Adopted By the SHADOW DRAGON FAMILY in Minecraft!

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Mr Chicken how are you floating like that that is literally impossible what don't get down from there I'll save you oh okay there we go you can stay in here with Mr horsey what's going on villagers the Raiders Raiders attacking the city Hunters what are you guys talking about get to the roof get to the roof okay I'm coming attack attack I think I hear them attack oh gosh be careful I'm gonna hide in here come here boy you can see them up here okay okay I'm coming oh dear the crops are burning attack attack go oh gosh I work so hard for my Village who is that uh you know what I have had enough of this wait what I will stand up for this no no what are you doing what are you doing hey hey it's not safe get away oh gosh oh gosh she's killing the villagers what is going on oh my gosh Come here villager run run oh God I'm in the fire what are you doing down there oh my gosh oh my god oh gosh no I can't let her see me oh Jesus that was a close one why is there hunters in this Village and why are they killing the villagers I thought I was living a normal life until now oh gosh I just wanted to play with Mr Chicken gosh please don't tell me they're coming up here you took care of this part of town lad oh yeah I'm putting in some good work I'm killing the horses oh no she's killing the horse the horses I can hear them downstairs okay just get rid of them maybe I can get a peek on what's going on uh don't gosh no I can't let him see me no they're killing the animals oh geez fire let's make sure upstairs is clear got it oh they're coming upstairs geez I'm going back to my hiding spots I think the villagers came from here but the coast looks clear oh gosh alrighty let's start setting fire kitty cat yeah oh my God if that's a what you what hey hey you hello let's get them give me one reason why we shouldn't demolish you right now no listen listen I'm just a normal citizen please don't kill me can you get your cat off me that's not her cat wait what oh gosh Maurice how are you still here whoa way yeah put me down guys this cat is crazy oh my gosh oh my gosh okay listen please don't kill me I'm just a lonely boy I'm getting out of here oh get out get over here oh gosh everything here is on fire are you serious got you no ah man how did you even catch up to me I think that cat was trying to tell us something I think so too but tell you what we're gonna need you kid wait you're gonna need me for a special ops operation Mission listen no no no I do not want to be part of a bad guy's team I'm a good guy do we look like bad guys yeah you literally just hit the whole town on fire and killed my villager friends and my animals well maybe but we need help help with what uh do you want to tell them we're looking for Dragons we need you to get information on them if you're looking for Dragons why would you come to the village and kill everyone we heard they were here from that cat oh my gosh okay well uh they'll say that sounds all cool and all and your little dragon hunting Mission but count me out I'm not being a part of this well you see if you feel you die but wait what ow that hurt dude do you want to die no I don't want to die well they don't mess with us I won't I'm just gonna get out of here I'm leaving the village oh gosh oh gosh a dragon right now oh gosh shelter go in here guys this is a good shelter come on gosh you hear those explosions do you have a crossbow ready ah just close the door we're good in here guys okay listen those dragons are super mean hey you what you're going out as big no no I'm not uh go there is way too many explosions out there listen I'll join your guys's team okay what do you want me to do I want you to be big no I'm not being babe put me down well then prove yourself to be useful okay what do you want me to do we'll spare your life if you can get in good with the dragons get in good with the dragons what does that mean we need you to give us information on them I told you secret spy operations Mission how am I supposed to do that they're just gonna kill me if I even get near them listen to us or that Arrow will be in your head oh Jesus okay well how do you want me to talk to them I don't know how to speak dragon language well figure it out we need you oh Jesus okay what do you want me to find out then where they're planning to do their next attack and how we could slay them okay so you just want me to find what their weakness is especially their home base we've been trying to look for them for months okay fine hey Mr Dragon hey yeah hey hey watch out I'm trying to kill these Hunters just move out of the way you kill them don't kill them please no they've been attacking my Village for years and I must slay them but listen can you just calm down can you fly down here I can't really see you very well what you look like a pretty cool dragon listen I don't really um have a job and I was wondering if I could work for you wait do you want to be recruited as a dragon uh yeah is that possible I know I don't really look like a dragon I mean I guess so um are you sure you're not friends with the hunters how can I trust you I'm not friends with them at all they had me kidnapped oh okay you want me to go handle them real quick um no no it's fine you don't have to kill them just take me out of here hmm okay that's weird okay let's go wait how are you even pick me up right now let's get you to safety hang on I want to shoot some more Fireballs at those guys wait wait no don't do that oh gosh Mr Dragon get up get him are you done yeah that felt great okay let's go back to my Village okay let's go whoa is this where your dragon home is you live in a cave yep I've got my team here oh my gosh this is the coolest cave I've ever seen okay you're flying too fast or would you like to land at buddy I don't know can you just show me around what is this place here I'll set you down okay well this is our Dragon flag where we praise to the Ender Dragon every day oh that's pretty cool what is that over there that's the end Crystal we heal from it you heal from a crystal yeah it feels great to stand near it so if that Crystal were to you know like get destroyed you would have no way to heal yeah I guess you could say that but that's why we protect our cave and no Intruders will ever enter ah okay well just another question how would you destroy that Crystal honestly I'm not sure probably with the large explosion or something oh okay uh I'll just one wondering anyways buddy let's get away from that oh okay uh where are we going now the Rich's room the richest room what how did you get all this stuff oh hey Emily how are you hey Edward where to bring in here what's your name kid my name is um Roberto Roberto Roberto you brought a human here yeah listen I was getting attacked by the hunters so he saved me ah the hunters he's a little suspicious but I think he's got the right intentions I'm not suspicious I'm a good kid and uh wait how long did it take you to get all of this stuff well the hunters tried to raid our village a long time ago so we ended up stealing back from them oh really so if you were to get all this taken away from you what would happen will you just be broke dragons really can't spend money so it's whatever okay so you destroy the crystal by explosions and if you get all this taken away then you go broke yeah it kind of sounds like you're plotting something but whatever no I'm not plotting anything I'm just wondering because I don't want that to happen to us I just want to protect us against it okay whatever you say anyways can you show me the other parts of this cave yep come here buddy okay what else do we have well we have our little areas where we like to hang out over here whoa what is this place this is way bigger than the other parts this is the master bed I sleep on this one this thing's a bad yeah it's nice it's my cozy Dragon bed oh my gosh but it's not even that bouncy oh wait never mind it's super bouncy what yep it's the coziest bed in here the other dragons have to sleep on uh you know these little dinky beds over here dinky beds ew these ones look gross I'm gonna see if it's bouncy they're all bouncy buddy really oh yeah it is actually super bouncy what here come here I have somebody I'd like you to meet okay I guess where are you taking me it's just right down here okay is that another Dragon I don't know if we should wake him up he seems like he's sleeping right now oh geez his name is Tyler Tyler hi name's Tyler oh uh hello Tyler I'm cash I mean uh Roberto Roberto cash Roberto I love it no no uh just Roberto oh wait he didn't tell us his first name oh I didn't know your name was Cash Roberto oh my gosh okay fine you know what yeah whatever I'm cashed wow so you're a human I guess yeah no kidding I was being attacked by the hunter so that's why I came here hey Tyler what did I tell you about leaving in stew out bro and Stu what is that dude make sure to clean up after yourself man wait you guys eat this stuff yeah obviously awesome are you serious well one last thing that I wondered is why is your cave so dark it's because we're Shadow dragons Shadow dragons but you don't really look like Shadow dragons we come from the Shadows we'll prove it to you check this out okay what are you gonna do as a shadow Jack whoa wait how'd he do that because I'm one with the shell yeah so Shadow dragons could just go in and out of wherever they want what else can you guys do I prefer not to do it it's kind of destructive can you show me oh gosh Edward sure I'll do it on his bed oh my gosh that again oh my gosh she's spitting black Flames from his mouth hey that's what you get for leaving the end stew out dude I guess can you do that again that was pretty awesome I don't want to destroy my Lair so probably not oh well okay that was pretty cool so you guys have Shadow breath and you can phase through things yeah okay Edward yeah what's up do you know if this human is like those other humans that try to do the spy mission operations wait what oh probably but he's a cool dude so we'll let him show here for a while I'm definitely not trying to do some spy mission I don't know what you guys are talking about yeah that's definitely believable how do you guys even know about the spy missions just keep a look out on that no answer to that anyway buddy have you tried coarse fruit chorus fruit no what is that it's a delicacy oh man this dude hasn't had coarse fruit man he's missing out go and try some of that buddy okay I guess I'll eat one but what that whoa hey what happened what just eat another one here you go I just teleported though when I ate it did you not see that be careful go through walls though good luck what do you mean don't look it just did it again yep that's the power of the chorus fruit you say you teleport when you eat this thing yeah hey it keeps teleporting me back and forth okay what if I stand on this bed and eat it maybe it'll stop teleporting me no it's still teleported me guys okay okay that's besides the point how does it taste though I guess it tastes pretty good it's good right it's flipping amazing yeah I guess so but is this all you guys do you guys just sit around here and do nothing yeah but we forgot to tell you about the side effects wait what side effects nausea poison minus 10 years of your life wait what why did you tell me that before [Laughter] oh dear we usually just give it to every human you only live once and dragons live for thousands of years so it doesn't matter for us so every time I ate one of those it just took 10 years off my life anyways is there anything else you'd like to see around here um no I guess I could look for myself but wait what's that up there I saw a pink box a pink box oh that's just storage for our other dragons oh really yeah there's probably nothing in there that you like okay well I guess another thing I'm wondering is how the heck am I supposed to get around here without wings it feels like it's impossible for a human to go here um anyways Tyler do you think we should get him as training Wings yeah I think so wait what you can give me training Wings yeah we can get you some training Wings pal how so here's the equipment you need and there it is oh okay and oh These Wings yeah those wings right there now let's see what you got actually these are gonna help so much I already know how to use these Wings whoa these are natural now I can easily fly through your guys's base look whoa oh my gosh I've never been a ouch oh gosh she's random wow hey why do you guys even have that wall there who put that there I don't know who put that there oh my gosh oh my gosh this is just like the movie How to Train Your human wait what oh that's a great movie there's a movie like that yup hey anyways I'm starting to think that this guy's not a real uh Hunter spy or whatever they do yeah I forgot I was supposed to be spying Hunters don't know how to use those things so yeah I told you guys I'm not a hunter why don't you believe me ever I don't know we just can't really trust many humans they usually just sabotage us and stab us in our backs oh I understand like there was this one guy who came in asking me how to explode the end Crystal and then he tried to do it but failed wait really so somebody already tried to destroy your health Crystal yeah holy smokes that's super bad who would ever do that ah this feels so good you should try it out sometime okay you know what guys I kind of have a confession to make what well when I came in here the hunters actually wanted me as a spy so that's why I was asking about the end Crystal and hang on you're a spy no wait wait here we go hear me out put me down let's sin just try not to kill me for five seconds oh gosh she's Sarah and Crystal well let's not do anything yeah you better back away you're making me angry don't make me shoot at you just calm down okay I came in here as a spy but you know I don't think I want to be a spy anymore I wouldn't want to ruin your guys's lives and anyways those Hunters were mean they killed my Village People so we have a liar huh no no I'm not a liar listen I'm telling the truth we have a liar on our hands at least I admitted it I'm not gonna destroy any of your stuff anymore okay okay guys we have a decision to make do we believe this kid or what you know what is there anything wrong do I sell might as well yeah Andy knows how to fly too we could use you on the battlefield Bud uh yeah I could definitely help you guys out but wait I don't think I'm ready to go yet okay you don't have to be ready yet I need to be a shadow dragon like you guys before I can help you so uh how do I face through walls is it like this let me try oh wait I think I know nope that didn't work this may take a while uh how did you guys do that can you show me again just be one with your dragon abilities okay and what how how are they doing that he's so smooth with it I love that guy behind you wait what whoa where'd you come from what where'd he go behind you whoa how do you stop it dude seriously this is freaking me out I need to keep watching my back he's gonna appear at any second above you wait what whoa what okay can you cut it out now and teach me sorry oh my gosh let's take him outside to the training course it's a training course you guys have a training course no we don't oh my gosh wait you're just taking me on top of your cave yeah we need you to be uh far away from the end Crystal we don't want that thing blowing up oh my gosh I'm not gonna blow up your end Crystal I already promised okay well anyway let's see if you can shoot fire okay uh fire oh that was pretty cool that was a firework oh is that not what you meant no that's not even close well then what did you mean I meant like this oh whoa okay Fireball jeez jeez you don't need to demonstrate it right next to my feet Fireball Fireball thanks stop uh listen the fireball is cool and all but it's not really as cool as that dark breath you had do you think you could teach me instead oh you want to see the dark breath yeah yeah hey Emily do you want to have a dark breath battle all right I guess but I always lose these all right let's do it how do you do a dark breath battle wait what's going on WOW oh my gosh that looks so cool I really want to learn how to do that please oh dear we put a hole in the mountain ah they always abuse those Powers oh my gosh but before you learn to do that you have to learn to use a fireball first oh really so I can't learn that immediately yo it's steps kid okay fine how do I learn how to do this stupid Fireball okay well come over here okay uh where over here let's get away from the mountain before you blow something up okay fine what do you want me to do then Mr Shadow Dragon sir all right I want you to focus okay just look at the sky and just say Fireball Fireball louder Fireball louder Fireball oh wait what whoa oh my gosh did that actually work he's a natural he just exploded this tree over here no way I actually did it yeah okay but the trick is you don't want to have to say Fireball every time you shoot it or you won't be able to catch your enemies off guard oh so uh I just have to like think about it and shoot it oh oops oh my gosh that was an accident good thing my skin is fire repellent yeah my nose was just a little scratchy oh Jesus oh uh he's a sneezing dragon oh uh guys how do I control my all right all right you've got the fireball learned okay now we need to teach you how to spew all that dark stuff that we do I'm holding my nose right now so I don't sneeze that's probably not gonna make a difference whatever it's gonna stop my Fireballs we should get a person to test this on actually wait a person no I don't want to hurt a human no like a hunter like the bad guys oh okay that's a good idea oh Hunters where are you wait would they just be hiding in the mountains like this are you sure yeah they plot on our base a lot so they're probably around here somewhere well if we're trying to find them wouldn't we want to be hidden honestly I don't really care because you're just gonna be shooting Fireballs at him it's gonna be so funny oh okay I see one say it Fireball Fireball Fireball oh gosh did I hit him did I hit him I think you did keep going keep going the fireball oh gosh wait wait she's using her fire dragon ability oh geez hey hey uh I think he's dead you showed off too much uh what was that for I was supposed to kill him with my Fireballs uh sorry I meant to Fireball but then I sneezed oh my gosh she has the sneezing too yeah how was that did that feel great I guess so but I want to learn how to sneak up on them I don't want to fly at them through the air I want to like come through the wall or something oh you want to learn that ability that one's like the hardest one really yeah but that's the main part of being a shadow dragon though uh okay well I can already fly and I could shoot Fireballs so I don't think I'm too far off right now yeah but you need to morph as a dragon before you start doing all that stuff fourth as a dragon how do I do that hang on uh we have to do the trick oh okay just say shadow dragon five times and uh This Might Sting just a little bit all right ah this is ridiculous okay shadow dragon shadow dragon shadow dragon shadow dragon shadow dragon okay okay okay okay I think it worked oh wait a second he kind of looks like the Ender Dragon look at him he's so cute I thought I was going to turn into a real dragon what is this okay buddy now you should be able to phase through walls and shoot all that dark stuff wait really yeah just try it out uh okay I guess I could oh my gosh I actually can face through walls yeah you can so when you go into this mode you could just like see under all the hills and everything pretty much this is like the perfect sneak attack can we sneak up on another Hunter um sure let's see if we can find one okay wait I'm coming with you guys hold on don't leave me let's go all right now we gotta stay low and try to find one yeah if we stay underground they'll definitely never be able to see us where did the girl go she's probably looking around above land oh I see her okay come on let's find a hunter hunter where are you hey wait a second I think I see one there's one right there go get them wait he kind of sounds like someone I know what like a miner or something yeah like a miner you know them uh kind of they're pretty cool people wait does he know we're here yeah they can kind of sense us but they don't know exactly where we are he's like looking straight down at me are you sure about at him yeah pop out at his party dragon dragon come out I know you're here wait what he sounds super oh gosh hello I'm the dragon two dragons hey you just hit me what what the heck shoot out him do it okay Fireball shoot him shoot him how is he not dead yet use your dark spew oh my dark spew I don't know how to oh uh I think I killed him well you didn't get to use your better ability this one you know what I'm talking about well you never taught me how to use that one I've literally been begging to use that dude I don't have to teach you you're a real dragon now so you should be able to do it on command wait really I didn't know that yeah just think about it huh dark spew yeah okay are you serious ah yeah I can't uh let me think about it dark spew oh all I got was a fireball oh my gosh all right just eat this figgy pudding wait what figgy pudding what is that supposed to help with it's freaking disgusting so oh my gosh are you serious yeah wait wait a second who's this guy I remember training this guy wait what hi uh are you a dragon too yes wait what he has the same suit as me yeah we trained this guy last week oh my gosh wait but I have better Wings what yeah look my wings are bigger you gave him better stuff no it's just he evolved a little better than you buddy what's going on what's going on oh my gosh I think he's having a temper tantrum shoot the dark spew at him dude I can't I didn't eat my figgy pudding yet eat it okay I'm eating it oh this is disgusting oh looks like it worked wait what but that figgy pudding was so nasty all right all right I don't care now go have a dragon battle with that dude a dragon battle with him but what if he kills me oh he's not gonna kill you he's a noob okay well come here ah take that take that I'm over here you murked him dude good job oh yeah okay well uh now that I have all the abilities you have is it time to go for the hunters yeah but you're gonna do it by yourself because I believe in you wait what are you serious yeah you're ready for this moment dude oh my gosh I guess they did do me wrong they killed all my friends and my animals okay which direction do I go basically go this way for another million blocks oh a million blocks this way yep okay I'm going wait wait wait wait uh come back it's actually this way for a million blocks wait this way for a million blocks yeah oh my gosh I was about to go that way it's all right I caught you in time oh okay fine I'm going this way what it's actually this way what just make up your mind okay I'm going this way see ya luck Champion oh I think I made it back to my Village gosh it's so depressing here after the hunters rated everyone out gosh wait I think I still see them over there is that one on fire villager I'll save you what the hunters you guys are still setting fire to everything oh ah look at this guy showed up wait wait guys listen it's me remember you got me to go spawn the dragons wait a second is this the dude that you sent to get the Intel yeah that is him boy come down here little bro yeah remember you told me to go to the Dragon's Cave and get a bunch of Intel while I have it now oh please please do tell here you want to learn how to kill the dragons huh oh I'm ready yeah let's hear it okay well the first step to killing a dragon is don't mess with me oh my gosh thank goodness I took care of those guys listen I'm a good guy I'm a good guy if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys
Channel: Cash
Views: 1,409,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Adopted By the SHADOW DRAGON FAMILY in Minecraft!
Id: Nk1yP7_CQqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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