Minecraft, But Would You Rather..?

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this is minecraft but would you rather go left or right uh right today we'll be facing one question left or right but will we choose correctly from one heart or one thousand hearts to 100 withers or 100 dragons to even being tiny or giant my goal is to survive all the decisions i make and get to the end but as i get to each new question my choices are really gonna matter so would you choose left or right and what if i go through this door stay tuned to find out so left or right choose wisely so red door or blue door i mean my favorite color is blue let's go blue oh welcome make a choice so this is gonna be our first choice where either we can get one diamond boo or 999 iron chest blades what can't mine the diamonds because i have money fatigue and i can't mind iron either i mean i only need one chest plate but i think a chest plate might do more armor than diamond boots so i guess let's just go in there here we go oh 999 chest plates just like that and which animal i guess this is going to be our next choice so pig or cow go and let me know in the comments down below which one you guys would pick but i'm kind of feeling the cow right now so let's go cow oh wait i'm a cow yo what the heck oh my goodness i can't even see myself what did i do to deserve this anyways for our next choice would i rather have a one heart or one thousand hearts isn't that easy i mean why not let's go for a thousand hearts well here we go as a cow wait what yeah that's good hi what's going on so this is gonna be the first twist of the left or right challenge where in reality it would have been a better idea to get one heart because now i have this much time to die with 1 000 hearts am i screwed probably but before we get to that i want to give a huge shout out to nino cooney crossworld for sponsoring today's video and stay tuned to see what happens next nino cootie crossworld is an extension of the ninokuni series that reimagines the fantasy world of the original games you the player will tell a new story in this game you arrive at the nameless kingdom and are attacked by mysterious enemies with the help of queen sia you're able to escape however after a crash landing safety you're tasked with the journey of rebuilding the nameless kingdom with the help of clue your self-appointed guide you can also go deeper into the vivid fantasy world by interacting with various npcs as well as other players join together with your friends fight for the throne and even become the king of the server one of my favorite parts of the game is that it has studio ghibli aesthetics like look at the game right now it looks so good it's literally anime style graphics rendered in the unworld engine 4 with heartfelt cutscenes and select tracks by long time studio ghibli composer joey saishi not only that we can make a character that looks just like you take pictures with all the familiars you find and you can even hang out with your friends by the campfire and tell stories of your favorite things in the game indie no kuni you'll be able to choose from five unique characters that will different weapons and enjoy playing their different combat styles so we can already tell definitely very excited for the game and if you want to play the game for yourself you can go ahead and click my link in the description down below and start your journey today once again i want to give a huge thank you to dino community for sponsoring today's video and without that being said let's get back to the video one thousand hearts wait die to proceed three two one wait i gotta die i only have five minutes no oh my gosh okay okay why i literally still have like 700 hearts what the heck oh gosh okay okay i gotta go deeper in the cave no no guys chill chill chill dying nestor not this again are you serious get ahead and block him off no no no no no no we got him go gosh oh gosh no no no no no no oh wait more level more lava oh let's go come on come on come on come on go down hearts go down we're not even halfway down are you serious oh get me underneath yes yes yes wait no it's not working oh i see something i see something okay how many uh how many hearts are you at now i'm uh one i'm at one heart no he's not in one heart no no give me the creeper come on come on yes don't get me out guys we are almost done come on two minutes no no are you serious stay away stay away zoe come on come on come on come on oh no no no no no guys this is the worst time for this skeleton's shoe me yes screenshot there has to be level down there come on you're not dying nestor were you out buddy oh i'm nowhere buddy all good oh my gosh oh okay come on come on oh thank you for the slime big bounce yes oh my gosh okay okay oh there's nothing over here don't worry don't worry dory come on come on come on come on we're so close we're so close we're gonna wake up we're good no one minute guys oh no no this is so bad this is about this bad guys i'm literally worried right now come on spiders yes yes yes yes oh my gosh you guys are bad at killing spiders i gotta say this spider's the goat no this water is gone are you serious 49 seconds where oh yes yes yes yes come on come over here buddy come on yes oh my gosh no 40 seconds guys are you serious i am about to lose the snow over here yes this is it yes come on come on 10 more hearts and yes wait where am i now oh my goodness so that's gonna be for the first decision room and we're impressed time for a new decision guys we now have 1 000 hearts and wait the next choice is make your choice life or death i literally almost just died wait what wait we have another decision right here wait is this either subscribe or what subscribe button green so why not guys if you guys are part of that 80 people watching right now that are not subscribed feel free to click that subscribe button and we can go ahead and go to the subscribe button green and what do we get we we get a subscribe button what the heck just happened there and now that we're done with that decision i guess i mean it's an obvious answer i want to live so let's go live why not oh wait what are you sure you want to pick that one um yes why did it throw me out let's go to live again wait what no this one am i supposed to go and die i mean if i have no other choice okay what happens would die oh wait what um what just happened you were dead wait where am i now find a way out of here so we're now at half a horror and are we in a dead world or something what do i grab these guys oh life essence so we have a fountain and a bunch of life essences what do i do with this do i like put it in here or something oh i do okay so i'm supposed to get 16 life essences and then put it in the fountain of life i'm gonna get this better do something good so you know what let's see what it does all right give me these live fences okay 15 live presences let's go ahead and put that in uh here you go phone take all the live essences you want and so what happens now yo oh wait it gave life to everything oh that's sick and it also gave me a staff of life i restored the land is that a word revive the villagers to fully recover the room oh so i'm gonna guess that's what the stuff life does and these are the villagers let's real quick give you some snap of life and it becomes a villager nice i'm alive again all right let's get all the guys back real quick here we go [Music] almost done and what about this guy so what the skeleton can i remind you oh i don't think it worked oh wait what how dare you restore life to my waistline guys it's louis the grim reaper okay okay all right let's fight him with some life staff go on go on livestock get the grim reaper oh we killed him that was pretty quick i like this would you rather decision very cool anyways let's real quick run away and revive our last guy right over there before the grim reaper kills a thousand people there we go and that should be the last one and that did it a portal was open nearby okay let's get out of here and be done with that so now one dollar or one billion dollars wait what i mean that's an obvious choice but is it gonna be a twist again like 1 000 hearts how important is money to you i mean money isn't everything but a billion dollars is a billion dollars like you can buy a castle or a dirt house with some uh some seeds nice i'm gonna be a little bit greedy because you guys already know i'm in this suit let's go ahead and get one billion dollars and see what happens one billion dollars i'm a billionaire oh my gosh that's a lot of money what the heck oh we got a tuxedo wait wait why did we get a timer go bankrupt to leave mall closes in 10 minutes all customers love inside will die and why am i being attacked by a tax agent hello your tax report is wrong for all your tax report all right we got a nice car let's get out of here and now that we're a billionaire we gotta spend one billion dollars on these stores i'm gonna guess so we got all the money and we got a money launcher what does the money launcher do we we can throw money now guys this is the greatest thing ever okay i'm gonna park my car right there and right now we spent zero dollars so let's change that up okay all right mr villager do i buy from you i have the best weapons in the whole world can i get a weapon do i buy it oh negative ten thousand dollars and just like that we get a stronger sword oh my gosh that's actually a really good sword sharpens 10. what about you i still enchanted bows give me that bow ten thousand dollars gone just like that thank you very much what about you can you sell me a big tree i want a big tree what what do you got my clients call me tree store owner you can call me tree store owner what okay another ten thousand dollars gone thank you very much i'll take the saplings let's go to the next store all right what's up man yo you ain't got no style my friend you're going to stay maidenless like that get some fresh yeezys from here and you'll be set bro sure give me the yeezys 10k for some shoes oh okay why not forty thousand dollars to gone and i still have so much to spend what the heck oh wait these are really expensive what the heck a robo turkey for 150 million dollars i mean don't mind if i do i just buy them wait the turkey ball i spawn at the base four wait what does that mean oh guys i think i might have to fight this guy okay that's not good i mean i guess why not my dude says that's 350 million and we'll make it harder on me what else do we have buff jeff bezos what the heck you know what why not 500 million dollars is 500 million dollars pesos to spawn at the base floor looks like he brought his puppy too oh yeah that's gonna be a bit difficult when we get done spending and we still have like a million dollars to spend so let's keep going oh gosh that's minutes left or what do you sell buddy i saw the rarest kind of fruit it's called the elusive fruit well what does that mean oh holy that is so much fruit wait where's the notch apple i need the notch apple come on there we go okay one enchanted golden apple that should be good enough why is this placeable so blown up do you sell tnt what's up buddy i love explosives do you want some explosives too i mean sure well why not let's go and spend oh 63 grenades wait how does this work oh it literally just blows up the tnt smithereens okay what do we have next alright what do you tell buddy i sell ladders oh wait 10k for ladders why not thank you very much okay final store it's uh literally a bunch of cows what do you sell cows i sell cows always cows only cows okay take my money and that's another 10k down and it gave us a cowability unlocker what does this do no building unlocked press y what does y do oh guys i literally spawn baby cows what the heck is this oh wait what is this hello why are there so many signs what the heck key store odor i have a key for every lock oh okay there we go 10k down the drain and i still got to spend literally a million dollars are you serious where is the final store wait maybe this place what's up buddy i sell the freshest fish imported straight from the ocean you know what don't care give me the fish oh my okay i do care bye bye bye i lose the worst store ever guys woman in 56 seconds come on oh wait what is this store the car store oh this might be it guys we can buy a tank a lambo which i i'm gonna guess already bought this in a police car why not let's go and buy a police car there we go and wait is this gonna be enough oh and yes now we spent all the money we have to and so finally a portal is open to get out of here oh wait i only have one minute to get out don't i guys do i have to kill these guys in one minute oh that might be a problem okay okay oh gosh oh gosh they're literally right at the portal what if i throw these guys at them go on grenades get them i spent like ten thousand dollars on those okay that's gonna be the dog down oh gosh we have medusa still come on let's get my juice out of the way wait what about the money launcher yes okay let's get jeff bezos too go on money launcher i'm literally launching all the way up go okay down goes bezos one more to go and it's literally the turkey actually i'll they have 10 seconds let's just get out of here with that being done next choice past or future which would you rather live in i mean the dinosaur kind of looks sick so i don't want to go in there but what is this the feature it's like a little microchip a little bit sus and i guess for this would you rather let's go with left oh i guess we're in 40 000 years ago wait what it seems a caveman needs your help find him in a mountain cave near you i don't see any dinosaurs but where exactly is this cave let's try to find it real quick i guess oh wait what the heck is that thing yo wait that's giant dinosaurs okay let's go around that okay okay where's the caveman i gotta find the caveman guys oh there's the caveman mr caveman do you have anything for me hello can you help me sure why not i'm so hungry the t-rex is eating everything could you give me some food and i gotta give him eight raw beef do i have some from earlier oh i do all right 10 raw beef here you go buddy take all the raw beef you need thank you nestor take this oh he's cooking it oh yo that's sick all right enjoy buddy and he gave us a caveman's club now we gotta steal the dinosaur egg or face the consequences right i'm gonna guess i gotta go find the t-rex and then stealth dinosaur let's go back inside the jungle and try to not get hit by all the dinosaurs oh gosh oh gosh okay there's the t-rex guys okay let's real quick where is the egg wait is that the egg wait is it just gonna chill there it's dag right there do i like right like this oh okay oh mama rex is awake oh my gosh okay okay we gotta fight the t-rex gold clubs i don't know how i'm throwing them but it works oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay we got the t-rex egg guys i have an idea what if we fight the t-rex what the power of money go all money send them flying and down goes the t-rex just like that and what do we get from him oh wait fast forward time and a t-rex fan sword what does this do oh yeah i like that that is very nice did i need the egg at all or do i place it oh wait what wait did i just hatch the t-rex the baby t-rex thinks you're its mom oh what's up buddy go ahead and give this guy a name in the comments down below i guess we have a child now what the heck wait what does dino whistle do oh we can call a bunch of t-rexes these guys will help me fight people and i guess do i fast forward time now did that do anything wait the volcano's erupting oh my okay okay well what do i do a porter was appeared in the caveman's cave use it to escape oh i gotta go back i got it back okay okay we're gone we're gone kids come with me we're going back to caveman's game oh my gosh okay that's actually sick what the heck okay nope nope nope okay almost there all right um came in big explosion you you know what bye bye great day holy okay tiny or giant i guess we're done with that and we got some baby cows with us wait why is a silverfish on the giant side and why is there a giant villager on the tiny side guys i'm so confused would you rather be giant or tiny why not might as well get bigger let's go and go into giant here we go wait i'm not giant giant world that's a scam help the villagers hello ditty dope angry villager i can't find my emeralds small one would wait did he just call me a small one okay look i am short but i'm not that short would you be willing to mine back some emeralds for a reward i mean you already gave me a giant pickaxe why not let's go to do that and it's only useless to mine giant oars my goodness oh that is a giant ore i'm gonna guess i'll just mine it oh yeah that's sick what the heck a little bit harder to mine these because we gotta actually climb around and so that's gonna be three giant emeralds and now we have three right there where else can i find these oh and there's a cave over there okay let's go and grab as many as we can guys all right that's gonna be 12 of our rolls let's go back yo villager got your armor here you go thank you i don't have much to give you in return but oh wait that is a big old sword sword of the village sharpest five right click summon backup what does that mean oh and someone's another villager oh what's up guys could you also investigate what's causing noises in the cave i mean why not sure i'm gonna guess right now probably something big oh and it's literally right on top of our cave giant zombie oh that really is a giant zombie well why not let's try our new ability with some giant villagers and go my villagers get them older beating them up let's go what if i summon a bunch of villagers and also some t-rexes come my t-rexes get them literally 100 t-rex's versus one giant zombie this is the greatest thing ever and let's hit him just like t-rex wait did i eat my t-rex's too who cares just like that downhill is a zombie and i've defeated the giant zombie a portal is opened up in the village well i guess that's gonna be it for this town and now that we're done with the giant area let's go make our next decision through there oh and here we are oh and it's empty hero or villain okay so either superman or thanos what side of the story will you read i mean low-key so many stories are about heroes guys that i kind of want to be the villain this time around do i do it i mean actually think about it right now let's be hero oh avengers hq to like the six infinity stones and craft infinity gauntlet oh what's up guys wait why are they tired of me oh cows don't don't fight the agent okay okay they're fighting the agent all right right right wait why are the shield agents attacking me aren't i supposed to be a good guy i chose zero right did the door lie to me again let's get the reality stone real quick trying to get all the stones i can that's gonna be two okay it's a mini maze kind of cool let's go and grab this oh gosh a lot of asians okay okay no no no go away go away yet again another room and i feel a bit weird that i'm having to steal the stones instead of like protecting them i'm not sure if they just like go evil or something okay that's gonna be three of these oh gosh a lot of more agents okay t-rexes get them all right so we got five infinity stones and now we just need one more is it gonna be up here oh there it is okay oh oh gosh you're still after me okay last one oh gosh i gotta fight these guys don't i feel so bad for killing them but oh well and so i feel like my choice backfired and what exactly do we do with these stones do i grab something let me go find a crime table okay so we got a crafting table oh and there is a craft so we need one more gold block and then we can make an infinity gauntlet um okay i'm starting to feel like a villain and not a hero all right we got the last gold block let's go and put that in and just like that we get an infinity gauntlet okay so what does the infinity gauntlet do do i just like right click this thing oh heroes assemble defeat the heroes okay we're definitely villain right now where the door switched or something what the heck i guess we've got to fight the heroes oh my gosh i do so much damage what the heck oh my gosh i gotta eat them as fast as i can oh did we get them oh my gosh i just ate them what the heck i've defeated the avengers a portal is open at the top of the tower and oh my gosh the tower's collapsing okay let's go through oh my gosh what the heck okay now we got xp or diamonds what the heck just happened guys well i guess yet again another pick and i guess the diamonds aren't here because i could easily mine them so do i want xp or diamonds hmm what's more important minecraft i feel like my immediate answer is diamonds but at the same time xp is like underrated you know what i mean like this is how you get the really good enchants and i feel like i'm going to get really good enchants with this so why not let's go into xp and see what happens here we go oh wait what the library oh wait that's a lot of xp hello wait what's going on in here can i mine this oh xp block do i need this beware of the owl there must be some way to defeat it and the owl will one hit me from now on is that an xb owl oh my gosh it's so big okay what am i supposed to do yo wait what you've started absorbing experience from nearby blocks infinity xp bottle recipe unlocked okay where's the bird where's the bird oh my gosh we're level 1 billion what is going on right now okay okay where's the bird where's the bird i don't see the bird we should be good never mind that's the bird okay we're going we're going the amount of levels i have right now i don't even know what to do with this main levels okay the subscribing table right there let's get to that real quick oh there is an item okay so with nine xp blocks i get a giant experience bottle don't know what that's for but let's go ahead and grab some of these that's gonna be nine let's go to craft that and a giant experience bottle i mean i already have a bunch of xp what do i do now do i throw this at the bird let me i guess try that real quick bird where are you oh whoa whoa whoa okay i can't let it hit me there we go did we get it we got it yes oh my goodness the portal has appeared and also a mysterious vault door um what did he drop us a random enchanter what does a random enchanter do right click oh that's a random enchanter oh my gosh wait so how do i use this item do i just like i got a shovel does that work like that oh it does a protection for stone shovel the best type of shovel okay so is the portal open anywhere wait what is that unlock one key oh and that's the portal okay before we go to the portal then is this like a secret vault room i do have a key from the mall when i was a billionaire did i just open this oh oh yo that's some good stuff and holy xp an xp sword very nice which pretty much launches xp like that a lot a bunch more xp which we don't need in an xp flamethrower wait i've never made this what is this oh yo that's sick oh and an xp bow what does this do turn your experience into a weapon i mean i have like two billion so what does this shoot oh my gosh okay that's that's a little bit violent okay what with this area done let's finally get out of here and see what's next okay so what's your choices now oh nether or aether okay so nether i know but i think i already have my answer guys if you guys don't know what the aether is you guys will see very soon very cool dimension and it's pretty much heaven so let's go to the aether right about now oh and we're in wait what the aether water dimension don't fall too hard oh i gotta fall i mean there's water right there let's go please make it okay yo i better hope that i'm supposed to be here but hello anyone at home oh wait there's a villager are you interested in skywars i mean why not what do you got oh eight golden gets for a sky key or eight raw gold for a sky key well i'm kind of broke so i can't afford that so i guess let's try to find some gold around here okay where would some gold be also wait is that a pig with wings i'll go investigate that later but let's go get the gold for this guy give his wrong gold right there and there we go nine raw gold all right mr flying villager which is literally flying like what the heck okay here's your gold one sky key thank you very much and what does this do exactly i have no idea but i guess we're done here okay so what about the sky pig hello what's up buddy the pig talks you'll have to race me before you can leave the aether catch me if you can oh he's gone okay i gotta go quick oh let's get the wings of ether oh we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go yo we're doing a race let's go holy i'm destroying the pig okay up we go oh gosh don't wanna take some damage all the way to the end come on oh and we did it and just like that we beat the pig by a very large margin and there it is i didn't think you'd beat me you can keep the wings you earned them oh thank you man well with that being done i guess let's go explore that thing up there and then try to go make our next decision wait there's a door there too i guess i'll go here first hello anyone oh my zeus what is this doing in the ether this makes zero sense okay let's go experience bow do your thing okay doesn't do enough damage what about an xp flamethrower how did a mortal make it here hi i'm so sorry zeus but we're gonna take you down real quick with the flamethrower that was the quickest death ever also what is he doing now he's just shaking his body okay you prove worthy you can have my lightning sword oh what is this oh literally throws lightning as expected very nice and now let's go in against the next area which is gonna be this door okay so i don't know what this door does uh do i just like right like that oh wait open um wait is this the door from the beginning of the video i'm not even sure do i go in oh and it just takes us to the next area which now we have to pick alex or steve okay in my opinion i think the alex model is better than the steve model i like my man steve i use them all the time the thumbnails but he gotta give some love for alex so i think i might go for alex this time and it's literally choose your character also why are the cows still following me i i'm not your mother all right stay over there no no why are they following me okay we're going to alex oh here we are wait save steve stop alex and escape wait so we're stopping alex instead of being alex nester you have to help me stop her she just became some kind of monster oh my yo no help me nestor wait what what the heck wait where where they go alex has gone underground it might be a good idea to explore the village before descending i guess let's explore the village what's to explore around here oh hello uh the random guy with the cape what's up welcome traveler the vanilla survivor this is world zero or seed zero i saw that scuffle with alex just now poor girl could probably use a cure bring me back some materials and i'll bring you one up oh okay so you need some stuff and first up we gotta bring some poppies okay where can i get some poppies oh right here another poppy number three let's go ahead and give the three poppies there you go buddy and now we gotta bring a water bottle okay so how do i get water bottle when i need it that took a little bit longer than expected but we got the water bottle there you go buddy and now he says and now a little touch of magic that is a golden apple oh this thing well here comedy and this will do now go find alex he gave us alex's cure use it on alex when she's stunned okay so i gotta stun her and then throw a cure at her let's real quick get some back up we're gonna go in the cave we're gonna stun alex and then throw this thing on her okay wait what is this alex's combination lock no touching nester alex locked me in this cage you got to get me out i got you buddy okay give me one sec okay so um uh what what is the combination for this there's no hints do i just like press them no it's not that oh is it this oh it literally was that that was lucky nice all right let's go inside and steve says thanks alex crawled through this hole in the wall let's try to go stop her all right well let's go do it um ignore the cows so they're just coming by with me and oh gosh okay i i just heard scary alex just go through here real quick oh there she is that thing is terrifying all right let's go stunner lightning sword nope that doesn't do much damage oh gosh oh gosh oh god she does so much damage experience sword go on xp get her come on i got a stunner oh wait she might be stunned okay do i just put in the gear oh that works thank you for saving me nestor steve you try to kill me nestor take this it's a gift for saving me oh i should have probably made this in general thank you so much alex i appreciate that let's go to get some diamond armor though very much appreciated oh and our next portal's here and i guess let's go back oh again an empty room dead or a live dragon oh wait is this like a trick question i mean why would i want the dragon to be alive loki wouldn't just end the video if i go on dead dragon i mean let's go ahead and try it we're at the very end of the top so let's try it oh the end are we here hello oh the dragon is literally dead wait what the heck is this guy is that an enderman villager the dragon is dead what else did you expect there must be a way to get out of here oh wait yeah there's no portal wait how can i end this then hello wander again trader my weirds are not for everyone what do you have oh one end right the thing better than netherright for an end crystal let's see if we can find some oh wait there might be some right there oh there we go and this just made things harder because i kind of made it so i can't kill the dragon so we actually gotta revive a dragon i think that might be what we need to do so let's go to get the end crystals and i saw this in a dream video i think we just put four of these right oh oh yo this is so sick what the heck okay what happens now oh they're re-lighting all the things oh here we go oh yo guys that's a zombie dragon all right let's go do this go on xp gun get him okay explain frame throw oh my gosh it does so much damage what the heck we're just right behind it oh and we got it yo that's like record time and wait we're not done because another portal just opened i guess good game to the dragon and without further ado let's go to the next place alright what do we have now one final choice is this where story ends so do we restart the video or do we end the video guys i would say the choice is yours but i think we might be done there guys so let me know in the comments down below if you guys want me to redo this video but by making the other choice and i guess without further ado let's end the video you chose well it is time to end the video more you guys read that without that being done over again i'll enjoy have a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,275,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, Minecraft but would you rather, would you rather, minecraft would you rather, left or right, minecraft left or right, would you rather minecraft
Id: ymLj3Gy2sEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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