I Survived 100 Days in the AMAZON RAINFOREST on Hardcore Minecraft.. Here's What Happened..

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after saving the Arctic Ocean from the frostlord you were brought to help defend the Amazon rainforest will I be able to solve the mysteries of this cursed jungle can I eliminate the blood Gods taking over the native Villages and finally will they be able to put a stop to King Rask's Terror of the possessed creatures stick around to find out all right well I guess we should get to what what the heck um I need my wait he just took all of my armor no no no no no no no sir sir please get back here okay I don't know if it's really smart to chase an alligator without any of my armor but guys seriously I just took off my armor for the night because it was getting pretty cold and I wanted to be by the campfire and I didn't expect some random alligator just to come and eat all of my stuff and well it looks like I'm going to have to survive 100 days in the Amazon rainforest without armor what the heck is that that is a very weird looking zombie I am going to go this way going this way well I guess I'm going to say goodbye to my campfire for now because I need to get a a bunch of supplies if I'm going to be able to survive in the Amazon rainforest I mean if you guys know anything about the Amazon you will know that there's a lot of insane creatures and of course I am put in the middle of it once again all right now that I got all this wood let's go ahead and make our jungle wood sword all right let's go ahead and put our jungle wooden here with a stick and just like that we got the Amazonian wooden blade and it does 50% Earth damage what the heck does that even mean all right well even though all of our stuff got stolen at least we still have three Cod but I don't think that's going to be enough to survive in the Amazon so I think it'd be a good idea to maybe gather a bit more wood and go hunting for some food because we are not going to survive on three Cod all right well this is a sight to see I'm sorry little buddy but I need a bunch of food so thank you for sacrificing yourself and wow there's even cows here don't mind if I do all right guys well it already seems to be getting pretty dark so I don't have a home I think my safest and best option is to find a tree and just climb up the tree like I'm Tarzan so I'm going to find myself a tree as you can see there's one right here and it's already guarded by zombies let's get up here okay we're going to Camp up here for the night and I'll see you guys in the morning all right well it looks like the sun is starting to come out the sky is lighting up and I can finally get out of this tree I was getting a little bit cold up here anyways let's do a bit more exploring of the Amazon rainforce and see what we can get into well I guess at some point I'm going to need to build a base around here to up here what the heck was that no silly up here in the tree wait what who the heck are you my name is Pogo I saw you get attacked by that alligator yesterday sorry he took all your fun stuffs I guess the naral king got my message I need your help well that's why I'm here honestly what can I do to help you one of my neighboring tribes was put in a trance by some snake demon god thing and it's really scaring me so wait is that why I'm here to try and help save your friends well not exactly my original tribe is worried about danger as well and an unknown magic has been cursing a lot of the jungle creatures recently can I tag along with you while you gear up so we can take out the big bad guys together well you're lucky or cute I suppose we can let's go ahead and set up camp somewhere around [Music] here all right get a little bit more wood here what the heck is that thing wait it's is that a frog I think that must be some sort of tree FR oh my God wait it's poisonous okay okay wow okay that thing really didn't have that much health but holy crap that did a lot of damage all right looks like we'll have to watch out for tree frogs I think I'm got to get out of here okay guys well if there's going to be a lot of poisonous tree frogs I figured I should upgrade my weapon and for some reason that tree frog I killed dropped a rabbit's foot I'm not sure what the heck's going on there but we're just going to go with it all right now that I got all my Stone Supplies I'm going to go ahead and create my Stony jungle blade as you can see it does 50% Earth damage and I get a special ability shift right click and you get an earthquake wao that is actually pretty cool I wonder if that does a lot of damage I probably shouldn't test it on Pogo though I don't want to hurt Pogo all right I wonder where I should build my base any uhoh yep that's another one of those frogs okay let's give this earthquake ability a try okay wow it didn't even oneshot it okay I guess it doesn't do that much damage but oh well let's go find a good spot to build our base now come on Pogo all right guys well I've been traveling pretty much all day with Pogo but we finally found this cool little island this is where we're going to set up camp for now so what I did was I first mined off a bunch of the trees and created a nice little bridge above the river I then added some wood and some slabs around the roof just to give it that nice little roof feature added a nice little river area and that's it and as you can see the river leads right into here I have a little Pond and yeah this is my little base here I'm not really sure where Pogo oh hey Pogo how's it going um and I guess Pogo did a little bit of fishing okay well thank you Pogo I appreciate that usually monkeys eat bananas but you know what I'll take some fish as well all right guys well not too far away from base I actually found this mine so I am going to do a bit of Mining and the great thing is there's already iron at the entres of the cave so that is a good start for me wait there was literally one iron are you joking me I I'm actually cursed okay you're joking I mined two different sets of iron and both of them were literally one veins like are you joking me this is this is a cursed cave now that I got all my armor let's go ahead and create our iron embedded sword and there we go we got our iron embedded sword with full iron and I still have the special ability of my earthquake and stuff so I wonder what else this sword can do all right well it looks like it's night time at already oh a zombie okay let's test out the sword wait why is there green part particles when I hit it what the what the heck does that even do okay well I don't know what that does but I have green particles let's go I had the green particles against zombies but when I hit a cow it looks like there is a poison effect so I guess poison heals zombies okay well that's good now I have a poison effect let's head back to base all right well it's a new morning Pogo let's get out of here let's go try and find those snake people that you were referring to earlier so let's go well we've been traveling for quite a while now I've still yet to find any snake people I really hope Pogo wasn't lying to me but I feel like she's a little bit too cute to lie to me so let's keep looking okay what the heck is this thing I wonder if this is what Pogo was referring to this is a massive building in the middle of the Amazon okay I guess we should go in I'm going to have my sword ready all right I already see some fire in there and what the heck there's oh my god dude there's like venomous snakes in here Pogo what what what did you lead me into okay let's sit Pogo you stay back I'm going to take these things down it is a good thing I have have all this iron on me now okay use my ability use my ability okay earthquake ability and okay I think Pogo you can come in here I think that was everything Pogo I thought you said the people that needed help were here h on second thought I think I meant the other way oh my gosh you're telling me we came to the wrong place okay well I guess we're going to go have to find the other place guys we went the wrong way okay Pogo we've been running for quite a while now how much farther is this place like we literally were going the wrong direction Bo oh my God what the heck wait is this the crocodile that took my loot earlier okay let's take this thing down come on dude there's like piranhas attacking me okay Pogo we are not going this way oh I don't understand why do you keep leading me into these traps okay we we need to get out of here Pogo keep running keep running okay Pogo we are heading back home I'm giving up for now I'm finding this Temple I am almost out of food so let's head back home all right let's melt up this food here with feed me I'm hungry I want bananas bananas where the heck are bananas I haven't seen any of those I think I just saw a tree right over there help me get it all right Pogo where you can lead me to the banana tree and we'll we'll get you some bananas okay Pogo where are these banana trees we've been running for a few minutes oh my god dude there's a bunch of poisonous frogs Pogo get back to base we are not finding bananas over here okay Pogo so you've almost gotten me killed about three times now are you sure you want me to save everyone or you just trying to trap me I'm just a bit clumsy and forgetful that's all I'm sorry okay Pogo well there is no bananas over there let's head back to base and I'll give you some other food all right Pogo well this is the only other food I have you can have my carrot and my steak and and hopefully you like that I don't have any wait you just asked for a bunch of food and you had 11 raw Cod on you are okay Pogo is a little bit of a jokester guys let's let's smelt this up so that we have a lot more food and then I want to do one more attempt to try to find that Temple that Pogo was talking about okay well we're going to give this one last try Pogo do not fail me this time ah I'm sorry okay Pogo let's go okay well Pogo we've been traveling for a little while what is this place there's some like huge Temple oh my God wait Pogo okay these might be the people that you're oh my God they do so much damage okay Pogo follow me we need to run they do way too much damage there's no way we're going to be able to take them down okay I'm I'm just running through here keep following me Pogo you can do it okay well I lost those guys but I don't know where Pogo went I Pogo okay you're still alive okay that is really good I had a really bad picture in my mind that these tribal people got you but I'm glad that you're still alive let wait what is this a giant staircase well let's go see what's on top and oh my gosh what the heck is that thing I've been waiting for you my cursed child you find finally found me I've heard and seen all the awful things you did to that snake Village look at all these people you've enslaved not the first and certainly not the last my blood God days are only the beginning thanks to the great king rasakan bow down to me I will not give into your maniacal ways you can taste my blade a foolish thing to say for something so fragile so be it all right well let's see what this thing's got I have no idea what the heck any of that red stuff is but let oh wow that actually does some pretty good damage okay block my shield here who wa okay yeah we got to watch out that thing almost launched me down the staircase and that would oh my God would be pretty bad okay we got to eat some food to regenerate our health and get back up there okay dude this thing is actually pretty insane I got to make sure I'm facing this way so that it doesn't okay why is there so much blood on the ground and why is there a skeleton attacking me during a boss fight okay get out of here skeleton dude that is insane we got got to be careful with this thing okay let's get some good hits on him now let's get some good hits okay dude what is that damage dude we need to Kut this thing out otherwise we're going to die unleash a bunch of damage now on hkar we can do this we got to do this for PoGo okay there's some more of these guys these guys do really good damage if I remember okay keep blocking my shield we should be able to take these guys down use my earthquake ability okay I think I killed most of them we've almost got hakar down to half HP now this is really good come on let's get some more hits on him get some more hits on him all right well we already got this thing pretty low probably just a few more hits and we should be able to take down hakar use my earthquake ability keep running regenerate Health with a stake this would be a lot easier if I had some health potions man like why do I never have health potions during my fights dude this really sucks okay oh no not these guys again these guys do really good damage keep swinging okay come on dude he's so low dude he keeps pushing me away every time I try to go in okay take down these guys take down these guys few more hits earthquake ability okay those are dead okay let's go let's finish him off and just one more hit come on yes oh my gosh we actually elimin ated hakar well Pogo we actually did it anyways let's get out of oh I feel so freed thank you so much for getting rid of the blood God enslaving us of course I'm here to help Pogo and trying to save the Amazon rainforest well if that's the case you're going to be needing this what the heck is a MAA a special tribal blade given only to the fiercest Warriors and you've earned it it will be necessary to help slay King raskatan and help put a stop to this once and for all okay well that's great I'm not going to stop until I've defeated every everyone word around the vines is that another large scale attack is happening at a village nearby try and find the tribe with the Ancients they will soon need your help all right poo you heard him let's get out of here and hopefully we'll touch me soon guys all right Pogo well we've been looking around for quite some time now dude I have no okay yep we got to take these things down we have got to take these things down I honestly have no idea where this Village is but it seems like there's a lot of alligators and other crazy creatures hopefully we can find this Village before it's too late all right I'm not sure how much longer we need to be looking oh oh no not more piranhas dude not more of these PIR oh my God okay these things do Insane damage even with my extra Hearts okay keep getting some hits keep getting some hits Pogo stay out of the water this is way too dangerous for you Pogo okay yep you know what this is not looking good I I honestly don't think we're going to be able to find that Village Pogo it's too dangerous out here in the Amazon don't talk like that we can make it I know we will you just defeat that snake Lord demon god thing but there's more to do okay Pogo well you are right we're going to keep going but first I think we need to set up a more permanent Camp while we figure out what the heck we're going to do oh oh can we please make a treehouse I really love tree houses okay BOGO I suppose we can make a tree house we just need to find a good spot to do that all right okay let's go Pogo let's go all right Pogo well you said treeh house right well what do you think about these two I think what we're going to do is I'm going to build a nice treehouse base connecting these two trees together so without further ado let's get started the first thing I did was gather a bunch of materials because I was going to need a lot of materials if I'm building a treehouse and then I went ahead and built a nice staircase leading up to the top of this treehouse mined out a nice little area and connected both trees together added a little bit of lighting added a nice little bit of railings around the sides so that I don't fall off my tree house and I built a nice little area on top of the tree well as you can see the base looks pretty good and oh my gosh Pogo you got to be careful up there it is a uh it is a long way down so hopefully you don't fall but anyways I think it's time to go mining I do need to get myself a full set of diamond because I'm still in my iron armor so let's go get some diamonds all right well good thing we had a cave nearby well let's go ahead and grab a bunch of ores and hopefully find enough diamonds to make myself a full diamond set and maybe some [Music] tools and that was not a bad mining trip I went ahead and got myself full diamond armor and I've got a bunch of extras so I should be able to make a bunch of extra tools well let's head back to base we probably should be feeding Pogo she's probably really hungry cuzz we haven't fed her in a little bit of time all right home sweet home and where is Pogo she was on this Leaf earlier I don't see her around maybe she's over here all right let's go up here and oh hey Pogo okay here this is the only piece of food I have for you I literally have no other food to my name but uh oh okay well oh 22 raw Cod okay guys has Pogo been fishing or something like okay I'm not even going to question where she's getting all this fish fish but thank you so much Pogo we we love you okay let's go cook up some fish all right there we go just finished up cooking all my food and wait what the heck is that oh my God what the heck is that thing that alligator is a lot bigger than the one that I saw earlier what in the world is that okay um I I honestly don't know what to do where's okay pogo's up in the tree just kind of vibing okay um I I don't know what to do I'm just going to I'm just going to stay up on this tree and hopefully he can't get me up here okay it looks like he's like trying to get up to me but there's no way he's way too big to get up okay wait it looks like he's starting to leave now okay looks like he may have given up but oh my gosh okay well the good thing is Pogo and I survived that and this treehouse seemed to be pretty good it was really high elevated so nothing could get us but I do want to increase the defenses that we have here so I want to build a moat around this treehouse with some walls to make it even harder for anything to get to us so let's go ahead and start building that as you can see the first thing I did was mine out the entire bottom and fill it all up with water which is going to help protect my base from any monsters I then added some torches all around the area with a nice little Bridge outlined by a nice wall to protect my base and as you guys can see we have a pretty good base now we got the water here and a bunch of walls so I definitely think our base is pretty well protected and we shouldn't have anything else to worry about and let's go up here what in the world are these things wait okay well I I guess my base isn't as protected as I as I thought it would be because I didn't realize that there was flying things like what the heck even is this thing I I don't even have any range well the good thing is is I have full diamond armor so these things actually don't do too much damage right now but uh yeah what even are these things man my videos are so cursed well I think I was able to eliminate okay nope okay there we go okay that is all of them and one of them dropped a note it says like this video or else so you guys heard it here okay you got to hit the like button all right Pogo I'm going to talk to you later I'm going to drop down here there's a few things I'm going to need to find in the jungle I'm going to be looking for some bamboo and some feathers because I'm going to create something really strong hey just what I was looking for a little family of chickens well guys unfortunately for you I need some feathers so I'm going to have to go ahead and eliminate your entire family hopefully some of you guys drop some flowers though and there we go okay Three Feathers from that I think I might need a little bit more actually you know what I think that is enough feathers but I am going to need some cocoa beans for this recipe so I'm going to gather a bit of these and then I just need to find a little bit of bamboo woohoo and finally some bamboo okay this is the last thing that we need for our recipe I think I see a little bit more over here let's gather a little bit more for safe measures all right now let's head back to base I've got something really cool that I'm going to craft and we're finally back to base and using all the supplies that I gathered I was able to make a blow gun as you can see I'm currently holding a blow gun yeah this thing's insane and as you can see it shoots arrows like don't ask me where the arrows are coming from I I guess it just has arrows inside of it but yeah check out that man I can easily just start shooting people from a range with this blowdart gun now let's go all right well it felt kind of weird to spend the night at my old base but it was a lot closer anyways it's time to head back to our uh who the heck is this guy about time I find you did you get lost our friends in the snake trbe said you were headed our way we need your help these mechanical heads are terrorizing our village follow me well I suppose I'm going to follow this guy an attempt to take down some mechanical heads I'm not too sure what the heck that means but if it means it's helping him then I'm going to do it okay this must be the village and oh it's these things yep these are the mechanical heads that were attacking me as well at my base okay well I'm going to go ahead and try and take these things down before they eliminate all of your people okay I don't know where the rest of these went but there still seems to be one left here okay come on we need to get this oh my gosh it's so fast I don't even think I'm going to be able to catch this thing it went over this wall I can't even get past this okay hopefully we can get this thing otherwise he's probably going to come back with even more yep he's gone okay well this Village seems to be pretty terrorized I don't even see any other people here well at least we got them to leave but I have a feeling that they're going to be coming back well I've been out here scouting all day and it looks like those mechanical heads are not coming back so I think I'm just going to find a bed in here and go to sleep I guess uh oh Pogo painful I forgot to tell you when we got here cuz of all the chaos but this is my Village thank you for bringing me home and checking that we were safe but I want to stay with you run this adventure together a that's so nice of you Pogo I mean I'd love to have you along with me on this adventure we can do this together all right well I suppose I should get some sleep now let's both get some rest so we have a lot of energy for tomorrow all right good morning Pogo okay so what I wanted to do today was actually try and find one of those dinosaurs that the chief was riding and potentially learn how to ride it myself so let's go look around the village and see if we can find any all right well Pogo I mean we've been searching around for quite a while I don't know if there actually is anything wait what the heck is that thing Pogo this dinosaur is huge and I think I might want to try Pogo it's okay it's okay Pogo we are going to try and ride this thing let's let's see what happens here okay hopefully this thing doesn't kill me but what if I just punch it what oh my gosh hogo I am actually on this dinosaur okay this thing is pretty hard to control I'm not going to lie I think it doesn't like that I'm on top of it right now but I think I'm going to spend the next couple days trying to learn how to control this thing giving it some food so hopefully it will trust me a little bit more then hopefully we'll have our own pet dinosaur well Pogo I mean it really likes me now but the issue is it ate all of my food do you by chance have any more fish for me I know you have some weird obsession with fish and uh yeah it would be oh my God wait wait Pogo actually has fish Pogo how'd you get 17 cooked Cod okay you know I'm I'm not even going to I'm not even going to question you Pogo not even going to question now that this thing's tamed I'm able to ride this thing all around the map so I think I'm going to get a good night sleep now Pogo let's head back down to base it's time for bed all right Pogo what are you looking at oh wait I think we got a tribal Warrior outside hold on let's see what he has to say our Scouts warned us of another impending attack a much bigger one help us set up the defense is painful all right Pogo well I guess you could stay in here for now it looks like me in this tribal War have got a lot of defenses to set up cuz apparently those mechanical heads might be coming back with vengeance so as you can see the first thing I did was put walls all throughout the pathways to make it a lot harder for the mobs to get to me I then created a giant Stone Watchtower on top of the temple I figured I wanted to be at a high location that way I could see if any monsters are coming all right Pogo I wonder what we should do this uh-oh the talic are outside of our base okay yep the tribal Warriors are already fighting them I don't know how many there are there seems to be quite a few though and they actually do quite a lot of damage okay I'm getting smited by Lightnings okay I'm actually almost dead H okay I need to get in this building I'm getting in this building okay um uh BL wait okay sorry to whoever lives here I'm going to need all of these potions because I am literally about to die somehow being stried by lightning inside of a house um and what does this book even say Comon bald full okay what is this book we're going to leave that there for the trash can but we definitely need to pop a little bit of potions here if we are going to be able to take these things down okay well at least we got some some potions now we should be able to help out the travel Warriors now oh my gosh dude this strength D really does a lot of damage uh let me keep checking these barricades I think we got most of them from the front let's check the back now okay yep there's definitely a lot of them back here okay slowly but surely we should be able to take these things down I don't know where any of the tribal Warriors are they're just watching me here come on guys help me out get just a few more hits and okay I think that is the last the talic I I need to make sure that's everything though and yep it looks like they've taken over my Watchtower now okay we got to take these things down come on there's still quite a lot of them I didn't anticipate there being this many but I'm just thankful that we have these potions just in case okay just a couple more hits and oh god dude what the heck is that oh no I'm taking so much damage dude okay come on few more hits on this thing few more hit okay I'm about to die better die better die use these potions okay it looks like there's just one more and where the heck is he go what is that thing okay that's got to be the leader let's go take this thing down and it looks like he's trying to get away wait he's is knocking down all the trees what the heck okay let's see what can we get uh cookies I'll take some cookies everybody loves a little bit of cookies grab this and yeah it looks like he's trying to get oh okay got to watch out for that let's go chase this thing down I think I've got the potions to potentially be able to take this thing out okay I've been running for a little bit I don't know where he is but I am seeing explosions and there's a giant Trail so I'm just going to take a guess and say that he's this way but I am fairly low I got to be careful and real quick check out my bad line Cosmetics you can use use code painful to save yourself 10% off Linked In the description below well I don't know where the explosions are anymore but I did find this massive Temple so he must be around here and yep that is talok okay well here goes nothing I guess you fool King roson will have your head for trying to defend that Village I'm even stronger than you and even I am but a pawn in a bigger Game Face my wrath okay well I guess we're fighting I'm going to go ahead and pop this speed I yep and it's coming for me okay let's see what we can do here against this talloc let's get some hits on oh my god dude that thing almost one shot me okay that's not good especially because I forgot my blow gun I don't really have any long range to get this thing okay block my shield yes okay I think he missed that attack keep blocking keep blocking cuz that damage is too much to handle honestly that damage is way too much to handle okay okay that's a big smash oh okay yeah good thing I have this Shield wait that actually almost broke my shield okay we've got to be what the heck are those um these are like mini tallic bosses I do not like these things okay I don't know if I'm going to be able to kill this thing dude I literally my Shield's almost broken okay avoid that oh my what the heck's oh my God what was that damage okay my speed and strength are almost over already okay run past that run past that I think the only way we can kill this guy is if we run around his Smashes in the ground keep dodging and weaving keep dodging and weaving oh dude what the heck is that damage I only have one potion left or two potions okay drinking speed drinking strength dude this is going to be a really close battle man okay eat this to regenerate Health hide behind this what what the heck I'm on half a heart bro okay we need to we need to run for a second we need to run okay to be honest I have no clue if I'm going to be able to take this thing down but I'm going to try dude what is that ability man that's I've got no Health left bro I got no health I honestly don't know if I can do this keep itting keep hitting just a few more hits and we should be able to take this thing down I don't know if I'm going to be able to survive if it does that ability again oh my God what the heck is oh no there's fire there's fire everywhere oh block dude my shield has almost no Health left on it oh God he's throwing Boulders he's throwing Boulders I'm on half a heart okay let's go this way we got to hide until we healed up okay these cookies really came in handy it was my last piece of food source but yo real quick shout out to the cookie Army if any of you guys are watching this video as well but I think we should be able to oh no my Shield's broken okay let's run a little bit more to regen Dodge The Boulders Dodge The Boulders okay go this way okay come on we should be able to win here we should be able to win here come on yes okay we defeated the talic okay let's defeat this thing too come on come on little guy okay there we go I I can't believe we actually defeated the talic that is actually crazy all right well now that I defeated the talic there's got to be some like loot around here right like there's no way that thing didn't okay well I was right and this looks like it's the talic armor hold on let's see this talic Shield okay now that we've defeated him we've gained access to his entire armor set and as you can see I am now now in full talic armor this is absolutely crazy all right on that note I think it's time we return back to the village with all the tribal Warriors well you know you're getting close to the Village when you see this huge path of Destruction but dang it actually feels a lot better to be back home all right well hopefully pogo's still okay Pogo okay Pogo is still okay looks like she was just running in circles okay Pogo I know it's been a rough day but it's time to get some sleep so you can you can have this bed here I'll have this one and I'll see you in the morning pointless futile no hope give up your puny rainforest oh my gosh okay that was just a nightmare po Pogo oh pogo's hiding in the it's okay Pogo it was just a nightmare it is nothing to be worried about at least I think it was just a nightmare anyways what what are you looking at outside Pogo let me have a look oh my God what the heck oh oh my okay uh I don't know even how all of these things got here but for they have some weird particles around them and they seem to have some wither ability I'm taking literally with damage from crocodiles and snakes Okay I wonder if those came from King rason cuz honestly I have no clue where they just came from Pogo are you okay Pogo seems to be a little bit frightened she's just staring at the wall it's a pogo here take a cookie it'll be okay Pogo okay Pogo I'm just going to quickly go search around the town you can stay by my side cuz I don't want anything else attacking us but I do want to try and scavenge some more chest to see if I could find any more of those potions cuz that really came in handy when I was fighting talic there's got to be some more loot in these chests man there's so many of them laying around and there was a lot of tribal Warriors that lived here come on is anything in this Barrel no okay I'll I mean I'll take some ender pearls that's that's good at least and some more potions okay well to all the tribal Warriors that live here I am sorry but I'm going to need these potions a lot more than you are and how did Pogo even get up there you know what she's a monkey I'm just going to let her do her thing okay Pogo first things first you by chance have any fish I have only 10 cookies left and you know I need fish I'm also oh thanks for the cookies and wait you do have fish for 24 fish okay once again not going to ask how you got it but Pogo we have a little Adventure okay I'm sick and tired of King rason and I do not want to have any more nightmares okay so I want to go ahead and put a stop to King rason and hopefully remove his corruption from the jungle so without further Ado let's do this on it let's go well we've been running out here for a little while I'm just letting Pogo lead the way she's got those monkey senses and yeah so we're just kind of following her scent hopefully she could lead us into the right direction Pogo got a little bit ahead of me but I found this ruins here I'm assuming pogo's got to be in here there's po oh wait it's one of the tribal people are you okay rasakan he did this to us all no other survivors please save the land painful rason seems like a bad guy oh oh that just reminded me of something I heard my tribe talk about if you gathered the relics from the other bosses you killed we could probably build something to get to the final boss what why are you just remembering this right now Pogo we already left their areas I don't know but just remember I'm cute well I guess Pogo does have a point she is pretty cute all right well I guess we'll follow Pogo and maybe try to find some of these relics back to where we fought hakar Pogo get back down here there's a snake coming straight for you okay we we got to take down the snake and I have a feeling for some reason whatever Relic this is is going to be guarded by a lot of yep my feeling was accurate my feeling was definitely accurate there is a lot of snakes up here okay use our potion we got to make sure we don't die here few more hits I should be able to take these things down Pogo stay back I do not want you dying here okay okay come on block my shield a little bit okay and there we go okay Pogo come up it's okay Pogo where where' Pogo go Pogo oh there you are Pogo okay let's see what kind of oh wait there it is this must be the Relic this is called the hakar temple piece okay this is one of the items we needed all right well now that we've got that Relic oh well thanks for the cookie now that we got that Relic guys pogo's going to lead us back to Tal's place and hopefully there's a relic there for us as well okay we finally arrived back at Tal's place I didn't actually search the premises so there's got to be a relic in here somewhere okay okay yeah this is pretty high I'm just going to ender pearl and there's got to be a relic in dang it was right here I didn't even go in here last time okay now we got Tal's Relic and The hakar Relic all right let's head back home and what the heck is this that oh my gosh is that King rason didn't I already tell you to leave you are not my target your jungle Ence is too weak for me be gone okay what the heck he just summoned a bunch of these crocodiles on me he was most definitely responsible for summoning all these in my Villages oh my God they're damage they do so much damage okay come on we should be able to take these down I live through it once I'm going to live through it again okay keep splashing down health potions so I don't die and okay dude this is getting a I I don't even think I can kill them I only have two potions left okay there's only a few left I should be able to take these things down wait no he just went through his portal he's gone what what the heck okay let's kill the rest of these here I honestly I don't even know where Pogo went I think Pogo let Pogo got scared and is hiding somewhere I think hopefully I can kill these things just a few more hits few more hits and okay where does this portal even lead like it's what is this ricon's portal Essence okay well this thing might come in handy later I just hope we can find Pogo maybe Pogo decid to run back to my base all right skeleton you stand no chance against me you stand no chance against me all right let's head back to base and hopefully we'll find Pogo there all right guys well I've been running back home and what the heck is this place is this some sort of Nether biome in the Overworld okay well this is a painful video so I am honestly not too surprised about that I'm going to go ahead gather a little bit of these mushrooms and I think I should maybe gather some of this Soul Sand and maybe even some of the trees for the road home but yeah hopefully Pogo is at home let's do some Gathering and we'll go back home okay and of course there's blazes because we're in the Overworld this really doesn't make any sense but let's go ahead and take down some of these guys because I could potentially use some more potions and to be honest I'm not sure if there's any more potions back at the Village so I should probably just get some of these supplies just in case well let me tell you it feels good to be back at the Village I just hope that pogo's in here uh I don't see him around here I didn't even know there was a room oh Pogo you're alive okay here take some okay I only have rotten flesh you can have some of that do you by chance have any more of that fish I mean I know I just gave you rotten flesh but I don't have any food okay I'm kind of fat once again Pogo you never disappoint okay I'm going to go ahead and Brew some potions you can just chill out in here for now all right now that I'm done Brewing I'm going to gather all these supplies and I guess I'm just going to go to bed for the night all right another day to go Pogo what the heck are you looking at oh okay yeah these are just the tribal Warriors it's all good how's it going today in order to defeat the true evils deep in the jungle you're going to need a strong Mount to get that deep take one of these they are the strongest option in the current century uh okay I guess I'm going to ride this thing how do you ride this oh um okay Pogo Pogo look at me okay this is interesting this is just a normal painful video at this point this is just some crazy stuff okay well I guess I should try to learn how to ride these things because they are pretty hard to control maybe I'll spend the next couple days trying to learn how to ride ride this thing properly and eliminate some creatures in the Amazon jungle all right little buddy this is going to be our first test I think I see yep these are some more of these corrupted animals that we saw earlier but the good thing is I'm a lot faster now that I'm riding this thing so these things should have a hard time hitting me honestly okay so that crocodile was taken down pretty e what is this thing what even is this okay come on buddy we got to move a bit faster than this this is actually really good it seems like riding this thing it makes it really hard for the enemies to hit me okay well I think I have a fairly good grasp on how to ride this thing maybe I'll try to take down a couple more things all right let's put this thing to the test wow he's actually pretty quick in the water I'm not going to lie okay let's take these things down well we finally made it back I don't really have a name for this thing quite yet so comment down below a good name and oh hey how's it going again our Scouts are reporting movement of roson in his trail of Destruction to the South move quickly if you want to catch him and good luck okay well it looks like we're headed south little buddy I I still don't know what I should name you but whatever okay let's go uh thanks for the thanks for the notice and I'll see you later okay well we've been traveling out here for a little while and I still haven't fed the dino so Pogo stay here with the dyo make sure you guys are safe I'm going to go ahead and try to find some food for you guys all right I don't really know where to go who what the heck is this painful painful wake up we need to get out of here and little did I know while I was knocked out a talic minion was dragging me to the temple to sacrifice me today we gather around this flesh Immortal to achieve a higher power King roson will be very proud of us get ready to Feast my enslaved Souls when the moon reaches its highest point this ceremony will begin ah let go of my friend hogo come on painful let's get out of here quickly uh what the heck how are you shooting arrows you know what I am not even going to question Pogo but Pogo save the day everybody okay let's get that heck out of here before I get sacrificed honestly don't know where the heck we're going but we've been traveling out here in the Amazon rainforest for a while oh no no Pogo get away this this cat literally just tried to eat you Pogo I just saved you okay let's keep going I honestly don't know where we're going Pogo oh my God wait it's The Dino that we lost earlier wow it is pretty great to see this thing again I'm not going to lie okay well I I mean Pogo I only have three cooked C oh I was going to ask you for some more fish but hey me and the dino can eat this here you go buddy take that and well now he's nice and fed wait is that a beam of light what the heck's going on over there okay Pogo well we should probably go check out that beam of light so I'm going to hop on the dyno and you lead the way Pogo you lead the way okay Pogo wait this seems like it's the same Temple that I was being sacrific that why is there a light there and okay I think with the help of pogo we should be able to take oh my God we should be able to take these things down I hope okay there is quite a lot of them Pogo use your abilities that do a lot of damage Pogo please I don't think I'm going to be able to do this on my own oh my God what the heck is that noise oh man they actually do pretty good damage let's go ahead get a few more hits on this guy here and a few more hits we should be able to take these things down okay Pogo here's the Ring of light I think King rason was supposed to sacrifice me tonight but I think with the relics that we found earlier we might be able to make a portal to his realm wait I forgot the relics oh no I I think we might have to travel all the way back oh okay well uh thank you Pogo I guess Pogo noticed that I forgot the relics okay what I'm going to do now is build a portal that hopefully will allow us to reach King ricon's realm I also just realized I don't even have any building supplies to be able to make this portal Pogo do you by chance have any supplies for me as well like I know you brought over the Relic and you always have a lot of food on you oh okay Pogo I I am not even going to question you at this point okay I am not even going to question you thank you so much now we can get to work so as you can see I mined out this giant Temple like build added some jungle wood because I figure that fits the aesthetic and I built a nice little area to fit the portal and as you guys can see I finished up the portal here and it's just me and Pogo but what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and throw the talic Relic the hakar temple piece and the rascon portal Essence in here and it should turn yep there we go okay so if all goes well Pogo I think this is going to lead us to ricon's area so without further Ado let's go okay I think I think we're going through the portal I can't really tell what the heck's going on but I think this is going to bring us to his layer okay Pogo I think we've arrived and I believe that's King roson the guy that got away from us before we should have a chat with him who are you despite all my efforts you will like the bug that just won't leave me alone let me take over this jungle in peace I'm sorry roson but you are not going to be taking over this jungle in fact me and my little friend Pogo are here to take you down okay Pogo use your blow dart gun cuz it doesn't look like rasakan is very happy with us I'm drink my potions and it looks like pogo's already doing some damage just a little bit of damage but hey oh okay I blocked that that actually didn't do any damage since I use my shield there got to make sure I okay yep we got to make sure we block those cuz that's going to start adding where are all these skeletons coming from raise skeleton it looks like okay use my potion that did a lot of damage so he has some sort of skeleton ability we got to watch out for that okay keep hitting him good job Pogo you've got them pretty low so far uh let's go ahead and use some of our potions here what the heck's that what are these these are some sort of like blood Elementals okay defeated that thing let's defeat this one Pogo Focus all of the Elementals around here we got to kill all of the ads cuz their damage is definitely going to what the heck's that okay let's go over here I got to eat some food so my health regenerates keep shooting them Pogo let's keep doing this oh okay use my potion that does a lot of damage and we've got him nearly to half Health now we actually do Insane damage with this tallet gear okay yep that's a lot more skeletons we got to keep swinging okay I do not want to be standing in that blood I think that does damage eat some more food and let's block my shield cuz I don't know what the heck he was what is that skeleton doing it just bounced off the floor and died I'm not even going to question that okay a few more hits we should be able to take these uh these Elementals down use more potions dude I only have three potions left this could actually be pretty bad let's go ahead and repot our speed and strength Pogo cover me while I drink my potions cover me okay he's really really mad at us I'm going to go behind here eat some food and okay we should be able to get him rather low right now come on just a few more hits and this thing's going to go down I think okay let's take down this Elemental as well cuz he I don't want anybody killing Pogo okay block my shield block my shield okay go okay he's getting really low now he's about just below 3/4 and we should be able to take him down with just a few more hits impossible how could you defeat me I am all knowing well me and Pogo are a little bit stronger than we look ah I will have no pity you've taken so much from me I can only return the favor I believe you may find you may not have much to return home to anymore your threats don't scare us anyways your time has come and just like that guys Pogo and I have defeated King roson now that is what I'm talking about and real quick if you want to fight these bosses alongside Forest andai every weekend check out our patreon in the description below all right Pogo well it feels good to be back huh what the heck who's that guy okay Pogo let's go have a chat with that guy and it's weird he landed a helicopter on a house that is interesting this must be urgent get in F something orful has happened in your Homeland we need your help now uh what the heck something in my homeland okay Pogo unfortunately you aren't able to come but I'll give you all my armor and all of my potions Pogo you're going to use all that stuff to protect the Amazon rainforest I'll see you in a bit hopefully stay safe what where am I and where did all my levels go and where is everyone well it looks like I'm going to have to survive 100 days in a zombie apocalypse
Channel: Painful
Views: 2,076,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, 100 days, Painful, luke thenotable, ForgeLabs, Forrestbono, Corinthius, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, I Survived 100 Days in the ARCTIC OCEAN on Hardcore Minecraft.. Here's What Happened.., I Survived 100 Days in the AMAZON RAINFOREST on Hardcore Minecraft.. Here's What Happened..
Id: ISdsq7sayAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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