Aphmau Has NO HEARTS In Minecraft!

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in minecraft now her health bar is empty but she discovers that some items can absorb into her hearts okay perfect oh look at all the stuff i got okay i can finally make my house look a little he won't mind that we broke his window it's fine yeah he'll be fine hello zayn you're home sage if you're gonna beat us up like let us know [Music] what are you doing here oh i thought you were staying for a second oh my goodness i'm zayn's friend what are you doing here uh uh yeah we're his friends too yeah there's good friends of his we are inspecting his potions to make this sure they are safe aren't we ian yes i'm sorry after looking at my friend list here you are not on his friend list this that's just a shrub okay come on guys it's enough fun in here i know you're probably trying to do something mean get out we're not doing anything mean just uh i just started checking things out here oh [Music] what's it take all right potion make me tall [Laughter] wait a minute wait a minute i'm tiny like half now if you got one that's really tall and then you got one that's really small maybe i can grow some big too yeah it doesn't have any potions that strong i'll grab this one let's see what this is about so i got two potions yeah yeah uh give me one i want one uh i don't know anymore but you know what after breaking in there i don't feel really good maybe we shouldn't take this potion double dog dare you let's do it on the count of three uh three three ian anyway three nothing happened um wait my heart i'm still hiding like you uh you just stay out of this i expected this from pearson ian but not you of all people it's not my fault when ian responds uh he can tell you that he was the one who led this right pierce yeah it was all useful he's the mastermind here of course that's not going to be happening anymore what do you mean what that potion you just drank what does it do it gets rid of all your hearts and minecraft wait what what does that mean oh gee i don't know i was testing it but it looks like you've just become my test subject to see what it does what about ian what about ian oh well uh that's actually a pretty beautiful party he's not coming back yes only blue wait simple really if you game over with that potion active you are game over for life oh no this can't be real well it's fine it's fine i'll just go wash the potion off of me right um i'm sure that's not how that works well i'm going over here and i'm going to come into the lake and i'm going to uh wait you can't swam wait a minute my heart what heart feels what what [Music] i'm trying to absorb the water to save you good job [Music] you were not swimming you were floating down at a very concerning rate and you were about to drown no i want to live here now oh what you know you can't swim that was the old laugh mouth i go in water look my heart's fill up get out of there zane i just need to get some wood okay uh no no no no no no you give me that axe right now no it's mine you cannot be out here in the middle of the forest when you have no hearts i don't know what's going to happen a tree could fall down uh the meteor could fall down something could be hiding out here in the woods like some kind of dangerous animal like i'm not even sure about these bees what just happened oh my gosh did you see that ugh as it is i don't want to do bee puns look they're fine just don't be mean to me this is never as funny as you think it is oh my gosh this is ridiculous how are you doing this they they make some bee puns come on really right now yes you better believe it oh i really don't wanna but it's it's going to be beneficial to you i have power i'm going to use it okay okay i'll i'll behave behave oh my sweet darling dear lucille we're gonna have a great day out here in the room okay let me help you oh oh wait wait no no no no no no what are you doing what are you doing don't help listen i'm trying to get you okay you're still coming closer she's gone i'm trying to be hey there oh no there's a bee in the water back [Laughter] [Applause] oh what i'm talking about aft this is ow this is too dangerous for you i mean i guess i do have to behave but come on baby wait a minute the bees left me in the [Music] very nice [Music] i'll come back and save you i'm gonna save the server but wait what do you need to save it from save us oh this is so cool this is such a cool power oh okay all right we're just playing creepers no no no go away shoo thank you so much no problem i think there's one more let me handle them hey creeper get over here don't worry don't worry cool isn't that cool oh the creeper stuck the creeper should be stopped oh thank you so much oh can i give you a hug oh thank i don't understand any of that but uh you know i was just getting some fresh wheat from the garden when i was trying to come back so uh i'm gonna go uh check out a little someplace special i've been working on oh yeah yeah i would like to see anything right this way yep those are cool i know right don't tell anyone about this but welcome to my secret cookie cave wow what if i absorb a cookie would i be cool so this whole absorbing things what what's all about that gives you powers or something yeah yeah so like sometimes the hearts okay sorry about that okay so okay the spider is gone now but uh maybe i can warm the cookies so basically what happens is i guess some things in minecraft will absorb into my hearts oh it sounds weird but some slime here yeah i'm trying to get rid of that it's really fun to bounce on but it is kind of a gross thing um wait what art phil selected what does that mean what does that mean are you okay yeah no i can't stop bouncing oh wow uh you know you could try not jumping maybe you could come back down look fl i'm not not jumping no this isn't me it's just doing it on its own it's pretty today oh okay uh maybe i could avoid fire huh hey my slime parts are gone and now i have moon parts what does that mean uh speaking of which where did the moon go did you just touch the moon no okay so i have this it's a moonstone one stone or i can't say that should i say that five times fast that's uh just keep walking just keep walking i just the person i was looking for oh hey you you got a lot of darv to come around yeah after what you did to coming around here come on through bees at me i tried to throw a spider back and i think you ate it what's going on uh don't you care about your sheep yeah of course i'm talking about you care about my sheep but thanks for inviting me it's not important right now what we need to do is have an intervention about your heart power i don't need a job peers i don't want an intervention thank you though the thing where you do when you ask me questions and i don't you don't have anything it's not wait a minute it's more like uh like a surprise attack guys what are you doing don't steal what jack just want to blow yourself up just go away shoot come on no no no no no i will have my veggies for my dear friends all right yeah why are you so fast it works a little right he's so slow oh [Applause] do you think it drops the moon on him or something i don't know wait what's that [Music] uh let's uh let's not let's put this one away right now yeah it's special occasions okay all right i think i should be good um you know what my hearts are good i don't need to fill them with anything else i'm just going to chill zayn i'm my own independent minecraft player i don't doubt that you you should you're your own independent minecraft player that doesn't have any hearts i don't have any heart zayn i'm heartless i don't need no get out of here my life don't shut the door on me missy i'm gonna sit next to the fire and i'm gonna enjoy my life i mean you didn't leave it locked so that's your problem are you saying i'm not safe enough what do you think i'm reacting like this for of course not don't put on my fire this is my fire sir i'm gonna do it don't you do that i'm gonna do it don't do it that's it i'm gonna go be the unsafest i've ever been i don't wanna i don't even wanna talk to you i don't wanna no i don't know the opposite reaction of what i wanted you to do you should have listened to me in the first place you know do you ever think about my feelings one two three what are you doing seven eight nine mouth please listen to me you don't want to do that you're sitting on the tnt you don't miss the nectar i can sit on that fire you know if i really wanted to well you weren't sitting on the first fire well maybe i wanted to sit on that different fire i don't just sit on the fire you want me to sit down i'm sitting on this one i'm gonna teach you about basic science well i am wait what heartfelt what happened what happened you tell me i mean i didn't get rid of the tnt what happened to it i don't know but i'm gonna go back to my house because i'm scared about what happened and you i i just i just think that maybe what happened you're okay i think i am wait a minute what what if i what if i punch this prank [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] those are important parts of the environment oh this this could not be any worse oh my gosh look at this this is so cool oh what if i come over here and do something like this oh wait wait that was so nice i i'm i'm stuck oh oh okay hang on uh uh i'm gonna find a way to get you down here um wait a minute i think i have an idea no no no no no no no you wanna touch the fire no i'm gonna touch this fire i'm touching it i'm gonna touch it don't you oh come on this is even worse than the tnt why oh i got these cool things hey my heart well what about him okay watch this uh what's happening oh don't tell me this oh this oh no okay just got just gotta uh put these uh out here it's okay it's okay i'm gonna i'm gonna use tnt to get up it's fine uh what oh oh that makes me feel so much better you're fine everything is good look at me why are you using tnt to get out when your traveling is fire dude i can spawn volcanoes and everything is on fire yeah i can clearly see that do you need help getting down from there i'm trying to i'm trying to figure this out here here i'll make you a tnt way you can get out here let me help you how lovely um uh i'm i'm just thinking about you fam i got you don't worry you're gonna go up just here okay you don't care the fire can't here now let me light this tnt just to be safe to be safe [Music] you can spawn what now i didn't mind i can spawn a volcano see look at that oh you have to know this is not normal at all um no but you're the one who wants to test this potion so i'm gonna just i'm gonna go back home and take a nap okay uh i wanted to test the post in a safe scientific environment you're the one that broke into my science lab and you blamed me for it when ian appeared okay some of it was my fault yes i agree i shouldn't have gave it into pierce pressure but you know what this is fine this is fine [Music] say wait before you take me to the lab i need to go and you go back to my house what could you possibly have in there that you need to get um something very special duh aaron got me these diamonds that's not they're pretty oh okay look at that what what does that mean [Applause] [Music] oh i should have seen this coming what is this you have absorbed everything else you you must have absorbed the diamond somehow what does that mean means you'd be a a tough cookie to crack as far as i'm concerned wait am i invincible i don't know about invincible but i mean doesn't wait let's find out let's find out oh geez af really isn't there a better way to test this out okay well i mean as as long as you're safe i mean i guess that's the most important thing that's that's all i care about oh okay well you know what zayn i guess i can have empty hearts or these diamond hearts as long as i'm protected right that's all i mean i mean i'm glad we've found a work around for it i suppose and now this is not going into repairs oh check it out oh i got this really cool moonstone from the crater oh and insane that soda you made was awesome wait soda oh it's just what soda oh check out this moon it is so cool and what happened oh yeah that's that's great half do it again do it again do it again i don't know what our outlook is for the rest of us though live a moon to me where is it where is it it's coming down [Music] here i'm going to put the pc to get up noise summon another moon please i'm ready you can use anything but tnt to get back up here it goes oh cool dan where are you uh up here just rethinking my life choices where are you are you up there he's in uh-huh yeah i'll get a bucket
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,548,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau has no hearts in minecraft, aphmau no heart minecraft, aphmau zero hearts minecraft, aphmau is hurt, aphmau hurt, aphmau hurting, aphmau is op, minecraft hearts, minecraft zero health, minecraft no hearts, minecraft zero hearts, custom hearts, minecraft custom hearts, aphmau custom hearts, aphmau hearts mod, aphmau custom hearts mod, heart mod
Id: Jj5K0frReXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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