Minecraft, But The World Is In Layers..

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in this video i attempt to beat minecraft while playing in a world comprised only of layers watch till the end to see if i can beat the dragon after you hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications right now in three two one welcome to the subs club here's the comment of the vid and if you want a chance to be featured here leave a comment down below and can we get 103 likes on this video and just a quick reminder once again that i do role plays over on my roblox channel and that you should check it out today at youtube.com grazerplays link in the description down below enjoy [Music] all right so not the normal spawn today we're not in any swamp or mesa instead we're actually on well the clouds we're we're literally up in the air and uh well that's a very long fall but i do see two villages down there so as you guys know by now we are trying to complete the game but in a world where everything is in layers so currently we are on the clouds layer and we have to find a way to get down from here and i almost just fell and if i fall i die and i lose the challenge immediately so step one how do we get down to the actual surface so we can maybe you know actually start this challenge and uh well there's a chest located in the middle i just got a parkour all the way there without falling and dying guys if you've ever wanted to sleep on the clouds or just be on a cloud in general it's not fun rethink your dreams but let's get on over to this chest and we are here okay so i think this is the only chest around let's open it up oh no oh my goodness for everyone who knows i am like the least mlg person ever when it comes to uh oh anything minecraft so this is gonna be really hard but i think we have to use this water bucket to uh help me survive oh my gosh please please nail it please nail it yes okay it actually wasn't that hard well we're down from the clouds now we're on the surface so it is a flat world and there's not much to this world because well we can't just go off into the distance and get different stuff we have to use the layers that this world comes with to complete the game so we're going to start off we're going to go to these villages it looks like oh no poor villagers and we do have a lot of food so let me grab all these cares the beauty of it being a nice layered world and you know them being here forever without anything going wrong is uh well the crops are fully grown so i'll take all of that and we are pretty good on food let's see what is in this blacksmith in three two one yeah okay well we have an apple we have a couple bread we have a saddle i don't think we'll be on any horses in this but we do have a saddle we have two pairs of iron leggings why couldn't that be you know two different set of iron pieces but it's all good we have a pair of iron ladies and we did have another village across the land over there and i'm pretty sure it also has a blacksmith and is there a blacksmith at this village i don't see one i see a church i see a well please blacksmith yes yes okay we do have one over here all right perfect what are we gonna have in this chest please give me something like you know relatively good oh my goodness these are like two of the worst blacksmith chess i've ever seen we do have three obsidian and here we go it's time what's the first oh we have sand oh it's sandstone this is why we needed a stone pick here we just need to make sure we don't fall oh gosh holy we are in what appears to be a desert layer let's just look around i do see a desert temple there i want to explore that lash just to make sure there's nothing else a part of this it doesn't look like it i mean it is the very first layer guys so probably not much going on here we'll go ahead and look in this desert temple we have a chest okay we have two chests what do we have in the chest iron and diamond beautiful okay so actually that will make oh no we already have boots we need another iron there's acquire hardware we do have another chest and inside here we have two gold and a cobweb and we have more chess okay and three additional chests here what do we have and then we have an emerald we have another gold so we're almost halfway and there's all of the string okay beautiful what do we got in here what the heck is that forest destroyer oh this is one of the custom op items guys i think this weapon destroys an entire forest if you're in one in one click oh my goodness look at this thing what's in this chest oh the lucky block chest plate so if you guys don't remember uh these are items i've introduced before and i want to test this forest destroyer okay so let's put it in our inventory we have a bunch of trees oh actually there's only two but we're in the vicinity do i right click oh oh my gosh well i guess we won't need any more wood where that came from at least for the time being but i think that's it for this layer so it's time to dig down to the next oh it's a mushroom layer and wait hold on with all the wood we just got we could create a bunch of bowls and if we didn't end up getting food from the village we could just go ahead and infinitely milk these guys for a bunch of mushroom stews look at this and what do you know [Music] look at that underneath one of the mushroom trees there is a chest and inside oh the lucky block boots i wonder if these layers are going to contain all of the armor pieces necessary to make this thing work because this lucky block armor produces some really opie stuff so we'll put that on for now i don't actually know which is stronger i think yeah actually the lucky block boots are stronger as an armor piece and they just look sick but this looks like it's going to be a prismarine type dealio okay we're in the water we're in the water there's a shipwreck there's a coral reef okay so the water doesn't go all the way we're not gonna drown we have no fear there and here we go we got a chest right here and inside uh two emeralds i mean if we wanted to trade with villagers if it came to that we have the emeralds to do so i'm gonna put that at the top of my inventory there is another chest here and okay this looks more like a shipwreck chest we have a golden apple in here okay by the way i know you guys are like oh what's wrong with your inventory so let me go ahead and clear all this out we don't need like most of the stuff in our inventory right now and let's fill it up with all the goodies so lapis is actually beautiful because we're gonna need that to enchant regardless of if an enchantment table's provided or not and there's another chest okay what do we got in this one two diamonds okay so that brings us to five do we make a diamond sword i think maybe we do just to combat any you know threats and we have a flint and steel and actually that flint and steel goes really well with that tnt so that might be a play at some point i think that might be it though after scouring everywhere so go ahead and make this diamond sword and on to the next layer okay we gotta there we go and it's one we have a forest destroyer guys hold on what is this is this what i think it's gonna be is this oh i see a tree okay this is honestly what i thought would be one of the very very first layers but it looks like it is a wooden tree layer so if i go ahead oh my gosh trees all over the place let me use my forest destroyer in three two one oh oh my oh okay well i guess we don't need all these cheese do we oh goodbye but i didn't even get the chance to like really explore this layer before completely destroying it we have pigs and cows living here and look at that we have a little house or used to be house here in the corner with a chest that i am assuming i was supposed to walk in and just like see and hey piggies yay you guys can breathe but in the chest we have okay i see where this is going we have the lucky block leggings we're only missing one item to get the full set of this armor and that my friends is a pokers also grab a bunch of sugar cane but honestly because we got paper oh yes that's what we need cows for we need the leather yes okay thank you you dropped leather and so did you okay so now we'll make a book we'll put it at the top of our inventory with all of our other important stuff dude we have too much stuff and i just threw out my string which i shouldn't do because i can now create a bow and we'll put that on our little opera we don't need the axe anymore we're gonna throw the actually the freaking forest destroyer man wait so if i go here and then i right click and then i just oh okay yup okay that's one way to get rid of the layer but you know what i just noticed the next layer is just stone so does that mean uh oh wait what is that okay tnt yes i will take all this tnt and look at that we have two eye vendors hidden in this random furnace and uh well there might be more stuff around and that's already two toward the 11 or maybe 12 if nothing else is filled in that we will need to complete the game so we have two eye vendors we're gonna put that at the top of our thing here oh my gosh it looks like we have a dungeon here at the far side so if we go in do we have a chest it doesn't look like it and yes we do in the corner of the room in three two one oh okay well we have an apple and some obsidian and okay well you know what that's not just some obsidian that's enough obsidian to make an enchantment table baby look at us and now so now we have an enchantment table but we have no xp like whatsoever and guys yes i've checked all the furnaces in this entire room only that one furnace had the eye of ender so there's no no other ones hiding around trust me oh oh my gosh there's endermen everywhere pigs all over the place where are we what's going on oh wait hold on oh i see xp everywhere guys look we're already over two levels now so this is i guess how we get all of our xp in order to enchant there are literally pigs around every corner but i guess we're going to get bad mobs as well get out of here zombie i don't need any that i think is the first hostile mom i've had to deal with all game okay so there's a lot of enderman here this is perfect because we're going to be able to get a lot of ender pearls so well you guys love the characters oh gosh no pings no the creeper just revealed the next layer inadvertently oh my goodness this definitely is the layer of the mobs though wait i could totally destroy this house right now hold on i want to see what's inside if there is anything and there is a chest and it has an eye of ender so that puts us to three and we have an ender pearl we just need blaze okay so wait a second i have the tnt there's an enderman oh it didn't even die no it's bad no it's bad i bleed a bad break okay i did get it under pearl so that's up to 10 ender pearls now with the three eyes that's gonna be 13 total eyes and i don't know if we're actually gonna have to use any eyes i would normally get the you know the direction of the stronghold but i think we're just gonna have to keep going down and then it'll probably lead us there eventually so with that being said to the next layer which i think we already all know what it's gonna be oh it's enchantment zone okay this is perfect because we have all the levels we just collected from killing all those endermen and pigs oh wait actually there's a chest here and oh i hear blaze uh oh oh no and oh my goodness wait projectile protection blast protection respiration aqua oh my gosh this enchantment area has every single enchanted book possible so what i'll do is i'll take a smite five book because actually that would be good for my sword but i don't think i'm going to do anything yeah cause swipe five is gonna kill mobs super quick including the ender dragon but no i i think i'm gonna keep my armor the same i'm gonna gamble on the fact that i might still get that you know that helmet and if we do then we get all the opie items in the world because we have the full set of lucky blog armor what does this do whoa what is that oh it's an xp machine are you kidding me i mean i had to kill the enderman anyways but look at that level 30 enchant you know what i don't want to enchant any of my armor and we have all the books there anyways but just because we hit level 30 and it's just gonna be efficient c3 well this is gonna be the hardest layer because i can almost guarantee that this next one is going to be the nether so i'm not looking forward to oh no it's covered in obsidian i just had to destroy three gym until i don't want to do this again well we're gonna have to we don't have enough diamonds so guys get ready for the very first ever iron obsidian mining session okay it wasn't that bad actually all right did we just go face first in here i'm gonna have my golden apple on my thing ready actually we have enough to make another one and oh brother what do we got oh my gosh okay there's a zoglin wither skeletons blaze oh actually with my sword it's smite five so it's killing it's shredding these things very quickly oh this bruce got a problem with me though run run round rocky what's in here we have the final piece okay run run run run run hold on this might help me i think the pigmen and the zomlings are in a war with each other right now they're like killing them okay well now they're coming to me but we have the final piece to the lucky block armor so now we have it on and look at what it does it's just gonna start splattering op armor everywhere like opie thing so like if we ever need anything everywhere we walk like look now we have a totem of undying so we'll put that in our hand we have a freaking unbreaking trident fire aspect smite four gold sword everything we could ask for this lucky blog armor has it all and we haven't liked why does it that every time i get an elytra it has a bad enchant on it oh yes a mob shield yes yes yes it is okay actually we're gonna take the totem away i think we're gonna put that to the back side we don't need the obscene or we'll put the mob shield on so goodbye blaze coming here brother we got two more chests over here as well oh that lucky armor is incredible we have three which converts into six which i can use oh i have so many ender pearls dropping at dude it's dropping everything in the game we have nine eye vendors we have 20 eye vendors it just dropped me like a whole set of dude this is 2 0p infinity book yes that's perfect for fighting the dragon dude this is the best layer yet but i mean we don't need these ores i'm going to fight the energetic with what i currently have we don't need anything else but this is an amazing amazing layer it's time to go to the stronghold oh we're here stronghold time i spy with my little eye and we have one filled in which means we actually didn't need all 64 of these surprisingly and we could just fill this up and head right on in i don't think i need anything else guys i i'm op enough look at my hot bar so in we go mr ender dragon do you like my littering of opie items everywhere so we'll start firing all these crystals get out of here brother all right what directions your hair gonna be facing are right here let's light a tnt on the dragon's head goodbye dragon oh it actually took him down quite a bit come on no he moved his head a bit oh no way no way you got away from that oh what a shot what a shot you ain't getting away from me that's how you beat the game when the world is in layers and you have access to special magical lucky block armor everyone
Channel: Graser
Views: 3,521,895
Rating: 4.8660159 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft layers, graser, challenge, minecraft chests, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft
Id: SyDv0rW11pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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