Minecraft, But There's Realistic Items...

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today I've added items from real life into Minecraft I can unlock crafting recipes to create realistic new items that will help me throughout the game and hopefully let me kill the ender dragon and we will see if that happens right now fellas welcome to Minecraft it is a video game where you have to craft and mind things and I'll do the crafting part right now to kick us off with some oak logs I would take nine of them and put them in a crafting table and we get another crafting table whoa obviously not we get a realistic crafting table come on please get excited I know it looks like a normal crafting table but it definitely is not all right I'll click on it to open it but it won't let me instead it says give me a seed to unlock the next realistic crafting recipe now we gotta grab some seeds oh I already got some I'll give them to the realistic crafting table and it says recipe unlocked click with a book to viewers so is there any cows it would be fine with dying right now so I can make a book out of their skin I'll pick this one two level right there salted and I see the sugar cane we need that was an excited noise you know what we're doing now we are making that book that I need desperately to move on and do the actual interesting part of this video I'll click on this with a book and the first crafting recipe that I have access to is a piece of coal and a water bucket but the crafting item or the item that it crafts is blurred out although I I think that is a Pepsi can I have to go and grab a water bucket and a piece of coal we will do that right away welcome to Minecraft but I can get realistic items it will be a good one even if I do keep hurting my feet like that absolutely great Minecraft in by me I've got some iron and that is enough for a bucket with some water right here I'll place down a real crafting table and I'll make a furnace and I'll do what I have to do and we'll get our first realistic item good for me I have a bucket and it's full of water water bucket meat piece of coal we got two Pepsi cans from that that is what the crafting recipe look like and it is a nice refreshing can of Pepsi in my hand not sponsored by the way but I'll take your money Pepsi come on I'm doing a great advertisement here look oh yeah that is so tasty oh it's actually healing me as well it's also making me nauseous made my stomach feel a bit odd but that was all right and I believe now if I open the uh the realistic crafting table oh no I clicked on it and it said give me an Apple to unlock the next recipe I'm going to click on it with the book right so it uncenses the Pepsi cans now and I can't go to the next one yet because we haven't given it an apple but I should be able to make unlimited Pepsi cans now seeing as I've unlocked the recipe we gotta bounce to the surface and test it out also we gotta get an Apple to get more recipes I want all the real stuff I'm not happy with Pepsi only I can't kill the Ender Dragon with a beverage oh yeah we have an apple already I've been putting in work over here in the woods like a little Lumberjack with my ex but we have the next recipe you know what we gotta do we have to smack our realistic crafting table with it and we have another recipe unlock that we can see with our book and it seems to be some sort of Sword who oak logs in a stick already got those I'll take the new crafting recipe that is a baseball bat and it's her weapon as well look at this I do need food smack oh it doesn't kill anyone here these cows must be getting a headache from this I kind of feel bad but you viewers get to start seeing some more realistic items in action so it's all right we also gotta test this again as well can I make more Pepsis because drinking them fills up my Hunger or slurping it down I I love Pepsi yum and the next item we need is a clay ball is it I will look for some clay then for the realistic crafting table but the item that I need is the Subscribe button so go ahead and hit it and mine it for me boys this is one button please my family said I can't spend Christmas with him if I don't get another 100 000 subscribers by then they hate me please subscribe give me your feathers and you here right okay I've got the clay release the crafting table welcome back to the world buddy take some clay balls and give me the next recipe that is I can't even figure out what that is but it will take four pieces of paper I have four sugarcane it only makes three people though doesn't it oh my oh my game I'm good I I know where all the reads are and I'll fix my problem right away we've made a money stack give to a friendly villager this one has a description see no Villages around here though I want to keep the money for myself looks a lot better in my hand than it would a Villages I'll buy a Minecraft Lambo I'll move on for this one first but we need to get a bow I guess we could go and explore for a village then also just run around whilst it's becoming night time we can find some spiders and make a bow that way and maybe in the meantime we find a village or two give our money away like it's some sort of narrative even though I worked so hard to get it I had to place down a whole four pieces of paper into a crafting table my frustrations of the world of being a letter with this baseball bat anyway this is a nice little piece of Kit and I'll use it against some spiders at night time like I said so I'll go explore and see if I find a village or see if we find a spider whatever happens first I'll be back right I can't lie I haven't explored far I think about 20 blocks since I left and we did that transition I may as well do another one right now yo we're back again five blocks away anyways there's spiders down here I was just getting some food and stuff it didn't drop anything I think a skeleton stole my kill on that one as well let's get this one over it Wait nothing is dropping stuff spider please oh I'm very low I am very low away with you zombie the string here only one more piece I also need nine more Hearts to go along with my one-haul we're bouncing away from the skeletons I need some steak and it's not even realistic steak so it tastes like pixels cool we got three strings I'm going in the sky you know what the mobs can stay down there I will make a bow up here and be relaxed about it because I don't have to worry about those until I go back down okay I'll put that there awkward spot give me a bow to unlock the next recipe of course you're the man here we go it needs a gold ingot the next time as well I don't have any of those this is looking like something I can't figure out at all only Cobblestone and iron I have that I don't have the Cobblestone and the zombies are a problem again we grab this and we run I need Cobblestone yeah let me find a cave I cannot live like this oh no this is my home welcome to the to the hole that's what we'll call this place the hole give me the goods though that was the crafting recipe this is looking a bit mad it's a chainsaw is this another weapon it doesn't say attack oh bro this could have been louder Oh my days is it a weapon though wait come here ah it's not even hurting can you hear me over the chainsaw hello I'm finding out a whole Forest damn right well this is an item and a half and here's the cave it doesn't break stone though and we go further oh I am not x-ray can I bring this corner with this no I can break my ears that's it I fell in boys boys I'm living in like real life Minecraft you don't want a baseball bat to the head you're used to swords this will hurt you and my baseball bat broke oh no let's go down there go have a little trip into the bottom of a ravine enjoy your stay is there going it I just thought that's a possibility okay no goal but there has to be someone here there's got to be there really isn't I'll go find something drum roll please everybody we have found a piece of gold well three so I'm cooking up a bit of wine over here to make a new pickaxe but I also need to get a bit more iron I feel like to make some armor remember Lads I still have to fight the Ender Dragon today and I don't have a clue about what realistic items I'm getting so I should have some armor as a backup I can get out of here though we have to cook this gold and we have to move on get smacked up we have got another recipe and that one is a raw iron so don't cook oh we still have some it's a real Iron Sword is it wait is it better yeah of course it's better than the baseball bat look at that too quite loud not as loud as the chainsaw I'll give it that I Feel Like a Knife I'll get some armor so I look like one as well there we have it no one wants to battle me now do they I've got the real wine saw bro come at me and you're gonna get slushed up I'll turn you into a kebab with this thing not until we can get some orange dye though the surface we go there are flowers to get red flowers that's already half of it cow don't walk near me I didn't give you permission this thing is quite powerful you know to hit these boys there's our red dye too so we need a yellow I already see it sniper eyes don't forget it okay orange eye has been made this cow has been smacked and this realistic crafting table has been placed down and given some orange dye to give me there's five of something there for a bread and a flint and steel I really need to find a village unless what's the next one mossy cobblestone did I keep some from the dungeon of course I didn't right we need Vines as well then too oh brilliant well I'm in a bit of a sticky spot oh no way bro I just came from over this hill there's a village right here that's two things off the list then we can give this money to a villager like it says and fingers crossed there's bread here what's up but here's someone in here no I don't what's up yo I'll just steal your stuffed bread do they have Flint here as well maybe some down here won't there yeah of course let's grab a flint this meet nothing still and do this crafting recipe to get five bread things that's my Flynn and still combine it with a piece of bread that's toast we have time five toast slices not even hungry so I can't eat them but that looks good that looks like a balanced Minecraft breakfast I can eat you now as well and it tasted so nice here do you guys want this as well you villagers you gave me 32 blocks of emerald what about now a diamond what about you now never right oh I need more money money really makes the world go around I need some more paper right now there's a bit of sugar cane here it's not even enough or even more I'm a Minecraft billionaire also a Minecraft Billy on air because because my name is Billy like that's funny guys like everybody laugh now just laugh and like leave a like on the video and comment how funny I am or I will hurt the ones closest to you right we got we got six more pieces of money well I didn't hear anything right so take this there's I in here now he's running away from a man giving him money that's cold there's diamonds again that seems a bit silly by the way nobody said Morning Has Broken we can hear all the birds chirping away and that means another day to get more stuff oh it's mossy cobblestone isn't it we have to find Vines somewhere after I make diamond stuff I won't replace the sword though with the diamond one I prefer the real life swords go away I can even before all the comments start complaining that I haven't done this yet I can even make a smithing table and get some of this netherrite gear the achievement to prove it I'm a bowler I'm a gamer I'm everywhere that means cool Look in the dictionary for the definition of amazing of video games and you'll see this face or at least you will if I can find some Vines will there be some in the spruce or do I need a swamp we will see coming through to the Moss it called with sonio I can hear myself again we grab this take it right now give me a new recipe that is warm that looks like a flu or a hat maybe I don't know oh I got four pieces of wool Crazy Craft in time Yeezys I got Yeezys in Minecraft with prod two or prod three even they're as good as netherite as well look at that on my feet my toes are looking drippy Yeezys yeah this is realistic items raw muttered I cooked all my mutton okay another sheep has to die don't blame me blame the crafting table bye no one will remember you take that I gotta find a desert do I I need three green dye and two sticks I don't have a clue what this is I guess it will be some sort of ax looks like we have to dip again Soul transition time beautiful Cactus I see it ahead it's not beautiful though is it it's kind of ugly and it hurts you as well we have the three I need there's a desert temple over there and I will refuse to look because it is not realistic so I will not go over there today is about realism so I will cook a piece of cactus in a funnel it's the most realistic thing you could ever do yo we haven't just got our Cactus ax or a Greener crayon you're saying I traveled about 4 000 blocks for a crayon yeah oh okay this is kind of cool I can draw oh that peps to sponsorship at the start now I need a Crayola one I'll find an enjoyment in this doing it underwater as well you've never seen this before wearing crayons are awesome I take it back this is the best item we have so far till the next one that needs a stone pickaxe I can do that right away mate I got you realistic crafting table and you have me a new recipe that looks like a computer right that's like a laptop shape I don't have any glass I've got iron is that Redstone we need as well it was a piece of redstone so I have to go to the caves again we need a yellow glass paint for the next one too we'll grab tons of this and I picked this up how does it drop it drops as a new item crayon sand and I use that to make glass no it's not gonna work it stays like a chrome forever that's cool we got it so we need Redstone you know what we have to do this whole video has been like an elevator we're going up we're going down we're going up and now we're going down again for the Redstone could we get it easily please I don't want to have to do another transition but there's an axolotl I'll kill this to make you guys less bored of listening to me too now comment how sad you are that I killed the Axolotl and whilst you do that I will find Redstone I promise I told you your comments done because my roadstone is with a bit of cooking to do I should probably think about going to the Ender Dragon as well I haven't been very quick today have I we have all I need for this next item though I'm pretty sure it's a laptop and I like surfing the web so we'll take it it was a laptop with my YouTube channel I hope you're doing the same on your laptop I hope that subscribe button says subscribed as well like mine does I've even got notifications turned on hey what does this do there's a map there's Village desert temple ocean Monument stronghold Mansion Bastion nether fortress and Igloo is this Google I think this is Google Maps this is probably gonna teleport me I'll take my glass at least all right let's see what this laptop does with the old Google Maps instilled on it to get my laptop typing in my password we're in I'm a hackerman this is definitely gonna teleport me Village I'm here at a village I I knew it what up bro you're gonna die oh he still hits my Yeezys on that strong oh this is my house I got my yellow glass yeah run run run and move out of the way this is my bed and good morning boys I believe this is how you make glass panes with different colors it was I was correct as a first time for everything take my yellow glass this one is another tool I bet I've got one raw iron dude of course can I teleport to a cave I can go to the stronghold I teleport me above it oh so I don't want to go there yet anyways he rely on the old cave it has what I need and a lot of creepers I saw four but we move we're all right we skeletons bro I just want to take a chainsaw and just rip their face off so irritating was the crafting recipe this we have a hammer Yoho it is backwards I'm breaking blocks with it though and it's as loud as the chainsaw somehow that's why it's backwards you rip stuff up with the back then you're nice where we can instantly break blocks that is a pretty real item a carrot I haven't had any of these items laptop back to the Village you've always got carrots okay there's actually no Farms here what if I teleport to an igloo then it's like far away and if we go to another village now it's a snow one all right now please Michelin accomplished take it this looks like another laptop thing or similar anyways obviously not the same it's cold this time but I've got tons of can I already make this I threw away my Redstone in my glass I'm gonna go crazy this is real pain you don't understand I go back down again I forgot about my hammer that made that a lot quicker I could have used the crayon as well but we move it wants to stick for the next recipe haven't even done this one yet oh we still need glass we're cooking whipping up like the Migos and our next item fellas is a something that I can't tell camera snap a few picks oh it's like a spy gloss and I actually take pictures with this I don't know I'll move on to the next one that was stick I'll only zoom in with the camera recipe unlocked cool that's a shirt there's no way that isn't for red wall we can do that easily not inside of a snow biome though I'll teleport to the mansion doesn't redwall actually spawn in it I teleported just to get away from the snow so there was more mobs because now we're in the woods but this red carpet is there red walls all these mobs I'm telling you that ah Hammer doesn't work on them like it does any blocks red wool I see no red wall can you make wall out of carpet there's normal water break it with a hammer just rip the top of their bed no I rip up their walls goodbye we're bouncing out red flowers please going once going twice and so oh to the flower right here has four red wool and this is a t-shirt with a to armor it's as good as netherite like the Yeezys I look a lot more stupid though we'll take it it's asking me for a diamond X we got those we have these and it needs a week to craft the next item that we don't have and a snowball for the one after that this is becoming a lot easier when my old laptop right here you see now I'm here now I'm gone out of Village again I'll grab the wheat right now this is so easy getting food as well and also the next one needs a snowball and we can go there through the igloo again quite simple really this was it this is a wig this is the stupidest item I've seen with two plus armor yeah okay it's not as good as the nethero oh my days it covers my face it gives me fresh too as well with bubbles this is a terrible wig I don't like it let's replace it with something else Igloo over here we go and now we plop in a snowball this one is going to be that looks like a skateboard and the one after that is a diamond sword but skateboards and diamond swords can wait it's becoming night time we do need to fight the Ender Dragon today I can use Google Maps to go to the stronghold but that won't get us to the end Without Eyes of Ender can I teleport to another 4 Fortress when I'm not in the nether no I can't it's a structure not found I've got to get myself to the nether boys that is the next step but we can teleport to all the places inside of another so it'll be very easy and very quick and we have our realistic items and armor to help I'll go quickly down to some lava with the hammer that I keep I'm removing this pickaxe oh and I'm removing myself from this situation that we go this way after blocking off behind me no no no oh gravel or lava down here I mean we can grab a city and super quick smacking that up with a hammer like you would in real life with obsidian don't question anything shut up this is real life okay here is a real life nether portal let's go to Mars vendor over here we go what is up take out the old laptop and we teleport to another Fortress this is uh this is a dangerous spot yeah Blaze is already though that is what we need yo hey don't don't get too close all right don't put me on fire either don't have to get blaze rods in real life why do I have to do this I've only got one so far as well this wasn't even a spawner I'm stupid this right here is there's double do it the old boring way I'll get these and then we'll come back I've got seven blaze rods that's way more than enough my health is not off we're skim for this we need to end a pose no that was rough I have no gold though so this could be difficult oh wait or I make a portal and then we go back to a village and give a villager more of that money I can't remember if we got gold or not yet but there must be gold blocks that we get he gave every other kind of block we can go back to the nether in a bit I'll probably call this so we can make a portal what was the next item we could get anyways a diamond sword yeah come on let's do this one then oh I was meant to craft this wasn't I fine here let me break this up let's teleport to a village again I'll cook some Stone here to get the stone slabs then we need some Flint I'll let that cook and I'll get more sugar cane there's tons here make more of this so full paper in the corner it was we have 12 pieces of money take it take it take it take it take it give me gold give me gold I already see gold oh I threw out let's have a stack of blocks though assorted this is Stone also sorted how do you make the uh how do you make smooth Stone do you have to cook it again you do don't you Wicked I'll let that cook and build another portal in it there's our slabs all we need is Flint this is a ruined four toys there's something for a test anywhere I can't be bothered it's Max Max Max Max smack here we have what I thought was a skateboard I was correct and I ride it though I cans who are right I don't I I don't know what this item is I'm on a skateboard excuse me our blocks as well without jumping we're riding dirty boys where's my wig gone but the skateboard is my okay I don't know where my wiggler I'll put my another right helmet back on then it was a diamond sword it was asking for for the next item let's just see the recipe that looks like a gun I'm pretty sure that is a weapon we need deep slate and Cohen lava and we can get the lava from the nether where we need to go anyways to get our enemy pearls in it so we go right by the Fortress or like we need to be here if anything we should be by a Bastion no guys oh I didn't think this throat they build up let's replace the Yeezys with some gold boots for the moment so we don't get killed I'm wearing gold he doesn't care I'm wearing gold oh I don't care I shouldn't be looking I'll go to the regular pigs hey man yo I got gold for you right here taking 41 and tons more too I'm gonna get you some friends this is a very dull but necessary part of today I'll speed this up as quick as possible I see some Ender poles down here I've already got a couple now I'm in the hole I have nine that's enough really I don't need more than nine especially if we can just teleport to the stronghold they can go through the rest as we go away I'm building a poor twin dipping I want to make that gun bye boys enjoy the gold I left you I have to go get some deep sleep now after we get our eyes offender boom in nine that's good enough for me and we're already in a cave let's get a bit lower then there's a monster as well can make a bow along with our stuff depending on what that gun is let's get lower though come on deep space is needed deep slate is here wonderful can't remember how much we needed so I'll grab tons he did a lava bucket too luckily I love it right here let's see what this was book please lava bucket cold block deep slay I've got all of it other bucket there call block there and the rest was deep sleep like that yeah like that no I have it this is Cobble deep sleep how do I get normal deep sleep then is it more cooking we have to do welcome to the cooking YouTube channel Eerie me is it cooked I have to go up surface with four was that it we need six oh I got it it's a flame thrower is it really a flamethrower please and thank you for this does it work as a weapon though I can't hit the butt I can't hit the bat it's on fire yes please I'll take it it's a flint and still for the next thing I've got take mine I don't need it anymore it's a diamond sword with two diamonds and it looks like the real iron sword is it a real diamond sword I bet that's what we're about to get put them like that it's a real diamond sword of course eight attack this is only six attack damage come on diamond swords sorted looks very clean I like it it wants dirt for the next one I don't have dirt we're going surface too because I need food then we get dirt it's a weird shopping list I know let's see this properly it burns everything it's fast as well I just hold down the barn and it shoots oh free food free fried food let's get this cow crispy and his boys over here it almost kills him in one hit too this is a nice weapon I fear no ender dragon all right well I didn't want dirt for for a item that has dried kelp in it I'll have to do even more cooking what is kelp is this kelp how do you get kelp do I need to sear it this is the kelpia okay we've got kelp there's too many things in Minecraft man I don't know what's what three iron no I gotta cook this first oh bro don't laugh at me for forgetting there's our dried kelp and it was like that five caviar oh fancy you can eat it right away it gave me it looks like a god Apple heavier by the way fanciest food on the planet I can make some more as well I'll celebrate by riding the skateboard that's a mistake as well the next item requires a glass bottle you have to cook again and I'm so sick of cooking this is gonna be our last item I've got tons of stuff I've got a flamethrower I've got a real diamond sword I've got a t-shirt that makes me look very stupid and I stick out in the world the Ender Dragon will easily see me in the end with all this red on me oh God put my Yeezys back on though so at least you'll be jealous of my drip we'll cook this and then we'll get a move on to the stronghold depending on what the crafting recipe is obviously but we'll get a bow to help with the dragon maybe the flamethrower needs some help and that's all cooked that is three glass bottles and the next recipe we have probably the last one that's 100 a balloon I can see that okay but yellow will easily for what is the second time I think today there is some yellow wall and some string there there is a balloon and it's making me flow the balloon is making it can I not float please this could be useful for the dragon I could fly between all the podiums and break the End crystals I'm definitely good to move the inventory is looking quite peculiar next to my baseball bat on my skateboard we have diamond blocks a flamethrower camera that I haven't done anything with they just lets me zoomed in it and we've just in general had tons of stuff crayon we can't go to the without using this one more time or I could use it in the end there's no one to tell me otherwise stronghold it's a different one than where we teleported to last time it's whip out the hammer and get down there oh already inside let's get that portal in then oh this is all inside of a ravine that is right over here do I have enough one two three four five six seven oh my Lord I had exactly enough let's not get our little again they're supposed to go fighting in the dragon we've got a big battle to go ahead with and I get this like this I could if my aim was better I can I can also fly up with this balloon and I'm gonna come in for me now I'm flying away you ain't doing anything it's taking its time though any day now we'll be at the top there's a dragon flying about but this is okay I'll deal with it get me to the top we're almost there any year now and we have it and that's blown up we can do all the rest now I'm going crazy we're going nutty I've blown up almost every single one how's this damage the dragon as well I think it might do oh his stuff is damaging me I see some good apple caviar and Float off this is silly I don't have a water bucket oh it's lucky we got the caviar I can't reach through the barriers balloon get me out I could break through hammer time knowing crystal is better than me we got it yes I'm hitting him with the flame fraud this is how we're getting him we're gonna end it here with a bit of fire that's all it takes no durability on this we're spamming it he's coming down and he's taking some hits let's go in with the sword as well I could have brought a watermarket for this oh and now we move away I need some caviar I'll take a picture of his face just just cause him with our sword he's flying away he can barely move when he's on fire can I get him stuck here no I can't but the dragon he's almost gone I'll burn this whole place down if I have to he's coming back down again this might be the time okay we can't use the Flint Pro anymore but we can use our real life diamond sword I believe we have won the game but with much ease the dragon is Dead Minecraft with realistic items is the easiest game I've played in a long time Shadow apples has made the advancement through the end and you have made the advancement made it through one of my whole videos okay goodbye
Channel: ShadowApples
Views: 397,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shadowapples, shadow apples, minecraft, minecraft but, mine craft, Minecraft, Minecraft But, minecraft craft, minecraft but mod, manhunt, mc but, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft survival, minecraft but challenge, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are, minecraft but it gets more realistic, realistic minecraft, realism minecraft, minecraft hd, minecraft 4k, minecraft real life, But There's Realistic Items..., realistic items, real items
Id: R-HZNJ50D40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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