Minecraft, But With Custom Hearts..

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in this video I'm able to craft custom Minecraft Hearts using a new heart table device these Hearts when eaten replace my normal vanilla Hearts from dirt to amethyst and even Diamond what does the Bedrock heart do how do I get it subscribe to find out and help me towards 3 million Subs by Year's End and let's shoot for 39 likes on this video alright guys welcome to this normal Oak Forest where we have a bunch of bunch of vanilla Minecraft hearts look at them they're all red and just really really ugly So today we're going to be fixing all that and there is a nice Minecraft vanilla Village in front of us so well I mean that's gonna be nice because we're still gonna need food we don't get cool custom corn dogs we are gonna get the custom Hearts though soon and to do that we are going to need a heart table so in order to get a hard table we need to find the heart ore down in the caves below and well to go down into the caves below I'm gonna need some food so we're gonna start this off well look at this there's hay bales and wood right next to each other which means we can have a double hey Bill wood mining session here we go so as I was saying we're gonna need a bunch of crafting tables in fact we're gonna need eight of them so that we can surround the heart or with a bunch of them we're also gonna need one to be able to use and well plenty of reason for that including all the food I'm gonna create right now we will never need to eat again look at all of that bread beautiful so before we go down and look for the heart ore in the cave below I want to go ahead and get a bunch of apples and just loot this Village for all the chests it may have and also grab some beds because that might work for the Ender Dragon and you know what I'm gonna kill this Iron Golem I'm sorry but just because I'm gonna be crafting cool hearts doesn't mean you get Hearts it broke my wooded pig trying to kill this guy are you serious finally how much iron do we get five that's perfect okay now we can take one of our million crafting tables turn that into a nice iron pick and start digging straight down and while I do this as always I'd like to advertise my lunar client Cape it's the Lilac Skies it's been selling well you guys have loved it if you want to cop it it's down in the description below for the first time ever I don't think oh my God why is there an intermittent here there's a golden apple protection three it's a skeleton dungeon that's the worst thing I could have had and there's a cave spider spawner right there I'm gonna die right away I'm gonna die right away I can't even get my heart okay is this the hearts right here no that's Redstone so we're looking for something like this it looks exactly almost identical but obviously it's not Redstone it's Hearts we need them now but I can also use some ender pearls as well yes perfect and there they are the illustrious heart over and see look that's Redstone right next to it you can tell the difference so let's mine these and see what we get it's hard that we're gonna need these to craft the custom ones so I'm just gonna grab as many as we possibly can what is it let me see it's a mini heart okay so that I don't believe can be used in the craft to make the heart table if we put a mini heart in the middle of all these no it doesn't work we have to make a normal heart which means I think we need nine of the mini ones not to worry it looks like they're pretty common so we'll finish up here that's six seven eight and nine put them all in a crafty table in three two one boom we get a regular heart and now we're gonna put this in the middle of eight crafting tables and in three two one bam we get the heart table and whoa what just happen oh hold on I just got 64 damaged hearts and a heartbreaker guys I'm sorry I'm not breaking any of your hearts today trust me I mean if you don't want me to break your heart you'll leave a like right now I'm looking for at least 55 likes okay let's put the heart table down see what we got in here whoa okay so this is gonna be the device that we're gonna have to use to create all these custom hearts that are gonna give us really cool abilities so let's start off with a very basic heart then I guess we'll just get a bunch of cobblestone and I'm gonna assume that if I put the heart table down I put the cobblestone in surround a damaged heart I guess that's why they're damaged because they're not complete yet put in the middle worked we get a stone heart okay this is like one of the most basic ones so I don't know why I'm freaking out but if we eat this got a stone heart in our hot bar yo what did it do I didn't get any effects I didn't get any items I didn't get anything cool I can't break anything I can break something I can break copper with my fists wait does this mean I can break every ore in the game with my fists and it cut cleans itself that means getting geared shouldn't be too difficult let's see yes give me all this iron I feel like Superman punching this hole down look at this we have diamonds I always mistake this stupid vine stuff for diamonds but we actually have diamonds and I can just break them with my fists and now that I have diamonds in my hand I can't anymore but leave a like if you've ever wanted to you don't need and that's great wins if we get five more we can create a diamond heart give me all this gold and I don't even have wood for a crafting table anymore but I believe I can do normal crafts in the heart table still so we'll go ahead and we'll get ourselves fully geared yes we can beautiful and why didn't I think of that I have two dirt in my inventory why don't we get a dirt heart three two one a dirt heart what can we do with this guy oh we can break like a little area like again it's dirt okay it's not that hype but still skeleton fight leave a like if you think the one on the left is gonna win oh no it lost but while these two skeletons fight in front of me I was thinking why not put the heart table down and make an iron heart and it looks like the one on the far end one which means he's got to come for me all right that's an iron heart and no no no no no no they're about to get into my existing custom Hearts that's the thing if I take damage and those hearts like you know go away then they're gone forever and I think I just understood what the heartbreaker was for if I want to disable any of the hearts I have on I click it in the heartbreaker and it breaks my horse let's see what an iron heart does we'll muck it up and whoa Keepers trying to kill one of you guys it's just level zero stuff this doesn't mean anything it's just a glint iron heart you have done nothing for me I'm breaking you oh and it just got rid of it on my hop bar so that's exactly what it does we'll put this here I just don't want to accidentally break any hearts today and I actually want to start finding diamonds a lot faster so we're gonna make something called the miner's heart and this is actually a combination of Cobble and iron and if we put these all together and put our damaged tart in the middle bam the minor heart we're gonna eat this real quick and look at that we have three epic hearts on our hot bar and with the miner our weekend break huge area and this will of course make diamonds a lot easier to find and there we go some nice diamon days we'll mine these up hopefully it's a nice big vein we need nine of them and we have ten so uh well you know what that means it's time to make a diamond heart this is one of the ones I'm like actually really excited about what's gonna happen look at that thing and we will eat it with pride oh my goodness what did I just what jewel heart blade yoh we also have regeneration X for what seems like infinitely yeah that's that's forever oh yeah whoa diamond blocks everywhere Ahoy if we didn't have the diamonds before now we do enough with the fake Enchanted iron armor and hello Diamond we'll make this our primary weapon this thing can break bedrock are you serious I was just wondering I was like I kind of want to make a Bedrock heart all right let's put our heart table down now we'll put a damage chart in the middle we'll surround with a bunch of bedrock and uh oh my gosh it actually exists a Bedrock heart three two one bam and I just got another weapon Earth's Mega Blade oh yeah whoa oh my gosh okay it didn't hurt the zombie I don't know what this thing fully does yet and what are the those explosions what is happening there's oars everywhere what hold on I need to see something real quick oh my gosh yo I have missiles that I can launch from the sky oh and what the heck that's dirt TNT that's dropping down and I guess that's what caused those oars what is that thing a heart canister can I eat these can I fill them up what happens when I do oh it just adds additional Hearts to my yes because these custom Hearts they're not adding additional ones so I guess I need the canisters to be able to unlock you know slots so that I can you know have even more custom hearts all right now I want an amethyst geode can you find that for me look at this thing I found a dungeon for me and there's an amethyst geode right there because I want the shards to create an amethyst tart that's next on my list Come to Papa oh I forgot I have all these heart powers and I totally just wrecked off the geode make this bad boy into a heart every material we find look at that an amethyst heart I just want my entire Health row to be filled with custom Hearts I don't even want to remove any anymore oh it gave me a ton speed okay I'm getting a bunch of feathers because I want to make a feather heart or whatever it is and usually for some odd reason feathers usually give me something really good so I'm not passing them up in three two one bam oh my gosh the Angelic heart see what it does to us in three two one what the heck I have wings pretty Golden Wings what is all the loot that just dropped around me I happen to have angel light armor leggings chest plate boots and helmet and I have an Angelic Cupid bow I'm a little afraid oh my goodness it went right into this mountain just carved its way through what did I even shoot what is that thing on the wall back there no no I need to see it I need to see it look at that look at that I'm shooting something what is it it's the heart itself and it also gives me its own force field I wonder what this does oh my gosh it's sucking Bob's into me and it's killing them I thought this was supposed to be an Angelic heart not a Death Note heart now I need some sand oh okay yeah I'll take all that and that's because I need glass to make some bottles fill them up with a bunch of water and put them all into our heart table with a damaged heart in the middle we get the Alchemist heart and this is obviously a new type of heart which I mean I kind of really wanted to make this one because if I eat it real quick yeah oh my gosh what the heck oh another chest hold on yeah that's why I wanted it because we get op potions with invisibility a hundred speed 100 everything you could ask for and I think just as we travel around chests are just gonna appear full of these things yeah there's another one so we have Invincible or infinite potions rather until the end of time now don't throw a potion at my freaking heart table and we have two more Hearts to go until we have a full row of Customs so well the next one's going to require a bit of a bang hey Enderman this was closer than I expected so we're gonna go into this desert temple without this Enderman hurting us I do like the fact that we can fly now and the fact that we can just get into this place very easily with our mining abilities let's see what we got in here okay I can't destroy the TNT give me all that TNT I think I may have destroyed all of it so we don't have nine but we only need four we now just need a bit of gunpowder which hopefully my Angelic force field will get for me thank you and in the heart table if we put a damaged tart in the middle and we go ahead oh my gosh I'm gonna have to disable that freaking Alchemist Heart by the way guys it's getting so annoying I just want to complete a row of hearts and uh well this is the explosion heart so if those explosions were annoying us already well I mean these ones are at least cool so we will eat it up and I new weapon oh my God and look at my heart bar or one away if only I didn't heartbreak that Iron Heart from earlier we would have had one by now and I just want to get rid of The Alchemist turret oh there's chess everywhere and oh my gosh this rains TNT everywhere oh my goodness and everyone is Frozen in place all the mobs okay that works out for me hello ladies and gentlemen I have these that's right with my explosion heart how are you ever gonna defeat me now oh my gosh it also lets me just bounce my way up I can just oh like a rocket okay I can't be too dangerous and Reckless about this I mean I do have wings so it's not that bad but still and the wings that fly like an electric I didn't know that oh my goodness oh my gosh I've just killed the entire biome and there is another right loot all over the place okay this is quite the weapon right here this will help me for sure brace yourselves all for the heart that's going to complete our entire heart bar and hopefully this zombie stops attacking me but basically if we go ahead and put a bunch of water buckets and water bottles surrounding a damaged heart we get the tsunami heart look at this thing so in three two one we have a full set of custom hordes and I just got a custom item called the lagunic long sword what does the tsunami heart even do it makes it so I can walk on water hello squids how are you doing I just spawned a set of water creatures and they are walking on water as well and oh my goodness it just dropped a bunch of explosions in the sky as well wait are these water they're water implosions all right but now that we did a full set of custom Hearts we're gonna have to break up with one of them goodbye Alchemist I won't miss you and look at that it's a nice set of pretty red poppies let me go pick these up because we're gonna need this for the next turn oh my gosh I'm too powerful so we'll make a couple iron blocks put them at the corners put diamond blocks in here as well and those lovely poppies are gonna go in the other Corners to create what I like to call the guardian heart ah look at its eyes it's a guardian inside of a heart here we go and it just gave me a guardian's trident what the heck is that thing is that a floating Golem I'm wreaking havoc around the terrain with explosive TNT Golems what on Earth is going on and it drops a bunch of netherite okay I'm gonna grab that netherrite right now that's good to have hey guys here I'm spawning all sorts of different types of golems and they all want you to leave a like right now razor we're a lot more powerful than your default Iron Golem oh I can certainly see that yeah what he said so if you don't want us to kill you have your audience leave a like all right well you guys heard him as always leave a like oh my gosh it also fires electric Triads around okay I think this might be my main weapon now Guardians tried it and the Golems are actually trying to kill me no no no no no that's not good I'm out of here and I just found a broken down portal I actually need something for once in these chests yes okay I need to gather up a couple of fire charges and some flint and steals for the next heart luckily these things aren't hard to find and okay that should be enough if we put our heart table down here and we go ahead we uh combine some iron with this Flynn make a couple flint and steals put our fire charges on the side like so and put our flint and Steels at the top and bottom and in the middle a damaged heart we get the meteoric heart and now guys we're getting to the point where we're filling up our additional Hearts I thought that I wouldn't do this but why not have a bunch of Hearts activated at the same time so we'll go ahead we'll eat the meteoric one we got a new weapon it's called a big bang blade something tells me this is going to create a meteor storm and it absolutely does oh my goodness they were coming down from the sky diagonally as well like a real meteor event in real life if I spam this thing oh my gosh it's an ultra meteoric event in in Minecraft whoa holy smokes I just reverted this Forest to the ancient times of the dinosaurs it seems like and there is bedrock on the ground along with a ton of op items what is that I see eight Eye Of Enders and a bunch of blaze rods I will take that creeper okay I was gonna say you better not take away any of my hearts I think I'm too Invincible at this point so we'll throw this into the air see where our direction is we'll start heading this way beautiful oh and while I'm on my way I might as well stop for some snow because if we put some in the heart table and of course put that damaged heart in the middle we get a glacial heart yummy yummy in my tummy we just got incredible holy smokes we got a snow bow oh yeah oh okay and what is that thing that I just created what is that what the heck oh my gosh and I can make floating ice cubes fall from the sky and turn the entire land into a glacier I'm turning all of Minecraft into an ice age oh my goodness it's like painting now we'll need to create a spy glass and a clock and a compass and we are gonna put these three things inside the heart table with a bunch of netherright to fill in the rest of the slots except for the middle which of course is reserved for the damaged heart to get the astral heart now if you've ever liked space this one's for you and uh this is our last available heart until we're gonna need more heart canisters so we're on our last Wings here get it is that beautiful wings and uh I'm not gonna show you what this heart does until we get to the actual end so I'm gonna start heading there now I think there's probably one or two more hearts that I'm still gonna make along the way though looks to be right down here so stronghold that long last and here's the library which is exactly what we needed I need some books for the last heart that we're gonna make today so let me grab those I also need some paper which yes of course these chests come with it thank you and inside the heart table we'll go ahead put some books like so we will fill up the rest with paper and put a damager in the middle and boom our final heart Merlin's heart will eat up the container there we go additional heart supplied and Merlin's heart we will now eat and boom we now have 14 custom Hearts active we only broke two today so basically what this one does is if I do this oh my goodness now I can use lightning infinitely I can fire off Fire charges I can even fire off my own wither bullets as well as dragon balls and tools fill all these up and in we go to the Ender Dragon first things first we'll completely Shred the end up like so now we'll turn it into a fiery Wasteland oh my goodness look at this place and wait a second I think those things killed the Ender Dragon he's no longer here the portals activated are you serious well I'm gonna show you what this thing does anyways because I thought it was cool it basically quickly creates an entire suction hole that's gonna suck in every single item in the end as well as all the Enderman in history and this is what I was planning to do to the Ender Dragon before he died prematurely but that's how you beat the game of Minecraft with custom hearts
Channel: Graser
Views: 3,202,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft crafting, graser, challenge, minecraft reversed, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft, minecraft if
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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