crystals i'll take these we're blowing up today making a furnace too to make an unbelievable i'm using the protection three i wasn't joking good thing these are weak iron blocks don't need to cook anyway can't pick them up because all this stuff go away i'm sorry i'm sorry i got angry and i got an anvil lol and a protection three chest plate spawn more i'll go looking for other mobs i hear them everywhere but i don't know what hey yo what's good like these diamond sticks you want to drop some items they do but not the items i need or one they're the right boots okay i just keep getting more overpowered join the protection three and you sir will you give me the eyes i might build a house wait for jackson to get out with ball i'll sit by the spawn or wait to get isa vendo i see no realistic other way i'll do this without like going to the end or the nether i mean and i'm too far here to do that there's blaze roads up here i've got blaze rods hello all i need now is ender pearls there is like they keep spawning from the walls but i'll take it because i've been here for days insulin debris i'm not wasting time making all that i'm sorry we just need ender pearls now all i need is under pearls unless i've got them hey i thought i might go home i thought i could have been on a roll when i got the blaze rods i'll be back again i wasn't really right here i was stood on them almost i didn't even notice are guys we can go that took ages i got another stack of blaze rods that is the end portal done you see here though jagster is about to get teleported with me if i go through i'll get the benefit of a strength buff that he won't have to all these swords he couldn't have done this you cannot craft a weapon creator this is only something that i'll have it's time here we are hold zagster's here you're discord wait what why are we in the end because i'll beat you here bro yeah cause i'll beat you here i won't hit you while you're on the platform i'm going up here though mate you can come up here if you want but remember whoever kills the dragon first wins oh body's got the ender pose let's go i know what i'm going after oh he's still using his bow isn't it why is this not working on the underneath i've just angered an enemy oh dear oh yes i was trying to eat him with an alligator sword an alligator sword don't ask questions what does that even mean don't ask questions he's after me yes oh god no no no no no no no i know what i have to use me as well back off what on earth are these are this was this a machine are they dark they're diamond sticks oh god billy oh i forgot i got these as well does this work on this oh the dragon is down can i go for the dragon here let's do it oh you still got a gold out have you got glowing arrows what the spectral ones from the nether oh oh yeah right tried to do this properly you didn't even go to the nether no bro come on there mate i'm waiting for this dragon to come down can i hit the crystals so bad with the boat i can't even reach i'm weak oh yo why didn't you kill me that's not a lava bucket this is oh no no no no no no no no no come here billy let's do this bro oh no i gotta get a dragon wait no no no no no i'm going for it i think no no no like no i killed it with my sword i'm the winner i'm the winner
Channel: ShadowApples
Views: 497,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shadowapples, shadow apples, minecraft, minecraft but, mine craft, Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can edit any item, minecraft but edit, edit, minecraft but you can design any item, minecraft but you can edit, minecraft edit, edit mc, But You Can Invent Any Weapon...
Id: HcwMM1hMPJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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