Minecraft Bedwars but you can use any enchant you want...

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the only gear i need to win a game at bedwars these days is my leather armor and a wooden sword not because i'm good but because i modified the game once again with the help of a little insulin table i carried around i could put any entertainment on any item at the click of a button if i wanted knock back a thousand i could get knocked back a thousand if i wanted a carrot with cursive binding on it that's what i got i bet i could even on the subscribe button if i wanted to that's not necessary though if we wanted to get to another level just subscribe yourself if you haven't already and it's kind of like it's enchanted i i i guess oh it's not up now and start the big wars video welcome it is i minecraft youtuber number 3628 i'm here making minecraft meg wars video number three million six hundred thousand twenty six two and number didn't even make sense but you don't make sense this is the exact reason why people are gonna stop watching all right i'm gonna defend my bed we're obviously here playing some big wars kind of one of the key things is keeping your bed alive so let me do that let's get some wood as well surrounded like this as you do i've done this a million times before it's nothing new i could do this with my eyes closed see here my eyes are closed in real life now i'm gonna defend my bed okay oh you like that prank i didn't even close my eyes in the first place this is the worst video i've done let me make it interesting let me do this come on in the chat i've got a little incident table in my hand now i added something similar to a uac game i played a little while ago i think you can guess what it is i'm going to open this now it says choose your item right here let me click the word sword we ain't gonna need diamonds or anything today boys all of these books they represent every single enchantment in the game so here fire aspect i want loads of fire respect that level add level and level now i got a level 43 fire aspect wood sword with this incident table in my hand i can imagine on any item with any installment even these were bloxy i could give them uh i don't know going once going twice efficiency one boom i got it right here got them glowing wood planks never seen before you only get exclusive amazing content on the shadow apples channel this is absolutely fuego in the void because i don't need them i'm getting hungry i need to eat some food also i need to collect some more iron because we need to make some iron armor but i guess i really don't say that do i not really gonna have to do that yeah let me take this leather armor off nobody come this way for a moment let's get pro uh four or four does it open again let's get the chest plate let's do it again four please got the leggings done and let's finally do their helmet one prop two pro three prop four i think i said put a few times in there but you know i meant to say pra and anyone that fights me they're gonna know i meant pro i'm glowing like a lighthouse oh green team's bed got destroyed rest in peace to them oh they're getting killed so they're not going down without a fight maybe i can be the one to eliminate orange bed is gone as well oh they're eliminated as well it's a sad day for them and a sad day for me oh and green's gone now as well why am i even coming to the middle there's your build over there now that i'm here but that's two teams gone though i can't kill myself not really sure what yellow team is planning on doing they've got a bit of war on that so are they even on the server yeah they are bacon blocks mate this isn't like a sunday morning stroll you can't take this all laid back like this we're playing bed wars doesn't get more serious and intense than this in the gaming world while i'm here i'll get some diamonds although i'm not going to use them for now let me find knockback yeah yeah spam this because i can what do we have now level 30 knocked back cool who else is by the middle looks like purple team is going towards white let's go interfere and involve ourselves oh is purple going into the void oh i don't know this fight is amazing oh it's all to play for here and uh i'm gonna come in and hit this guy into the void now i leave i picked up some gear that don't even know what it was i'm out though i can break white bed whenever i don't mind getting broke though so let's get back we got some obsidian may as well use it what team am i all yeah i'm picking i know what i'm doing already's here and now they are not for what he is and oh yeah i'm leaving someone else to say get back back i stay back i say hey well everybody knows i got influenced but he hit me with a what and fell into the void wasn't even full caps he just gave up a quiet what as he fell into the void and as i'm building up my obsidian pyramid nobody getting my pink bed for my bed in general it doesn't matter what color it is you're not getting my bed is what i'm saying in this big walls game boom boom obsidian i'm done with this so i got all this diamond armor what if i was the ones there's thorns so let me do a little bit of a let's do a test with this sam now we've got level 34 there let's get some thorns on these legs keep clicking it down as many times as i want they're saying this will team up against him xd if you do that it'll be the end of your life i'm not talking about minecraft anymore unless there's police watching me yes i am yeah yeah i'm only talking about killing people in minecraft i swear though if you kill me here and you embarrass me i'm going to find your house and you're going to die oh what i'm going to put some thorns in my chest plate ah no my helmet we got it there so what do we have we got thorns 34 boots we then have thorns 49 leggings then we got 424 on the chest plate and here we go thorns 21. now let me see something i believe if someone hits me once they're gonna die i could be wrong about that let's come over here and see i see a full eye in red man but he's the one who was saying to team up on me oh yeah we're definitely going over to him he's trapping himself at his base you know this is gonna be a good test is he gonna hit me and he is gonna hit me okay he didn't kill him oh you killed him in two well i believe as the cool kids would say this armor is mad stupid dog oh there's a full diamond here so you want to fight oh come on let's fight i'm gonna kill you with this iron axe he's running and i didn't even hit him oh that's how you know you're playing a slaughter apple's bed wars game oh he's coming in oh okay well i got the knock back and he is gone yeah like i'm going back to my home let's see what else i can make i haven't eliminated anyone yet oh saying that i could do the most obvious thing in the world saying nice hacks i'm not hacking what i'm doing right now is oh i don't even need to make a crafting table i've got a diamond pig right here that's what i was after obviously obviously i could put efficiency on this someone's coming this way that'll have to wait purple team bad idea buddy you're in the void i'm gonna get rid of this sword i'm bored of the knockback now into the glowstone lamp okay well it fell but you sit there until you despawn and die i don't know why i'm being so hostile to that poor thing just helped me get like half a dozen kills so here let's get back to this now efficiency come out wherever you are i do not have all day see purple team got eliminated that's another elim i don't have am i blind where is it okay found it right there i'm gonna keep clicking this till my hand hurts gonna get some minecraft onset arthritis in my hands let's go looks like it's lagging what are we up to 121 oh it's definitely not lagging let's go cut through some obsidian get a betty lim blue and red are fighting over here in the middle okay well blue is the winner the white team is here as well they both ran the complete opposite direction seeing as reg was telling people to team on me let's head over here let's make sure it doesn't happen give the new pick a go first of all i'm going to kill him with a pick because it's like a power move it still is my dominance i don't even have to use a weapon and now easy peasy like it's a bit of dirt okay well i don't have an efficiency ax am i really gonna no way what do you think you are doing mister i think i know what you're doing it's dire you're eliminated boom i don't know why i keep saying boom but i do it's like my new thing now guess i'll put it on a t-shirt get the new boom shallow apples merch today it's boomi i'm so good at advertising stuff why don't i get more sponsors see i can advertise this diamond pick right now let's put it up here on a pedestal see only okay wait uh let me put it there okay then we come down here so we got a nice camera angle okay and the advert starts uh here okay well i accidentally picked up the pic okay uh put it this isn't part of the ad wait okay that wasn't the ad i swear okay this is the advocate any sponsorships any companies that want to give me money get ready and see this three two one wow wow look what we okay i picked up again uh wow wow look what we have here it's a diamond pickaxe it's got efficiency 122 on it you've never seen anything like this before in your life if you want to get one yourself use code why do i keep picking it up i mean i keep picking it up because it is a pick and uh okay well that didn't it's just the same word i want to pick it up because of how good of a pick it is there we go we've got a slogan you want to pick it up because it's a good pick oh yeah that goes right off the tongue everybody in their mother is clicked off at this point let's get rid of this thorns armor yeah i'll keep the boots let's make a diamond chest plate let's see what else we could get going i hear someone here never mind that will have to wait where is my sword oh i don't have a sword do i uh give me uh wait uh dominus please on my pickaxe i don't even know what level it is where is this person did they come from behind my base it was it was blue i don't wanna go around there he's gonna hit me off i see him through my window can i interpret the window no i can't but uh i can hit him off now maybe no boy where do you think you're going let me break through my own wall he fell into the void you played yourself he's in the void says it right there i'm not lying you saw it yourself he breaks the wall like the incredible hole yeah i do i got them big muscles look at my big muscles so let me flex uh well you can't really flex in minecraft i can flex my items i guess it's not really my physique though but hey look mini intel on table nobody else has this pretty cool ride please be my friend let me click these apples what do we want to put on these apples i'm not really sure oh feather falling yeah let me spice up these thorns boots even more let's put all this on it we're going to the sky what's this now level 88 i think that will be enough about my helmet what can we put on our helmet look at this sea gonna do absolutely nothing but it makes me glow and you can never have enough luck on your side even if it is from the sea i'm gonna give something a go i'm gonna build all the way into the sky blue team are not gonna see me coming unless they have a telescope and because this video is a minecraft bagels by secretly added a telescope then i mean obviously he's not gonna have one is it some blue wall now i just want to go insanely high up this is my first pickaxe here is whoa i could see my house from here i could have saw it down there as well but whoa look how pink it is we are now over blue base oh i don't even think he's here i think he's flying white team if i build over to white it's not too far well i say that i couldn't be further away from where i am right now complete opposite side of the map well oh blue got killed he's gonna be back here in a few seconds he said our good fight to white team now that you've had a good fight i'm gonna give you your last fight let's come on down we are dropping in am i gonna die oh no i'm not but i'm on one heart oh let me break this i don't have a knack still he's got wood here uh no no please he's gonna kill me i'm actually gonna die oh he just got the stuff he just got all the stuff he just got all the stuff he has all my things okay i don't have any more diamonds oh boy what have i done to myself you make iron leggings helmet boots he could run right this way i'll be screwed whereas pro again i cannot remember there it is come on give me as many as you can do this i see him coming i think and then okay he's definitely coming this way okay another sword i'm really having to use this okay and then let me put no back on this i need the knot back right now i don't even know what in chance i have i don't even know much less play on and he's getting out of here luckily he doesn't have any knockback i don't think i had any on me anyways oh mate and he's getting in the void get me in the void oh come on please he's gonna kill me oh yes we're going pick up a sword and oh did he put anything in his chest i'm taking all these diamonds these are my now and now i'm leaving oh i kill him again he's chasing me no sir no you are not that is not on the edge lender for today i could not have been closer to going absolutely terrible right now i can take it slow a bit there's some softness on the sword let's put some there's fire some fire especially there's some fire i spoke flies i see white team here why is white team here yeah run back please i need to eat these apples hey billy hey man that's tall no you gotta slow your dominance in games like this final three players i'm here to make friends blue and white is still fighting let's get that efficiency going i think this summer will be fine right 20 plus 17 okay let's get rid of blue's bed he has been a menace to me and it has to end okay well this isn't fast enough right give me a right uh no don't hit me off you are gonna pass away and i'm gonna break this i know i am go where is this bear okay the bed is not there where is the bed i don't know where the bed is i'm gonna yeah okay if he's there well don't yeah i'm just adding more efficiency to my pickaxe oh that was close i'm good unlike his bed which has been destroyed and he is eliminated we did it now it's us versus white all comes down to this let's get this let's play what can i put on this i'm gonna put one of everything on this chest plate darkness even yeah i want it all every single installment will be mine even the useless ones like 90 of them my loyalty is not good but i need it i've never had anyone be loyal to me in my life or be proud of me or look me in the eyes or anything nice for me or remember my birthday or anyways i'm about to win a bed wars game who cares how i feel on the inside it's gamer time i'll be amending it's not gonna break feeling like the minecraft bob see his name tag in the distance are you coming this way you don't want to mess with me in this let's get this on let's head on out let's run back over here probably have an easier time killing me on this pathway and that's why he's chasing me now that's what sang then danny majestic i put it on spotify we're just hanging out now i'm gonna eat some apples i can build up too you're not cool i can also do this don't know my feather falling anymore but i don't need it or maybe i do he's going right into the sky right then if we're doing this okay i see oh he's coming in oh oh he could kill me right there he is not because he is the one that is dying it was half on the block there i almost went right into the void i'll just go in this he's on the other corner of the map i can get there though i don't think there's any other influence i'm missing is there nothing necessary okay i'm gonna put thorns on these leggings i don't want to kill anyone else he can hit me until he dies i'm bored of clicking now after this anyway i've just clicked about 300 times oh he's right there oh let me put the legs back on with the horns 197 is he up here getting diamonds where did he go he's not picking up oh and he's gonna yeah he's killing himself with my thorns and oh maybe not he's hitting me down good job buddy and you are dead in one second yeah i think i need more thorns that wasn't enough more thorns indeed [Laughter] now what are we up to now it's a grand total of it is 380. it's almost 400 if i'm remembering how to count properly today why is he heading to purple base that's probably the worst thing you could be doing right now cause i'm gonna go over to yours yeah come to a speed my man you're coming over this way oh you poor sword let me use i didn't speed up the pickaxe let me stand here safe and do it yeah oh he died what are you doing here get out let me let me block this off sweetie no it's debris like i'm gonna need to break his bed it's gone let me come in here hey boss how's it popping thank you for the diamonds i don't need these i really don't need these how do you have so many he's just he's still got 14 in here i guess i could smack him away essentially on these apples what do we have knockback 49. i'm going to break this open and uh yeah goodbye yep there it is the game is over i have one it says it on the screen yippee kaye can i eat these it'll be fine i don't think this is gonna be too healthy is it eating glowing apples oh yeah i'm starting to feel a bit sick why did i eat them oh no i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna throw up only enslaved apples they're not good for you kids putting op stuff into bedwars so you win the game easily though that's always good i always recommend that the video is over i repeat the video is over there is no need for you to be here anymore there is no need for me to be here anymore we are done for the day we are completed there's nothing here to be seen why are you still wasting away seconds of your life like this is your life you're wasting away listening to me right now leave the video i'm gonna leave so you're forced to
Channel: ShadowApples
Views: 1,870,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shadowapples, shadow apples, minecraft, minecraft bedwars, bedwars, bed wars, minecraft but, bedwars but, shadowapples bedwars, custom bedwars, bedwars server, infinite enchants, op enchants, overpowered enchants, enchants, enchantments, overpowered, any item, any block, any enchant, secret, secretly, in the game, you want, Minecraft Bedwars but you can use any enchant you want...
Id: TO3gXnZgo6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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