Minecraft Manhunt, But I'm A Redstone Master FINALE!

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this is minecraft but i'm a redstone master finale today i tried to beat devon and manhunt but i have the ability to create redstone crates that give me tons of materials i can use for insane redstone traps now i've tried this twice before and i've won once and lost once so i had to try one more time to see if i could win again also i used a ton of different traps in the last two redstone manuals and i made sure not to use the same one twice so for this one i decided to use a brand new feature added into the game which is the skulk sensors where if you make even a single noise it activates so this manhunt ended up being super insane and hilarious so make sure you guys stick around till the end to see if i managed to win also big shout out to sharkraft for making this plug-in his link will be down in the description let's get right into the video oh no why why is doug here what do you think i don't know why that's why i'm asking because dev is m.i.a because of you it's literally your fault because of you go look at our last video what do you mean what about it you're a scumbag nah that video was nice i was nice in that one i'm kidding but this video i'm actually gonna be super nice to you so i'm just gonna give you a hint right off the bat okay wait what okay what is that that's your hint to the video to the video on your head that's why is there a plastic bag on your head what how is that a plastic bag it says no way i'm gonna win the manhunt already that's dangerous you gotta take that off your head that's okay that's not a plastic what is wrong with you oh let's go no no no no no no no no no please where's the chest where's the chest yes no chest why is there no chest oh that's so dumb yes village too oh my god i hate you bro why is it like on a mountain oh it's a mountain there's no blacksmith this is so bad okay do i use the plastic bag already i don't know oh come on oh no oh no oh that was so what yes yes yes yes yes yes this is actually so good you get what i get what okay okay that's fair oh you can make a sword uh oh please wow i'm so bad at crafting why'd you say it like that i coughed at the same time whoa oh okay i'm out of here i don't guess where i am here guess where i am yeah i know exactly where you are uh i don't care though because i'm about to use my plastic bag technique i mean do you ever feel like dev what that's not the words actually you're right no one would want to sing that let's go i thought there was hay bells this is awesome they're hiding from me okay i didn't realize they were hiding here oh here i'm ready to fight all right fight me i'm not scared of you oh you're down here down where i'm not down anywhere you're on the tree hey dude you're on a tree oh nice man look at you with your plastic bag skin okay i'm ready to fight fight me you sure about that yup yup yup actually first i'm gonna go break all the beds in the village no no no no no no no no oh yes how did that feel extravagant what i don't know why are you sitting on a tree just fight me oh no nice uh that was pretty good there's your bed no no no no no no no no go for it let's go finally oh my god five iron okay all right uh time to commence the plastic bag initiative if you know what i mean i invented that i know and i'm taking it over okay the hell hey if that's the hint you want to go for then go for it i mean i'll help you i mean i'll help you i'll help you out a little bit more actually uh here's your second hint that's sick ooh okay wait is this a drip stone cave wait a minute all right time to kill you now i'm good oh wait i got a bow okay that's good i'm gonna pick up some of this drip zone actually wait actually i don't even need to pick it up i just realized i mean you don't need to pick it up what oh i see what you found oh my god oh you're here uh oh where you at man uh i'm looking for an item once i get this one item i i can win basically okay so now i know you have to find something underground for the twist okay thank you yes i mean uh oh hello dev what hey dude oh you're right there the hell is your skin it's a plastic bag with lego lego like what are you on about your skin you like a lego chess piece on what are you on about where are you going wait where'd you just go oh you're up there just fight me man i don't wanna i don't i really don't wanna risk this whoa this cave keeps going on forever brooks can you stop running [Music] no i missed don't fight me in the geode could find me in the g oh how did that feel how that's not nice that was a snipe and a half just fight me the geode come on i'm sorry oh no i'm out i'm out damn it i definitely wasn't on half a heart you don't have the heart no chill chill don't run in the lava i need your stuff no please wow you were low there the lava screwed me over how'd you get so low because i had no food to reject oh that's why or like i'm better like that's that's also another comments how's the game play from here right now it's actually not bad i've actually been playing decent cap all right time to initiate the sequence what come on oh my god let's go oh okay let's go okay i forgot how great this was okay you need to chill out uh let's go time to commence oh my okay these are too good these are too good okay i need a garbage disposal system oh yes okay that's what i'm looking for yes okay i needed that i needed that okay i think that's enough of that okay i'm ready to start shut up dev okay no one in the video is gonna want to hear that by the way it's not a pleasant noise like i'm telling you that right now like that's your friend that sounds so cool let's go you don't even know what's about to happen to your face dev i don't you're right you don't oh i do no i said you don't and i said i do what is this conversation let me just shut up [Music] yeah look at this look at this guys you're just joking around you don't even know what's about to happen you're like yeah i really don't [Music] and okay bro dev it's literally unbelievable how you don't know what's about to happen to you sounds like you don't even need me to be there sounds like the mobs are giving you enough trouble so uh yeah mob didn't calm down a mob did that [Music] okay this is going to be amazing all right here we go let's test this finally oh my god okay okay uh i'm coming down just chill oh i'm gonna chill i'm chill actually actually i'm glad to have you now what oh guess who sees your name uh uh oh finally we can talk but we can we will and we will oh here yo oh here yo what are you doing right now ah okay hey okay um i'm not staring at you with my spyglass what is this cave you built a spy glass oh i'm oh here i why you have leather oh no okay okay oh you better just snipe me why is this guy sniping me oh here you're good you're a better armored than me whoa how are you on me already oh here this is what you get for making me run that far you think i like that you think that was fun for me you think i had fun doing that you're the guy i don't know how that did no damage okay okay you gotta chill you gotta chill dev what bro you're dying i don't care okay chill chill chill okay okay okay okay i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it oh no oh no oh no i'm dead skeleton don't shoot me come here i'm running okay come on please please please please please please please please die come here yes no oh my god well he is not enabled on the server wait why is that death message did you see that death i got kicked for i got kicked for flying actually you got skewered by a stalagmite sir i know what this is i know what this is i know what this is i'm actually surprised that worked i know what this is let's go and i get your armor this is awesome time for the nether we've already almost been recording for two hours and you haven't even gone to the nether but that's only because i ran far um well how am i supposed to have time to build a trap if i just build it right next to spawn like think about that get faster and better and stronger it's about drive it's about power the rock is that you i might just leave you honestly create a new channel with a rock imagine that cure and rock wow okay that could be sick people think you just have a pet rock what he would not be my pet no people would think you just had a pet rock as like your friend well that's their fault everyone would be like oh there's just then i win then then i win with a pet rock but then i win what do you mean you win it's not even a couple i win oh my god like i'm leaving this video actually before i go to another i just need to grab one item wait wait wait what how on earth does your skin have anything to do with this video idea it's right oh my skin what is wrong with you the robot how on earth does it oh that was a good hint because it's like robot and then redstone both start with an r and then my name ends with an r so like it adds all together like a alphabet you know if you think about it like with with like your brain you you could process it keep treating me like this you know you're not gonna have a friend finally okay this is gonna be perfect i just need this and should be good let's go oh golden apple nah i don't really need that what i also i don't really need these three diamonds what the hell's happening i could just toss them out you know bro look oh my god look at all this calcite oh what bro oh it's like a road wait what this is sick yes finally perfect find a nice lava pool track track track track track track track chill out kid see you dev oh here why do you have to go deeper bro why okay i just realized every video for some reason you have to go deeper why do you go shot every time like why can't you go slow oh my god why do you feel so weird why can't you just go soft i don't know if i can do my technique damn it all right let's go let's do this this is better work that's all i'm saying all right well this better freaking work six hours later oh what nothing man well why is there no fortresses here let's go finally oh come on oh my god wait how did you survive that oh how did you survive that oh that is not fair you have that pickaxe that is not fair look at you you scumbag oh wait yes what oh no it stopped working you know dev you can have fun all right oh wait where'd you go i think i'm just gonna go away i don't really wanna i don't wanna i don't really wanna kill you regularly that's just excuse me because that's not fun you know okay i think i'm gonna need you to die now i'm out of food fight me no please please please i can explain i can explain i can explain no i'm on fire that's my block slot oh yes this is interesting this is definitely an interesting scenario i'm in i was gonna say anything bro chill out with this tnt okay i am not in a good position jeff oh my freaking can you just slow down oh i'm slowing wait where'd you go okay screw it i'm eating raw food what where'd you go oh no why are you here oh oh that's the only thing i can do i i i can't beat you i can't beat you in a fight i forgot what that pick is unfair [Music] is the only reason you're alive no that was no my redstone trap is the only reason i'm alive thank you oh that's so annoying bro if you could feel my uh heart right now i could die i could tell you i could tell that no no no no i don't think you can actually tell the true extent of it nice all right dev uh unfortunately i will have to burn your stuff just because uh no just proves that you're not good at the game i think that last fight proves i'm not good yeah i don't even know how i ended up killing you there because that pickaxe i couldn't block away to eat food so you could instantly just get to me and i couldn't do anything okay um i'm not complaining i am definitely didn't just mine straight into a fortress by the way mike of course time for some blaze powder oh seven you're you lost i got seven dev i think this might be one of the fastest nether uh gameplay yeah it is kind of annoying because i'm definitely only smelting iron right now just wait for my next trap and you'll you'll be happy i won't be waiting because i'm not gonna fall for another trap i'm afraid that's not up to you what the heck there's no way you're gonna see this one coming there's no way so what would you put her on for example like what are some things you'd like ketchup with ketchup's definitely like a hot tub the hot dog yeah i i i back that i like that for sure what else anything else uh yeah and i i also like catch up on my 14 ender pearls definitely man let's go that was a perfect transition fine i'll be i'll be ready so it's fine i don't care i'm pretty much almost where i was so this is gonna know about that my guy but let's see how this time you'll be prepared so let's see what garbage you are at the game this time all right i'm down okay bro i need some food bad okay let's go please tell me this is enough to fill yes traffic okay i know you're building your next portal now okay that's good oh did you go through yeah just damn it there's no way i just filled this this is very pog oh no i'm in a cave i don't i'm not even listening to what you're saying i'm this is not good i need food finally food oh my god bro finally okay deb's in the bathroom right now guys but i've been running for a pretty good while now actually while he's not here i may as well just tell you guys because i need all the animals in this biome gone because i'm gonna be using skull sensors for this one and if you don't know how they work like basically if you make a single noise it'll activate the skulk sensor by the way i didn't run at all in the overworld oh can you just screw off bro all right this is gonna be risky dev [Music] bro this is so risky [Music] oh my god i thought the rain was gonna do something okay okay now i gotta do this four more times [Music] bro this is so scary okay oh my god i think that's good i think that's good is this dirt pillow where you are dirt pillar i don't even see you where are you oh hey hey dad oh hey dev oh hey dad hey dev oh hey dev how's it going what what the hell was that no what the hell i couldn't see you in time so it didn't render this is not good bro that's two of my traps that didn't work this is so bad this is going good this is going good this is supposed to be the best oh bro oh you're so lucky i don't have a fishing rod this time wait i actually am very lucky okay wait i i actually have an idea come on please work what are you doing nothing nothing i'm not doing anything oh my god there's phantoms i'm coming that's actually so bad that's actually so bad i hate these phantoms bro i know i hate them too and you're right there oh no blind what are you doing with that don't you dare i'm out of here don't you dare these phantoms better not these phantoms better no these phantoms better not knock me off oh my god these phantoms oh my oh my uh what is this situation my i'm in right now are you still i see i see you're oh you're definitely not a machine oh i see you with that smoker with the nether act right there that must be you please tell me you're not close that must be you where are you wait how do you see me so how did you get off how did you get off your flying machine uh phantom totally didn't ruin my day bro i totally didn't land at half a heart home you were lucky i'm totally not at half a heart right now at this second oh thanks for well thank you for telling me that okay all right here we go round two round two round two no no not again round two come on and now i escape let's go no you better not you better not you better not oh yes now i don't have to move i learned a strat i don't know how deep like this thing goes now oh crack trap trap track thank you come on come on come on come on come on come on oh yes it's got two eyes i'm out i'm out dev what i am out oh my god what's up dev um definitely uh not on the wake here don't worry about me neither me neither oh no okay okay don't worry about it okay okay okay okay okay um you need to chill okay okay perfect perfect perfect perfect oh my god what's that let's go please please wait what the what yes yes oh my i mean i don't get your stuff but oh my god yes that was so good oh my i was actually relying on that one to work oh my god i don't have anything to smell this with oh i had to do it i had to do it oh yeah i'm losing this one no way i don't have anything though yeah but i don't have food so i'm probably no way no way where the hell did i get snowballs doug army doug army we did it oh that was for me everyone comment doug army that's amazing this wait did you just don't have food so you pulled up you pulled the first redstone master thing again i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't like those two hits this just proves you can know redstone and you can still suck at the game yep i mean i'm pretty sure everyone who is uh have seen any of our videos before no you have to talk to your gameplay you have topped your gameplay you're freaking you freaking that was insane that was insane that was insane that pearl was insane hey dude hey dude hey dude come down where you go no don't leave on your bridge psycho no oh i'm stupid don't come near me don't come near me dev i don't even know where you are i don't know where you are i don't know where you are i don't know where you are i don't know where you are i don't know where you are oh my god mcc coming in clutch it's not yeah what happened in mcc oh my god what happened in mcc we lost this is why we lost that's why we lost because of me am i dodging no if you make me look at a freaking enderman or shoot an enderman yes oh my god it's over it's over it's over [Music] i don't have blocks you're so lucky oh my god okay if i kill you with my fist it's over montage everyone ready get ready clip this put this like how the hell did that enderman aggro on me do it do it do it do it do it do it how is there another enderman on me i'm just happy you're so stupid how do you look at some of the enderman i don't think every time i'm speedrunner comments correct me if i'm wrong how many endermen do i look like i never ever ever ever shut up likehead no it's just skill and all of manhattans are probably yeah yeah i was just waiting for it to happen i was just waiting for a tap yes like i was dragging waiting once you were on my like that was just like the dumbest ending without doing anything thanks for watching guys
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 276,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, redstone
Id: 2h7UFO44zqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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