Minecraft, But With Billionaire Difficulty..

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this is Minecraft but with billionaire difficulty today my goal is to become the richest ever Minecraft player and to do that I must fill up my money bar to billionaire status along my journey I'll encounter custom money items bosses structures and I'll have to use them all in order to try and defeat Elon Musk the richest person on Earth hit that sub button now or end up like this also a like would be cool let's shoot for 5 000 likes on this video I have no money literally zero dollars and all I have is this empty wallet I need to start getting money and fast or else who am I ever gonna beat Elon Musk um hello piggy would you happen to have any money on you you are so poor here have this really you just gave me a dollar what about this chicken over here you need this more than me man I feel like such a beggar I'm just going around a random Minecraft animals and asking for all their money how do they even have money what about you sir cow oh he's starting to get a little upset man getting to a billion dollars is going to take a lot of work it's not easy a billion is a lot now let's see is there anything we can actually create with these coins what is this a poor man's coin pickaxe well I am pretty broke and it does require three coins which is all I have going for me so hold on let me open up my wallet whoa look at this so I guess this is where all my money is stored so if I want three dollars I'll click this three times and Bam it appears in my inventory now I can use this along with the sticks I just created and I now have a pickaxe to my name but I'm back down to zero dollars in this pickaxe every block I break gives me a dollar okay so now I'm up to like nine dollars ten dollars eleven dollars but it has very low durability it's already been halfway used so this will last me very long and oh geez Louise is that a new money or can I mine it with this I can what did it just drop hold on I'm up to 67 now let me mine all of these looks like it's dropping like a bunch of cash notes everywhere oh my gosh okay my pickaxe is out but this is what I ended up getting a bunch of these cash notes and each of these are worth ten dollars okay so I think the goal is to work our way up to these huge cash bundles but before we get to that I want to give a huge thanks to honkai impact third for sponsoring today's video but be sure to stay tuned Until the End honkai impact third is a cross-platform anime style action role-playing game that focuses on engaging combat and provides a fascinating hero system where you can encounter and unlock a variety of different characters that have their own abilities personalities and weapons punkai impact third also has a captivating story to delve into and even has co-op mode so you can play with your family and friends from brand new characters to brand new weapons and even brand new outfits to show off you will be provided with hours and hours of fun this month's new character is yali sushang a swords woman born in shenzhou 500 years ago with their addition there will be a featured co-op mode called Tales of jaw Fantasia where Maps randomly reset daily with specific objectives for each map you are gonna love the event rewards and there will be a scorching gravel outfit waiting for you on infinite uroboros and last but not least the honkai impact third art collection you've all been waiting for is coming you'll have a chance to obtain it in the new version for free with all that said go ahead and download the game now by using the link in the description to redeem the gift code on screen and get 30 crystals 2808 asterites and a hersher trial card for free and as a bonus honka impact third is now available on Epic so you can download the game on Epic and log in to receive these rewards there as well once again I want to give a huge thanks to honkai impact third for sponsoring today's video and let's get back to the action and look at what we have here a village with hay bales which means we'll be able to get food because well I'm still pretty broke I can't buy much of it and you know what actually I have 19 of these cash notes let me see is there something I can craft we can craft cheap armor cheap cash leggings oh but with this armor any block I a break is now dropping money because I just spent a lot of it on this armor so I'm back down to like ten dollars um hello buddy uh no thank you oh my goodness I killed him and he just dropped tons of cash what we're up to eight hundred and forty dollars wait none of these villagers look normal oh gosh these guys keep spawning in though I need to get the heck out of here I'm not gonna be able to take all of these Mafia villagers at once especially with my armor being as bad as it is go Grazer run wait what what in the heck is this place um who in the heck are these guys no no I come in peace wait they're not attacking me hey have you seen the villagers lately uh no actually back there there was a bunch of like Mafia villagers nothing normal they are so money hungry that they even started to form a mafia well yeah that's what I saw I know we normally are the bad guys but can you help us defeat them we have a great reward for you uh sure I kind of do need money right now I need to become a billionaire so this is kind of a good thing for me yes I will accept this task what they just gave me a money police launcher as well as a full suit of SWAT armor wait can I ride one of these oh my gosh yo am I taking these guys into battle against these Mafia villagers let's go guys the village is right around the corner over here get them there's so many Mafia villagers everywhere oh my gosh girl I can run them over with this thing what does this gun do oh no they're taking us out oh my gosh money everywhere thank you for your service Grazer we greatly appreciate it here have some treats what do you mean trades hold on what no for money I can get a money potion diamonds emeralds a magic money making device I'll grab the money potion I really want to see what that does and I have enough money to get the magic money making device which I really want so let me go ahead and grab that bam and with this device if I open it up it looks like can I just put any item in Minecraft into this and it transfers it into a dollar amount okay this is excellent thank you guys I appreciate this now what does the potion do if I drink it up really quickly I just kind of want to see whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look at all the money that's generating underneath me we're now over 28 29 000 30 000 we're going up like one thousand dollars every minute let's make sure all this is getting into my wallet so it doesn't overcrowd my inventory now there is a huge overdrive mode illegal do not activate it's a huge button inside the money making machine I don't know if I want to click that just yet I'm gonna go ahead and eat my money health and then we're gonna try it out so here we go in three two one oh my gosh wait where this is insane but I'm gonna click it in three two one activating oh what what the where am I one million Frozen ah where are you wait am I in jail did I commit some sort of like money fraud Give Me Your Money newbie or I'll kill you get away from me I swear you don't want this you don't want this I'm gonna use it can I just use this then to get out of here uh I guess so oh gosh no no it's the prison Garden come with us or else oh no no no no no no this is not good where the heck is this um hi why do you look so creepy I see you were the one that took down my business um if I did I didn't mean to do that I would normally kill you but you're very strong am I um I never go to the gym I see you were wronged by the police I have an offer for you we bury the hatchet and I'll make you a rich man again however you have to do one thing for me and what thing is that Rob the Mr Beast bank I want everything there is bring it to my restaurant the Mr Beast Bank If you deny your life here will turn miserable oh gosh I guess I do have to accept this task an escape multi-tool I guess this is how I escape the prison then oh Freedom At Last what is that a huge Lighthouse oh hello Mr prison guard I'm assuming you worked for the mafia boss and you don't want to kill me right now but even if you do I'm killing you get out of here okay he looked like he was guarding in ah why in the world is it oh there's another guard I don't want to ruin the lockers but inside of here oh my stuff my inventory it's back oh gosh what just happened whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what I suddenly have 10 million dollars that's insane what else is in these lockers oh my goodness was that a cash stack or ten thousand dollars and there's also a speedboat key in here so I'm assuming there it is you're like highlighted for me and now we need to find the Mr Beast Bank Island it should be somewhere in these Seas no way is this it and Coast looks clear oh gosh okay quick Grazer get inside all right oh oh gosh there's more guards in here oh thanks Mr Beast he literally put a sign that says Vault this way and here it is the Vault there is gold everywhere but there are lockers over here and I want to see what is inside a Mr Beast Bank Locker oh my God dude curly gilded netherright worth 50 000. American Express Block cards 75 000. Gucci Rolex 125 000. already up to 133 mil and Counting now I also want to see can we craft we can because obviously we got this purely gilded netherrite which is worth a lot but I wanted to know if it could make any armor and it does so I'm gonna go ahead and make the full set of this purely gilded netherrite armor and put it on what's upstairs here oh my goodness there's even more Give It All To Me Everything yes yes yes all of it I can also craft a battle ax out of this stuff which I'm going to do as well as this a normal pickaxe and a sword which we can use to replace our existing cheap cash sword wait what's a golden whoa whoa hello okay it's a very rich looking Golden Golem I'll go ahead and mine this out of the way for you wait is there more stuff in here why are there dollar bills in these offices there's a chest what's inside the holy Diamond uh okay can I sell this for something maybe I don't know it looks really cool I will take it there's something in this one a compressed emerald diamond it is worth 25 a million dollars that's the most expensive thing I've found by far we are selling this right away here and now that puts us at 331 million oh gosh the alarm went off oh no no no no no no I'm not dealing with you guys again get on the speed boat and I have to go back and see that mafia boss who even hired me to do this gig in the first place what in the world is this place oh my goodness what on Earth is this place it's the HK holy smokes this place looks popping hello which one of you can I speak to you look like a waitress or waiter of some kind what would you like sir all of these food items are literally ten thousand dollars each that's insane this is a rich people restaurant good let me eat a nice burger very good I'm eating fancy like that guy's jealous of me he's like I wanted that did you complete the job uh wait what do you mean what job he wants to see you in his office wait what the the mafia boss is here he's Louise man where is this guy taking me what in the world what is that is that into Gold Everywhere I also now have nine of these compressed Emerald diamonds which if you know they're all 25 million each alrighty then where should we go with this golden Tesla what in the world where did I just end up why is there a woodland mansion in front of me oh gosh there are those Mafia villagers walking around everywhere they're not attacking me this time though so I'm assuming it means that I'm on good terms with the boss now I need to find the boss so I'll just you know make my way upstairs okay hey you did really good thanks for bringing me my valuables I want every last penny you have what you know who I am I am richer than you'll ever be you can't do anything I wouldn't be so sure about that man I'm worth half a billion dollars oh gosh what are you doing what's happening what Elon Musk do you want to challenge Me minions destroy him oh my gosh what is that thing dude the mafia boss was Elon Musk the entire time how am I gonna handle this bot okay he fell through the Mansion which is good get out of here you stupid Tesla bot I'm using your own weapon against you goodbye yes yes got him he's dead what did it even drop what is that thing is that like a compass Elon tracker according to the compass Elon headed this way so we have to start going that way fast before he gets away but what on Earth does this bot table do whoa this looks sick what is this compressed emerald diamond helmet sword holy smokes yet another upgrade and look at me now with my compressed emerald diamond sword that can summon a money statue what on Earth a money statue just came down for the it oh like what happened what just happened oh my God emerald diamond fragment worth 10 10 I will go ahead and convert that into a banknote and we're up to seven hundred million dollars now guys we're getting so close but we need to track Elon down and quickly and one huh oh no no what did Elon do now he can't be that far away I have to be getting close eventually it says he went this way no no no he's going into space I have to try and follow him he's going up in a rocket ship I can fly faster than his rocket does but he keeps going and I I can't get shifter he's going all the way into hyperspace no holy smokes is this Mars why is there a Tesla dragon on my boss bar screen Elon Musk is riding it all right I have to start taking out these things I have a good enough armor it's compressed emerald diamond armor so I should be okay he's Landing die Tesla Dragon you're no match for me I've already got it down to like half health and he's gone I think yeah we got it the Tesla dragon has got it oh but these Enderman are definitely not gone get out of here Enderman oh wait Elon is still alive oh no you harness the power of the emerald diamonds I did that's the most powerful material in Minecraft history no no no you're too strong I can't defeat you oh gosh now I have to fight Elon Musk what happens if I just land a statue right on his head does this work oh my it worked I have officially gotten one billion dollars in Minecraft which makes me the richest ever Minecraft player now that Elon Musk is no more and not my friends is how you play Minecraft on billionaire difficulty
Channel: Graser
Views: 686,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft billionaire, graser, challenge, minecraft difficulty, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft, minecraft if
Id: u3fnS0peNTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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